WEST VALLEY-MISSION COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING West Valley College Board Room January 18, 2007 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Chris Constantin • President Robert T. Owens. Vice President Joy Atkins Don Cordero Jack Lucas Buck Polk Chris Stampolis Kelly Traschler. West Valle)) College Student Trustee Chris Vo • Me Student Trustee Stan R. Arterberry - Chancellor GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INBOARD OF TRUSTEE MEETINGS TIle following instructiollS are intended as a guide for members of the public Wll0 wisl1. to address tll.e Board of Trustees. These guidelines are in the illterest of giving the, Board a fair opportu1lity to hear a diversity of viewpoints. 1. Oral Communications from the Public (Items Not Listed on the Agell.da) You are asked to sign up at tIle begillning of the meeting, using the form provided at the elltrance of tIle Board Room, but you are 110t required to do so. The completed form sI1.ould be submitted to the Board Clerk by 7:05 p.m. When you mal<e your presentatiOl1., approach the podium, wait to be recognized by tIle Board President, alld idell.tify yOllrself al1.d the topic you wisll to discuss. Limit your presentation to three (3) millutes. 2. Public Discussion (Items Listed on the Agell.da) We welcome comments from the public specific to items listed all tll.e Board agenda for tll.at meeti11g. 111 fairness to those WILD wish to speak and as a courtesy to those who have come to listen, we request tl1.at you adhere to the following guidelilles. If you wish to speak, you are asked to provide a completed form to tIle Board Clerk by 7:05 p.m., but you are 110t required to do so. WIl.en the Board President opens an item for discussion alld calls for speakers, approacll tll.e podium, identify yourself, alld limit your presell.tation to tilree (3) minutes. If you wisll. to give an Opillion wll.ich has already been expressed by others, please do not be repetitive. The President may impose additiollal time limitations all any major disCllssions involving multiple speakers. 3. All Oral Communications Should the sum of "Oral Communications from tIle Public" require more thall thirty (30) minutes, the Board President may proceed witl1 the balallce of tIle agenda alld return to "Oral CommUllicatiol1.S" before 'INew Busil1ess." WEST VALLEY-MISSION COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING JANUARY 18, 2007 West Valley College 14000 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070 6:00 p.m. Public Session Baltic Room 6:05 p.m. Closed Session Baltic Room 7:00 p.m. Public Session Board Room 1.0 CALL TO ORDER - PUBLIC SESSION 1.1 Roll Call Oral 2.0 ADJOURN TO CLOSED SESSION Conference with Labor Negotiator Pursuant to Government Code 54957.6 - Provide direction to James Andrews/Deanna Mouser, negotiators, regarding negotiations with ACE, SEID, Teamsters, and POA; and to Stan Arterberry regarding unrepresented groups. 3.0 RECONVENE PUBLIC SESSION 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance Oral 3.2 Report of Closed Session Action Oral 3.3 Approval of the Order of the Agenda (A) Oral 3.4 Approval of the Minutes of the December 7, 2006, Regular Meeting (A) 1a and the December 7, 2006, Financing Corporation Meeting 18a 3.5 Presentations/Recognitions (I) Oral 3.6 Oral Communications from the Public (I) Oral This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on the agenda. No action will be taken 3.7 Written Communications from the Public (I ) Oral 3.8 Academic Senate Update (Buendia-Bangle) (Cox) (I ) Oral 3.9 Classified Senate Update (Ludwig) (Masury) (I ) Oral 3.10 Student Senate Update (Montoya) (I ) Oral 3.11 Mission College Update (Robles) (I ) Oral (A) = Action ( I) =Information *In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations should contact the Chancellor's Office at 408-741-2011 one week prior to the meeting date. 3.12 West Valley College Update (Hartley) (I) 1 3.13 Vice Chancellor's Report (Mahrt) (I) Oral 3.14 Chancellor's Update (Arterberry) (I) Oral APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ACTION ITEMS Action items will be acted upon in one motion unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda. Information items will not be discussed unless they are removed from the Consent Agenda. 4.0 COLLEGES, PROGRAMS, AND SERVICES - Consent Agenda There are no items. 5.0 HUMAN RESOURCES - Consent Agenda 5.1 PERSONNEL TRANSACTIONS TO BE ACTED UPON BY THE (A) 2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve the following items. I. Position Action Request a. Approve position changes (Attachment A) for WVMCCD. 