Centre International de LISTE Myriapodologie DES TRAVAUX PARUS ET SOUS-PRESSE EN 1986 ANNUAIRE MONDIAL des MYRIAPODOLOGISTES MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE Laboratoire de Zoologie (Arthropodes), 61 rue de Buffon; F-7500S·PARlS 1987 Centre International de LISTE Myriapodologie DES TRAVAUX PARUS ET SOUS-PRESSE EN 1986 ANNUAIRE MONDIAL des MYRIAPODOLOGISTES MUSEUM NATIONAL D'HISTOIRE NATURELLE Laboratoire de Zoologie (Arthropodes), 61 rue de Bution, F-75005·PARIS 1987 SOMMAIRE CONTENTS ZUSAMMENFAS SUNG Pages Seite Before the 7th Congress/ What is the CIM? I The CIM on micro computer.................... 1 Vor dem 7. Kongress I Was ist das CIM? I Das CIM aufPersonalcomputer ................. 2 A vant le 7eme Congres I Le CIM, qu'est-ce que c'est ? I Le CIM sur micro-ordinateur. ..... 3 A NOS COLLEGUES... TO OUR COLLEAGUES ... AN UNSERE KOLLEGEN....... 4 COLLOQUES ... CONGRES......................................................................... 5 ON RECHERCHE... WANTED... WIR SUCHEN.... .............. ...... ......... ....... ...... 7 SUJETS ACTUELLEMENT ABORDES OU EN PROJET MATTERS BEING DEALT OR SCHEDULED .................................. 9 BEREITS LAUFENDE ODER IN VORBEREITUNG BEFINDLICHE VORHABEN TABLEAU ANALYTIQUE SOMMAIRE des Travaux parus et sous presse en 1985 ANALYTICAL SUMMARIZED TABLE of papers published or in press in 1985 ........... 17 ANALYTISCHE INHALTVERZEICHNIS der erschienenen oder im Druck Arbeiten verwiesen. Liste des Co-auteurs I List of the co-authors I List der Mitverfassern.................... 22 LISTE DES TRAVAUX PARUS ET SOUS PRESSE EN 1986 LIST OF WORKS PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS IN 1986 .. ... ... ..... ... .. ... ..... ... ... .... 23 LISTE DER ERSCHIENENEN- UND DRUCK- ARBEITEN DES JAHRES 1986 ANNUAIRE MONDIAL DES MYRIAPODOLOGISTES DIRECTORY OF THE MYRIAPODOLOGISTS ............................................. 39 JACHBUCH DER MYRIAPODOLOGEN ~- LE. BUREAU PERMANENT DU CIM (J.M.DEMANGE ET J.P.MAURIES),-..;, A REALISE CE BULLETIN AVEC L'APPUI LOGIS11QUE DE Mc!NTOSH PLUS, WRITER PLUS, McPAINT, 4eme DIMENSION, MAIS AUSSI GRACE A LA COLLABORATION DES 102 COLLEGUES QUI ONT REPONDU CEITE ANNEE AV QUESTIONNAIRE, ET A L'AIMABLE CONCOURS , POUR LES PROBLEMES LINGUISTIQUES , DE NOS AMIS WOLFGANG DOHLE , DESMOND KIME ET OTTO KRA US. .,;. t13~fur~th:;~)\ participants ... questionnaire at the beginning of •;.<: " Let us hope that by the end of the following year and the ~ t the 1987 congress we shall have bulletin is compiled from these 'rZ!La~~g,:~ decided the venue for 1990, and replies, which come from all some details and that we shall have noted corners of the earth ; it is then information candidatures for 1993 and 1996. sent to everyone, usually in concerning the future And thus , concerning the last, March or April. congresses. we are able to inform you that If a colleague does not reply to another of our colleagues, Dr the questionnaire for a period of Colleagues participating in the Rowland SHELLEY, who has Jive years, or does not send 7th congress will have to decide already expressed such a wish at money or publication, he is where the 8th Congress is to be Radford in 1981, would like to removed from the list and held, that is in 1990 (our see our Congress cross the receives nothing further. myriapodological congresses Atlantic again , and wishes to The C.l.M., apart from its role take place every three years). organize the 1Oth congress in of providing information, helps If you are able to organize one, 1996 at Raleigh, North Carolina, to better coordinate work in this you can declare your candidature SA .... field, and also provides the at Vittorio Veneto, or , if you impetus for the regular sessions have not been able to come to of the International Congresses the Congress, you can plead your JfJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJil of Myriapodology every three case through one of the nine What I.s the/ years. The next of these will be members of the permanent held in Italy at Vittorio Veneto committee (Messrs. Blower, I C.I.M ? I in July 1987. Demange, Enghoff, Hoffman, IIIJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIII The C.l.M. (formed in Paris in Jeekel, Kraus, Mauries, Minelli, 1968) is not an association , but Thaler). an informal group of all Let us not forget that when it myriapodologists, who possess a comes to myriapodological permanent secretariat here at the ,..The CIM on ., congresses nothing has ever National Natura/History Museum been decided too far in advance, Microcomputer. of Paris (the result of a decision Our colleagues will already have because circumstances may taken at the 1 rst Congress of realized last year that certain change from time to time, and Myriapodology held in Paris in changes have been made in the what was possible in 1984 for 1968), and whose aim is to presentation of the Bulletin of instance, may no longer be so in quickly informyriapodologists the CIM. The reason for this is 1987. (and other zoologists and that we are in possession of a For this reason, no definite biologists who so desire) about fairly powerful set of computer decision