THE TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE JULY TO DECEMBER 2011 VOLUME CCCXVII Printed by Print Applied Technology Pty Ltd from 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2011 2011 90528 INDEX JULY TO DECEMBER 2011 VOLUME CCCXVII AS far as is possible in this Index subject-matter is grouped under the Act which gave authority for, or the department or body which promulgated, the notice concerned. The reference ‘above’ or ‘below’ infers that the subject heading referred to is in close proximity to such reference, and not in any other alphabetical section. Municipal affairs are dealt with under ‘CITIES/COUNCILS’, but regard must be had as to whether the subject-matter is within the jurisdiction of the municipal body or is such as would be promulgated by an Act of Parliament or a Government Department acting under the provisions of an Act or Statutory Rule. With regard to notices originating from governmental bodies or local authorities, entries are made under the title of the body concerned. Notices by Public Trustee—Bailey, 1408; Cleave, 1580; A Dear, 1169; Dodge, 1408; Duncombe, 1789; Fahey, 1114; Glover, 1556; Hammond, 1094; Hill, 1408; Abandoned Lands, see under Lands Johnson, 1789; Kilkeary, 1789; MacMichael, 1169; Mallett, 1556; Mason, 1630; Moorby, 1060; Rawnsley, Acts of Parliament—see Bills under Parliament 1422; Rennie, 1169; Rockliff, 1504; Schmitz, 1753; Acquisition of Land, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands Warbrooke, 1408; Vince, 1468; Wakefield, 1630; Administration and Probate— Zanchetta, 1654 Application to Seal or Reseal Probate (see also notices by Notices to Creditors—Allen, 1654; Anderson, 1467; Public Trustee)—Anderson, 1868; Dittrich, 1751; Armstrong, 1555; Artis, 1603; Asher, 1467; August, Eastwood, 1061; Furolo, 1362; Gilbert, 1387; Hall, 1422; Aves, 1361; Backhouse, 1654; Bailey, 1407; Bakes, 1752; Bantoft, 1169; Barratt, 1059; Bartle, 1036; 1530; Morgan-Jones, 1469; Mueller, 1469; Rockefeller, Bayles, 1653; Bellchambers, 1683; Bennett, 1467; 1362; Thompson. 1061; Venning, 1629 Bever, 1555; Bezette, 1815; Booker, 1449; Bosworth, Letters of Administration, or Election to Administer— 1468; Bourne, 1789; Brikha, 1787; Britton, 1036; Allen, 1580; Anderson, 1580; Asher, 1036; Bain, 1134; Brooks, 1555; Brothers, 1503; Brown, 1361; Bakes, 1362; Bannister, 1504, 1817; Bassett, 1388; Brinckman, 1423; Bugg, 1167, 1788; Bull, 1816; Beck, 1061; Beckitt, 1094; Blackwell, 1867; Blain, Campbell, 1752; Cann, 1579; Canning, 1788; Carr, 1134; Bloot'hoofd, 1685, 1843; Booth, 1408; Bourke, 1788; Casey, 1503; Charlesworth, 1036; Chugg, 1167; Clarke, 1422, 1449; Cleaver, 1816; Clements, 1421; 1363; Byrne, 1580; Casey, 1134; Clarke, 1388; Cocker, 1683; Conneely, 1385; Connell, 1385; Clements, 1752; Cooke, 1604; Cubit, 1388; De Bellis, Contarino, 1167; Corcoran, 1422; Corney, 1385; 1035; De Fouchecourt Moore, 1469; Doepel, 1169; Cowley, 1449; Crichton, 1168; Crossin, 1789; Darcey, Dolbey, 1721; Donegan, 1423; Doran, 1363; Duffy, 1753; Dean, 1720; Denney, 1361; Dennis, 1557; Digby, 1423; Eaton, 1530; Egan, 1654; Fuchsberger, 1134; 1362; Dolbey, 1468; Doolan, 1468; Downer, 1557; Gee, 1423; Glover, 1843; Hampton, 1408; Harrison, Dransfield, 1093; Duffy, 1654; Dunning, 1504; Ellis, 