6 II. Appointments Administrative a. Ginny Aragon, Dean, Student Support Services, West Valley College. b. Gary Miller, RHORC, Mission College. Academic Administrative c. Celine Pinet, Dean, Instruction, West Valley. Classified d. Kevin Holland, Facilities, WVMCCD. e. Cathy Aimonetti, Career Programs, West Valley College. f. Candace Temple, Advancement, WVMCCD. Academic g. Jennifer Eaton, Counseling Department, West Valley College. III. Out-of-Class Assignments a. Lien Pham, Financial Aid, West Valley College. b. Rose Schultz, Human Resources, WVMCCD. c. Rhonda Kirkland, Financial Aid, West Valley College. d. Kurt Hibner, Supervisors Unit, WVMCCD. e. Ana Liza Bibat-Dasalla, Admissions & Records, Mission College. f. Linda Hoang, Child Development Center, Mission College. IV. Classified Leave of Absence a. Jewell Malone, Financial Aid, Mission College. b. Virginia Franco, EOPS, Mission College. V. Academic Banked Leave a. Carol Abate, English, West Valley College. b. Kate Disney, Engineering, Mission College. ii VI. Academic Pre-Retirement Banked Leave a. Thomas W. Green, Biology, West Valley College. VII. Academic Retirement Susan L. Smith, Instructor, Reading, West Valley College. Hourly Classified Ratifications Part-time, hourly student, and volunteer employees, as listed in Exhibit A. 8 Associate Faculty Emergency hires and other associate faculty, as listed in Exhibit B. 11 6.0 BUSINESS AND FINANCE - Consent Agenda There are no items. REGULAR ORDER OF AGENDA 4.0 COLLEGES, PROGRAMS, AND SERVICES There are no items. 5.0 HUMAN RESOURCES 5.2 APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH JOHN WILLIAMS AND WITH (A) 12 PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL LEASING (PPL) Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve an ongoing contract with PPL in the amount not to exceed $76,503.00 for John Williams, Interim Vice President of Instruction, Mission College; effective January 19, 2007 through June 30, 2007. 5.3 2006-2007 ACADEMIC RETIREMENTS (A) 13 Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees accept the following academic retirements. Academic Retirees: a. Linda Skaife, Instructor, Foreign Language, West Valley College. Length ofService: 31 Years b. Margaret Boone, Instructor, Health Occupations, Mission College. Length ofService: 26.5 Years 6.0 BUSINESS AND FINANCE 6.1 APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #2 FOR WEST VALLEY COLLEGE (A) 14 INFORMATION SYSTEMS INTERIM HOUSING (PHASE II) PORTABLE BUILDINGS Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve Change Order #2 with American Modular Systems, in the amount of $18,470, for the Information Systems (I.S.) Interim Housing Project (Phase II) at West Valley College. The change order will include the addition of ramps, landings, and vinyl composition tile (VCT) flooring. iii 6.2 PROJECT ASSIGNMENT AMENDMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION (A) 15 MANAGEMENT SERVICES WITH CCS GROUP, INC., AND SWINERTON MANAGEMENT & CONSULTING Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve the project assignment amendments for Construction Management Services for the West Valley College Campus Technology Center (CCS Group), Math Science Addition (CCS Group), Aquatic Center (Swinerton), and Information Systems Building/Interim Housing (Swinerton), and approve the budget adjustment needed to supplement the project funds. 6.3 CARRY-OVER BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS (A) 18 Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve the carry-over budget adjustments as specified. 6.4 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS (A) 20 Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve the accompanying financial statements and budget adjustments for the period of July 1, 2006 through Sept. 30, 2006 (1 st Quarter), as specified. 6.5 2006-2007 FIRST QUARTER 311 FINANCIAL REPORT (A) 28 Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees accept the 2006-07 First Quarter Financial Report and authorize Business Services to forward the CCSF-311 First Quarter Report to Sacramento. 6.6 APPROVE THE RENTAL AGREEMENT WITH BAY AREA CONTROL (A) 31 LINE PRECISION AEROBATIC ASSOCIATION Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve the long-term rental agreement granting non-profit Bay Area Control Line Precision Aerobatic Association limited use of half of Parking Lot A at Mission College for control line plane models practice. 6.7 APPROVE THE FACILITIES USE AGREEMENT WITH EAGLE & (A) 33 FUSTAR TENNIS SCHOOL Recommendation: That the Board of Trustees approve the long-term athletic facilities use agreement granting Eagle & Fustar Tennis School limited use of the tennis courts at Mission College for private tennis instruction. 7.0 INFORMATION REPORTS 7.1 ACTUARIAL STUDY OF RETIREE HEALTH LIABILITIES (I) 35 GASB 45 requires the District to perform an actuarial valuation regarding liability for retiree health benefits. The information presented by Total Compensation Systems, Inc., will explain the actuarial study, including the calculation of liability and the underlying assumptions. 7.2 GASB 45jOTHER POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS ("OPEB") (I) 36 Since the adoption of GASB Statement No. 45 in 2004, increased attention has been paid to the cost and accounting treatment of "other post-employment benefits" (OPEBs). The information presented will explain how OPEB Bonds work, how they may be able to benefit WVMCCD, and the next steps including the creation and establishment of bylaws and a retirement board. iv 8.0 BOARD 8.1 PROPOSAL TO INCREASE TRUSTEES' SALARIES (A) 37 This item is agendized at the request of Trustee Stampolis. Recommendation: To increase the salaries of the West Valley-Mission Community College District Board of Trustees by 5% as provided for in Education Code Section 72024.
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