Vol.12 No.3 September, 1997 Officialpublication of the Australian Ultra Runners' Association Inc. (Incorporated in Victoria). Registered office: 4 Victory Street, Mitcham 3132 Aust. Ph: '(03) 9874 2501 CONTENTS ULTRACALENDAR 1997/98 4-7 AURA CLO1HING& GEAR ORDERFORM 8 AURA ANNUAL GENERALMEETING MINUTES 9-15 LETIERSTO THEEDITOR 16 -23 RACE RESULTS & REPORTS: Sri Chinmoy 24 Hour Track Race, ACT 25-27 Liverpoolto Albury & back BoomerangUltramarathon, NSW 28-31 Frankston to Portsea 55km Road Race, Vic 32-33 Canberra50km UltraMarathon, ACT 33 Bananacoast ElectricsUltramarathon, NSW 34-35 Bunbury 6 & 12 Hour Track Race & WA SOK & 100K Champs 36-39 Capelto Collie 100kmRoad Race, WA 40 Austn. & Q'ld 48 Hours & Q'ld 24 Hours Track Championship, Q'ld 41-42 Third Shoalhaven lfltramarathon,NSW 43-44 AURA 50Miles Track Race, EastBurwood, Vic 45-47 Sri Chinmoy 1OOkm/24 Hour Track Races,NZ 48--49 RACE ADVERTI�EMENTS: Sri ChinmoyNational 24 Hour Track Race, Adelaide, SA 50-51 24 Hour Track Race, North Shore Bay, Auckland NZ 52 6 Hour & 50km Victorian Track Championships,Moe, Vic. 53 A URA Bogone to Hotham TrailRun, Vic 54-55 AURAMansfield to Mt.Buller 50km Road Race, Vic 56-58 Two Oceans UltraMarathon 56km, CapeTown, S.Africa 59 ARTICLES: The Sri Chinmoy Peace Run - Brisbane to Gold Coast leg. 11 Theories on Keepingan lfltraRunner Going byMichael Gillan 23-24 "Narooma - A Runner's Dream" by Pip Thorn 39-40 Kevin Tiller's InternetNews 60 Kouros paces the beatin marathon of melodies - Sunday Age Life 61-62 DonHilleary - South BurnettTimes article 63 Track, Trail and 50 Years- Tony Rafferty 64-66 BookReview - "My Lifeon the Line" by Ron Grant - Phil F.ssam 67 Interviewwith Cliff Youngby Tania Jamieson 68-69 INTERNATIONALNEWS: IAU InternationalCompetitions - Openor Closed - AndyMilroy 70-71 From the South: Counting Switchbacks by Gary Cantrell 72 RANKINGS: Women's World Track as at September9th, 1996 73 Men's World All-time 100kmRoad Lists as at 20/2/96 74-75 Women's World All-time 100kmRoad lists 76-77 Men's World All-time 24 Hours Track as atMarch, 1996 78 Men's World All-time 24 Hours Road lists 79 Men's World All-time 24 Hours Indoortrack lists 80 Women's World All-time 24 Hour Track lists 80-81 Women's World All-time 24 Hour Road lists 81-82 Women's World All-time24 Hour IndoorTrack lists 82 Women's World All-time 24 Hour IndoorRoad lists 82 A'Asian BestPerformances as at 1/5/97-Men & Women Track & Road 83-84 Australianrankings for 6 Days Track, men 85 Australianrankings for 30 Miles, men & women 86 Australianrankings for 40 miles, men & women 87 Australian rankingsfor 6 Days, women 87 AURAMEMBERSHIP FORM 88 2. This editorial is being written well beforethe IAU 100km World Challenge to be held in Winschoten, Holland on 13th September. By the time you read this, the race will probably have been run. I know you all join with me to offerbest wishes to our men's team and hope they are able to produce a result that they are happy with. Team members: Tim Sloan, Mick Francis, Ian Clarke and Paul Every. while not the strongestteam that could be put together, should do well. We wish them well. We were unable to form a women's team for the Winschoten race, having only one starter, Mary Francis. Marywill