ffffi 5# Decernber 12,1969 Tke ffiewoEruE$emeny FrEemdsfuEp B*Eweem ffihfrmese aEEd &H&assilam Far€Eee e& [s Eg$desfireeegE&Ec .* Centrsl Cornriittee c,f Albonisn Forty of Lobour cnd Council cf b Ministers fete Chinese Farty ond Covernment Delegoiion $ff. Mso Tsetung Thought ls the Source Of StremEth eisht successive @ -" How shonsi's *:T:,lJ:i"f;X1", ,W Ghost of Comfuea'us' Shop cnd Aetusl Class Struggle ,;' ouoTlTror$ FRoffi GIIftIRfiIIII TNA(} r$ETUilG One of our flrrrent irnportant tasks on the ideologicd front is to unfold criticism of revisionism. T9eapons are an important factor in war, but not the decisive factcr; it is people, Eot things, that are decisive. The contest of strength is not only a contest of rnilitary and economic power, but also a conteS of human power and morale. Military and economic power is necessarily wielded by people. ' l-r;t the Parties and peoples of China and Albania unite, let the Marxist-Leninists of all countries unite, let the revolutionary people of the whole world unite and overthrow imperialism, modern revisionism and the reactionaries af every eou,ntry! A new world without imperialism, without capitalism and without any system of exploitction is eertain to be built. The time is not far off when all the aggressors in the rvorld will he buried together witla their running dogs. There is no escape for them. TT{E WEEK Chinese Psrty qnd Government Delesotion Home From Tirono The Chinese Party. and Gsvern- Tirana; working personnel of the members of the Chinese delegation rnent Delegation which was in A1- Chinese side of the Sino-Albanian walking round on the tannac to bid bania to attend the c'elebrations of Joint Stock Shipping Company; and fareu'eii to the clowds rvho repeated- the 25th anniversary of the libera- representatives of the Chinese en- ly shouted "Enver-Mao Tsetung!" tion of Albania and the victorY of gineering and technical personnel and "Long live the lriendship be- the people's revolution and to pay a rvorking in Albania and Chinese trveen Albania and China!" Youag friendship visit left Tirana for hsme students there. Pioneers presented flowers to the plane monri.ng of members of the Chinese delegation. by special on the The Chinese Journalists' Delega- with December 4. The delegation tion on a friendship visit in Albania Comrade Shehu and other Albanian head and Comrade Li Hsien-nien as was also present to see the deiega- comrades posed for a group photo Comrade ti Teh-sheng as deputY tisn off. with the Chinese Party and Govern- head carried home with it the pro- ment Delegation by the side of the Also present at the airport were found revolutionary friendship of airllrrer. Ttren, the Chinese and Al- diplomatic envoys of a number of the fr-aternal Albanian people for ihe banian comrades shook hands \&'arm- countries acrcredited to Tirana. Chinese people's great leader Chair- ly and said good-bye to each otlier man Mao as weLl as for the Chinese Thousands of people gathering at af'cer warm embraces. people. the airport to see the Chinese com- The crorrds vaved the national rades-in-arrns o{f held aloft the por- .Amoag those present at the Tiraaa flags oI the two ountries and bou- trait Comrade Enver Hoxha and airport to gtve the Chinese delgga- of quets as the plaue to take off the portrait of Chairman Mao as well @an tion a B'arm send-ofI were Comrade to loud plaudits wishing the Chinete as placards inscribed rvith the follow- Mehmet Shehu, Member of the PoUt- cornr.ades-in-arrns a bon voyage. ical Bureau of the Central Commit- ing slogans: "Long live the fighti,ng tee of the Albanian Party of Labour friendship between Albania and After leavirg Tirana and resting and Chairman of the Council of China!" "Long live the Albanian for a day on its way homp, the Chi- Ministers; gtb Albaaiaa Party and Party of Labour!" "Long live Com- nese Party and Goverrrment Delega- Government leading comrades, in- rad'e Enver lloxha!" and "Long live tion returned to :Peking triumphantly cluding AdiI Carcani, Beqir Balluku, Chairman fuIao Tsetung, the great on the afternoon of December 6. people Gogo Nushi, Haki Toska, Ilysni Ka- leader of the Chinese and the Among those at the airport to wel- po, Ramiz Alia, Rita Marko, Spiro closest friend sf the Albanian pe+- come the return of the delegation Kotr.eka, Abdyl Kellezi, Kadri Hazbi.u, plel" ?hey waved Albarrian and Chi- were Chen Po-ta and Kang Sheng, Koco Theodhosi, Petrit Dume ancl nese national flags and bouquets as Members of the Standing Committee \I Pilo Peristeri; Secretary of the Cerr they sang revolutionary songs and of the Political Bureau of the Cen- tral Comrnittee of t.he Albanian shouted slogans in praise of the tral Committee of the Chinese Com- Party of Iabour Xhafer Spahiu; Pre- friendship between Albania and munist Party; Huang Yung-sheng, sident of the People's Assembly China. Member of the Political Bureau of Bexhar Shtylla; Minister of Foreign Arnid warm applause and cheers, the Party Central Committee and Affairs Nesti Nase; Members of the and Chief the General Staff of the Party Central Commiitee; gol,ern- the Chinse Party Government of Delegation amived at the airport in Chinese Feople's Liberation Army; ment ministers; leading cadres of the the company of Comrade Shehu and Hsieh Fu-chih, lVlember of the Po1iti- Albanian People's Army and relre- other Albanian comrades. Then the cal Bureau of the Party Central sentatives of mass organizations. band played the Chinese and Al- Committee and Vice-Premier of the Also present at the airport to say banian national anthems and, ac- State Council; lVu Fa-hsien, Member good-bye to the delegation wer€ companied by Comrade Shehu, Com- of the Political Bureau of the Party Keng Piao, member of the Chinese rade Li Hsien-nien and Comrade Central Committee and Deputy Chief Party and Government Delegatien Li Teh-sheng revierved the guards of the General Staff of the Chinese and Chinese Ambassador to Albania; of honour of the Albanian Peo- People's Liberation ArmY; Chi Teng- the staff of ttre Chinese Embassy in ple's Army. This rvas foUowed by kuei, Alternate Mernber of the December 72, 7969 L- Political Bureau of the Party Cen- and leading members of the depart- of the Coui:cil of Ministers, cut the tral Comrnittee; \Mang Hsin-ting, rrlents concerned. ribbon for the exiribition amidst Kuang Jen-nung, Wu Teh and Hsiao Xhonrhi B"obo, Aibanian Ambas- warm applause. Ching-ktrang, I:Iembers of the Party Central Committee; Fang Yi and sador to China, rvas also present at Comrade Enver Horha, Corni'ade Huang Chih-yung, Alter:nate Mem- the airport to r,velcone the return of Haxhi Lleshi, Comrade Mehmet She- bers of the Party, Centi:al Committee; the delegation. hu and other Albanian Party and government leaders saw the exhibits, accompanied b), Comrade Li Hsien- nien, Comrade Li Teh-sheng and all the members of the Chinese Party EXhibitiOn On Chinats SUCCeSSSS in SOCialiSt and covernment Deregation led by them as well as Ccmrade Chai Hou- Construction Opens in Tirana jen, director of the exhibition. After the oper-ring ceremony, thou- sands of working people in the city An exhibition on the successes in signatures on the note written by of Tirana, imbued with profound socillist construction of the Peo- Comrade Enver Hoxha. revolutionary friendship for the Chi- ple':; Republic of Chrna opened rvith nese peoplq enthusiastically visited present gi'airdeur in Tii'ana. capiial of Alba- AIso on the occasion were the exhibition the same day. leading comrades A1- nia, orr Dect'nrber' 1. other of the baaian Party and Governrnent. The exhibition on the successes in Cornradc Enver Hoxha, the great socialist construction of the Peo- The Chinese Party and Govern- learier of the Albanian people and ple's Republic of China consists of five ment Delegation with Comrade Li First Sccretary of the Central Com- pavilions: the Sino-Albanian Friend- Hsien-nien as the head and Comrade mittee of the Albanian Party of La- ship Pavilion, the Great Proletarian bour, Comrade Haxhi I,leshi, Pres- Li Teh-sheng as the deputy head at- tended the ceremony. Cultural Revolution Pavilion, the ident of the Presidium of the Peo- Agriculture Pavilion, the Light In- ple's Assenrbly, and Comrade Meh- Present also lvere delegations from dustry Pavilion and the HeavY In- met Shehu, Chairman of the Council other countries that have come for dustry Pavilion. It covers an area of Ministers, attended the opeaing the celebrations of the 25th anniver- 8,000 square metres. eeremony and saw the exhibit* At of more than sary of the liberation of Albania. More than 4,300 kinds of exhibits the end of the visit, Comrade &rver The Chinese Journalists' Delegation are on display. Hoxha wrote in the visitors' book: was also present. , i'The Chinese exhibition which we Foreign dipl:matic envoys in Alba- vi.sited toelay is majestic, iust as the nia also attended. glorious and fraternal Chinese peo- French Morxist-Leninist ple are. After an opening speech by Com- Communists Delegotion rade Chai Hou-jen, director of the the "V[e saw with admitation Chinese exhibition, the national flags ln Peking Chinese work- titanic efforts of the of Aibania and China were hoisted ing people irr sl1 fields of life. AII in front of the exhibition building At the invitation of the Central force PartY these w'onders of the wisdom, to the strains of the national anthems Committee of the Communist work and crea- of rvill, and skill at of both countries.
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