June 2007 Your Communication and Information Resource Cable Committee plans questionnaire, upgrades Cable meeting the level of other tiers, and residents are develop possible solutions to this issue now satisfied with reception. In addi- in a questionnaire. Warren Schoen and I By Thomas C. Vaughan tion, due to their improved delivery sys- are trying to sort out and appropriately MECA’s Cable Committee tem, A-tier residents now have the op- word the product questions and its re- met May 9, 2007, with six tion of renting a digital “box” from sulting cost changes while the full Ca- board members, Property USA Wireless that will get all DirecTV ble Committee will be asked to help us Manager Chris Chiodo, USA Wireless product offerings other than high defini- list potential channel options. A sub- President Warren Schoen, and 14 resi- tion signals. This 150 channel offering’s committee of Larry Rosen, Vern Rose, dent committee members in attendance. cost approaches $50 per month before Art Arfa, Jose Narvaez, and I have been I chaired the meeting. other premium add-ons, packages, or appointed to fine-tune the ultimate resi- pay-per-view. Subscribers would still dent questionnaire. Look for this to ar- Currently we have satellite master an- receive all of our master stations. We rive in June. tenna television (SMATV) for which are in discussions through USA Wire- each resident pays $20.20 per month. less with DirecTV for a subsidy to up- The television lineup contains 79 chan- grade the whole building’s taps, which Our condolences to the nels including, four HBO and four would give this option to all residents Showtime premium stations. Addition- and also allow us greater options for the family and friends of ally we have the local over-the-air chan- immediate future. nels as well as the normal cable news, educational, sports, inspirational, and As many may recall, we had a MECA Helen Seguine shopping channels. Service complaints informational channel 13 that the office with our system have diminished, and updated for meeting notices, construc- Article page all residents should now be receiving a tion information, and other general Board meeting 2 good signal. Outages or other issues news for the building. The “character Management report 3 generator” that we owned for this pur- should be reported to USA Wireless’ Top 10: No. 7 3 customer service department at pose quit on us about the same time that 847.831.4561. Our management office RCN priced itself out of our building. Community Calendar 4 should be informed if you are still dis- USA Wireless is giving us new equip- Restaurant reviews 5 satisfied. ment to reinstitute this communication Unit insurance needs 6 tool. Issues as to wiring and location of Police awards 7 Our internal delivery wiring is now an the equipment are being worked out antiquated analog system that leads to with our management office, and we Social Committee news 7 difficulties for us. The cost to change hope to have this in place soon. Security news 7 this wiring to current standards would Captain’s Walk news 7 be very disruptive both to the building The current channel lineup was pieced and each unit and would be cost pro- together in late 2004 in an attempt to Ronen elected 7 hibitive. Technology is constantly replicate our RCN service. Some com- Repair service 8 evolving and may lead to better options promises had to be made, and it has Phone numbers 8 in the future. This analog system is sub- been felt for some time that we need to TIF meeting 8 ject to ingress or interference from other again poll MECA residents about possi- Etta Kitt/Town Crier 10 electronic transmissions, the bulk of ble changes to both the channels and which emanate from downtown, there- other DirecTV products for large build- Balcony Man 10 fore affecting the “A” tier the most. At ings. The International Channel (TIC) is Bricolage update 12 its own cost, USA Wireless upgraded missed by some residents but is not cur- ECC meeting 12 the taps (the splitters in your living rently available on DirecTV. There are Edgewater Glen 12 room/bedroom wall) and some of the some foreign programming stations Yikes! bikes 13 wiring in the A-tier last year. The recep- available; however, they do not have the tion in the A-tier has been improved to broad coverage of TIC. We will try to City crackdown 13 The laundry situation 16 Page 2 Malibu East Dialogue June 2007 Please keep in mind that the meeting notes are not the official record of the MECA MECA board meeting notes Board of Directors meetings. The official by Elaine W inans minutes are generally approved at the following meeting and may be viewed or copied in the management office. MECA board meeting looking at three criteria concerning (See article, page 7.) the washers. 