has been made for 1990. the work that is being undertaken equipment, with a Mac Intosh The decision will be taken by the or published in the field of microcomputer, laser printer, congress at Vittorio Veneto. Myriapodology (Myriapoda and etc .. , which allows us not only However, let us not forget that Onychophora). Although there is to improve the presentation of our colleagues from Barcelona, no membership fee as such, the current Bulletin but also to who asked to have the 1987 members are asked to contribute set up data banks from which we congress as long ago as 1978 , financial aid (fixed at 50F per hope that all of you might but owing to a misunderstanding annum since 1986) or, failing benefit... if you participate in were not able to do so, should that, to donate books or this venture. Those of our take priority if they confirm offprints (to set up a colleagues who wish to set up a their wish to do so at Vittorio myriapodological library) . real interchange data on floppy Veneto, and if the Congress Towards the end of each year discs may get in touch with agrees. all listed members of the C.l.M. us.There is the possibility of At the same time, our colleagues receive a questionnaire: initiating a sound organization. from Innsbruck and Copenhagen, this questionnaire asks each It may be feasible to compile who have several times expressed member to provide a list of work myriapodological data banks, if their willingness to organize a published during the course of we can count upon your help congress (notably at Radford in the year, or already in press, once again, as in the case of the 1981), may well be inclined to together with research projects in creation of the CIM. Please help offer their candidature again for hand or to be undertaken, and us for we are only .... .J.M.D. and either 1990 or 1993 ... also asks for any information J.P.M. ~ The existence of these potential that might be of interest to candidates, however, need not Le bureau permanent du CJM myriapodologists. discourage those among you who Members return this are in a position to organize a congress for some dozens of 1 (~~~ ~1~~~~~l~~:~:~~;:~;~i ~::?~§~t~~f.~J~ In f 0 r mat i 0 ne n in in der Lage sind, einen KongreB Die Mitglieder senden diesen H i n b I i c k a u f fiir einige Dutzend Teilnehmer zu Fragebogen am Beginn des zukunftige Kongresse. organisieren, entmutigen... folgenden Jahres zuruck, und aus So konnen wir Sie informieren, den Antworten, die aus allen daB Dr. Rowland Shelley, der Gegenden der Erde zuruckkommen, Die Kollegen, die am 7. einen solchen Wunsch bereits w i r d e in Bulletin Internationalen KongreB fiir 1981 in Radford geiiuBert hat, zusammengestellt, das Myriapodologie teilnehmen, gerne unseren 10. KongreB im gewohnlich im Marz oder April werden zu entscheiden haben, wo J ahre 1996 auf der anderen Seite versandt wird. der 8. KongreB stattfinden soli. des Atlantik, in Raleigh, Falls ein Kollege 5 Jahre lang Da unsere myriapodologischen N.Carolina, organisieren auf den Fragebogen nicht Kongresse, wie bekannt, alle 3 ochte... antwortet oder weder einen J ahre stattfinden, wird dies im Beitrag noch Publikation schickt, J ahre 1990 sein. Lassen Sie uns hoffen, daB wir wird er von der Verteilerliste Wenn Sie sich in der Lage am ende des 1987er Kongresses gestrichen. fiihlen sollten, einen KongreB zu iiber unsere Tagung im Jahre 1990 Das C.l.M. will auj3er seiner organisieren, konnen Sie Ihre entschieden haben und daB wir Aufgabe, Informationen zur Kandidatur in Vittorio Veneto Kandidaten fiir 1993 und 1996 Verfugung zu stellen, auch helfen, bekannt geben. Falls Sie nicht vorgemerkt haben. Arbeiten zu koordinieren und zum KongreB kommen konnen, ist es auch moglich, Ihre ••.. ,::::::::::!::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::.::::::·:::::·:::::::·::::·:·.::::::::::::::::::::·.::.:::::::-:·.:::::::::.:::::::::::.,:;.,,, A nstoj3e fur die Sitz ung en der Internationalen Kongresse fur Kandidatur durch eins der {(.. WaS iSt .. ,}. Mitglieder des permanenten Komitees (die Herren Blower, ~~-J ~:~e;:~;;~~:E~/!i:,,;{~~~ Demange, Enghoff, Hoffman, Das CIM (Centre International Italien, und zwar in Vittorio Jeekel, Kraus, Mauries, Minelli, de Myriapodologie), das I968 in Veneto, stattfinden. und Thaler) vertreten zu lassen. Paris gegrundet wurde, ist keine Wir sollten nicht vergessen, Gesellschaft, sondern eine Das C.I.M. auf daB bisher bei den informelle Gruppe aller Personalcomputer myriapodologischen Kongressen Myriapodologen. Auf Grund eines Unsere Kollegen werden bereits Entscheidungen nie auf lange Zeit Beschlusses auf dem I. im letzten J ahr bemerkt haben, im voraus getroffen wurden, denn Internationalen Kongrej3 fur daB es bei der Bearbeitung des die Bedingungen konnen sich Myriapodologie in Paris im Jahre Bulletin des C.I.M. einige iindern, und was z.B. 1984 I968 gibt es ein permanentes Veriinderungen gegeben hat. Der moglich erschien, kann 1987 Sekretariat am Museum National Grund dafiir ist, daB wir eine recht eventuell nicht mehr moglich d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris. leistungsfiihige sein.
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