Multi Purpose Deep Tunnel (MPDT) An Integrated Solution for Flood Control, Water Supply, Waste Wa ter, Road Tunnel and Public Utilities in the Jakarta Mega City Presented to : Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) 2008 June 25, 2008 Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Centre - Water Leaders Summit and South East Asia Business Forum FIRDAUS ALI, PhD. N A N A I A R Y M A I L N Jakarta Water Supply Regulatory Body E U P M (JWSRB) 1 Environmental Serious Problems being faced by Mega City of Jakarta. 1) Floods, paralyzing the city (Business, Industrial and Municipal damages); a) 2002 Flood damages IDR 9.9 Trillions b) 2007 ditto IDR 8.8 Trillions TOTAL IDR 18.7 Trillions (eq. to USD 2.05 Billions) 2) Raw water scarcity and also badly polluted; 3) Water supply coverage ratio, only around 55 %; 4) Untreated waste water, causing water borne diseases due to e-colli; 5) Excessive abstraction of Ground Water, causing land subsidence and sea water intrusion as well as worsening the flood control management; 6) Traffic congestion is severe, causing national loss IDR 43.3 T/annum (eq. to USD 4.76 B/annum); 7) Climate change worsen the situation. Strategy to Solve Those Problems : STRUCTURAL Urban Integrated Efficient Cost effectiveness MEASURES Infrastructure Development INFRASTRUCTURE SERIOUS PROBLEMS NON STRUCTURAL MEASURES Social Economic Solving Problems Political By Stages Land Acquisition BEST EFFORTS Key Words : 1) Land Acquisition 2) Commitment on Urban Integrated Infrastructure Development by sta ges MULTI PURPOSE DEEP TUNNEL (MPDT) An Integrated Solution for Flood Control, Water Supply, Waste Water, Road Tunnel and Public Utilities in the Jakarta Mega City With the Following Benefits; 1. Controlling peak flood; 2. Improving urban wastewater management, including Water Reclamation Plants (WRPs) to : Supply clean water for the Northern part of Jakarta; Improve water quality in water bodies; Produce electric power (methane gas) and organic fertilizer. 3. Reducing ground water abstraction due to improved city piped water service due to a more reliable supply of raw water; 4. Constructing of tunnel need no land acquisition except for holding pond and ingresses + egresses of toll road; 5. Utilizing the tunnel as toll roadway as in SMART project ( KL) and utility shaft, as in TARP project (Chicago). k t e ke Serang ke o M k l e e S r Ciliwung RiverBasin e a r a k n ke Rangkasbitung ke g C id u r Cib eureum i an Ranca Sumur Cid urian C i Cimanceuri p a seu m Cileuleu Balaraja s CISADANERIVER IMPROVEMENT C Cima tuk i m Planned ofPlanned Ciawi Dam a n ce C u ira r i ra b Curug TANGERANG S e u dan CENGKARENG DRAIN NORMALIZATION is a k C a + 6 .01 r A n i Ciledug o r p Serpong - o K. Ta hang + 1 6.46 H r t a gk e K t An . Parung K. t K a a ma l Ciputat K . W e t a n Cengkareng Drain K. Sep ak Sa l. Meruya Empang K. Pesa ngg rahan K. Sek reta ris WESTWAY NORMALIZATION FLOOD at ar + 2 40.97 DEPOK B al K. Gro go l an r K nji Ba K. Krukut BOGOR K. Ma mpa ng + 2 43.33 35,5 Km + 6 JAKARTA 32 K. Cid eng Km + Jam 3 Ciliwung U Katulampa Ho JAVASEA urs Ka li Ba ru T Cimanggis Cik imu r . Cip ina ng eas K GunungPutri ter Sun K. K. Bua ra n PondokGede K. J atik ra ma t Cakung Drain K. Ca kung BEKASI Cileungsi C K. Ma runda ileu n gsi K. Blenco ng Gn. Pangrango Gn. Jonggol ke Cianjur ke Cis K. ek a ad a B si n g Cibarusa C C . i k B Cikarang a . 0 12km r L an g . 2 4 6 8 10 C ilema h b Cibeet a a ng Cib eet T o l KARAWANG k e C i k a CILIWUNG-CISADANE PROYEK PROYEK PENGELOLAAN SUMBER AIR m p e Waduk Jatiluhur k k DAN PENGENDALIAN BANJIR e C i k RIVER BASIN a CILIWUNG-CISADANE m p e k Curug Ciliwung– Cisadane Boundary Boundary River basin boundary River basin boundary Railway Railway Road Road River River Drainage Network DKI Government Provincial Flood control program Flood 1(alternative ) Note C i t a r u m : sws 08.11.2001 Sea O utfal l Pl uit Stor age Reservoir WR P Grogol Dam To Sea Outfall CidengPum ping St ation Melati Attenuation Pond Karet Slui ce G ate M anggarai Slui ce Gate Set iabudiPond Pe jompong an WTP Pluit Storage Holdi ng Basin Headwor ks Reservoir WRP West East Central Egress Map of MPDT Airport Concept Egress Grogol Dam Roxy Cideng Pumping Station Egress Tanah Abang Melati Attenuation Karet Sluice Pond Gate Manggarai Sluice Gate Setiabudi Pond Pejompongan WTP Toll Road Balekambang - Manggarai Holding Basin MPDT Central Zone Headworks MPDT FOR CENTRAL ZONE (CILIWUNG, CIDENG, KRUKUT) Java Sea Sea Outfall (Pumped + Non Return Valve ) Egress Airport Existing pump MT Haryono Pluit Reservoir MPDT Ri ver Bed / West Flood Way / Surface MPDT Area : 80 Ha River Bed / West