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Advertising For ;:tdvcrrising inforillation, visit rhe jOl1!"nal's websier rir www.bJacb.vcllpublishillg.com/]SCI-J or contact the Advcnisin0 S.11cs Coordin;Hor, Jt 350 M"in Sr.M"lden, MA 02148. Phone: 781-388-8532, Fax: 781-338-8532. Thls Jllurnal is printed on 'Kid-lice p,'per. SUPREME COUR T HISTORIC AL SOCIETY HONORARY CHAIRMAN John G. Roberts, Jr. HONORARY TRUSTEE Sandra Day O'Connor CHAIRMAN EMERITUS Dwight D. Opperman CHAIRMAN Leon Silverman PRESIDENT Frank C. Jones VICE PRESIDENTS Vincent C. Burke, III Dorothy Tapper Goldman E. Barrett Prettyman, Jr. Ralph 1. Lancaster, J r. SECRETARY Virgin ia Warren Daly TREASURER Sheldon S. Cohen TRUSTEES George R. Adams Frank G. Jones Sally Rider J. Bruce Alverson Robb M. Jones J o nath ~n c. Rose Peter G. Angelos Gregory Josep h Richard A. Schneider Martha Barnett Philip Allen Lacovara David Scott David J. Beck Jerome B. Libin Jay Sekulow Herman Bel.z Joan Lukey Nicole K. Seligman Hugo L. Black, Jr. Maureen E. Mahoney Steven R. Shapiro Nancy Brennan Mrs. Thurgood Marshall Jerold S. Solovy Beth S. Bri nkmann Thurgood Marshall, Jr. Kenneth W Starr Leono ra Burger Timothy Mayopoulos Mathew D. Staver Patricia Dwinncll Buder Stephen R. McAllister Mrs. Potter Stewart Edmund N. C~rpenter II Teri McClure Cathleen Douglas Stone Charles J. Cooper Gregory Michael Mikel L. Stout Mi ch~eI A. Cooper Jeffrey R. Minear Dennis R. Suplee Harlan R. Crow Josep h R. Moderow Larry Thompson James C. Duff Mtchael Mone Seth P. Wnm:m Wtlltam Edlund Lucas Morel Agnes N. Willtams James D. Ellis Charles Morgan W Wayne Withers Mtgue1 A. Estrada J~mes W Morrts, III W. Foster Wollen Davtd Frederick John M. Nannes Donald Wrtght Charles 0. Ga lvin Ri ck D. Nydegger Robert E. Ju ceam Kenneth S. Geller James B. O'Hara General C~I/I1sel Frank B. Gibert Theodore B. Olsen James L. Goldman Brian B. O'Neill David T Pride Robert J. Grey, Jr. D~vtd Onorato Exec"UI ive Director Frank Gundlach Carrer G. Phillips Kathleen Shurtleff Robert A. Gwinn Leon Polsky Assistant Director Benjamin Het nema n Harry M. Re asoner Allen Hill Bernard Reese A.E. Dick Howa rd Charles B. Renfrew JOURNAL OF SUPREME COURT HISTORY 2008 vol. 33 no. 2 PUBLICATIONS COMMITTEE James B. O'Hara, Chairman Donald B. Ayer Louis R. Cohen Lucas Morel Luther T Munford David O'Brien Carter G. Phillips E. Barrett Prettyman, J r. Michael Russ D. Grier Stephenson, Jr. Melvin 1. Urofsky BOARD OF EDITORS Melvin 1. Urofsky, Chairman Herman Belz David J. Bodenhamer Craig Joyce D avid O'Brien Michael Parrish L.A. Powe, Jr. Sandra VanBurkleo MANAGING EDITOR Clare Cushman Blackwell Publlshmg, Boscon, M.ls SJchuscrts &. Oxford, UK GENERAL STATEMENT The a private non-profit is dedicated to the collecriou and of the Court of the United States. in the District of Columbia iu 1974, It was founded by ChiefJustice Warren E. who served as its first honorary chairman. The SocidY accomplishes its mission by educatiOnal programs, historical research, publishing books, journals, and electronic materials, and by ""'PeTIn,\) to the Court's history. These activities and others increase the public's awareness of the Court's contributrons to our nation's rich constitutional The Society maintains an educational outreach program mClec,ra:na'llIg of the Court, the Constitution and the cosponsors Street Law Inc:s summer institute, school teachers to educate their students about the Court and the Constitution. It also sponsors an annual lecture series at the well as occasional public lectures around the countty. The Society maintains Its own educational website and cosponsors a website that curriculum support reachers about important Court cases. In terms of the distributes a newsletter to its members containing short historical pieces on the Court and articles describing the Society's programs and activities. It also publishes the Journal of Supreme Court a scholarly collection of articles and book reviews, which appears in March, July and November. The awards cash prizes to students and established scholars to promote scholarshIp. The Society Initiated the History of the Court of the United States, 178r-1800 in 1977 with a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission The seeks to reconstruct an accurate record of the of the federal In the formative decade between and 1800 because records ftom this rr11mr,lp,·p or The Court became a cosponsor in then the project has LVJLIl~"':lXU seven out of the volumes. An ora! program in which former Solicitors General, former Attorneys General, and retired are interviewed is another research sponsored by (he The Society maintains a program that has interest books: The Supreme Court Illustrated Biographies 178r-1995 short illustrated biographies of the 108 Justices; Supreme Court Decisions and \\lomens Rights: Milestones to (2000), a guide to Court Cases for and About School Students a school textbook writren by Raskin; and Black \\lhite and Brown: The Landmark School Desegregation Case in t<ptr""n,ert a collection to mark the anniversary of rhe Brown case. is also program, which has substantially contributed to of the Court's permanent collection of busts as well as papers, and artifacts and memorabilia These materials the Court Curator's Office for the benefit of the Court's one million annual Visitors. The 6,000 members whose financial support and volunteer in the Society's and ad hoc committees enables tbe to function. These cornrnircees report to an elected Board ofTrustees and an Executive Committee, the latter of which is principally for policy decisions and for the Society's permanent staff. for additional mformation should be directed to the headquarters at 224 East 543-0400, or to the Society's websltc ae The has to receive tax deductible SOl (c)(J)Ofihc Intern,,! Rtvcnuc JOURNAL OF SUPREME COURT HISTOR Y 2008, vol.
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