Three New Records of Aureoboletus Pouzar (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Mexico

Three New Records of Aureoboletus Pouzar (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Mexico

15 5 NOTES ON GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION Check List 15 (5): 759–765 Three new records of Aureoboletus Pouzar (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Mexico Jesús García-Jiménez1, Fortunato Garza-Ocañas2, Javier Isaac de la Fuente1, Ángel Emmanuel Saldivar3, Olivia Ayala-Vásquez2 1 Tecnológico Nacional de México. Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria. Boulevard Emilio Portes Gil # 1301 Poniente, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas, Apartado postal 175, Código postal 87010. Mexico. 2 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales, Campus Linares, Carretera Nacional Km 145, Linares, Nuevo León, Código postal 41 67700, Mexico. 3 Universidad de Guadalajara, Departamento de Botánica y Zoología. Zapopan, Jalisco, Código postal 1-139, 45101, Mexico. Corresponding author: Olivia Ayala-Vásquez, [email protected] Abstract In this paper, Aureoboletus auriflammeus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang, A. innixus (Frost) Halling, A.R. Bessette & Bessette and A. roxanae (Frost) Klofac are described as new records from Mexico. These species are distributed in temperate montane cloud forest and mixed forests and may grow associated forming mycorrhizas with Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. subsp. mexicana (Martínez) E. Murray, Quercus laurina Humb et Bonpl., Q. sartorii Liebm. and Q. scytophylla Liebm. Descriptions, distribution, photographs and a key for the species of Aureoboletus from Mexico are presented. Keywords Boletes, edible fungi, mixed forest, montane cloud forest, mycorrhizal fungi. Academic editor: Meike Piepenbring | Received 12 June 2019 | Accepted 23 July 2019 | Published 20 September 2019 Citation: García-Jiménez J, Garza-Ocañas F, de la Fuente JI, Saldivar ÁE, Ayala-Vásquez O (2019) Three new records of Aureoboletus Pouzar (Boletaceae, Boletales) from Mexico. Check List 15 (5): 759–765. Introduction laceae and Pinaceae, playing an important role in the translocation of nutrients in the forest (Newman and The genus Aureoboletus Pouzar was proposed in 1957, Reddell 1987, Binder and Hibbett 2006, Tedersoo et al. the type species being Aureoboletus gentilis (Quél.) Pou- zar. The species of Aureoboletus are recognized by the 2010). Furthermore, some Aureoboletus species are ed- boletoid basidiomata, the viscid to dry pileus and the ible and, as several mycorrhizal boletes, represent an al- golden yellow pores that keep the color despite herbo- ternative food resource (Bessette et al. 2017). Currently rized. Microscopically, they are recognized by the yel- 35 species are recognized worldwide from America, lowish subfusoid spores, smooth to rarely striated walls Asia and Europe (Wang and Yao 2005, Klofac 2010, Shi and the pileipellis composed by ixotricodermium or and Liu 2013, Zhang et al. 2014, 2015a, 2015b, Wu et al. trichodermium (Singer 1986, Wang and Yao 2005, 2016). Klofac 2010, Halling et al. 2015, Bessette et al. 2017, Wu In Mexico, 6 species of this genus have been de- et al. 2016). scribed: A. auriporus (Peck) Pouzar (García et al. 1986), The species of Aureoboletus form mycorrhizal as- A. flaviporus (Earle) Klofac, (Ayala 1996), A. mora- sociations with many plants, including Fagaceae, Be tu- vicus (Vaček) Klofac (García-Jiménez et al. 1998), A. Copyright García-Jiménez et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 760 Check List 15 (5) projectellus (Murrill) Halling (Singer et al. 1992), A. rus- and Universidad de Guadalajara (IBUG). Also, a key for sellii (Frost) G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang (García and Castillo the Aureoboletus species occurring in Mexico was made. 1981, García-Jiménez et al. 1998, Ayala-Vásquez et al. 2018), and A. singeri (Gonz.-Velázq. & R. Valenz.) Har. Results Takah. & Taneyama (Singer et al. 1992, González-Ve- lázquez and Valenzuela 1995). As a result of mycological Aureoboletus auriflammeus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) G. explorations carried out in several Mexican states, A. in- Wu & Zhu L. Yang. Figure 2. nixus (Frost) Halling, A.R. Bessette & Bessette, A. auri- New records. Mexico: Hidalgo, Tlanchinol municipality, flammeus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) G. Wu & Zhu L. Yang, 20°58ʹ55ʺ N, 98°38ʹ06ʺ W, Jesús García, 12 July 2003, (Gar- and A. roxanae (Frost) Klofac, are recorded for the first cia-ITCV-14461). Same place, 20°58ʹ59ʺ N, 098°37ʹ59ʺ time from Mexico. W, Jesús García, 13 July 2003, (Garcia-ITCV-14435). Same place, 20°59ʹ11ʺ N, 098°37ʹ39ʺ W, Jesús García, Methods 13 July 2003, (Garcia-ITCV-14451), Same place, 20° 59ʹ11ʺ N, 098°37ʹ39ʺ W, Jesús García, 28 July 2014, Several mycological explorations were conducted in (Garcia-ITCV-19849). the Mexican states of Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Queretaro and Jalisco from 2003 to 2017 (Fig. 1). The vegetation types Identification. Pileus 10–25 