University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 6-19-1991 Central Florida Future, Vol. 23 No. 63, June 19, 1991 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 23 No. 63, June 19, 1991" (1991). Central Florida Future. 1070. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1070 • •• Future© Volume 23, Number 63 SeNing The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Wednesday June19, 1991 } f .l'J I Search begins for interim president by Heidi Steiner fessor and interim president. NEWS EDITOR ··Robert Bryan, retired Uni­ • versity of Florida provost. He Chancellor Charles B. Reed, served as UFs interim presi­ State Board of Regents, visited dent several years ago. • UCF last Wednesday and ev­ • Agustus Turnbull, Flori­ eryone knows why. da State University provost. Reed spoke to staff, faculty, • Thaddeus Seymour, students and alumni about the former Rollins College presi­ effects UCF will encounter due dent. to'former President Steven Alt- However, Reed said he is ~0~'s resigna- looking into oth­ er candidates as "Now you all well. know why I'D). "I have a cou­ here," Reed said. · 1 ple ·more on my He came to list. I've been hear UCF voice calling them their opinions on and getting a lot • . what type of per­ of answering son should be machines," he chosen for inter­ said. im president Dean McFall, YOU LOOK MAAH -VELOUS and to encour­ UCF public re­ age everyone to lations director, Pam Howe videotapes Fernando (Lee Lipton) during the taping of "Fernando's Fashion Tips for keep up UCF's Steven Altman said he does not Freshmen." The video will be a new presentation for incoming freshman this fall. (I "momentum." know when the The Faculty Senate wants new interim president will be the new interim president to elected. come from within the universi­ ''We won't know any sooner • ty. than the end of this week and Fee hike funds shuttle, union ''We need someone who's go­ maybe as late as June. 27 ," he by BrynnerW. Yee An Appropriated Reserve of $70,000 haf? been ing to be here when the new said. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE set aside. Salaries for Student Government, the president takes over. We need The search for a new presi­ Student Center, Recreational Services, Legal that continuity," said Glenn dent will officially begin June Student Government passed the Activity.and Services, and SEPS totaled $1,116,558 and com­ Cunningham, Faculty Senate 27 when Reed meets with the... Service Fee Budget on June 2. prised 52 percent of the A&SF budget. Opera­ chairman. Board of Regents. He said he The 1991-92 Activity and Service Fee Bud­ · "We're worried that if some­ tion cost $419,941 and comprised 19.7 percent wants a president on board by get totaled $2,146,633 after subtracting $4i3,603 of A&SF. Operations includes the expenses for one came from outside the uni­ the first of January. for the Student Union Trust recreational services, the stu­ versity than it would take sev­ "I'm not going to be hasty in Fund and $103,402 for the dent center and SG services eral months for them to figure picking an· interim president, Campus Shuttle Trust Fund. "By this increase [in at all the other UCF cam­ everything out. That would but I want this process of The more than $2 million puses. slow us down," he said. A&S fees], we are not searching for a new president marks an increase of $261,1 73 CAB Programming, Possible candidates for the ov·er by Christmas," Reed said. compared to last year's budget. th~ which includes: movies, cul­ interim ·president include: showing student He told students they would "I think it's important to re- . tural events, homecoming, • Richard Astro, UCF pro­ body an increase in be an integral part in choosing member no person is happy spectacular knights, popular vost. with every aspect of any bud­ student services." entertainment, promotions, • Les Ellis, former UCF pro- see VISIT page 3 get. But I think you'll see the David Mann travel and.recreation, speak­ general consensus is this is a ers, video, CAB concerts, and fair budget," SG Comptroller Pro Tern Volunteer · UCF, totaled .. Cash Ulmer said $419,941 and compris~d 19.7 1 Of the $1.25 per credit hour Activity and percent of A&SF. Service Fee increase, $1 will comprise the en­ The Clubs and Organizations listing included tire Student Union Trust Fund and 25 cents the Senate Working Fund, A&SF Clubs and Or­ will comprise the entire Campus Shuttle Trust ganizations, Clubs