SHTOKMAN SNØHVIT Pechora Sea ASKELADD TRADING POINTS / MARKET AREAS KEYS MELKØYA ALBATROSS Hammerfest (DK) (IE) Nr Location System Operators : logos 400 NPTF Salekhard 407 IBP 01 Trading Points / Market Areas Barents (CZ-DE) KILDIN N (DK) (FR-N) 043 Waidhaus Sea 401 GTF (Bilateral Trading Point) 408 PEG NORD Cross-border interconnection point Cross-border Europe 001 1A 1A within Europe Under construction or Planned (NL) (FR-S) NET4GAS GRTgaz Deutschland B Y 11,20 11,20 402 TTF 409 PEG SUD 903,7 MURMAN Cross-border interconnection point Cross-border third country import/export Open Grid Europe 001 NET4GAS B Y 11,20 11,20 (FR-S) with third country (import/export) Under construction or Planned (DE) 410 PEG TIGF Pomorskiy 403 VHP GASPOOL LNG Terminals’ entry point LNG Import Terminal System Operators Capacity Flow GCV 0011C (IT) intro transmission system Under construction or Planned Strait 411 PSV Murmansk LNG Export Terminal LNG Export Terminal Capacity 1010,4 Max. technical physical capacity in GWh/d (ES) 1C Under construction or Planned 412 MS-ATR Where different Maximum Technical Capacities areREYKJAVIK defined by the neighbouring (HU) Small scale LNG liquefaction plant Small scale LNG liquefaction plant TSOs for the same Interconnection Point, the lesser rule is applied. 413 MGP Under construction or Planned If capacity information is available only on one side of the border ICELAND due to confidentiality reasons, the available figure is selected for publication. (AT ) 001 Intra-country or intra balancing zone points 404 VHP NetConnect Germany 414 CEGH (BE) Third country cross-border interconnection point Available flow direction for each TSO 415 Zeebrugge Trading Point H-Zone Avenue de Cortenbergh 100 T +32 2 894 51 00 [email protected] B : Point physically bi-directional: TSO can offer firm capacity in both directions B Y (PL) Flow Y : TSO offers firm capacity in one direction, and virtual backhaul capacity in the other 417 VTP-GAZ-SYSTEM B - 1000 Brussels F +32 2 894 51 01 (CZ) B N N : TSO offers firm capacity in one direction Transport by pipeline Gas storage facilities Port Vitino 405 Virtuální obchodní bod Net4gas Khanty (BE) 418 ZBG (Zeebrugge Beach) refers to the 2nd TSO on the row (UK) under 24” LNG Peak Shaving 406 NBP refers to the 1st TSO on the row 24” to 36” Acquifer 36” and over Salt cavity - cavern THE EUROPEAN Assumed GCV for conversion in Mio Nm3 /d project 11,20 11,20 Depleted (Gas) field on shore / offshore GCV (kWh/Nm3, reference combustion temperature 25C) CROSS-BORDER INTERCONNECTION POINTS LNG TERMINAL’S ENTRY POINTS Min. Max. WITH NON-EU COUNTRIES (IMPORT) INTO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM Other type NATURAL GAS NETWORK (NO-UK) (BE-BE) St. Fergus (Vesterled) Transport by tanker NORNE 200 300 Zeebrugge LNG Unknown - : Not applicable Summer Capacity : indicated in case extra capacity is available during summer months White Sea & Tampen Link LNG route Tornio Manga LNG Gassco National Grid Gas 671,0 N 11,00 11,00 Fluxys LNG Fluxys Belgium 461,0 Y 11,63 11,63 LNG route project Gas storage project ENTSOG currently comprises 43 TSO members, (NO-DE) (UK-UK) HELDRUN 301 Teesside DOCKSIDE 2014 