mm in diameter, con- in the sampling sites were dominated by montane cloud vex to plane-convex, orange (6A8) to brown-orange forest and mixed forests with Pinus L. and Quercus L. (6C8), tomentose to pulverulent surface. Hymenophore The sampling methods proposed by Lodge et al. (2004) adhered, pores 0.2–0.3 mm, dark yellow (4A8) to orange were used. The color was described according to Korn- (5A7), tubes 2.5–3.5 mm length, concolorous to the erup and Wanscher (1978). Hand cuts were made using pores, never bruising when cut. Context 2–3 mm thick, KOH (potassium hydroxide) 5%, NH4OH (ammonia whitish to pale yellow (4A2), never bruising when cut. hydroxide), Meltzer reagent and Congo red for micro- Stipe 17–35 × 4–8 mm, whitish to pale yellow (4A3) at scopical descriptions (e.g. cellular elements of the pileus, the base and apex with fibrillose surface. Odor fungoid. stipe and hymenia). The size of the microcharacters such Taste fungoid. Chemical reaction not studied. as basidia, cystidia and basidiospores were determined Basidiospores 9–10 (13) × 3– 4 (5) µm, (X = 10.3 by measuring at least 20 elements each. The next abbre- × 4, Q = 2.5, N=30), ellipsoid to subfusiform, smooth, viations are used: Q refers to the length/wide ratio of the hyaline to olive green in KOH, some with visible supra- basidiospores; X refers to mean; N refers the total num- hilar depression, thin-walled. Basidia 19–27 × 7–8 µm, ber of spores measured. Studied specimens were depos- clavate, hyaline in KOH, 4-spored, thin-walled. Pleu- ited at the Mycologial Herbarium José Castillo Tovar rocystidia 20–68 × 4–13 µm, fusoid, mucronate-ros- (ITCV) in the Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Victoria trate, some clavate, with pigments or hyaline in KOH, Figure 1. Current distribution of A. auriflammeus, A. innixus and A. roxanae in Mexico. García-Jiménez et al. | Aureoboletus from Mexico 761 Figure 2. Aureoboletus auriflammeus (Garcia-ITCV-19849). a–c. Basidiomata. d. basidiospores. e. Basidia and pleurocystidia. f. Cheilocys- tidia. g. Stipitipellis. h. Pileipellis. Scale bars: a = 10 mm; d–h = 10 µm. thin-walled. Cheilocystidia 40–60 × 9–17 µm, sphae- Distribution. USA, Mexico, and Belize. ropedunculate or clavate, some broadly ventricose-ros- Taxonomic remarks. Aureoboletus auriflammeus is trate, hyaline to pale yellow to deep golden incrusting characterized by the orange to brown-orange basidi- pigments in KOH, deep yellow in Melzer, thin-walled. omata, the pulverulent pileus surface, the bright yel- Hymenophoral trama boletoid; hyphae subcylindrical to low incrusting pigments and crystals of the pileipellis cylindrical, 3–9 µm wide. Stipitipellis composed by cau- with clavate and cylindrical terminal cells. The material locystidia 26–50 × 6–13 µm, mucronate, clavate, hyaline agrees with the features quoted by Baroni (1998), Ortíz- to yellowish in KOH, thin-walled. Pileipellis composed Santana et al. (2007) and Bessette et al. (2017) although, by a trichodermium with terminal cells of 25–70 × 4–11 µm, cylindrical, clavate, to subclavate, yellow in KOH, the material described from Belize by Ortíz-Santana et bright yellow incrusting pigments and crystals. al. (2007) has shorter cheilocystidia (20.8–43.2 × 8–14.4 pm) and basidiospores (8.8–10.4 × 4–4.8 µm). Habit and habitat. Scattered Under Quercus germana Schltdl. & Cham. and Q. sartorii Liebm in montane Aureoboletus innixus (Frost) Halling, A.R. Bessette & cloud forest. Bessette. Figure 3. 762 Check List 15 (5) New records. Mexico, Oaxaca state, Mixistlán de la Re- red (12F8) to red-brown (10F7) when mature, decurv- forma municipality, Tsaadenkuubaakm town, 17°08ʹ34ʺ ing when aged, dry surface, sometimes moist in young N, 096°04ʹ49ʺ W, Olivia Ayala-Vásquez, 30 July 2017, specimens, areolate when aged. Hymenophore adhered, (Ayala-Vásquez-ITCV-932). Santa María Mixist lán town, pores 0.5–2 mm diameter, circular to angular, golden 17°07ʹ58ʺ N, 096°05ʹ21ʺ W, Olivia Ayala-Vásquez, 02 yellow (4A8) to yellow greenish, not bruising. Tubes Au gust 2017, (Ayala-Vásquez-ITCV-944), Same place, 2.5–4 mm, concolorous to the pores, not bruising. Con- 17°07ʹ25ʺ N, 096°05ʹ41ʺ W, Olivia Ayala-Vásquez, text 6–12 mm thick, white to whitish yellow (1A1-1A2), 14 September 2017, (Ayala-Vásquez-ITCV-1041). Hi dal­­go bruising vinaceous violet (3A5), brownish olive (30F8) state, Zacualtipán municipality, 20°37ʹ47ʺ N, 098°36ʹ48ʺ in the stem. Stipe 60–80 × 7–15 mm, clavate to bulbous, W, Jesús García, 27 July 2014, (García-ITCV-19800). brown to orange-brown (7A6-7A5) in the middle and Querétaro state, Jalpan municipality, 21°11ʹ24ʺ N, 099° basal part, yellow at the apex, dry, furfuraceus, longi- 26ʹ34ʺ W, Jesús García, 5 September 1998, (García- tudinally aligned surface, with yellow mycelium at the ITCV-11060). Jalpan municipality, 21°12ʹ46ʺ N, 099°27ʹ base. Odor fungoid. Taste fungoid. Chemical reactions. 23ʺ W, Jesús García, 5 September 1998, (García-ITCV-11061). NH4OH: pileus and stipe turn reddish-orange, pores turn Identification. Pileus 27–48 mm in diameter, convex brown, negative in the context.

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