1922. CONGRESSIO:N.A.L RECORD-SENATE. 2425 tion, together with the fixing of a guaranteed price for wheat proposes to strike out, the Senator from Massachusetts moves sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a reasonable to insert: profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. No part of the mon(lys appropriated or made available by this act 3997. Also, petition of Ole Erhardt, of Harlow, N. Dak., and shall, unless the President shall otherwise direct, be used or expended 41 others, urging the revival of the United States Grain Corpora­ for the repair or reconditioning of any vessel owned or controlled by the Government if tbe expense of such repair or reconditioning is in tion, together with the fixing of a guaranteed price for wheat excess of $5,000 until a reasonable opportunity has been given to the sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a reasonable nearest available Government navy yard to estimate upon the cost profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. of such repai1· or reconditioning, if performed by such navy yard within the limit of time within which the work is to be done : Provi-ded, That 3998. Also, petition of G. P. Lee, of Reeder, N. Dak., and 36 this limitation shall only apply to vessels while in the harbors of the other , urging the revival of the United States Grain Corpora­ United States; and all expenditures in connection with such work are tion, together with the fixing of a guaranteed price for wheat to be considered in estimating the cost : And provided {urthet·, That the provisions of this clause shall take effect upon the passage of this sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a reasonable act. profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. 3990. Also, petition of Andrew Martinson, of l\IcGregor, N. l\Jr. OVER.l\L~. Is the ·aruen<lment which has just been Dak., and 50 others, urging the reviv.al of the United States read, and which, I understand, has been suggested by the Grain Corporation, together with the fixing of a guaranteed Senator from Washington [l\lr. JoNES], offered as a substitute price for wheat sufficient to cover the cost of production plus a for the proposition of the Senator from Massachusetts? reasonable profit; to the Committee on Agriculture. Mr. LODGE. The Senator from Washington has handed rue the. amendment which I have sent to the Secretary's desk, and I gladly accept it and offer it a · a substitute for the amendment heretofore offered by me. SENATE. Mr. .TO::!:\TES of Washington. Mr. President, I merely desire to ,_·ay that I think the amendment as now suggested cares for SATURDAY, February 11, 19~~­ the situation, taking both interests into account. (Legislatit·e day of Fr·iday, February 3, 1922.) The VICE PRESIDENT. The question is on the amendment proposed by the Senator from Massachusetts. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian on the expiration of Mr. HARRISON. · May I ask the Senator from Massachusetts the recess. in what respect does the amendment propose to change the EXECUTIVE AND INDEPENDENT OFFICES APPROPRIATION. original proposition? Does it modify it in any other respect The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con­ than to giv·e the President the right to approve what may be sideration of the bill (H. R. 9981) making appropriations for done or to direct that something else shall be done? the Executive and for sundry independent executive bureaus, Mr. LODGE. ~Ir. President, the original proposition, as· it boards, commissions, and offices for the fiscal year ending June came from the other House, was very drastic and very inelastic~ 30, 1923, and for other purposes. It compelled inquiry at all the navy yards in the oountry before The VICE PRESIDENT. The pending amendment is the even a screw driver or any other small article could be pur­ amendment offered by the senior Senator from Massachusetts chased in connection with the reconditioning of a vessel. That, (1\.Ir. LODGE]. of course, was impracticable. The question involved relates to Mr. WARREN. ~Jr. President, I suggest the absence of a repairing and reconditioning the Leviathan; and I shall take a quorum. few moments before I leave the floor to speak concerning the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll. reason why the matter has been brought up. The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators If I may have the attention of the Senate for a few moments,_ an wered to their names: I shall take advantage of the opportuity to explain why I have Ashurst Fletcher Lodge ~heppard proposed' this amendment and why I have very gladly accepted Ball Glass McCormick :::ihortridge the proposition as drafted by the Senator from Washington Borah Haneld McNary :::iimmons Brandegee Harris Myers :Spencer (l\lr. JONES]. Hursum llarrison Nelson Stanfield This question, I repeat, has arisen in connection with the Calder Heflin Newberry :::itanley Cc'a ptper Hitchcock Norris Sterling reconditioning and repair of the Leviathan. Let me say frankly 0 )j Jones, Wash. Oddie 8wanson at the beginning that, although what I am about to state I Culberson Kellogg Overman Walsh, Mont. shall not advance as a r_eason for action, I wish the Senate to Cummins Kendrick Pa~e Warren Curtis Kenyon Phipps Watson, Ga. know why it has made me feel very strongly in regard to the Dillingham Keyes Poindexter Weller matter. In the metropolitan district of the city of Boston Edge King · Pomerene Williams there are between a million and a half and two million peo­ Fernald Ladd Ransdell ple. They are gathered there on the edge of the ocean. It Mr. CURTIS. I was requested to announce that the Senator is a great manufacturing region, particularly that to the from North Dakota ll\lr. McCuMBER], the Senator from Utah north of Boston. We have there the Charlestown Navy Yard, [1\.Ir. SMOOT], the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. McLEAN], the which is one of the oldest in the country, being more than 100 Senator from West Virginia [l\Ir. SuTHERLAND], and the Senator years old. During the World War the United States bought a from In<liana [l\lr. WATSON] are absent on official business, at­ dock which had been built by the State of Massachusetts and tending a meeting of the Committee on Finance. which was lying just across the harbor from the navy yard. l\lr. FLETCHER. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. It is the largest dock in the United States, and is built in the TRaMMELL] is una\oidably absent. I will let this announce­ best possible manner of stone and cement. It is 1,200 feet ment st~nd for the drry. long. I repeat, there is no dock of equal size in the United ~Jr. HEFLIN. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. States, for the great dock at the Norfolk Navy Yard, which, I GxDERWOOD] is absent on account of illness. understand, will be a little larger, has not as yet been finishe<l. The VICE PRESIDENT. Fifty-five Senators have answered In connection with the Charlestown Navy Yard the Govern­ to their names. A quorum is present. The question is on the ment established another plant for the operation of vessels in amendment offered by the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. the dock. One principal reason for the purchase by the Gov­ LODGE]. ernment during the war of that dock was that it was the only l\lr. LODGE. 1\fr. President, I would like a moment to look dock in which, if need be, such a vessel as the Leviathan could over a suggested amendment which has just been handed to me be placed for repairs to the hull. and which I think will probably cover what I want. I have not We have also a great private yard at Quincy, the Fore River ha<l time to read it, for I have just come in from a committee Sh.ipbuilding Co.; where ships of the largest tonnage are built. meeting. [After a pause.] In that private yard and in the navy yard at Boston there This draft of an amendment to take the place of the clause were over 33,000 men employed, almost all of them being skilled in the House text which the committee propose to strike out has mechanics. There are now only 5,000 employed, including both been handed to me by the Senator from Washington [Mr. Jol'.~S] the private yard and the navy yard. From twenty-five to and I am very glad to substitute it for the one which I offered. twenty-eight thousand skilled mechanics have been thrown out I move it as a substitute for the language in the House text of work. Undoubtedly some of them have regained employment, proposed by the committee to be stricken out. but many have not been able to do so. There is a serious condi­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The amendment in the nature of a tion of unemployment in that section of the country. substitute will be stated. The government of the State of Massachusetts appropriated The AssiSTANT SEcru,---rARY. In lieu of the amendment hereto­ $50,000 for some work, I think, in connection with woodland fore offered and in lieu of the words of the House text from or the parks. The purpose was partly to afford work to some of line 20, on page 30, to line 6, on page 31, which the committee the unemployed. They were to apply at the Statehouse, and a LXII--153 2426 CONGRESSIONAL RECOR.D-SENATE.
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