ASGARD 201 Dornum REGASIFICATION 3 Associated Partners and 4 Observers KRISTIN Countries Dockside regasication National Grid Gas 127,0 N 11,00 11,00 CAPACITIES AT CROSS-BORDER POINTS ON THE PRIMARY MARKET FAROE Gas Reserve areas ISLANDS HALTENPIPE ENTSOG Member Countries Capacity data provided reects situation at 1 April 2014. NJORD Gassco Gasunie DTS - - (UK-UK) (DK) 302 Isle of Grain drilling platform Gassco jordgas Transport 755,6 Y 11,50 11,50 All data provided on this map is for information purposes and shall be treated as ENTSOG Associated Partner Current capacity data can be found at DRAUGEN T Gassco Open Grid Europe - - Grain LNG National Grid Gas 650,0 N 11,00 11,00 gas field ENTSOG Observers NORTHERN LIGHTS indicative and non-contractual in nature, without pre-empting dierent outcomes of any (NO-DE) (UK-UK) 202 Emden (EPT1) 303 Milford Haven (Dragon LNG) possible discussion held at regional level. Other Countries scale = 1 : 8.000.000 Map version : June 2014 Under no circumstances shall it be regarded as information intended for commercial use. TRANSPORT Dragon LNG National Grid Gas 300,0 N 11,00 11,00 Gassco Gasunie DTS GASPOOL 213,1 - - ORMEN LANGE Tjeldbergodden Trondheim (UK-UK) (IT-SI) Gassco Open Grid Europe NCG 141,2 - - Milford Haven (South Hook) CROSS-BORDER INTERCONNECTION POINTS 029 Gorizia (IT) /Šempeter (SI) INTRA COUNTRY BRENT 633,3 Y Gassco Thyssengas NCG 69,2 11,17 11,17 WITHIN EU AND WITH NON-EU COUNTRIES (EXPORT) BALANCING ZONE INTERCONNECTION POINTS ASGARD South Hook National Grid Gas 650,0 N 11,00 11,00 Snam Rete Gas Plinovodi 28,0 B Y 10,70 11,17 MAGNUS Gassco Gasunie TS Netherlands 637,4 11,50 12,10 STATFJORD (FR-FR) Zeebrugge IZT / (UK-BE) (DK-DK) Tampen Link MURCHINSON 001 (SI-HR) 100 Nybro (NO-DE) 304 Montoir de Bretagne Zeebrugge Beach SNORRE Nyhamna Gulf of Bothnia 030 Rogatec VISUND 203 Emden (NPT) TERN Interconnector Fluxys Belgium 630,1 DONG 396,0 N - - KVITEBJØRN Elengy GRTgaz 370,0 N 11,60 11,60 B 11,63 11,63 Plinovodi Plinacro Ltd 53,0 Y N 11,17 11,17 LANGELED NORTH oshore SHETLANDS GULLFAKS North Fluxys Belgium Interconnector 807,6 Gassco Gasunie DTS GASPOOL 33,0 - - (FR-CH) (FR-FR) (DE-DE) HEATHER (BE-NL) 031 Oltingue (FR) / Rodersdorf (CH) 103 Kienbaum Gassco Open Grid Europe NCG 72,2 - - 305 Fos (Tonkin / Cavaou) 002 Zelzate ALWYN HULDRA 355,6 Y Gassco Thyssengas NCG 4,5 11,17 11,17 GRTgaz FluxSwiss VESLEFRIKK 66,6 Y - - Yekaterinburg Fluxys Belgium Gasunie TS 189,8 11,10 11,80 223,0 Y 11,40 11,40 GASCADE Open Grid Europe BRAGE Gassco Gasunie TS Netherlands 322,4 11,70 12,20 B GRTgaz Swissgas GASPOOL NCG Petrozavodsk Fosmax LNG GRTgaz N 11,60 11,60 TUNE TROLL Fos Gasunie TS Fluxys Belgium 303,8 10,80 12,80 (NO-BE) Cavaou South (ES-FR) (DE-DE) NORWAY SWEDEN FINLAND 204 Zeebrugge ZPT (BE-NL) Larrau 104 Broichweiden Süd OSEBERG TOGI 410,0 032 Kyroskoski Fos Elengy GRTgaz N 11,60 11,60 Zelzate (Zebra Pijpleiding) Tonkin Tampere South Gassco Fluxys Belgium 464,4 N Y 11,63 11,63 Enagás TIGF 165,0 GASCADE Thyssengas 10,9 Y 10,60 10,60 Nokia Fluxys Belgium Zebra Pijpleiding 149,2 Y - 11,63 11,63 B 11,50 11,50 (IT-IT) TIGF Enagás 165,0 GASPOOL NCG (NO-FR) 306 Panigaglia OGT Imatra 205 Dunkerque (NL-BE) 