![27 Rule 377 JULY 20, 1991 Fd". Laxmi Narayan Pandeya] Liable to Be](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
27 Rule 377 JULY 20, 1991 Rail Budget 1991-92—■Gan. 28 Discussion A Demands for Grunts (Rlys), 1991-92 fD". Laxmi Narayan Pandeya] This has been deliberately scuttled b> the interested oil lobbies within the liable to be cancelled any time on the country and outside who are interes- ground of below average production. ted in perpetuating India’s oil depen- Due to application of different unsci- dence on other. entific methods of average test in diff- erent states and inaccurate measure- I demand a statement from the ment, thousands of the farmers have Petroleum Minister on the subject. to face great difficulties. This matter is of public interest and of urgent na- ture as future of thousands of the 12.00 hrs. farmers depends on it. Some diffi- culty and crisis may occur in decid- RAILWAY BUDGET, 1991-92 - ing the policy and in the renewal of GENERAL DISCUSSION the licences of the farmers. So. I re- quest the Minister of Finance to make AND a statement about it. ♦DEMANDS FOR GRANTS— (v) Need for oil exploration in (RAILWAYS). 1991-92 North and Sooth 24 Parganati and Nadia districts in West [English] Bengal and Kaihana—Kafciro- MR. SPEAKER: The House will sar in Gujarat now take up the combined discussion [English] on (i) General Discussion on the SHRI CHITTA BASU (Barasat). Budget (Railways) for 1991-92 and It has been widely teported in the (n) Discussion and Voting on the De- Press that two large areas in West mands for Giants (Railways) for 1991- Bengal and Gujarat arc floating on 92 tor which 8 hours have been al- oil. But these reservoirs arc not be- lotted. ing properly exploited. The areas are Hon. Members present in the House North and South 24 Pareanas and whose cut motions to the Demand* Nadia Districts of West Bengal ex- for Grants (Railways) for 1991-92 tending upto the Indo-Bangladesh have been circulated, may. if they border, and Kathana-Ka^msar in desire to move their cut motions, send Gujarat. slips to the Table within 15 minutes It is claimcd by a retired superin- indicating the serial numbers of the tending geologist that the giant petro- cut motions they would like to move. Those cut motions onlv will be treat- leum reserve in West Bengal and the adjoining off-shore Bav of Bengal was ed as moved. discovered in 1984. bv stratigraphic A list showing ihe serial numbers interpretation of sophisticated seismic of cut motions treated as moved will data. The off-shore data was acquir- be put up on the Notice Board shor- ed by Notomos group of oil compa- tly. In case any Member finds any nies of USA and on-shore data ot discrepancy in the list he may kindly the Southern part of West Bengal by brim? it to the notice of the Officer a Soviet team. at the Table without delay The ONGC have the necessary Motion moved: technology knowhow and equipment for exploiting this reservoir of oil in “That the respective sums not West Bengal. It is estimated that an exceeding the amounts shown in additional 22 million tonnes of crude the fourth column of the 0 *-der oil per year would have been produ- Paoer be granted to the Presi- ced to make India self-sufficient in dent of India out of the consoli- oil within a short period of time. dated fund of India, to complete ♦Moved with the recommendation of the President. 29 Rail Budget, 1991-92 ASADHA. ">9 \9\%(SAKA) Demands for brants 30 Gen Discussion & (RI\ v ) 1991-92 the sums neccssarv to i\< lra\ the March, 1992, m i^pect of the charges that will conie in the hi .id of demands emeied m the course of payment during the 'ecoi d column theieo! against vear ending the 31st Day of Demands No< 1 to 16 ’ Demands for Grants (Railways) for 1991-92 to be submitted to the Vote of Lok Sabha No of Name of Demand Amount of Amount of Demand Demand foi Demand for Grant on Grant submitted Account voted to the Vote of bv the House Lok Sabha on 11-3-91 1 2 3 4 Rs Rs Railway Board 3 69 09 000 7 38 17 000 Miscellaneous Expenditure (General) 24,37 58 000 48,75,16,000 General Superintendence and Services on Railways 173 30,99 000 346,61,99,000 Repansand Maintenance of Permanent W.iv and Works 351,43,01,000 688,36 02,000 Repairs and Maintenance of Motive Power 274 98,71,000 549,97,42,000 Repairs and Maintenance of Carnages ind Wagons 171,10 34 000 735,20,67,000 Repairs and Maintenance of Plan! and Equipment 185 80 79 000 357,07,57,000 Opeiating Expenses Rolling Stock and Equipment 290,73,11 000 581,46,22,000 Operating Expenses Traffic 562,15,41,000 1124,30,83,000 Oper.itmg Expenses- Fuel 638,48,01,000 1247,50,03,000 Staft Welfare and Amenities 127,80 31 000 255,60,62,000 Miscellaneous Working Expenses 194,01 82,000 363,53,65,000 Provident Fund, Pension and other Retire- ment Benefits 323,18,52,000 646,37,03,000 Appropriation to Funds 1040 66,67,000 2316,33,33,000 Dividend to General