P R E M I E R E 5 I 94 #1 Who We Are What We Do Our Personnel This is the newsletter of AEGIS, the We perform a variety of services, including Our founder and Executive Director is American Educational Gender Infor­ publishing the prestigious Chrysalis Dallas Denny. Dallas has been active in mation Service, Inc. , a 501(c)(3) non­ Quarterly and a variety of ocher materials, the human service field for more than 20 profit clearinghouse fo r information maintaining a natbnal help line, and admin­ years. She has a master's degree in psy­ about cross-gender identity. Our head­ istering the National Transgender Llbrary chology and has finished the coursework quarters is in Atlanta, Georgia. and Archive. We provide free referrals, in in a doctoral program in special education keeping with the Standards Of Care of the at Vanderbilt University. She has been AEGIS was formed in October, 1990, Harry Benjamin International Gender licensed to practice psychology in when Dallas Denny wrote and distributed a DysphoriaAssociation. Tennessee for 15 years. She has written statement of purpose and a call for papers widely on gender is.sues, and is the author for a new magazine to be called Chrysalis We provide free referrals in of two books- Gender Dysphoria: A Quarterly. The response of helping pro­ keeping with the Standards of Guide to Research, published by Garland fessionals and transgendered consumers Publications, and Identity Management was immediate and overwhelming, and Care of the Harry Benjamin in Transsexualism, published by AEGIS quickly developed an extensive International Gender Dysphoria Creative Design Services. She is currently database of information and contacts and Association. preparing an edited text for Garland. a reputation for professionalism and rapid service. AEGIS periodically releases advisory bul­ AEGIS maintains a prestigious advisory letins which address haz.ards commonly board, which is made up of 29 individuals We have been and remain a faced by transgendered persons, and pa;i­ who are highly regarded in a variety of driving force in the movement tion statements on methods of treatment. fields which impact cross-gender identi­ Our health-related series of public-service ty- including endocrinology, psychiatry, to professi,onalize and standard­ ads have been reprinted in transgender plastic surgery, and electrolysis. Most ize services for transgendered magazines and newsletters all over the have published articles and books about persons. wood We have taken strong stands against cross-gender phenomena. Our advisory injectable silicone and abuse of hormones board includes such notables as Vern and We are now in our fourth year, and are well and in favor of the HBIGDA Standards of Bonnie Bullough, Leo Wollman, Virginia established as an important provider of Care. In Chrysalis Quarterly, our magi­ Prince, JoAnn Roberts, Dr. David Gilbert, information on cross-gender issues. We zine, we ha\e broken new groond in a vari­ Dr. Toby Mayer, Dr. George Brown, Jason are regarded by both caregivers and trans­ ety of areas ranging from a celebration of Cromwell, and Carolyn "Tula" Cossey. gendered persons as a highly professional diversity in the transgender community to agency with services and products of high­ the rediscovery and celebration of trans­ The Chair of our Board of Directors is Dr. est quality. We have been and remain a gender history to a call for transgendered JoAnn Roberts. Other directors are Dr. driving force in the movement to profes­ persons to consider themselves to be con­ Delia Van Maris, Laura Skaer, Carol Miller, sionalize and standardize services for sumers of services and to hold their care­ Gary Reiser, Melissa Foster, and Gianna transgendered persons. givers to high standards. Eveling Israel. Page 1 AEGIS News 5194 Shhhh! The Newsletter-Within-a-Newsletter of the National Transgender Library &Archive Dr. Harry Benjamin's Book Donated by Sister Mary Elizabeth Sister Mary Elizabeth has kindly promised to send us an autographed copy of Dr. Harry Benjamin's The Transsexual Phenomenon. Dr. Benjamin was one of the first physi­ cians to treat transsexual people in the United States. In 1966, he published Virginia Prince Donates The Transsexual Phenomenon, the Featured Holding: Iransvestia nos. 4-100 first serious book about transsexual­ 1952Mme. Arthur's ism-save only for Georgina Turtle's Program Booklet Dr. Virginia Prince has donated a complete 1963 Over the Sex Border, a little­ set (except for nos. 1-3) of Transvestia, a known British book which we have not Mademoiselle Arthur 1s and Le Carrousel magazine she published from about 1958 seen, but would love to locate. were Paris night clubs which featured until 1978. Transvestia was the first mag­ famous performers like Tony April Oater azine ever produced for heterosexual April Ashley), Coccinelle, Bambi, and crossdressers. Virginia published 100 Some Recent AcquisUions Capucine (at about the same time that Christine Jorgensen made her trip to issues, battling postal authorities and hos­ BC?gdan, Robert. (1974). Being dif Denmark). tile takeover attempts Qong before Oliver f erent: The autobtograpfJy of Stone's Wall Street). Jane Fry. New York: Jann Wiley & The 1952 program from Mme. Arthur's Sons. features all of these performers except Vrginia's contributions to the transgender Tony April. It features full-page black-and­ Judd, Ralph. (1988). Origins of wh ite photos of more than 25 female in to crossdressing: A h'istory perfor­ community took many forms ajdition OJ impersonators. her publication of Transvestia. She is the mance en travesti. