© Norwegian Journal of Entomology. 14 May 2008 Noteworthy records of freshwater insects in Norway Kjell Magne Olsen Olsen, K.M.2008. Noteworthy records of freshwater insects in Norway. Norw. J. Entomol. 55, 53– 71. For several years the author and colleagues in the foundation Siste Sjanse (BioFokus) have collected freshwater organisms at many localities in Norway. The more interesting of these findings are presented below, focusing mainly on redlisted species and species new to specific geographical regions. Some species are also new to the Norwegian fauna. Key words: Freshwater insects, Norway, Redlisted species Kjell Magne Olsen, BioFokus, Gaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: [email protected] INTRODUCTION not be the first from that region. This has to some extent been avoided by consulting Rødlistebasen These days there is a huge demand for up-to-date (www.artsdatabanken.no) and by letting several information, with accurate geographical data, on experts on different orders check the manuscript all kinds of organisms, particularly with regard prior to submission (see Acknowledgements). to rare and threatened species. This is necessary The material has been collected over a series of to better manage the biological diversity of the years, but primarily from the years 2002—2007. country or within a certain area. Red lists are due Most of the collecting has been done as part of every five years in Norway, and in order to improve field work in projects ran by the foundation Siste them between each edition, new information must Sjanse. The foundation has recently (autumn be made available. 2006) changed its name to BioFokus. Many of the records have already been published, but only The presentation below intends to publish records in reports to our employers (see Table 1 and the of freshwater insects that meet one or both of the reference list), and therefore rather inaccessible. two following critera: the species is redlisted in at Some of the published records have later proved least one of the two most recent Norwegian redlists to be misidentifications, and any previously (Direktoratet for naturforvaltning 1999, Kålås published records of redlisted species or species et al. 2006), or it is new to the region in which claimed to be new to a region that is not in Table it is found. Species from the former redlist are 1, must be regarded as such. Also, a few of the included because many of the records presented records in Table 1 were initially published as here were part of the basis when preparing the other species. latest. In general, two publications are the basis for determining whether a species is new to a region A large number of freshwater localities (about or not: Aagaard & Dolmen (1996) and Coulianos 750) have been visited over the years (se (1998). Several later publications have been Figure 1), and approximately 8000 entries (i.e. accounted for, but several have also surely been combinations of species/locality/date) have been missed, and therefore some of my records may databased, some 6000 of these being insects. Of Olsen: NoteworthyrecordsoffreshwaterinsectsinNorway Table 1. List of noteworthy freshwater insects from Norway. The orders are treated in the same sequence as in Limnofauna norvegica (Aagaard & Dolmen ). Explanation of headings. Species [note]: Numbers in square brackets: see notes. #: total number of specimens, and stadia/sexes present. (O)= observation only. R (R): redlist category in Kålås et al. (00) and Direktoratet for naturforvaltning (), respectively. County: Strand-region, in accordance with Økland (). Note that AK is used to denote Oslo/Akershus, whereas Ak denotes Akershus county proper. *=new to the Strand-region; **= new to the county; ***= new to Norway. EIS: European Invertebrate Survey, see Endrestøl (00). Initials in the columns ‘Leg.’, ‘Det.’ and ’Rev.’: AE=Anders Endrestøl, BAS=Bjørn Arve Sagvolden, BG=Bo Gullefors, BN=Bernard Nau, DD=Dag Dolmen, EE=Eva Engblom, EMO=Esben Moland Olsen, HO=Hans Olsvik, JHS=Jan Henrik Simonsen, KMO=Kjell Magne Olsen, LAa=Leif Aarvik, OMWK=Ola Martin Wergeland Krog, PWL=Peter Wiberg-Larsen, RS=Rune Solvang, SB=Sheila Brooke, SL=Sindre Ligaard, SO=Stefan Olberg, SR=Sigve Reiso, TB=Terje Blindheim, ØH=Øyvind Håland, ÅØP=Åshild Ønvik Pedersen. Species [note] # R1 (R2) County Municipality Locality MGRSEUREF89 EIS Date Leg. Det. Rev. Reference Ephemeroptera Alainites muticus (Linnaeus, 1758) 2 juv. - *HES Ringsaker Tokstadbekken 32VPN011524 54 07.VIII.2006 KMO KMO 2006 Olsen & Solvang 2006 [1]Baetis fuscatus/scambus 1 juv.F - *AK Nannestad Hæra 32VPM153830 37 26.IX.2002 KMO EE 2007 - - Baetis rhodani (Pictet, 1844) 3 juv. - *AAY Birkenes Bersebekken 32VMK54406575 6 06.IV.2007 KMO KMO 2007 - - Baetis subalpinus Bengtsson, 1917 1 M - *TEI Tinn Hovdestaulen 32VMM829371 26 14.VIII.2001 KMO KMO 2007 - - Baetis vernus Curtis, 1834 1 juv. - *HES Ringsaker Harabakken 32VNN998527 54 03.VII.2006 KMO KMO 2006 EE 2007 Olsen & Solvang 2006 Baetis vernus Curtis, 1834 2 juv. - ?*VE Re Storelva 3 32VNL701869 19 27.VIII.2003 KMO/SR KMO 2004 - - Centroptilum luteolum (O.F. Müller, 1776) 4 juv. - *AAY Birkenes Bersebekken 32VMK54406575 6 06.IV.2007 KMO KMO 2007 - - [2]Centroptilum sp. 1 juv. - *AK Asker Hukenbekken 32VNM79403418 28 26.VIII.2004 KMO KMO 2004 EE 2004 Olsen & Reiso 2005a [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 1 juv. - (*)AK Asker Gjellumvannet 1 32VNM806294 28 13.VII.2004 KMO KMO 2005 - Olsen & Reiso 2005d [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 1 juv. - (*)Oslo Oslo Karussputten 32VNM926551 36 09.VII.2002 KMO/SR/ÅØP EE 2007 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 1 juv. - (*)BØ Kongsberg SW Tofstad II 32VNM39410831 27 27.IX.2004 KMO KMO 2004 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 4 juv. - (*)HEN Trysil Blankloken 33VUJ47711144 65 23.VI.2004 KMO/SR KMO 2004 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 1 juv. - (*)HES Hamar Flagstadelven 32VPN148429 46 07.VIII.2006 KMO KMO 2006 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 3 juv. - (*)TEI Sauherad Gvarvhølen 32VNL102831 18 03.X.2005 KMO KMO 2005 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 7 juv. - (*)TEY Skien Børsesjø 32VNL354653 18 14.VII.2004 KMO/SR KMO 2004 - Olsen & Reiso 2005b [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 18 juv. - *VAY Kristiansand Karusstjern 32VMK38144347 2 25.I.2005 KMO KMO 2005 - Bye 2005 [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 1 juv. - (*)VE Re Snekkestad 2 32VNL767922 19 30.IX.2003 KMO KMO 2007 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 1 juv. - (*)Ø Hvaler S Kåvika 32VPL208445 