Revenues, Repayment ofloans taken from General Revenue s and Amortization of Over-Capitalization 8 73,54 000 1138,26,46,000 Assets Acquis»tion, Construction and Replacement Revenue 16,00,03,000 29,00,07,000 Other Expenditure Capital 1861,45,16,000 4217,15,19,000 Railway Funds 800,79,36,000 1584,58,71,000 3—12 LSS/ND/91 ( 31 Rad Budget, W -92 JULY 20 1991 Demands to> Grants 32 Gen Discussion & [R!y s ), 1991-V2 [7 rtmslation] which we mav be able to ai swer t»nd some of them we may not be «»Mc io SHRI SURYA NARAIN \ ADAV answer And, it has not been the prac- Mr Speaker. Si> 1 have been ope- ticc in the past Cut motions are al- rated upon I cannot write continu- ways put and voted but they are iu\er ously for fifteen minutes Therefore. answered I think all the Members I may kindly be provided assistance of know what is the piacticc bung fol- staff <Interruption?) lowed in the past m this u'uard. and the same practice should continue [English] MR SPEAKER What geueially is MR SPEAKFR Mr Anna Joshi being done is that you colK t all the please cut motions and if they are on one point and the point is of greater im SHRI RAM NMK (Bombay- portance then you reply them on the North) Sir, before the discussion floor of the House Genet ally that starts I would like to make a point is done My experience ot last \eai shows that we generally do not pet lephes for Supposing there are some specific the cut motions that aie moved here cut motions for whi<n you cannot in the House Sir, if ihe Railway have time to reply in the House it Mimstei pays attention he will under- self, they aie collectcd and then you stand what I am sayirns give rcplv m wilting SHRI ANNA JOSHI (Pime) Res MR SPEAKER Mi Minister, pected Speaker. Sn before I start there is something on your Demands discussion on the Railwa\ Budget I would like to draw the attention of SHRI RAM NAIK Sn I was this august House towards the report suggesting that whatever cut motions of a Press Conference are supposed to have been troved here, we should get replies fiom the In his lust Press Conference on Mimstei Unless we get tin i ply. 25th June, the hon Railway Munster I here is no purpose in moving the cut Shi i Jaffer Sharief has said motions Tf wc start movinp cverv lit motion then it mil t.ike time of The message should go to Un- the House So, T sugi?c'f that flit people that there was a Government practice of givmp replies to the cut which meant business and it should motions should be toll vud be reflected in the Railways' \ ork ' MR SPEAKFR Yo.i would like Sit keeping these wouU in mind to get the reply m the home r^elf I tncd to go through his Budget and his Budget Speech as **verv Member SHRI RAM NAIK Sir he can give of this House must have done and in writing This practice is being fol- what is that message** lowed in so many legislatures So. I (1) Does the Railway Minister want would suggest that the Minister should to start any new train9 -N o send lephes to oui uit motions (2) Does he want to lav any new THE MINISTER Ol RAILWAYS lines?—No (SHRI C K JAFrFR SHARIEF) (3) Does he want to start a new Sir. generally, the points raised by gauge conversion’ - No Members during the course of the discussion are taken note of and they (4) Does he agree to reinstate a are being answered when we gi\e re- single worker from the seven ply to the debate Different points are hundred suspended workers m raised m the cut motions, some of 1974’—No 33 Rail Budget, 1991-92 ASADHA 29, 1913 (SAKA) Demands for Grants 34 Gen Discussion A {Rlvs )„ 1991-92 SHRI BASU DEB ACHAR1A theie is a chronic tendency m inci eas- (Bankura) They were dismissed, not ing the taics and freight cluuges It suspended secius we don’t see any other resout- ccs than these SHRI ANNA JOSHI Yes (5) Does he want to give any re* The Indian Railways are the life- line of the country connected with the lief to the lakhs ol unfortunate growth of the economy and the mte- suburban commuters of Bom- guty of the nation Economic, mdus- bay, Calcutta and Madias'' uial and agricultural developments No are inter-woven with its pertoimance (6) Docs he have anv plan to curb corruption, thelts and frauds The Railways which v\eie only 34 which are deprr mg Railways kms long 1*1 the bcgitinnu, le hom a revenue of Rs 2000 crores Boinba\ V T to Thane, i* now 62.000 km lo ig and it is the second laigest annually9 No Railway under one management m 7) Does he want to help Railways the woiid It is causing nearly one complete its ambitious Konkan crore passengers every clay at any gi Railway Project by cleaning the ven point and transpoits su lakh to aid of Rs 250 crores’?.—No se\en lakh tonnes of »ood e\ery day I Ins is the given situation \Miat ate ] hrough you I woul 1 like to know ihe social constraints? the message (1) Tiansport of esseinial commo It is said that in love when the dities Lad> says No.
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