4) Commercial Property Tuesday, May. 22, 2007 (See article, page 16.) Tom Vaughan 5) Residents commented on need for An alternate reception area for Dr. Attendance: 10 board members, 2 man- more input from Sudler and also a Bastani has been prepared to allow agement representatives and 16 residents hands-on demonstration of any new work over his unit in the Captain’s Not present: Carol Beatty, Barbara Mur- machines. Walk. phy 6) Resident who had experience in this 5) ASCO report OPEN FORUM 1 area suggested a Laundry Committee Sandy Chaet that would do real research. MECA resident and 7th Dist. state Resident comments and questions: th 1) Resident complaint of water leak 7) Suggestions on relocating Billiard Sen. Carol Ronen was elected 48 into residence (B unit) resulting in Room and Exercise Room and mak- Ward Democratic committeeman. damage. Window repair has not ing access with keyfobs. Work with (See article, page 7.) The street solved the problem. Will include Neil Warner. lights on Glenlake from Sheridan to this unit in work being done to 8) What can we do about residents alley past Kenmore) are now other units with this problem. from other buildings using our park- brighter — higher wattage bulbs — ways for a dog run? The only re- thanks to help from Ernie Constan- 2) Resident reported that her mortgage th lender said that our association is not course we have is a letter to the tino from 48 Ward Ald. Smith's of- carrying adequate flood insurance. building’s board president. fice. We are not in a flood plain, and 9) Discussion on voluntary floor medi- 6) Garage Tom Vaughan and Dean Lerner of cal emergency procedures. Martina Molins Sudler will assist in providing this Standard Parking report Marcel on laundry room: Shade Little, Mgr. information to other owners in this “We feel that we were misled and situation. Claims did not get the same. When we Approved: 2 3) Resident reported a $500 increase in went from 24 to 32 dryers, we electricity costs over four-month Denied: 5 thought we were making an Pending: 0 winter period compared to last year. improvement. We will probably We are in the initial stages of look- Total: 7 have the dryers replaced. .” Waiting lists ing into providing part of our own (See article, page 16) power. Marcel Molins requested Single self-park: 26 that Sandy Chaet supply a form let- Tandem self-park: 0 ter for residents to use in contacting TREASURER’S REPORT Second car: 0 our elected representatives for elec- Neil Warner Monthly valet parkers tric rate relief. Financial statement Malibu East 433 4) A resident gave thanks for the work Balance on hand, cash and reserves Malibu 20 being done in the garage and to — $3,373,712.28. 6030 50 Chris for his patience and under- COMMITTEE REPORTS Engineer: standing during all the projects being 1) Floor Representatives Total: 503 done. Could you give a report on the Barbara Murphy New monthlies: 3 laundry problem? Molins said he By Marcel Molins Cancellations: 4 took the laundry representatives Discussion of recommendations of Upgrades 0 down to the laundry room to hear committee. 7) Pets from residents about the problems. 2) Security Marcia Fishman We expected machines comparable Sandy Chaet Signs warning pet owners about city to those that were replaced. We feel (See article, page 7.) ordinances and fines concerning pet that we were misled and did not get Discussion on proposed medical excrement on public ways will be the same. When we went from 24 to emergency unit key access proce- posted on the borders of our prop- 32 dryers, we thought we were mak- dure policy and form. Sent back to erty. ing an improvement. We will proba- committee for procedural clarifica- 8) Sports and Entertainment bly have the dryers replaced, but tion. Neil Warner will not have room for 32 dryers of 3) Social and Educational With the pools now open, water the former capability. We are also Sandy Chaet aerobics classes are planned; check June 2007 Malibu East Dialogue Page 3 Swimming pool & the bulletin boards for a schedule. What’s happening fourth floor deck: the New contract for maintenance of our pools and patio deck Fitness Room equipment. New yoga around the building by Chris Chiodo, MECA Manager opened 26, at 6am for class will run through June; it will the early bird swim- reopen to new participants July 2. Assessments: Assessments are due by mers (adults only). We are planning to 9) Finance & Insurance the first of each month. A late charge will have water aerobics this summer, with Tom Vaughan be assessed for any delinquent account at the dates, times and instructor yet to be (See article, page 6.) the close of business on the 15th of each determined.
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