12 17.VIII.2006 KMO/OMWK KMO 2006 - - [3]Cloeon inscriptum Bengtsson, 1914 5 juv. - (*)AAY Arendal S Brekka 2 32VMK92337858 6 17.IV.2004 KMO KMO 2004 - - [3]Cloeon praetextum Bengtsson, 1914 10 juv. - *AK Eidsvoll N Kommesrud 32VPM238923 37 07.IX.2004 KMO/SR KMO 2005 EE 2007 Olsen & Reiso 2005d [3]Cloeon praetextum? Bengtsson, 1914 1 F - *Ø Rygge Bjørnøya,Vannsjø 32VPL027854 20 21.VI.2005 KMO/RS/OMWK KMO 2006 EE 2007 - Nigrobaetis niger (Linnaeus, 1761) 1 juv. - *VE Re Verpelva 2 32VNL750822 19 16.X.2003 KMO EE 2007 - - Caenis lactea (Burmeister, 1839) 5 juv. VU (R) AK Oslo Bogstadvann 32VNM905497 28 28.VII.2004 KMO EE 2005 - Olsen & Reiso 2005c Caenis luctuosa Burmeister, 1839 2 juv. - **AAY Birkenes Bersebekken 32VMK54406575 6 06.IV.2007 KMO KMO 2007 - - Caenis rivulorum Eaton, 1884 1 juv. NT (R) *AK Oslo Lysakerelven 1 32VNM90954455 28 29.IX.2004 KMO KMO 2004 EE 2007 Blindheim & Friis 2006 [4]Serratella ignita f. lactata (Bengtsson, 1909) 3 F+juv. - *AK Oslo Langlielva 32VNM89205757 36 31.VIII.2005 KMO KMO 2005 EE 2007 - Serratella mucronata (Bengtsson, 1909) 1 juv. - *AK Oslo Lysakerelven 1 32VNM90954455 28 24.III.2007 KMO KMO 2007 - - Ephemera danica Müller, 1764 2 juv. - *AK Bærum Lomma 2 32VNM832474 28 01.VII.2004 KMO/SR KMO 2005 - Olsen & Reiso 2005d Ephemera danica Müller, 1764 2 M+F - **Oslo Oslo Sørkedalselva 2 32VNM90745250 36 29.VI.2005 KMO KMO 2005 - - Ephemera danica Müller, 1764 1 juv. - *VE Re SW Ektvet 32VNL643834 19 27.VIII.2003 KMO/SR KMO 2004 - - [5]Electrogena affinis (Eaton, 1883) 1 juv. - ***AK Asker Bondibekken 2 32VNM817320 28 13.VII.2004 KMO KMO 2005 - Olsen & Reiso 2005d Heptagenia sulphurea (O.F. Müller, 1776) 4 MF+juv. - *VE Re Storelva 1 32VNL686894 19 27.VIII.2003 KMO/SR KMO 2003 - - Kageronia fuscogrisea (Retz., 1783) 3 juv. - **AAY Birkenes Bersebekken 32VMK54406575 6 06.IV.2007 KMO KMO 2007 - - Paraleptophlebia submarginata (Stephenson, 1836) 1 juv. (R) *ON Dovre N Furuheim 32VNP087777 71 30.VII.2003 KMO EE 2007 - Olsen 2005b Siphlonurus lacustris Eaton, 1870 6 juv. - *HES Ringsaker Tande 32VNN944540 54 03.VII.2006 KMO KMO 2006 - Olsen & Solvang 2006 Plecoptera Nemoura avicularis Morton, 1894 1 juv. - **VAY Kristiansand Sagbekken 32VMK378414 2 25.I.2005 KMO EE 2007 - Bye 2005 [6]Nemoura sahlbergi Morton, 1896 1 F - **BØ Lier Ulvenvann 32VNM757321 28 15.V.1993 KMO KMO 2003 EE 2007 - Isoperla difformis (Klapálek, 1909) 1 juv. - *VE Re Verpelva 1 32VNL746851 19 16.X.2003 KMO KMO 2004 - - Odonata - Aeshna cyanea (O.F. Müller, 1764) 2 juv. - (*)HES Ringsaker Harabakken 32VNN998527 54 03.VII.2006 KMO KMO 2006 - - Aeshna cyanea (O.F. Müller, 1764) 3 juv. - *AAI Evje og Hornnes SSW Nybrua 32VMK309920 5 26.VII.2005 KMO KMO 2005 - - Aeshna grandis (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 juv. - *TEY Nome Damtjern 32VNL171688 18 22.VIII.2002 KMO KMO 2002 HO 2003 - Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 juv. - *TEY Nome Damtjern 32VNL171688 18 22.VIII.2002 KMO KMO 2002 HO 2003 - [7]Aeshna mixta Latreille, 1805 3 M - ***TEY Skien Børsesjø 32VNL354653 18 10.IX.2004 KMO/SR KMO/SR 2005 - Olsen & Reiso 2005b Brachytron pratense (O.F. Müller, 1764) x ad. (O) NT (R) AAY Arendal Soletjern 32VMK825814 6 28.VI.2003 KMO et al. DD et al. 2003 - - Brachytron pratense (O.F. Müller, 1764) x ad.
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