and Organizations Travel, . '. Fund, African American Student Union (AASU), Greek "By this increase [in A&S fees], we are not Council, Hispanic American Student Associa­ showing the student body an increase in stu­ tion (HASA), Student Wellness Advocate Team, dent services," Senator David Mann of Arts and Sciences said. see FEES page 3 DiBona appoints 7 senators, Mann elected Senate pro tem • by Brynner w. Yee Chief of Staff and the Special Projects Coordinator. "I think by far Dave Mann -is the man for a man's CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE Special Projects Coordinator was an anticipated posi­ job," Senator Mark Deutsch said. tion that was never filled. Its duty was to manage the "I think my experienc~ is the strongest thing I Student Body President Jason DiBona appointed daily affairs oflong and short term SG projects. have going for me," Mann said. seven senators, created two new positions and a sen­ The Chief of Staff's duties· were to coordinate cabi­ DiBona's seven appointed senators include ate president pro tempore was elected at a recent SG net meetings and handle the executive affairs of Di­ • Ralph Simon, Liberal Studies meeting. Bona and Vice President Mark Dogoli. • Benjamin Ungerman, Arts and Sciences He appointed Senator Mike Johnson to the newly The Senate again elected David Mann as the new pro •Jonna Maynard, Arts and Sciences created position of Clubs and Organizations Advo­ tern. Pro tern acts as Senate President when the vice • Mark Sutton, Business cate. Johnson will be responsible for coordinating president is absent. The pro tern is also a member of •Kenneth Nabbe, Engineering relations between UCF organizations and their sena­ all Senate committees and responsible for a legisla­ • Carl Scussel, Engineering t tors. His confirmation is planned for June 16. tive report to inform the general student body of sen­ •Bryan Harper, Education Brian Handshuh was confirmed to the newly cre­ ate actions. Thyme Critchfield was confirmed for an Education ated position of Directo.r .of Executive Affairs. This Mann had previously held the position-of pro tern position combines the duties of the old position of and is a veteran senator. see APPOINTEES page 3 2 The Central Florida Future June 19, 1991 The Budweiser eJiine lctMti11 Page. King of.Beers Checkers! This game is played the same as Puzzles and Beer! We've cut up this familiar beverage ordinary checkers except that one player uses Bud bottle caps, t}le other uses caps label into seven pieces. See if you can fit the pieces back together so from an ordinary beer.' The Bud player has a decided advantage, as his pieces are that they can reveal the nClme of this popular product. automatically kings. The _loser has to buy more Bud. • • •• •• Hydraulic Flow Quiz! (1) There are 12 ounces of beer in a Bud Longneck. If the beer is chilled to 50 degrees Fahrenhei~ •• with an ambient temperature of 88 degrees Fahrenhei~ and you hold the bottle at a 45-degree angle, at sea level, with an atmospheric pressure of 15 p.s.i., how long will it take to empty the bottle? .. (Answer below. ) State Capital Quiz! (2) Can you name a state where . Budweiser isn't the best-tasting beer? (Answer below.) • • • • ... • • • • • • • • • • • • BaSeball 'Ilivia! (3) Ifyou can answer even one of the following, •• • • you qualify as a Sports genius! A. What was Babe Ruth's hat size? B. Dizzy Dean • • once struck out 17 Cubs in one game. Name those Cub~. C. In 1919 Eddie Ciccotti pitched for a notorious World Series-contender. Who were they and why were they notorious? D. How many stitches in an American League baseball? How many in a National League baseball? E. Whaf s the best beer to have whil~ watching a game? (Answers below.) - ·a}(of ou SI S!lfl pue laSJaMpns: ·a: ·(v aas) lUno;) Ol iuew 001 ·a ·sa1ias PIJOM alp Mallfl iatU ·xos alJliM o~;)JllJ alll ':J :iap1aH lJa11ap1aH ia1uaJ lap1aH l~ 'uewas-es: pi£ 'dOlSlJOllS 'uewas-es: puz 'uewas-es: lSl 1atpll0 lal.Pl!d ·g ·a21s peal.{ S!ll SB awes ·v (£ ·aM PlTIO;) .lolflJoN (z ·.reaA S!lfl UOJlB;)BA JnOA a}(el Ol ue1d noA .raA~Jal.{M .Io !feMBH .Io BIWOJ!reJ UJ A.n Ol lUawµadxa lea~ e a}(TI spunos (I :SJaMSUV Pl.EASE AECVCU: OUR ALUMINUM CANS 8UOWEISEIO<KING OF BEE,...Q lllll' ANHEUSER-llUSCH. INC.•ST. LOUIS. YO RYAN FISH WAYNE DENSCH 380-0064 851-7100 •• _The Central Florida Future · June 19, 1991 3 APPOINTEES Chris Marlin asked that Dr.
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