003 Zandvliet H-gas Capacity at these points will be commercially marketed at a single FR-ES virtual Point from October 2014 (DE-DE) 105 Lampertheim IV Lahti Lappeenranta 211 GNL Italia Snam Rete Gas 128,9 N 11,30 11,30 STATPIPE Hameenlinna Gassco GRTgaz 570,0 N 11,40 11,40 (FR-ES) Kouvola Kirov Gasunie TS Fluxys Belgium 27,9 N Y Biriatou (FR) - Irun (ES) HEIMDAL Bergen (IT-IT) 11,63 11,63 033 GASCADE terranets bw 64,8 Y - - BERYL (NO-UK) Cavarzere JOTUN 307 GASPOOL NCG FLAGS NLGP Vyborg 206 Easington (Porto Levante / Adriatic LNG) Poppel (BE) // (NL-BE) OUTER FUKA Kollsnes 004 Enagás TIGF 9,0 B 11,50 11,50 HEBRIDES Mäntsälä Kotka Hilvarenbeek / Zandvliet-L (NL) Terminale GNL Infrastrutture N 11,00 11,00 106 Reckrod (DE-DE) Pansio LNG Turku Gassco National Grid Gas 770,0 N 11,00 11,00 TIGF Enagás 10,0 Espoo Adriatico Trasporto Gas B 11,50 11,50 STATPIPE OSLO Gasunie TS Fluxys Belgium 590,9 N Y 8,90 10,80 Lohja Primorsk 290,4Kustanay VESTERLED (MA-ES) Terminale GNL N 11,00 11,00 ES>FR: 5 GWh/d (from November to March) Tolkkinen RUSSIA 207 Tarifa Snam Rete Gas (NL-BE) Open Grid Europe GASCADE 2,2 Y - - MILLER ZEEPIPE IIA HELSINKI St. Petersburg Adriatico 005 's Gravenvoeren Dilsen (BE) / FR>ES: 0 GWh/d (from November to March) 's Gravenvoeren / Obbicht (NL) NCG GASPOOL Bygnes Haugesund SLEIPNER Joddbole CIS EMPL (GR-GR) Capacity at these points will be commercially marketed at a single FR-ES virtual Point from October 2014 Karmøy Europe Maghreb Pipeline Ltd Enagás 444,0 N 11,63 11,63 308 Revythoussa (DE-DE) St. Fergus PIPER Hanko Gasunie TS 222,6 - Y 107 Bunder-Tief Kårstø Fluxys Belgium 11,63 11,63 ZEEPIPE IIB Gulf of Finland (DZ-ES) (DK-DE) SAGE STATPIPE Muuga 208 Almeria DESFA 150,0 - N Eynatten 1 (BE) // (BE-DE) 036 Ellund SLEIPNER CONDENSATE BALTIC CONNECTOR Narva 225 DESFA 12,03 12,03 006 Gasunie DTS Open Grid Europe 5,1 Y - - Stavanger STOCKHOLM Lichtenbusch / Raeren (DE) Rafnes (ES-ES) GASPOOL NCG Sea of the HebridesINNER FORTIES DRAUPNER Ora/ LNG Medgaz Enagás 266,0 N 12,15 12,15 Gasunie DTS HEBRIDES 309 Barcelona 10,6 B N - - FUKA BRITTANNIA Skangass (Fredrikstad) TALLINN Fluxys Belgium GASCADE 129,5 (DE-DE) Risavika Paldiski (TN-IT) B 11,63 11,63 Open Grid Europe 108 Drohne GUD / OGE 209 Mazara del Vallo GASCADE Fluxys Belgium 157,7 EVEREST Enagás Enagás 544,3 - N 11,63 11,63 Gasunie DTS Brunnsviksholmen (Nynäshamn) (BE-DE) 32,7 N B - - NELSON ESTONIA (ES-ES) Eynatten 2 (BE) // Open Grid Europe Gasunie DTS Open Grid Europe 46,3 Y - - Lysekil TPMC Snam Rete Gas 1093,1 N 11,00 11,00 310 Sagunto STATPIPE EUROPIPE I Lichtenbusch / Raeren (DE) GASPOOL NCG II EUROPIPE (DK-SE) (LY-IT) Cheboksary Kazan 210 Gela 037 Dragør 109 Emsbüren-Berge (DE-DE) North Stenungsund Yaroslavl Saggas Enagás 279,1 N 11,62 11,63 Vallby Kile (ES-ES) ELGIN Pärnu Green Stream Snam Rete Gas 350,0 N 11,10 11,10 Fluxys Belgium Fluxys TENP Swedegas AB 73,3 Y - - North Channel Sea FRANKLIN 311 Cartagena B 11,63 11,63 Thyssengas Gasunie DTS - Y - - Nizhny Novgorod Göteborg JönKöping Fluxys Belgium Open Grid Europe 162,7 (PL-DE) NCG GASPOOL Glasgow Edinburgh Skagerrak Göteborg LNG (RU-FI) ULA 54 Pskov 211 Imatra
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