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation: Clayton Univ. founder of FPE and a co-founder of The Many of the performers were not really Society for the Second Self. She has pub­ Kroker, Arthur, & Kroker, female impersonators, but transsexual lished a number of professional articles Marilouise. (1993). The last sex: women. Coccinelle (see above) had sex Feminism and outlaw bodies. about crossdressing, and she remains reassignment surgery with Dr. Georges New York: St. Manin's Press. Burau in Casablanca in the early 195ff s. intellectually and physically active. Pollack. Rachel. (1994, May). D_oom We are proud to have Transvestia as a Patrol €>8. New York: DC Comtcs. The National Transgender Library cornerstone of our collection. Thompson, C.J.S. (1974). The mys­ and Archive is open tJy appointment. teries of sex. New York: Causeway We are actively soliciting material. Books. n.b. We picked up two pairs of Virginia's Please contact us at shoes at the Texas "T" party in ~ Naomi. (1994). Fire with Fire: AEGIS, P.O. Box 33724 Februa.ry. Infifty years, we expect to The new female power and how Decatur, GA 30033 it will coange the 21st century. 404-939-2128 voice have them under glass in a museum. New York: Random House. 404-939-1770 FAX AEGIS News 5194 Page2 tive in their dealing.5 with transgendered l AEGIS Director I persoos and a little more likely to do~ IDid you Know? I I I Produces Major New Work I research. But if that is to happen, we • Contributions to AEGIS are tax 1 must work to get it into the libraries." deductible under section 501(c)(3) I The end of May will see the publication of the IRS code I of Dallas Denny's Gender Dysphoria: A Guide to Research is a groundbreak­ • AEGIS maintains a telephone l A Guide to Research by Garland er in another w-ay: its publication marks help_ line and provides free refe"als 1, Publishers, a prestigious publisher of sci­ the first time ever that a transgendered arid information to transgendered 1 entific books. person has published a major scientific persons, their families, and helping 1 work about cross-gender identity. professionals I A Guide to Research is an annotated • AEGIS is publisher of Chrysalis I bibliography containing thousands of ref­ "People write about us," says Denny. Quarterly, a provocative magazine I erences to books, book chapters, and "It's time we started claiming that right ' about transgender issues, anti a vari- 1 journal articles about crossdressing, for ourselves. We have the right to self­ ety of other materials transsexualism, and intersexuality definition. Nobcxiy knows more about us • AEGIS has an ongoing commit­ ment to inclusiveness in the trans­ than we do. So long as we continue to The annotations contain a strong anti­ gender community abdicate that right, we really can't com­ defamation message. Denny says, • AEGIS has a special interest in , plain when others get it wrong." ' developing seroicesjor female-to­ "Preparing this book caused me to male persons and fa mily members become very familiar with the literature Denny plans to followA Guide to of transgendered persons of cross-gender identity. It quickly Research with a second book, an edited • AEGIS maintains a national became dear to me that there was an text, also to be published by Garland minorities facilitator so that all por­ incredible amount of bias disguised as The title will be New Concepts in tions of the transgender community was Cross-Gender Identity: An can have access to our Board of science in that literature. It com­ Directors mon, for instance, for clinicians, espe­ Interdisciplinary Approach. It will • AEGIS is actively involved in the cially psychoanalysts, to make sweeping reprise the first such edited text, Green training of caregivers & Money's 1969 Transsexualism & Sex pronouncements about the nature of • AEGIS maintains a speaker's transsexualism after seeing only one or Reassignment. John Money has agreed bureau two patients. But it went much deeper to write a chapter, and other chapters will • AEGIS is the successor to the than bad science. Many workers be authored by major workers in the Erickson Foundation, the]anus seemed to actively hate transgendered field Information Seroice, and]2CP persons, and made that dear in their writ­ Information Seroices New Concepts will not only look back ings.
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