I signs of the apocalypse queers in uniforms % lm-7 ,py- -7 1 md ~rdburrr)OCTOBER 1CI like to listen to? But this letter isnY about Rage Against the Machine or any major or B &or label band for that.m&er.- This letter is about all the people (you know you are) who ire io b;sy trying This is for any of you that are the band(s) ever decided to pin the to figure out what's trendy so that they attempting to construct some sort of "dark side", and do things like tour on knowwhat NOTto do insteadof doing I PUBLISHER I an alternative band. I find myself Ldlapalooza? things because they appreciatethem. compelled to warn you that there's a Speaking of Lollapalooza, some Because, like it or not, everyone who JR Ruppel problem with this task in Salt Lake. people remember members of Rage is readingthis letter isfollowing atrend EDITOR For 2 years I've searched in vain for Against the Machine from backwhen by reading this magazine, so matter musicians that are serious about they were Sndies." Alotof people still how underground you think it is. So JoYaffe I forming aband, musicians otherthan think they are cool, but let's face it, just give up and be yourself, okay? they ere a major label, corporate fes- myself, and those already taken, that signed, PHOTO EDITOR tival-playing band. Mr. Wermight aren't bassists. (no offense to those WPoppinr Robert DeBerry of whom are) but everyone I in deny that he likes them, maybe be- @radicallyperfect in every way) WRITERS I Salt Lake hasthisdisillusionthat play- cause they are "major," and then I ing the bassguitar is some short cutto guess heknowsomethingthat1don't Scott Vice, Chris Salisbury Deer SLUG, stardom or something. Simplicity! No know about music. Ilistenedto Rage Okay, so, I FNe in Pittskngh and William Athey, Paul Kroitz 1 body plays anything but Ws bass. and thought they were great Icould recdyspent~inUlahw'fii& Chopper, Stim Boy impossible to attempt throwing to- say the same thing about a lot of and relalives. My cousin took me to CONTRlBUTlNG gether any sort of talented musicians bands that I hear whether they are checkoutaktofrsaffyIdlerbandswtiila WRITERS when there's such a large bassist lo4 or indie or (shudder) major. Iwasthereandlwasredyi-by population and nearly nothing else. Maybe it doesn't matter that any new yauW scenenorwhatwerandthe Debra Buckingham Are all guitarists and drummers, etc. band on any new label necessarily Lara Bringard Sdt Ldce bands. They're geat extinct? make money. Some major label Then she (my cousin) gave me a CARTOON Ws quite a waste that talented bands are just as hard pressed as few issues of SLUG to read on my way T.L. Miller people keep writing music and throw- minor bands because they have more home. Wsgeat! In your May issue (and ing it out because they're short a money to make back for what the others) you mentioned getting d%IF Special Thanks To: drummer or something...but NEVER record label paid to create and pro- dwgwnd'andi~&from Beth Sutton, Margie Alban, a bassist! Iguess, if ever indeed lwas mote their music. But the advantage andbyoderingit out Dan Keough, Private Eye able to get a band together, I could is that more people find about a So my cFJesb;on i&lcwcan I?Too and Maile maybedecideMi bassist looksthe cool thing. And la band makes a orderor~~vinyiorfindoutaboul best with my hairstyle and try out all million dollars, so what? Iwonder if their-? (in Utah or Pennsyhra; 8LUO 1s: A monthly ublication thegoodonesaround(following inthe they are so popular that they don't nia) ardor compilalion CWs by SLUG, and is put together b $e efforts of footsteps of local bands that take ad- deserve to be liked? I wonder if it Salt Rat or Flatline or whatever. Ya my1. t uilisheci by the vantage of the astounding amount doesn't ma!ter that some "major know?Hopeyoucanhelpme. fifth o each monW. People inter- bands spendtheir moneydoingthings ested in contributinn to the ~ublica- and enjoy the concept of disposable I boktorwardtoretwningtoUtah I tion must send sdto the'mt of- 1 bassists.such as MAYBERRY has)... like helping free prisoners of con- later in the year and for sure will pidc up If you're thinking about taking Lp sdence like Leonard Pdtier or are SLUG b catch more Salt Lake bands. an instrument to ioin a band or some- tryi~tofigMcensorshipsothatpeople thosebf the writers idare not nec- Cde Lewis essarily those of the people who put thingdon't maki it the bass! Ws a like Mr. Stider can buy music they this together. hopeless task! I I -MR.SlEKY P.S. Go back to playing your 4 string I SLUG AD SALES ( now! Thanks! Dear DICKHEADS, SLUG, or who- ever you ere this year: pLJ I wanted to vent about some- thing in music that really sucks. The SLU other day Iwas at a really cod show P with three bands including one from Salt Lake that is doing really well, but SALT desetvesto bedoing better. Yes,they are not on a "major" label (but is that why they are cool?). Anyway, Idiiess. Standingout- side after the show, a girl was passing LC5 NILR OlGFER WlTALtVCl 5VU 7Uf out stickers and flyers to a show and LRIWD RtnhlNs hf LLUAL - PIEANUHI~E. ONS OF FOODRSTINLD mR n( somebody took one and said, "Looks like they're on a major label, guess I CLIYTOU MINDS UP nls &DAY "'S ~mwcBEFORE '~E'u BE MCK IN JI won't go to the show." *am-* Unfortunately Iseem to be hear- - ingtoo manycommentslikethatlately. I wonder if most people think that all bands on "majd'labels make millions of dollars and therefore people who truly dig cool music are allowed to hate them? Iwonder if they would go Sldekldcl And he's funnler than any 2 plnheads QlstenlngDom & 81111). Unfortunately, the music makes me Seven random suns want to chug a40 of St. Ides anddust someone for his IlgM-up eneaken. 01 THE WD Meanwhile at Jackson's old freq, 02.7, author/evangellst/ psycho4Chrlst Bob Larson rages 1. R0~krbiUy 8WWp8 mh. against satanlsts, gays, wood, Something had to stomp that grunge thing-this does it with size 12 bowllng aboltion, drugs, gays, Crosby, StiUs, Nash and that most lnsldious of 911 shoes. All the grease and none of anti-chrlstlan cults-Mormons. Hey, If the danger, 'Bllly nlgM at the Bay Is Bob can shut down useless fudo coming soon! These new bands of like Slayer and Klng Dlamond, I'll be SLHC (Salt Lake H~DCat) bum a $1000 hero and mall the dam rubber e;ld produce seribus ndisarre, but do we reallv want to see badeto- check FedEx! Hey, Doesn't 'pro- abortion, pro-pot, pro-gay Clinton school rockabllly fashion In the crowd" sound like a great Sunday MenrynL1spullout? bumperstkker for '967 2. Murray metal monopoly. 6. KSL to ~n new Lettermshow. Corona's Rot'n R quietly downshifts Thls In itself Is welrd enough. one to C&W (just because music country less helping of the lnsufferable/eter- Is hot doesn't make it right), leaving nal MASHdaily? Wait for Don Gale's Ratters as the sole Poser Palace of biting commentary. thevalley. Big halr and big spandex The Psychic Friends Hotllne asses wiggleto big KBER hhsthrough fortells one of the following to be the big amps lnthe bigtlme loopof 1983: Seventh Seal buster: The Land That Time Forgot. And A. lcebum performs thler new while I wouldn't call them DIM, cllnl- one-song, 10-cd box set Tales d cal tests show that the average fe- Topographical Melvlns" In It's en- male Rafters bait can only count to tirety with a spedal12-hour show at 22 in a cold room. Spanky's. The sheer heaviness of lt all creates a gravitational pull strong 8. Prodigal of Smiles SLUG cover. enough to attract a meteor that Firstoff, thls Is no dls-1love thls band. obliterates !3pmky's and the adjacent They're true musical monsters that parking lot. Many mourn the loss d llve on the edge (of Severe Uver convenient downtown parking. Damage Canyon). But puaing them 8. The allegedly defunct Box:, with In ten miles of the word 'pro- car Kids launchthe 'Will Reunite For fessional" Mngsto mind #I52 of the Food" tour nationwide. They soon, 312 Decomposers reviewsthatwere cross paths with Madonna's printed In the last year-the one that 'Popefucker" tour at a truckstop in extolled the D'comps 'flawless mu- Barstow. Impressedby their fashion sidanshlp" (I). Besides, after that sense, the Queen Ho hersetl signs time lead love god Jeff whipped out the BKsto her MaverWarnerBros. TO FIC his Uzard Klng on stage, P.O.S. will label. Within a week, all the other always mean Pulling out Stubby to m A major labelsdredge Salt Lake for the me. next Big Buzz. In a mad rush to become Scene Martyr, every lead 4. No Primus in '93 (no, singer In town OD's, thus rendering LdiapallooSa does NOT count). the subsequent Wardhouse of The Before Pork Soda, Les, Ler & Herb Dog tribute an Instrumental album. sDent moretime In Salt Lake makina C. SLUG-N hits the almaveo &erd,gurgllngnolsesthan ~zra~a6In the old Rock Utah slot. Fade In: Bensan. Ever leen Les Clav~ooland Burt's TIM Lounge. A seated man Randal Catilsle In the sa&e room? smoking a pipe Is surrounded by Think Nut it. By the way, If you can bare-breasted blmbolds and seriously draw a stalght line from Freewheeler Pkza boxes.
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