1721; Hazelwood, 1169; Heine, 1450; Hibbard, 1036; 1094, 1816; Elphinstone, 1386; Ford, 1579; Hové, 1655; Humphries, 1035; Jacobs, 1843; Johnson, Fotheringham, 1720; Franklin, 1685; Freeman, 1654; 1134; Karallus, 1721; Kelly, 1504; Kennedy, 1817; Fyfe, 1169; Gardam, 1059; Garwood, 1683; George, 1450; Gill, 1752; Gleeson, 1036; Greig, 1603; Griffin, Knibbe, 1469; Knott, 1363; Lacey, 1685; Leedham, 1407; Hall, 1113; Harding, 1059; Harris, 1530, 1653; 1169; Lynch, 1408; Mackerprang, 1530; Maddern, Harvey, 1816; Hasdell, 1719; Hebbard, 1788; Heron, 1604; Martin, 1036; McEwan, 1629; McMillan, 1035; 1684; Higgs, 1788; Hiller, 1386; Hind, 1037; Hirst, Michalek, 1450; Miller, 1630; Morgan, 1423; Munday, 1556; Hodgkinson. 1603; Holmes, 1168; Houchin, 1630; Neil, 1423; Olajos, 1363; Palaniza, 1790; Parry, 1752; Hunter, 1720; Iles, 1037; Jarvis, 1557; Johns, 1842;Pattison, 1530; Pauly, 1387, 1423; Poland, 1604; 1422; Johnson, 1386; Johnston, 1503, 1556; Kelly, Prestedge, 1752; Raimondo, 1630; Rogers, 1134; 1450, 1816; Kline, 1842; Knight, 1422; Lacey, 1788; Shackloth, 1363; Sherman, 1450; Skoklevska, 1060; Lamont, 1504; Langworthy, 1060; Lappage, 1529; Latta, 1133; Latte, 1093; Lawrence, 1386; Lewis, 1788, Sladd, 1134; Smith, 1060; Snooks, 1654; Stack, 1113; 1789, 1841; Lipscombe, 1168; Lockhart, 1788; Lohrey, Stevens, 1113; Stokell, 1790; Strojny, 1604; Swayn, 1788; Lonergan, 1529; Ludas, 1556; MacGregor, 1841; 1630; Thomas, 1363; Van Acker, 1134; Villanueva, Mackey, 1684; Maguire, 1060; Malone, 1060; Mann, 1450; Walters, 1363; Wescombe, 1604; Williams, 1094; 1685; Mannering, 1468; Mansson, 1468; Marsh, 1168, Wolters, 1423; Wood, 1685; Woods, 1530 1468; Mathers, 1684; Matthews, 1816; Mathewson, ii INDEX TO TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1168; Mayne, 1421; McCauley, 1386; McDermott, C 1113; McGinniss, 1387; McGruther, 1720; McKaig, 1386; McKay, 1168; McNally, 1504; Mead, 1094, 1842; Cemeteries, see Cities, Councils; Southern Regional Menzies, 1362; Miller, 1530; Mitchell, 1556; Mizen, Cemetery Trust 1684; Monaghan, 1720; Morgan, 1421; Morrisson, Change of Name, see Business Names Act; Companies; 1060; Munley, 1654; Myles, 1842; Naylor, 1752; Neil, Dissolution of Partnership 1817; Nischler, 1037; O'Brien, 1060; O'Conor, 1753; Cities—(see also Councils) O'Neill, 1168; Osborne, 1060; Palfreyman, 1037; Burnie— Partridge, 1684; Paynter, 1386; Pearce, 1468; Peck, Land Acquired, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands 1386; Peterson, 1789; Piper, 1752; Powell, 1386, 1604; Clarence— Pratt, 1450; Prodanovic, 1720; Prohazka, 1450; Purdon, Land Acquired, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands 1685; Quinn, 1037, 1133; Ragg, 1386; Raimondo, 1842; Devonport— Rapp, 1816; Redmond, 1387; Rice, 1842; Richards, Street Trading By-Law, No. 1 of 2010, 1070 1387; Ridler, 1362; Riley, 1450; Rollinson, 1684; Land Acquired, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands Rothwell, 1037; Rowan, 1556; Sargent, 1468; Schubert, Glenorchy— 1387; Seen, 1816; Sherriff, 1556; Shoobridge, 1685; Land Acquired, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands Short, 1788; Sinclair, 1653; Sironich, 1168; Smith, Hobart— 1`556; Stackhouse, 1684; Steeden, 1842; Stewart, 1387; Amendments to the Municipal Map, 1505, 1631 