2010_06_07A_cover61404-postal.qxd 5/18/2010 7:55 PM Page 1 June 7, 2010 49145 $3.95 SPRING ED WHELAN on Elena Kagan’s Implausible Makeover BOOKS $3.95 A DEFENSE OF THE STATE’S NEW IMMIGRATION LAW by Kris W. Kobach 23 PLUS: JOHN J. MILLER, RAMESH PONNURU, AND JASON RICHWINE 0 74851 08155 6 www.nationalreview.com base_milliken-mar 22.qxd 5/18/2010 12:00 PM Page 1 ÍÍÍ ÊÊ ÊÊ Nuclear Energy Produces Reliable (*%- ÊÊ ÊÊ Ê Electricity When You Need it. 3FOFXBCMFFOFSHZTVDIBTXJOEBOETPMBSXJMMCFB Average Operating Eciency* HSPXJOHQBSUPGPVSDPVOUSZTFOFSHZGVUVSF BMPOHXJUI by Source of Electricity MBSHFTDBMFTPVSDFTMJLFOVDMFBSFOFSHZUIBUQSPEVDF Nuclear 92% FMFDUSJDJUZBSPVOEUIFDMPDL Coal 71% /VDMFBSFOFSHZIBTBOBWFSBHFPQFSBUJOHFG¹DJFODZ PG GBSCFUUFSSFMJBCJMJUZUIBOBOZPUIFSTPVSDFPG Natural Gas 42% FMFDUSJDJUZ8FOFFEFMFDUSJDJUZFWFSZNJOVUFPGFWFSZEBZ Wind 31% UPESJWFPVSFDPOPNZBOETUBOEBSEPGMJWJOH/VDMFBS Solar 21% Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê Ê ÊÊ ÊÊ Ê FOFSHZ BMPOHXJUISFOFXBCMFFOFSHZTPVSDFT DBOMFBEUIF XBZUPBQPSUGPMJPPGDMFBOFSFOFSHZPQUJPOTUIBUQSPUFDUT 0 755025 100 Sources: Ventyx / U.S. Energy UIFFOWJSPONFOUBOEQSPNPUFTFOFSHZTFDVSJUZ Information Administration, 2008 *Operating efficiency is measured by capacity factor, the ratio of the amount of electricity produced by a plant to the amount of electricity that could have been produced if the plant operated all year at full power. Nuclear. Clean Air Energy. 7JTJUOFJPSH*2UPMFBSONPSFBOEUBLFPVSPOMJOFRVJ[ toc_QXP-1127940144.qxp 5/19/2010 1:52 PM Page 1 Contents Jay Nordlinger on Robert Ehrlich p. 25 JUNE 7, 2010 | VOLUME LXII, NO. 10 | www.nationalreview.com ON THE COVER Page 31 Defending Arizona Few laws have ever been so grossly BOOKS, ARTS mischaracterized as Arizona’s S.B. 1070. & MANNERS From President Obama on down, leaders 41 A BRIDGE TO NOWHERE on the left rushed to the microphone after Fred Siegel reviews The Bridge: The it was enacted to hyperventilate about an Life and Rise of Barack Obama, impending police state. Their charges by David Remnick. are completely false. Kris W. Kobach 42 THE LIGHT OF REASON George Weigel reviews The World COVER: SWIM INK 2, LLC/CORBIS Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle over God, Truth, ARTICLES and Power, by Melanie Phillips. 16 THE IMMIGRATION IMPASSE by Ramesh Ponnuru 43 A BOSWELL FOR RUSH To move beyond it, conservatives must plot a course of compromise Jay Nordlinger reviews Rush with one another. Limbaugh: An Army of One, by Zev Chafets. 20 LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP by John J. Miller Virginia’s Prince William County shows that Arizona’s new law won’t 48 A FLAWED CASSANDRA create a police state. Kay S. Hymowitz reviews Freedom Is Not Enough: 22 A POPULATION PORTRAIT by Jason Richwine The Moynihan Report and Who illegal immigrants are, and what they bring with them. America’s Struggle over Black Family Life from LBJ to 25 BACK IN THE GAME by Jay Nordlinger Obama, by James T. Patterson. But this time, former Maryland governor Robert Ehrlich has to be ‘more than perfect.’ 50 FILM: MEANWHILE, BACK IN SHERWOOD . 26 DISCLOSED PARTISANSHIP by Bradley A. Smith Ross Douthat reviews Robin Hood. An unfair and unnecessary campaign-finance ‘reform.’ 51 CITY DESK: SPRINGTIME 28 SPARE NOT THE STICK by Duncan Currie IN THE SQUARE With the Cuban regime vulnerable, now is no time to loosen the embargo. Richard Brookhiser records the blooming of New York’s Union Square. FEATURES 31 DEFENDING ARIZONA by Kris W. Kobach SECTIONS Its statute will withstand the inevitable—and already begun—challenges in court. 2 Letters to the Editor 34 THE BLANKEST SLATE by Edward Whelan 4 The Week Let the Senate inquire into Elena Kagan’s suppressed judicial philosophy. 39 The Bent Pin . Florence King 40 The Long View . Rob Long 36 POISONED CHALICE by John O’Sullivan 49 Poetry . Sarah Ruden In the U.K., Cameronism is already on the road to failure. 52 Happy Warrior . Mark Steyn NATIoNAL REVIEW (ISSN: 0028-0038) is published bi-weekly, except for the first issue in January, by NATIoNAL REVIEW, Inc., at 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and additional mailing offices. © National Review, Inc., 2010. Address all editorial mail, manuscripts, letters to the editor, etc., to Editorial Dept., NATIoNAL REVIEW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016. Address all subscription mail orders, changes of address, undeliverable copies, etc., to NATIoNAL REVIEW, Circulation Dept., P. o. Box 433015, Palm Coast, Fla. 32143-3015; phone, 386-246-0118, Monday–Friday, 8:00 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. Eastern time. Adjustment requests should be accompanied by a current mailing label or facsimile. Direct classified advertising inquiries to: Classifieds Dept., NATIoNAL REVIEW, 215 Lexington Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 or call 212-679- 7330. PoSTMASTER: Send address changes to NATIoNAL REVIEW, Circulation Dept., P. o. 