competeanyway, but is in reduced formdue to injury. Good luck Mary! Next year's 100kmAustralian Champio nships will be conducted by TraralgonHarriers on a sealed flat 10km loopjust outside Traralgon, near Glengarry. The tentative date is the 5th April, which will be conformed later. With next year's IAU 100kmWorld Challengebeing held in Japan in October, the Australian Championships will be a qualifying race for Australian team selection. A number of placegetters will be able to receive automaticselection, subject to attainmentof a better than qualifying performance. The Queensland Ultra Runners Club is hosting the IAU International1000 Miles Track Championship in Nanango between 11th and 26th March, 1998. It is a great coup forthe club to secure the firstever such championships. The event will be conducted by the Nanango 1000Miles Track Race Committee and we wish them every success fora memorable fourteendays. Yiannis Kouros has done it again. In a 24 Hour Race on the AIS trackin Canberra on the 2nd and 3rd March this year, Yiannis surpassed his previous intermediate and final marks to again record Australian and World Records. The most significant World Records, pending, are 15:29:07 for 200km and 295.03km for 24 hours. Even though Yiannis was again foiledby the weather in his attempt to be the firstperson to surpass 300kmin 24 hours, his effortsare to be heartilycongratulated by us all. When most of us would have had enough of 24 hours running, Yiannis seems to thrive on them. Congratulations Yiannis. Well done! I recentlyreported on the currentultra scene to Athletics Australia'sRoad Running and Cross-Country Commission. I also provide an ultra-updateto their Distance Running Update Newsletter. These two occurrences reflect a growing interest and position of ultrarunning in the world of athletics. Let us hopethe push to get a 100kmevent into the Commonwealth Games in Manchester is successful. Then we really would engender wide-spread public interest. Stay fitand healthy, Regards, 3. 1997 ULTRA CALENDAR Sept 8 - 12 FIVE DAY STAGED FOOT RACE, Q'LD (Start & finish at Nanango,South Burnett,180km north of Brisbane), approx. 330km total distance ranging from55km to 72km daily, handicap start. $125 entryfee includes some meals+ T-shirt A QURC event. (QURC members $115) Contact Ron Grant, Bellmere Convenience Store, BellmereRoad, Bellmere 4510 Caboolture or telephoneRon orDell Grant on 0754 989965 Sept 13 ROYAL NATIONAL PARK ULTRA, NSW, 50km, 6am start at Grays Point Oval, Grays Point, $35, Entries to Royal National Park Ultra, P.O. Box 380, Sutherland, NSW 2232, phone/fax Billy Collis (02)520 6774 answeringservice Sept 27 AUSTRALIAN CENTURIONS CLUB 24 HOUR, 100 MILE, 50 MILE, 50KM RACEWALKS, Contact Tim Erickson, 1 Avoca Cres, Pascoe Vale 3044 Vic, Ph. (03) 9379 2065 (H) More details to follow Sept 27/28 100 MILE I 106KM / 58KM TRAIL RUNS, (Q'ld) Glasshouse Mountains. Loop course, 58km circuit. Contact Ian Javes forfurther information, 25 Fortune Esplanade, Caboolture, Q'ld, phone (0754) 95 4334. Oct ADELAIDE TO VICTOR HARBOUR l00KM ROAD RACE, SA, 6am start, Adelaide Town Hall,, finish Advance Recreation, Victor Harbour, $20 entry contact Distance Runners Club of South Australia, P.O. Box 102, Goodwood. SA 5034 or DesPaul, ph. (08)83226400 Oct 4-5 SRI CHINMOY 6/12/24 HOUR & INAUGURAL l00KM S.A. CHAMPIONSHIP TRACK RACE, SA.