Stone, 1168; Stone, 1557; Storay, 1422; Sutton, 1362, Land Acquired, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands 1789; Taube, 1093; Taylor, 1422; Thain, 1842; Launceston— Thompson, 1789; Thomson, 1407; Thornbury, 1556; Land Acquired, see Land Acquisition Act under Lands Thurley, 1113; Tregoning, 1168; Viney, 1450, 1579; Corrective Services see Justice, Department of Waddington, 1037; Waite, 1529; Wakefield, 1720; Council of Law Reporting Order, see Law Reporting Order Walton, 1684, 1720; Watkins, 1037, 1133; Watson, Councils— 1169; Watt, 1037; Weir, 1685; White, 1387, 1684; By-Laws— Williams, 1720; Wood, 1789; Woollard, 1422; Woolley, Kingborough Council— 1169, 1556; Wright, 1362, 1684; Zantuck, 1720 Health and Environmental Services By-Law, No. 3 of Adult Education, see Education, Department of 2011, 1173 Animal Health Act 1995— Parks Recreation and Natural Areas By-Law, No. 2 of 2011, 1199 Amendment of General Authority, 1507 Roads, Parking and Stormwater By-Law, No. 4 of List A Diseases, 1116 2011, 1227 List B Diseases, 1117 Cleaning Charges, see By-laws, above Anti-Discrimination Act— Courts, see under ‘C’ Exemptions Granted/Denied, 1470, 1790 Crown Lands Act, see under Lands Apprentices Act, see Training Authority of Tasmania Highways Taken over or Closed by Councils, see Streets Apprenticeship Matters, see Apprentices Act, Training and/or Rights of Way, below Authority of Tasmania King Island Council— Archives Act, see under State Library Aerodrome Fees, 1170 Lands for Acquisition of Lands; for Acquisition of by Associations Incorporation Act— Councils see under Lands Cancellation, 1038, 1135, 1425, 1427, 1531, 1632, 1753 Local Co-ordinators, see Emergency Services Act Change of Name, 1038, 1135, 1427, 1531, 1754 Local Government Act, for notices under this Act dealing Incorporations, 1038, 1135, 1531 with administration or appointment of Officers under section, see subject-matter concerned, see, also under ‘L’ Public Authorities, etc. Act, see under Lands Recreation Grounds, see By-laws, above B Reserves under Lands Refuse Disposal, see By-laws, above Bailiffs, see Justice, Department of; Courts Rates, see above Bills—Assent to, see Parliament Registrars, see Courts; Justice, Department of Births, Deaths, and Marriages— Reserves, see under Lands; see also Streets, below Roads, see also Lands, see also Streets, below Registrars, see Registration of Births and Deaths Act Water— Building Act 2000— By-Laws, see By-Laws above Notice of Making of Revised Director's Specified List, Charges for—see Drainage Trusts 1116 Rates and Charges, see above Business Names Act— River and Water Supply, also see under ‘W’ Names of firms Struck off or to be Struck off the Business Source of Supply/Supply Scheme, see under ‘W’ Names Register, 1040, 1135, 1424, 1632, 1791 Trust, see under ‘W’ By-laws, see Cities, Councils or Marine Board/Port Authority Zoning Plan, see Town and Country Planning, above; also concerned see Buildings (under By-laws), above INDEX TO TASMANIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE iii Courts— Information Technology—Application Developer, General Sessions—Notices of Sale, see under ‘N’ 1145 Law Society— Culture, Recreation and Sport— Application
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