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Maybe you were Richard Brookhiser / Jay Nordlinger Ramesh Ponnuru / David Pryce-Jones going for the generic Founding Fathers artistic cover, but I did not bother to read Managing Editor Jason Lee Steorts the articles knowing that there was something already incorrect. Literary Editor Michael Potemra Executive Editor Christopher McEvoy National Correspondent John J. Miller Art Director Luba Kolomytseva Daniel Neckel Deputy Managing Editors Alexandria, Va. Fred Schwarz / Kevin D. Williamson Associate Editors Helen Rittelmeyer / Robert VerBruggen Research Director Katherine Connell Research Manager Dorothy McCartney Executive Secretary Frances Bronson Assistant to the Editor Natasha Simons Contributing Editors Robert H. Bork / John Derbyshire Ross Douthat / Rod Dreher / David Frum Roman Genn / Jim Geraghty / Jonah Goldberg Florence King / Lawrence Kudlow / Mark R. Levin Yuval Levin / Rob Long / Jim Manzi Andrew C. McCarthy / Kate O’Beirne David B. Rivkin Jr. NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Editor-at-Large Kathryn Jean Lopez Managing Editor Edward John Craig Deputy Managing Editor Duncan Currie Staff Reporter Stephen Spruiell News Editor Daniel Foster Web Developer Nathan Goulding Technical Services Russell Jenkins CHAIRMAN & CEO Thomas L. Rhodes EDITORS- AT- L A RG E Linda Bridges / John O’Sullivan WHAT HAPPENED ThE EdITors rEply: That’s James Madison on the right, not John Adams. And Contributors Hadley Arkes / Baloo / Tom Bethell yes, the cover was meant to TOconvey whatTHE we believe the Founding Fathers James Bowman / Priscilla L. Buckley would think of president obama’s Constitution. If you see the cover as a literal Eliot A. Cohen / Brian Crozier Dinesh D’Souza / M. Stanton Evans depiction of a historicalCONSTITUTION? event, why not object that, at the Constitutional Chester E. Finn Jr. / Neal B. Freeman James Gardner / David Gelernter Convention, the Founders did not throw up their hands in dismay at the fruits of George Gilder / Jeffrey Hart their labors? We hopeMatthew this clarification J. Franck, encourages Michael S.you Greve, to read the articles. Kevin A. Hassett / Charles R. Kesler Charles R. Kesler, Jack Wade Nowlin, James Jackson Kilpatrick / David Klinghoffer Bradley C. S. Watson, Anthony Lejeune / D. Keith Mano Michael Novak / Alan Reynolds Christopher Wolfe William A. Rusher / Tracy Lee Simmons Bedtime Stories Terry Teachout / Taki Theodoracopulos Vin Weber Chief Financial Officer James X. Kilbridge In “The depths of Time” (May 3), richard Brookhiser recalls reading Marcel Accounting Manager Galina Veygman proust’s In Search of Lost Time aloud to his wife. Accountant Zofia Baraniak Treasurer Rose Flynn DeMaio how glorious to learn that someone else does this! For over a decade, I would Business Services read aloud to my wife while she cooked dinner. It didn’t stop there, either. When Alex Batey / Amy Tyler Circulation Director Erik Zenhausern my children were young, they swore we were the only family on the planet that Circulation Manager Jason Ng read books (big books, Crime and Punishment, Brothers) aloud. But I think WORLD WIDE WEB www.nationalreview.com MAIN NUMBER 212-679-7330 my wife and I hold the record. We read the Summa of Thomas Aquinas—all 64 SUBSCRIPTION INQUIRIES 386-246-0118 volumes. WASHINGTON OFFICE 202-543-9226 ADVERTISING SALES 212-679-7330 oddly, after that, my wife asked me to get a hobby. Executive Publisher Scott F. Budd Advertising Director Jim Fowler Advertising Manager Kevin Longstreet Mark Herring ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Paul Olivett Via e-mail PUBLISHER Jack Fowler FOUNDER William F. Buckley Jr. Letters may be sub mitted by e-mail to [email protected]. 2 | www.nationalreview.com JUNE 7 , 2 0 1 0 base_milliken-mar 22.qxd 5/17/2010 2:15 PM Page 1 © Keir Davis, 2009. Used under license from Shutterstock, Inc. 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