© 2021 Van Zandt Newspapers L.L.C Volume, 105 No. 16 2 Sections, 12 Pages Saturday, April 17, 2021 www.terrelltribune.com 972-563-6476 Terrell, Texas 75160 75 Cents Commissioners OK study on juvenile detention center Hank Murphy and concerns with the current sys- contracts with seven separate agen- able to lock up every kid they think Editor tem for housing juvenile offenders. cies for juvenile detention services, needs to be locked up because they Chief county juvenile probation of- one of which is all the way in Mar- may not be able to do the transport.” Kaufman County commissioners ficer Laura Peace said her office is shall. The Terrell Police Department tal- Tuesday approved purchasing a dealing with a growing number of “It’s just a bad situation, and you’re lied 146 juvenile offenses between $48,000 feasibility study on whether young offenders. She described her not hearing about it because we’re Jan. 1, 2019 and April 1, 2021. to build a new juvenile detention fa- office as a pressure cooker as the doing our jobs,” Peace told commis- District Attorney Erleigh Wiley cility. number of juvenile offenders grew sioners. “The police are doing their also stated The action came after a number by 40% over the previous year. jobs. We’re getting into a situation the need for of county officials laid out problems As it stands now, Kaufman County where officers are not going to be Kaufman See Facility, 2A Appraisal notices likely to show higher valuations Hank Murphy Editor Hank Murphy photo An artist’s rendering of the planned Kaufman County Justice Center. omeowners through- out Terrell and Kaufman County will soon receive apprais- Construction begins on new al notices, and many will see increases in theH valuation of their property. county Justice Center In Kaufman County, the median home market value will go up about H ANK M URPHY 10%, according to the Kaufman County Editor Central Appraisal District. “All real property categories seem KAUFMAN – Construction is under way on to be increasing,” said Coy Johnson, a a $37 million promise made to voters in 2019. deputy appraiser for the district. “The Excavation equipment is scraping earth Real Estate Center at A&M shows that to clear way for the Kaufman County Justice we’re 13-14% up (in median sales pric- Center. County leaders gathered Tuesday to es) from Jan. 1 of last year. Our stuff mark the onset of construction adjacent to the is holding pretty close to that across county jail and Sheriff’s Department on Hwy. the board in all categories, whether it 175. The new Justice Center is expected to be be commercial, vacant land or residen- completed in the fall 2022. tial.” “We wanted the building to be dignified, not The COVID-19 pandemic did not ad- fancy, not posh, but dignified. And this is go- versely affect the county’s residential ing to be a dignified building as it should be and commercial real estate markets, because this will be the center for justice for according to the appraisal district. Kaufman County,” County Judge Hal Richards Hank Murphy Photo The big pic- Sheriff Bryan Beavers said the new Justice Center will make it safer and more efficient to transport prisoners for court appearances. ture showed See Appraisal, 2A See Ground-breaking, 2A TVCC wins BIG in Florida. See more details on page 1B. Labeling for TRT 4/17/21 A wonder of technology Hank Murphy photo A city utilities worker observes professionals from Advanced Valve Technologies use a special machine purchased by the city to install a valve in a six-inch water line in the 900 block of Griffith Avenue this week. In this photo, the blue machine appears to jut upward 18 inches or so from the water pipe. The technology allows valves to be inserted without shutting off the flow of water through the line and interrupting service to neighborhoods. Gate valves such as this allow the city more flexibility in keeping a stable flow of water in all parts of the city. About half a dozen city workers observed the live valve insertion as part of training in the machine’s use. Dick Boyd, a city supervisor at the site, said the average cost of using a professional service to install a valve with a live flow of water is $35,000. The city will have paid for the new machine after just a few uses, he said. INSIDE TODAY Section A Church Directory........Page 5 State News..........Page 2 Jumps ...................Page 2 Community................Page 6 Classifieds......Pages 3-4 Obits/Opinion..........Page 3 Section B Police.................Page 5 TV Guide................Page 4 Community..............Page 1 Outdoors............Page 6 Page 2A– The Terrell Tribune, Saturday, April 17, 2021 Terrell early voting starts April 19 Early