For official we only 'CENsus OF INDIA 197 1 SERIES-IO MADHYA PRADESH PART VIB-A ADMINISTRA TION REPORT Enumeration A. K. PANDYA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SER.VlCE DIRECOOR OF CENSUS OPERATlO~S MADHYA PRADESH Cover Motif.-One of the four gateways (Toranas) around the Stupa at Sa.nChi, District Raisen, Madhya. Pradesh, construction of which was started in 3rd Century B. C. by Emperor Asoka, depicting, among other items, the lions which. continue to be a symbol of administration in independent India also. 1971 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS, MADHYA PRADESH (All the Ce11.HlS Publications of this State will bear series No. 10) PART I Census General Report including Subsidiary (in Sub-Parts) Tables. PART II-A Census Tables on population. PART H-B EconOIIllic Tables. (in Sub-Parts) PART H-C Social and Cultural Tables. '(in Sub-Parts) PART HI-A Establishment Report and Subsidiary Tables. PART IH-B Establishment Tables. PART IV Housing Report and Tables. PARTV Special Tables and Ethnographic Notes on (in Sub-Parts) Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. PART VI-A Town Directory. PART VI-B Special Survey Reports on selected towns. PART VI-C Survey Reports on selected villages. PART VII Special Report on Graduates and Techmcal Personnel. PART VIII-A Administration Report-Enumeration. PART VIH-B Administration Report-Tabulation. PART IX Census Atlas. STATE GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PART X-A Village and Town Directory. PART X-B VJllage and Town Primary Censlls Abstracts. PART X-C Analytical Report and Administrative State- ments and District Census Tables. (District Census Handbooks are published under Part X in 3 Parts-A, B and C for each of the 43 districts in the State. Parts A and B are published in one volume). ~ CHAPTER SUBJECI' Pages PREFACE I. General-Introductory 1-2 II Initial Preparatory Mejlsures 8-6 III First Census Conference, May, 1969 7-11 IV Census Calendar 12-14 V Training Seminars 15-16 VI Staff for State and District Offices 17-24 VII Touring 25-27 VIII Printing and Distribution of Schedules and Instructions. IX Procurement and Preparation of Maps 88-15 X Administrative Units for Enumeration and 86-41 Presentation of Cens\Js Data-Recognition of Towns-Location Code. XI Enumeration Agency 42-48 XII House-numbering and Houselisting 44-52 XIII. Second Census Conference of June, 1970 58-54 XIV Census Hierarchy-Fonnation of Enumeration 55-56 Blocks. .• XV Training of Enumeration Personnel 57-59 XVI The Census Enumeration ." 60-66 XVII The Census Act 67-68 XVIII Directives of the State Government 69-70 XIX Publicity 71-78 XX Distribution of Honorarium and Medals 74-76 XXI General Administration, Budget and Accollnts 77-79 XXII Post Enumeration Check 80-82 XXIII Ancillary Studies 83-86 XXIV Conclusion 87-88 (ii) APPENDICES CUAPI'ER SUBJEcr Pages 1 Circular from State Government introducing the .. 91 Director of Census Operations. _.•. D Details of staff in position at the time of assump- 92 tion of office by the Director, i.e., as on 14:-5-1969. III Circular No. 1 issued by the Registrar-General, 93-98 India. .. IV. J?etails q( Circulars issued 99 V Number of clarifications/amendments issuedx 100 VI. Statement showing the dates of receipt of House- 101 lists and Establishment Schedules from the di~ tricts. VII. Statement showing the touring done by Shri A. K. 102-112 Pandya, Director of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh and other Deputy Directors of Census Operations. .. VIII Copy of letter No. 5596-CR-491-1 (4), dated lIS' the 9th September, 1970, from Government of Madhya Pradesh, General Administration De- partmep.t to all Collectors. • IX District-wise allotment of monthly POL charges 114 X. ?ern of letter No. 907-113-2-A(3), dated the 16th 115 mary, 1970, from the Government of Madhya Pradesh, Home Department to all the Collectors. XI Statement showing the receipt and distribution 116-121 of forms, Schedules and Instruction Booklets. ., m Block-wise requirement of Enumerators' Daily 122-12S Posting Statement forms worked <Y.:tt on the basis of actual population returned in the 1971 Census in respect of Samri tahsil of Surguia District. XIII. List of towns for 1971 Census .. 