(Australian 24 Hours Championship) Starts 8am on Saturday 4th October at Olympic Sports Field, 344 The Parade, Kensington Park.24 Hour Race - $75 entry, 12 Hour $50, 6 Hour $40, 100kmRace $60. Contact Sipra Lloyd, Sri Chinmoy 6/12/24 Hour Track Race, P.O. Box 554, North Adelaide, 5006, phone (08) 8332 5797. Send a large stamped self-addressed envelope with chequeand application form,Closing date 19/9/97. Oct ALBANY TO PERTH 560KM ROAD RACE, WA. Contact Ross Parker, 33 BurradineWay, Craigie 6025 W.A., ph. (09)4017797 to apply forinvitation to run. Nov 8 RAINBOW BEACH TRAIL RUN, Q'LD (beach and forest trails) 15km,30krn 52km Rainbow Beach, near Gympie, a QURC + Rainbow Surf Club event, contact races organiser Dennis Parton, c/- P.O. Rainbow Beach 4581, phone Dennis Parton (074) 86 3547 or Ron Grant (071) 63 1645 or Gary Parsons (074) 95 7208 Nov BRINDABELLA CLASSIC, ACT organised by the ACT Cross Country Club, 53km trail run over the Brindabella mountains, just south of Canberra.Contact Hugh Jorgensen (06) 2861252 or ACT C.C. Club, GPO Box 252, Canberra 2601 Nov AUSTRALASIAN l00KM ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS, Waitaki District of North Otago, New Zealand, 6.00amstart, 12 hours time limit, Closing date October Entryfee NZ$60.00,Contact: Race Director,Scott Leonard, 4/69 View Road, Mt.Eden, Auckland, New Zealand. Phone/Fax 64 9 623 0567. "That Dam Run" Nov 16 - 22 12TH AUSTRALIAN 6 DAY RACE, COLAC, VIC. Memorial Park, 3pm start - and finish on Saturday 25th November, $100 entry plus $10 application fee. Late entry fee (iffaccepted) $125 Enquiries and entry formsto P.O. Box 163, Colac 3250. Vic. or phone President CliffMcAliese (0352)321406. Expressions of interest welcomed now. 4-· 1997 ULTRA CALENDAR Nov 30 VICTORIAN CHAMPIONSHIP 6 HOUR & 50KM. VICTORIAN TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS ( & 6 HOUR RELAY), Moe, Victoria, Traralgon Harriers event. Moe Athletic Track, Bass Street, $25 entry covers both championship events Enquiries: GeoffDuffell, 7 Shaw Street, Churchill 3842 Vic, Ph. (051)22 2855 (H) or Barry Higgins (03) 5174 3712. Dec6 BRUNY ISLAND JETTY TO LIGHTHOUSE , TAS. 63km Enjoy the ferry trip to the start,then the fantastic ocean and rural scenery as you run along nice quiet roads. A weekend away for family and friends. An event for solos and teams. Contact Mark Hey, UltraTasmania, 7 Hone Road, Rosetta, Tas 7010 or phone (03) 62 727233 (H) Dec MARYBOROUGH WONGAI WATERHOLE 60KM TRAIL RACE ( 30 & l0KM), Maryborough,Queensland. Entry fee$20, 6.30am start. Contact: Brian Evans (071) 24 4543 or Ian Cornelius (07) 5592 2349 1998 ULTRA CALENDAR Jan 11 AURA BOGONG TO HOTHAM, VIC. 60km mountain trail run, a tough event with 3,000mof climb, 6.15am start at Mountain Creek Picnic Ground. 3,000m climb! Phone GeoffHook, (03) 9808 9739, entriesclose 23rd Dec, 1996. No entrieson the day. Jan CENTENARY LAKES 50KM & 6 HOUR TRACK RACE, Q'LD, Caboolture. Certifiedgrass track.Need own lapscorer, 6pm start. $20 Entry, club members $15. A QURC event.
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