voting begins Monday, April 19 Rock Church in Terrell. The winner will at the Terrell Sub-courthouse, 408 East replace Charles Whitaker, who cannot College St., in the District 4 Terrell City run again because of term limits. Council race. Incumbent District 2 Councilman Grady The ballot will feature Stephanie Thom- Simpson will run unopposed on the bal- as, a registered nurse and a member of lot. the city’s Planning and Zoning Commis- The election is set for Saturday, May 1. sion, against Gary Weems, pastor of The Early voting is scheduled to end April 27. GROUND-BREAKING FACILITY FROM 1A FROM 1A County to come to grips with the in the in the wind,” Gray said. said of the Justice Center. Sheriff Bryan Beavers said that situation, saying a juvenile detention In the end, Peace said, having a A parade of elected county offi- upon completion of the Justice Cen- center is needed now. detention center for juveniles will cials praised the qualities incorpo- ter, his staff no longer will have to Peace noted that Dallas County, lead to more positive outcomes. rated into the building’s design: load 22-26 prisoners aboard a bus for instance, is accepting fewer kids “These are the county’s kids. If security and safety, environmental and drive them downtown to the from Kaufman County. She cannot, they’re here form the minute they responsiveness, accessibility, effi- courthouse day in and day out. In- she said, compel another county to walk in the door we can start work- ciency, advanced technology and stead, they will be led through an en- accept Kaufman County’s juvenile ing with them to hopefully lessen the quality public spaces. The offenders. Sometimes the young of- chances that they go further into the Justice Center will house fenders have to be turned loose. system,” said Peace. “Dallas Coun- district courtrooms, county “If you have your own facility, you ty? It’s a traumatic experience. The courts-at-law, jury assem- control your own fate. You don’t things we could do, the treatment we bly and ceremonial space, have to contract with anyone,” ex- could do just from the initial intake chambers and court admin- plained Peace. could change lives. I have no doubt istration, public law library, Court-at-Law Judge Tracy Gray, if we have our own detention center grand jury and mediation who handles many juvenile cases, we’re going to change the lives of space, district clerk’s office, said she’s has to assign ankle mon- kids in this county for generations. public defender and adult itors to some young offenders be- If we have our own detention center, probation and pretrial. cause there is no space for them. we’re going to change the lives of Funding for the Justice She fears some of them will run kids here in Kaufman County. That’s Center comes from a $50 away. Just that morning, two kids not an overstatement.” million bond referendum had cut off the monitors and “they’re passed by voters in the fall of 2019. A companion proj- ect, the Kaufman County APPRAISAL Pet Adoption Center, broke FROM 1A ground nearby earlier in consistent sales numbers in the northwest corner – Forney, Terrell, April. first quarater of 2020, said Johnson. Crandall – is our primary growth The current Kaufman When the pandemic hit in March, driver right now. They’re probably County Courthouse is con- the volume of transactions slowed seeing growth in the number of new sidered cramped and out- as buyers and sellers dealt with con- homes as well as the rate of market moded for the demands of cerns about virus transmission. How- appreciation,” he said. a modern criminal and civil Hank Murphy photo ever, as people settled in to the new A higher property valuation can justice system. County Commissioner Terry Barber gives remarks at Tuesday’s ground- breaking ceremony. normal during the summer months, lead to higher taxes for a homeown- “Everybody here knows “the market picked back up and kept er. However, that isn’t automatically the story of the current going,” said Johnson. “It slowed, but the case. In some cases, homeown- courthouse and the unacceptable closed corridor from the jail to the the values never dropped off, just the ers could actually see a lower tax bill safety concerns we have there,” said courts building. That arrangement volume.” even though their valuation went up. Richards. “will save me a lot of problems and As far as the 13% gain in median Besides valuations, the size of tax Said District Attorney Erleigh I guarantee I’ll get to sleep at night a sales prices, “There are certain plac- bills are tied to tax rates and, espe- Wiley: “It’s really an uncomfortable little bit more,” said Beavers.
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