0?5$i7p^Q^W k ^<5^ ^KJrt ^rfrHv^lv JwSCt {4wk r\jc^. <3(x^ eg). / il' https://archive.org/details/crossroads19531953albe THE SENIORS The and iWKs^ , -;..''v.-:» As we reach the Crossroads where the roods of our high school life and the future intersect, we pause o moment to remember. It is from these memories that this 1953 Crossroads comes. - •' And os we travel down the rood of the future, look bock, and see our- selves in o picture, may these memories take o fonder and dearer place in our hearts. For his Willingness to help when and wherever he is needed Time which he has sacrificed to moke the way easier for others Interest in each student Unfoiling patience Support of oil school activities Loyalty to our school and for All the work he does, asking no credit, but deserving much WE, the seniors, lovingly dedicate this 1953 Crossroads to MR. WILSON We hope that this dedication will in a small way make up for the credit he so richly deserves, but does not always receive. 4 Jean Abrahamsen Inez Bankett Rex Benton Chicora Caughman Mrs. Warren Coble Bible Business Physical Education Mathematics Home Economics Mrs. Paul B. Fry Paul B. Fry R. C. Hatley Spencer Hatley Mrs. N. A. Hayes English Choral Music Science Band English Mildred Kyzer Mrs. Mazel Bowles Lyke Business Biology Mrs. Mott Saunders Mary Lillian Schell Eighth Grade Physical Education Claud Grigg Superintendent J. L. Cashwell Principal 6 OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Bob Holt, Mrs. J. B. Morris, Mrs. Paul Helms Mrs. Robert Deese FACULTY French and English Mrs. Wallace Ivey Eighth Grade Mrs. A. S. Lynn Pearle Michael Lillian Misenheimer J. C. Morris Bill Robinette Eighth Grade Librarian English Industrial Arts Social Studies Doris Tucker Henry T. Webb, Jr. Mrs. Frank W. Westerlund E. F. Wilson Mathematics Physical Education English and Social Studies Diversified Occupations Joe V; East Side Gang Sid ond Imogene' “ •f' Snuggs at Work CLASS OFFICERS James Gibson President David Bruton Vice-President Nelda Huneycutt Secretary Clayton Mauldin Treosurer c^&. ! SENIORS Pete Almond "He'll find a way" Pres, and V. Pres, of Student Body, Nat. Hon. Society, Boys' State, Hon. System Convention, Who's Who, Student Lion, \ Assembly Comm., B-Team and Varsity Basketball, Legion and High School Baseball, Student Council, Mixed Chorus, Hi-Y, Officer of Inter-Club Council, Homeroom Officer, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramurals, Open House, Ping Pong Chomp., Jr. Sr. Prom Comm., Comm. Marshal. Sally Ausband "Trim and neat— Pretty and sweet" Annual Staff, Full Moon Staff, Assembly Comm,, Debating team. Homecoming Sponsor, Mixed Chorus, Dramatics and Boosters Club. Tri-Hi-Y, Speaking and Writing Club, Scholor- ship Club, F.H.A., Homeroom Officer, 9th Grade Chorus and Operetta, Jr. Play Cast, 10th Grade Talent Show, Waitress at Sen. Banquet, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Jr. Sr. Prom Comm., Sen. Play. Jimmy Baldwin "Our thoughts and our conduct are our own" Intramural basketball and softball. Wayne Barringer "Merry as the day is long" Varsity Basketball, B-team basketball. Student Council, Boosters Club, Hi-Y, Homeroom Officer, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramurals, Sen. Play Cast. Buddy Boone "Must I study? Oh, what a waste of time!" B-team football. Boys' Chorus, 9th Grade Chorus, Jr. Play Cost, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Intramurals. J. C. Boone, Jr. "Put his shoulder to the wheel" Photography Editor of Annual, Full Moon Staff, Assembly Comm., School Photographer, Boys' Quartet, Mixed Chorus, Pres, and V. Pres, of Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Hi-Y, Officer of Infer-Club Council, Pres, of Photography Club, Scholarship Club, F.T.A., Homeroom Officer, 9th Grade Chorus and Operetta, Jr. Play Cast, 10th Grade Talent Show, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Greensboro