Flood Way / Su rface (Half part is for WWTP/ Advanced Activated Sludge) Bell Mouth Intake Sewage U tili ty Shaft Holding Basin Utility Shaft pipes +++4 Ha Drainage network + 15 m + 15 m Diversion Weir Full PressurizF ully P ressurized ed Flow Flow Egress Roxy Diversion Weir Inlet 3 (100 m 3(250/s) duringm /s) dur 7 ing hour 3 with Off Take R 100 (emerg ency ou tlet) + 12 m with R 100 + 12 m (emergency outlet) Head works Stor m Water Wastewater Egress Tanah Abang Hea dwo rk MT Haryo no + Ho ldin g Bas in Wastewater + 12 m Melati Attenuation Ponds + 12 m (area : 3.5 Ha) Length : + 22 Km Ciliwung Kota Diameter : + 12 m Volume : + 2.5 million m 3 KaretSluice Q = 0 LengthFilling Time : + 3 : hour + 22 Km Gate Diameter : + 12 m Volume : + 2.5 mill ion m 3 Fil ling Time : + 7 hour W ManggaraiSluice est Flood W ay Gate Pejompongan WTP Setiabudi Ponds (area : 4.35 Ha) Plan of MPDT Toll Road (underneath Ciliwung River and West Flood Way) Ingress Balekambang - Pasar Minggu- Manggarai Through DTRS Thr ough MPDT h Headwork MT Haryono h SafeSafety Level - Diversion Weir (at “Normalized”Kali(at “Normalized”Kali Ciliwung and B KB) - Offtake Structure Ciliwung and BKB) - Holding Pond (+ 4 Ha) Flood Q 100 3100 t Manggarai Sluice Gate=Flood 750 Q m /s ManggaraiSluice Gate= t Peak P eriod 750 m3/s Peak Period Q MP DT (max) at Peak Flood = 10025 0m m 3/s 3/s (the flow is us ually discharged into the exis ting urban drainage syste m to downtown 3 Qa rea DTRS a t Alert(max) Level 1) at peak Flood = 100 m /s (the flow is usuall y discharged into the existing urban drainage system to down town area at alert level !) CILIWUNG RIVER River Bed / West Flood Way / Surface Utility Shaft Fully Pressurized Flow + 15 m (250 m 3/s) during 3 hour with R 100 + 12 m (emergency outlet) Storm Water Wastewater + 12 m Length : + 22 Km Diameter : + 12 m Volume : + 2.5 million m 3 Filling Time : + 3 hour Flood Data, February 2007 MPDT & Other Alternative Technology N Ancient Ground Water Jakarta Water Resources Management DAM o. MPDT Canal (problems & solutions) River Recharge 1. Flood control 2. Scarcity of Raw water resource 3. Sewage 4. Ground water conservation (DG) (SG) 5. Improvement of surface water quality 6. Land acquisition 7. Cost 8. Technology 9. Integrated Urban Water Resources 10 Potential Revenue USD usd . = appropriate; = how?; = not possible; = not effective; = unnecessary; = a must; = relatively expensive; = inexpensive; USD = potential; usd = slightly potential; =relatively easy Note : in addition to matters mentioned above, MPDT also benefits in improving toll road & utility network FLOW DIAGRAM OF MPDT CONCEPT IMPLEMENTATION “Flow Diagram of MPDT Concept ” I. Pre -Feasibility Study (FS) to Basic Design This phase comprises of : 1) Technical Aspect, for Geological aspect and Hydro Geology, Soil Investigation, Flood Control, Traffic System Engineering and Management, Waste Water Management and its Reclamation Plant, Utility Shaft, Civil/Structural Engineering Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Health and Safety Engineering. 2) Economical Aspect, economical aspect is needed to observe to what extent investment is economically feasible to mitigate the impact of flood damages and address economical benefit. Continued.. I. Pre -Feasibility Study (FS) to Basic Design 3) Ecological and social culture aspect, which comprises of : A. Environmental/ecological impact in development phase and operation and maintenance phase. B. Cultural social aspect, especially for those community reside along side Ciliwung river and west flood way including acceptability level. 4) Financial aspect, is needed in identifying to what extent private sector including BUMN and BUMD both national and foreign investment are financially feasible (FIRR, schematic fund and concession period) II. Feasibility Study (FS) to Detailed Design 1) After Pre-Fs is accepted by the government, the stages of FS and detailed design shall be continued by the proponent; 2) The result of FS and detailed design shall become a basis for negotiation process based on BOT scheme, or tendering process under PPP scheme between Government and Private sector; 3) The negotiation or tender result as mentioned above, shall become a baseline for entering the contract agreement between government and related private sector, based on pre determined of concession period. III. MPDT Implementation Once FS and Detailed Design are completely done, next phase is to implement MPDT by the investor consortium through EPC system (Engineering, Procurement, & Construction) which consist of work items as follow: A.
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