129-131 XlV. Copy of letter No. 28-66-68-Pub.I, dated the 15th 13! April, 1968, from the Government of India, Ministry' of Home Affairs, New Delhi, to the Chief. Secretary. of all States and Territories. XV Copy of Circular No.2-General Village Register 134--159 and Charge Register, 1971. ., XVI. Statement showing the distribution of Enumera· 160-167 tors and Supervisors (including reserve) by broad categories for 1971 Census. X.VlI Copy of letter No. 171-4957-18-2, dated the 5th lti8 January, 1968, from the Gcvernment of Madhya Pradesh, Local Government (Urban) Depart- ment regarding permanent house-numbering scheme. (iii ) CHAPTER SmsJEcr Pages XVIU. Statement showing the list s pf towns-where ~_rJ:Da- 169-171 - " nent number plates were affixed or a permanent .numbering scheme exists. XIX Copy of letter No. -P469-5667, dated the 13th 172 November, 1969, from Directorate of Panchayat and Social Welfare' Department, Government of . Madhya Pradesh. XX Copy of Circular No; 8-delineation of urban 173-180 ~Iomerates and preparation of abridged house- list. XXI Copy of letter No. 9017-2465-I(ii), dated the 19th lSI July, 1969, from Government of Madhya Pradesh, General A.dministration Department regarding appointment of 1)istrict Census Officers. XXII District-wise list of Census Charges in M. P. 185 XXIII District-wise number of Enumerators and Super- 184 v!sors, ~ctual and reserve separately. .XXIV Copy of letter No. 4834-4578-2-A(3), dated the '.,185-186 28th August, 1970, from Government of Madhya Pradesh, to all Heads of Departments, Commis- sioners, Collectors regarding not to transfer the Census Enumerators/Supervisors. XXV Poem composed by a Patwari of Damoh District 187-188 to retain easily what was told in the instructions. XXVI Copy of th~udgement in the Supreme .Court of 189-192 India rega ing Scheduled Castes. XXVII Statement giving the date and time at which the .I_. 193 consolidated provisional figures for each State and Un~on Territory reached the office of the Repstrar-General, India. XXVIII Statement showing the receipt of provisional 194 figures from the districts. XXIX Statement showing the provisional and final 19:"; population figures with variation in respect of State/Union Territories. XXX Copies of notification~ issued by the State Gov- - .. 196-2U2 emment under the Census Act. XXXI Copies of notifications issued by the Central ' .. 203--204 Government under the Census Act. XXXII Copies of letters £rom the State Government in .. _.. 205-226 connection with Census Operations. XXXIII. Copy of the text of the talk given by the Chief ...~ ,a.:_1tl 227-228 Minister, Shri Shyama Charan Shukla. .. CHAPTER SUBJECT Pages XXXIV .Copies of six advertisements in Hindi and English 229-232 XXXV Statement showing the distribution of 'hQnor. .. 233 arium to the Enumerators/Supervisors for house­ listing work. .. XXXVI Distribution of honorarium to the various Census .. 231 functionaries for individual counts. XXXVII Statement showing' the distribution of Census 235-236 medals to the variOUS Census functionaries. • • XXXVIII Statement showing expenditure from 1959-60 to •• 237-231l . 1961-62 and from 1969-70 to 1971-72. XXXIX. Statement showing the complete position of .-. 239-240 village monographs of 1961 Census. XL Census schedules and instructions, 1971 241-310 PREFACE As the very title suggests, this Report is a modest effort to place before my unknown successor, in a chronological order, the administrative arrangements made for the conduct of the 1971 Centenary Census. Despite the knowledge that change is the unchangeable law of nature and that there need not be any similarity between problems faced this time and what may have to be encountered at the next' Census, the Report does contain unsolicited advice here and there. I hope I will be pardoned if what has been stated is too presumptuous at plaa:s. , One cannot think of conducting a mighty operation like the Census without the fullest co-operation of everyone-departments and offices of the State Government, offices of the Central Government, employees appointed as Census functionaries and last but not the least, the respondents. It was my good fortune t.o receive active co-operation from every quarter; the results bear ample testimony in that. the final population figures differ from provisional totals announced within a fortnight of conclusion of the Census operations only by' 0.008 per cent. The preliminary estimate of post-enumeration check, conducted in the very month in which enumeration ended, also shows under­ enumeration of .25 percent only. It is well nigh impossible to express one's grateful thanks to everyone individually. All the same, I would be failing in my duty if I do not record here my gratitude to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, the Registrar General, India, who was always a source of strength, Shri K. D. BallaI, the Deputy Regist.rar General, and Shri K. K. Chakravorty, Central Tabulation Officer in the Registrar General's Office. Within the State, Shri R. P. Naik, Chief Secretary, Shri M. S. Chaudhary, Additional Chief Secretary, Shri S. S. Gill, Home Secretary and Shri A. C. Rai, Deputy Secretary, Home Department, always gave ready co-operation and I am very much beholden to them for it. Here in my office, thanks are due to Shri U. K. Trivedi, Deputy Director, 'Shri M. L. Sharma, Assistant Director, Shri R. B. L. Shrivastava; Office Superintendent, Shri K. R. Pagare, Head Assistant, and Shri Vishram Singh, Statistical Assistant, for the paino; taken in rummaging through the files in order to make available necessary facts and figures and for preparing the Appendices, and also to Shri A.
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