and Mars Hill Clinics, Football Announcer, Sen. Banquet Entertainer, Who's Who, Student Lion. Shirley Boone "Laugh and the world laughs with you" Annuol Staff, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, F.H.A., Homeroom Ofticer, Waitress at Sen. Banquet, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramural Basketball, Jr. Play Usher. Lorry Bowers "The world's no better if we worry. "Life's no longer if we hurry." Sports Editor of Full Moon, Annual Staff, Varsity Football, Monogram Club, Hon. Mention all-Conference, B-team Foot- ball, Band, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Hi-Y, Photography Club. Athlete of Month, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramurals. 12 David Bruton "The combined qualities of a man and a good athlete" Sen. Class Officer, Studenf Lion, Annual Staff, Shrine Bowl, Varsity Football, Monogram Club, B-Team Football, Student Council, Band, Boosters Club, Hi-Y, Inter-Club Council, Scholar- ship Club, Athlete of Month, Homeroom Officer, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, All State, Pres. Monogram Club, Hon. Men. All American. Frank Burrell " A good disposition is better than gold" Nat. Hon. Society, Treas. of Student Body, Comm. Marshal, Full Moon Staff, Student Council, Band, Editor-in-Chief of Annual, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Hi-Y, Inter-Club Coun- cil Officer, Scholarship Club, Orchestra, Homeroom Officer, 9th Grade Operetta, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intra- murals, Band Clinic, "Dog House Four", Who's Who, Student Rotarian. Peggy Sue Cathey "Ever Calm and Dignified" Full Moon Staff, D.O. (2), Science Fair. Marie Clayton "Heaven is more or less living In simple being and in giving" Annual Staff, Full Moon, Mixed Chorus, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Inter-Club Council Officer, Speaking and Writing Club, Photography Club, Scholarship Club, F.H.A., Girls' Chorus, Jr. Play Cast, Waitress at Sen. Banquet, F.H.A. Convention, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Music Clinic, Open House, Operetta Costumes Com. Ellen Cook "Her cheerful smile matches her heart" Nat. Hon. Society, Annual Staff, Student Council, Mixed Chorus, Dramatics Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Speaking and Writing Club, Scholarship Club, Homeroom Officer, 9th Grade Chorus and Operetta, Cast of "Bird's Christmas Carol", 10th Grade Talent Show, Waitress at Sen. Banquet, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Intramural Basketball. Ruth Ann Copley "To make the world a friendly place. One must show c friendly face" Annual Staff, Full Moon Staff, Homecoming Sponsor, Mixed Chorus, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Pres. Speak- ing and Writing Club, Basketball Scorekeeper, F.H.A. Home- room Officer, Waitress at Sen. Banquet, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramural Basketball, Jr. Sr. Prom Comm., Open House Guide, Sen. Play Cast. Dewey R. Corriiier "Though vanquished, he could still argue" D.O. Student, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramural Football, and Basketball. Larry Crisco "I hod rather hove a fool to moke me merry than experience to make me sod" Boosters Club, Stunt Night, Field Doy. 13 SEN RS Mona Roe Crotts " A good heart is better than all the heads in the world." Art Editor of Annual, Full Moon Staff, Cheerleader, Home- coming Sponsor, Mixed Chorus. Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y. Scholarship Club, F.H.A., 9th Grade Operetta, 10th Grade Talent Show Waitress at Sen. Banquet. Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Dav, Intramural Basketball, Jr. Play Usher, Prom Comm., Student Radio Program, Delegate to Tri-Hi-Y Convention, Sen. Play Cast. Willie Ray Curlee "Our thoughts and our conduct are our own." D.O. Student, Science Fair, