t •• Violations Taint MSA Elections BY MATTHEW S. SCHWARTZ elections. Had these violations been date, and thus issued no disqualifica­ Stewart was asked whether she thought AND R. COLIN PAINTER counted, the students say, at least one tions. the election board was fair in issuing elected Students' Party candidate The students reporting the viola­ her four demerits (one short of forcing F THE TRUTH IS THAT would have been disqualified from the tions claim that Stewart's actions should her out of her seat), she said that "I "I think they did an excellent job. ... I someone did something race. have garnered a total of six demerits, wrong, it's your job to report A great number of concerned can­ disqualifying her from the race. In an personally will say that the election it." So said Josh Trapani, an Indepen­ didates and independent observers for­ interview, Stewart defended her ac­ board did nothing wrong." dent candidate who won reelection to mally reported alleged violations to the tions, saying that as a freshman she is "Each incident was investigated by the Michigan Student Assembly in the election board viae-mail in the week new to the political arena and many of a member of the [election] board, with­ fall 1998 elections. Indeed, questions leading up to the election. These charges the rules were unclear to her, and that out exception, as soon as possible after have come to light concerning alleged were filed against Kym Stewart of the her great plans for MSA should have notice was received," said MSA Rules violations of the MSA Election Code by Students' Party and Jennifer been taken into consideration as the and Elections Chair Andrew Serowik certain candidates, as well as the slip­ VanRoeyen of the Defend Affirmative election board reviewed her violations. in an e-mail. "The standard set by the shod maImer in which the MSA elec­ Action Party. Charges were also filed Later, however, she reversed herself, election board was to assign demerits tion board may have handled these against the Students' Party itself. saying that "ignorance was not an ex­ only in cases where an election board allegations. The candidates in question alleg­ cuse at all; first year there is no trial member observed the violation them­ Many students recently inundated edly violated sections 41.551, 41.561, period, you know?" selves, or [where] substantial proof of a the Michigan Review's e-mail inbox with and 41.66 of the Code (see sidebar, page She went on to say that "[I] would violation existed." Regarding the spe­ allegations that the election board (the 5). The Code deems that each of these never do anything out of malice, and cific violations in question, members of group designated to deal with candi­ violations earns a candidate one "de­ once everything was brought to my the election board said that there was date violations and levy penalties) failed merit." After five demerits, a candidate attention, it was rectified immediately." no proof that the violations had actu­ to appropriately reprimand some can­ is disqualified. The final list of demerits But she later admitted that it took her ally occurred. didates who violated sections of the shows that the election board issued no several days to find many of the offend­ Election Code during the fall 1998 MSA more than four demerits to any candi- ing posters and rectify her errors. When See MSA on page 5 ... ,. ~ ..... Mumia: Martyr or Murderer? BY JACOB OSUCK nesses and in­ vania Supreme our place to inform students about the fantile suppo­ Court rejected Mr. facts of the case, irrespective of Free "MUMIA WAS FRAMED sition. Fre­ Jamal's appeal for Mumia's misleading propaganda. As for the righteous 1981 kill- quently, as the a new trial. Al­ sources,] researched the case with the ing of a Philly cop en­ above quote though Mr. Jamal aid of fully-sourced information pro­ gaged in an act of police brutality. Some­ demonstrates, still has the fed­ vided by the Philadelphia-based group, one else killed the cop, but the Amerikan they lace their eral avenue to Justice For Daniel Faulkner. In system of injustice backed up by the support for pursue, this deci­ fairness, through a taped interview, I fascist anti-crime fever among the white Mr. Jamal sion places him also solicited the views of local Free petit-bourgeoisie and labor aristocracy with a virulent one step close to Mumia leader Micah Holmquist, and demands that someone die for the kill­ anti-Ameri­ an appointment read through the literature of numer­ ing of a pig. II canism, ex­ with the Grim ous Free Mumia groups around the -MIM Notes, December 1, 1998; em­ treme even by Reaper. On the country, induding a letter written to phasis added the standards heels of this deci­ the New York Times by Mr. Jamal's cur­ of Fidel sion, Mr. Jamal's rent attorney, Leonard Wineglass. Throughout the history of the Castro. Fortu­ supporters re-en­ ,From all this research, a common Mumia Abu Jamlil case, the