REPOR TRESUMES ED 020510. 46 AL 001 279 SURVEY OF MATERIALS IN THE NEGLECTED LANGUAGES,PART I (PRELIMINARY EDITION). CENTER FOR APPLIED LINGUISTICS, WASHINGTON, D.C. REPORT NUMBER BR...7...0929 PUB DATE JUN 68 CONTRACT 0EG...1-1...070929-4276 EDRS PRICEMF-S1.73 HC- $19.12 476P. DESCRIPTORS- *BIBLIOGRAPHIES, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES, *UNCOMMONLY TAUGHT LANGUAGES, *INSTRUZTIONAL MATERIALS, TEXTBOOKS, READING MATERIALS, DICTIONARIES, AFRICAN LANGUAGES, AFRO ASIATIC LANGUAGES, AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGES, DRAVIDIAN LANGUAGES, FINNO UGRIC LANGUAGES, INDONESIAN LANGUAGES, MALAY() POLYNESIAN LANGUAGES, SEMITIC LANGUAGES, SINO TIBETAN LANGUAGES, SLAVIC LANGUAGES, URALIC AL7AIC LANGUAGES, INDO EUROPEAN LANGUAGES, THIS PRELIMINARY LIST OF STUDY AIDS FOR NEGLECTED LANGUAGES (THOSE NOT COMMONLY TAUGHT IN THE UNITED STATES) GIVES GREATEST EMPHASIS TO MATERIALS INTENDED FOR USE BYTHE ADULT LEARNER WHOSE NATIVE LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH. ITSENTRIES ARE ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY LANGUAGE, ACHINESETO ZULU, AND INCLUDE TEXTS, GRAMMARS, READERS, DICTIONARIES,STUDIES OF WRITING SYSTEMS, AND LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTIONS.ACCOMPANYING TAPES, RECORDS, AND SLIDES ARE LISTED WHEREKNOWN. CREOLES ARE LISTED UNDER ENGLISH, FRENCH, PORTUGUESE, ORSPANISH ACCORDING TO THEIR LEXICAL BASE. BRIEF BUT COMPREHENSIVE ANNOTATIONS ARE SUPPLIED.FOR THE BASIC COURSES EXCEPTIN CASES WHERE THE BOOKS WERE UNAVAILABLE OR NOT AVAILABLE IN TIME FOR INCLUSION. THE FINAL EDITION, COMPLETELYANNOTATED ANDNDEXED, WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE SPRING OF 1969. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, WRITE THE FOREIGN LANGUAGES PROGRAM, CENTER FOR APPLIED LINGUISTICS, 1717 MASSACHUSETTSAVENUE, WAHINGTON, D.C. 20036. (DO) 72,07 o 9-27 OEC- . yg L5 SURVEY OF MATERIALS IN TOE NEGLECTED',ANGLIA hit l U.S. DEPARTMENT OFHEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCEDEXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATINGIT. EDUCATION STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF POSITION OR POLICY. (PRELIMINARY.EDIYION) "PEINISSIII TO REPRODUCE THIS 51ERIA HAS BEEN GRANTED B the Lev) Li vigtsIC fre TO C AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S. OFFICE OF ,EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMISSION OF THE111.11111 OWNER." Conti" foi Appliodlinguistks Washington,a C.rJuno 1968 ool214 .0410.,4047.941.1S1041.16, SURVEY OF MATERIALS IN THE NEGLECTED LANGUAGES PART I CENTER FOR APPLIED LINGUISTICS WASHINGTON, D. C.2 JUNE 1968 INTRODUCTION. The present preliminary list of study aids for neglected languages is based on a file of materials collected at the Center for Applied Linguistics in fulfillment of a contract, OEC-1-7-070929-42761 with the Office of Education. Languages excluded from the list are French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish. The major emphasis of the present list is on materials intended for use by the adult learner whose native language is English. Entries are arranged alphabetically by language, Afrikaans to Zulu.Major .groupings which include subheadings are Chinese, Hindi-Urdu, Indonesian- Malay, Persian-Farsi-Tajik, Polynesian, Thai-Lao, and Zulu-Swazi-Xhosa. Creoles are listed under English, French, Portuguese, or Spanish according to their lexical base.An index will be included in the final report. The materials include texts, grammars, readers, dictionaries, studies of writing systems, and descriptions, in that order.The list is only marginally selective. Accompanying tapes, records, and slides are listed where known. Annotations are supplied for the basic courses except in cases where the books were unavailable or not available in time for inclusion.' Baiic courses produced by the Defense Language Institute are being processed by the Educational Resources Information Center and will shortly be available for annotation purposes. These annotations will appear in the final report of the project. This survey does not include all foreign language instructional materials produced under Peace Corps auspices. A survey of these materials is currently in progress at the Center for Applied. Linguistics and will result in a bibliographical list 'Aith annotations, to appear in the fall of 1968, covering materials produced between 1961 and the present. We hope that serious omissions will be brought to the attention of the compilers so that'they may be corrected in the final report. ABBREVIATIONS ACLS American Council of Learned Societies, New York, New York. DLI Defense Language Institute, Presidio of Monterey, California FSI U.S. Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, Washington, D. C. NDEA National Defense Education Act, U.S. Office of Education, Washington, D.C. PC U.S. PeaceCOrps, Washington, D.C. USAFI United States Armed Forces Institute, Madison, Wisconsin. USN United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MarylaAd. The above abbreviations are listed in the left-hand column of the bibliography for purposes of identifying the sponsoring and the funding agencies who have been involved in the development of language texts9 grammars and dictionaries. ACHINESE DESCRIPTION Indische Taal-,, Snouck Rurgronje, C. "AtjIhsche taalstudfin." Tijdschrift voor Land-, en Volkenkunde,uitgegeven door het(Koninklijk) Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten enWetenschappen 42.144-262(1900). schriftleer." Tijdschrift Snouck Hurgronje, C. "Studien over Atjehsche klanken uitgegeven door het(Koninklijk) voor IndischeTaal-, Land-, en Volkenkunde, Bataviaasch Genootschap vanKunsten en Wetenschappen35.346-442 (1893). ACRINESE DICTIONARY Djajadiningrat, Rosein. AtOhsch-Nederlandsch Woordenboek. Batavia, 1934. 2 vols. Fam"._.... .ttrA.'.,:'!,7--'7:------i:,,----,TF.twatiw-orttiewernm.sompmpumek I. ACHOOLI-LUO TEXT Huntingford, G.W.B. Elementary Lessons in Dho-Luo. London: London University, School of Oriental and African Studies, 1949. 85 pp. Verona Fathets. The Acholi- English Handbook. Juba, 1939. GRA1114AR Crazzolara, J.P.A Study of the Acooli Language: Grammar & Vocabulary. Rev. ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1955. 433 pp. Kttching, Arthur L.AnOutline Grammar of the Acholi Language.2nd ed. London: Sheldon Press, 1932. Malandra, Alfred. ANew Acholi Grammar.Kampala: [Eagle Press], 1955. 170 pp. Mill Hill Fathers.AnElementary Luo Grammar. 3rd ed. N.p., 1935. Savage, G.A.R. The Essentials of Iwo (Acoli).Kampala, 1956. 99 pp. Stafford, R.L. AnElementary .Luo Grammar. 1967. 217 pp. DICTIONARY Savage, G.A.R. AShort Acholi-English and English-AcholiVocabulary. Nairobi, 1955. 50 pp. Ukoko, Jozef, Jan Knappert, and Marcel VanSpaandonck. Essai de Dictionnaire Dho Alur. Dho Alur (N.E. du Congo) - Franfais/Neerlandais/Anglais. N.p., 1964. Malandra, Alfred. English-Lwoo Dictionary. (Museum Combonianum, 9.) Bologna, 1957. 333 pp. Tarantino, A.G. English-Acoli-Lango-Kiswahili Pocket Dictionary.Trento: 1938. AFRIKAANS TEXT Burgers, M.P.O. Teach Yourself Afrikaans. London: English Universities Press, 1957. 245 pp. This self-instructional book is designed to:give speech and read- ing practice. In chapters 9-32, grammar isiexplained in tradi7 tional te:ins and illustrated in unrelated sentences. Vocabulary is introduced in lists. Translation exercises (both ways). Chapters 1-8 contain outlines of the phonology and the standard orthography. Chapters 33-35 include reading selections and in- formation about letter writing.. Instructions on the use of the material in the introduction.Appended are a key to the exer- cises and an A-E glossary. Henn, H.J.J.M. van der. An Introduction to Afrikaans.Cape Town: A.A. Balkema, 1951. 143 pp. For use with an instructor, an informant, or for self-instruc- tional purposes and designed to give speech, reading and writ- ing practice. Reading practice is to be supplied by simple readers to be begun as soon as pronunciation has been mastered. Grammar is explaind in traditional terms, sometimes inductive- ly, and illustrated in unrelated sentences. There are sentence construction, translation (both ways), transformation, comple- tion, parsing, and additive drills.An introductory section contains an outline of the transcription and the phonology, as well as a vowel chart, a table of consonants, and repetition drills. Afrikaans material is in the standard orthography ac- compinied by a transcription in the section on pronunciation. Instructions on-the use of the material in the introduction. E-A glossary. Afrikaans for English Speaking Persons. 4th ed: Stellenbosch, South Africa: Tegnidisc, n.d. Conversation manual; bilingual dictionary; 3 1.p. records. Botha, M.C. & Burger, J.F. Practical Afrikaans for English Speaking Students. 4th ed. Cape Town, n.d. Groenewald, . Learn to Speak Afrikaans. Pitermartzburg, South Africa: Shuter and Shooter, n.d. Potgieter, D.J. and A. Geidenhuys Afrikaans for English Speaking Students. 5th ed. Cape Town, 1960. 2 vols. GRA/44AR Beer Wiid, J.C. The Essentials of Afrikaans. Cape Town, n.d. AFRIKAANS READER Pienaar, P. de V. andA.G. Hooper.An Afrikaans-English Phonetic Reader. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1948. 93 pp. DICTIONARY Afrikaanse Tloordelya en Spelrels: Word List and Spelling Rules. 6th rev. ed. Cape Town: Nasionale Boekhandel Beperk, n.d. Bosman, D.B., et al. TweetaligeWoordeboek Afrikaans - Engels. Johannesburg, 1962. 958 pr. Coetzee, Abel. Dictionary Coetzee Woordeboek:Afrikaans- Engels, Engels- Afrikaans. Glasgow: Collins, 1953. 320 pp. , Jute's Pocket Dictionary: Afrikaans-Engels, Engliih-Afrikaans. 3rd ed. Cape Town, n.d. 446 pp. Kritzinger, M.S.B. WoordeboekAfrikaana-Engels,Engels-Afrikaans. Pretoria, 1957. 714 pp. Kritzinger,
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