prosecu­ nately, the le­ ergized, including defense theory emerges. Summarized, tion has presented a concrete, consis­ gal system has the re-founding of it states a "running man" shot Officer tent case that Mr. Jamal killed Philadel­ not heeded a Free Mumia Faulkner, while Faulkner beat Mr. phia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner on their ridicu­ group here on the Jamal's brother, William Cook. How­ December 9th, 1981. In response, Mr. lous pleas. On U-M campus. AJ:, ever, upon learning that Mr. Jamal, an Jamal's supporters propagate a hokey October 30th, such, we at the Re­ ~ MUMIA on page 13 theory backed, up by incredulous wit- the Pennsyl- view consider it .. Serpent's From Review New Living 2 Tooth 4 Suite One 6 Columnists' 8 & Views 13 Culture We once again skewer an­ We offer our opinions on c. J. Carnacchio offers his A chance encounter with We critique The Prince of other herd of sacred cows. MSA election violations and New Year's Resolutions, and Bollinger, thoughts on dorm Egypt, glam-rock, and the the proposed U-M tobacco _ Lee Bockhom highlights the life, the Euro, Ann Arbor Tragically Hip. stock divestment. Worst of Winter 1999 courses. pizza, and more. ~ - - --= - -- -. - -"'----- - - ... - . ::::._.. _ ... _,::~: : _= -:- n: .... ,. -:-::-- :~~.==' =-'~~~._" ... :-::::::-:-.::.::"':'::" ,___ _ ,.. .:.. ____. .~ ...::.'~ ...': ..::~ ,.. ._= .~~::::.~...... :~,_~:,;;,;;;;:;;;;;- ::...;;; ' :~;.;:;....;.....:;;;;.;._...;;;;;.......:;;.;;.;...:;......; ___ 2 THE MICHIGAN REVIEW January 20,1999 Till': 1\11< ' 111(; .\:-; RE\' IE\\" . The Campus Affairs Journal of the o SERPENT'S TOOT-ij University of Michigan "AI Gore in '99!" EDITORIAL BOARD After being rejected from the Univer­ cheap pop. Of course, the Review staff his president, Bob Dole: First Lady EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Lee Bockhom PUBLISHER: Sang Lee sity, Dan Granger recently announced has to buy $1.25 sodas at the League gift Viagra, vote Bob" EXECUTIVE EDITOR: C. J. Camacchio that he is now applying to Brigham shop. Just another example of the Ad­ CAMPUS AFFAIRS EDITOR: Matthew Schwartz Young. The only problem with his ap­ ministration keeping us down. Question: why don't fraternities shovel NATIONAL AFFAIRS EDITOR: Jacob Oslick plication is that he thought the college their sidewalks? Answer: All those ARTS EDITOR: Julie Jeschke ONLINE EDITOR: Ben Rousch was called "Bring 'em Young." young strong men aren't lazy, they're Recently Planned Parenthood con­ waiting for sorority girls to get stuck EPITORIAL STAFF demned a rising tide of violence at abor­ and ask them for help. "Oh.. Bobby my MUSIC EDITOR: Chris Hayes Currently, the Supreme Court is hear­ tion clinics. We here at the Review are in feet are cold, can I come in and warm CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Matthew Buckley ing the case of a fifth grader suing her total agreement, and we condemn all up?" ILLUSTRATOR: Astrid Phillips school for failing to protect her against violence at abortion clinics, especially sexual harassment. Surprisingly, Dan the violeI)ce that goes on inside every­ STAFF WRITERS: Michael Austin, John Bach, Josh Granger is not involved. day. In light of the Daily's recent criticism of Benninghoff, Hal Borkow, Dror Baron, Brian Cook, Jay Figurski, Andrew Golding, David Guipe, John Jernstad, the pro-life movement as trivializing Ryan Painter, Amol Parulekar the Holocaust, we find it interesting ' Interestingly, one of the allegations has It now appears that the Review is en­ that they have ignored similar offenses BUSINESS STAFF: Dror Baron already been shown false. Specifically, gaged in a full scale war with Daily from the Left. For example, Uzi EDITORS EMERm Benjamin Kepple the girl claims that a classmate grabbed columnist James Miller. Most recently, Benziman, a columnist for HaAretz, Geoff Brown her breasts. Later, tl.is was shown to be Miller obliquely referred to the Review Israel's leading newspaper, recently The Michigan Review is the independent, student-run impossible, since the girl had no breasts. in his column by stating the following: used his column to refer to the govern­ journal of conservative and libertarian opinion at the Uni­ "It's rather like when wimpy, bawling, ing Likud party as "a member of the versity of Michigan. We neither solicit nor accept monetary little monkey boys latch onto conserva­ family of fascist parties, as we have donations from the U~ , Contributions to the Michigan With the explosion of acronym-based tism and libertarian journalism to an come to understand that term in the Review are tax-deductible under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, The Review is not affiliated with organization, Serpent's Tooth would alarming lack of secondary sex charac­ 20th century." Hmmrn... a liberal com­ any political party or university political group.
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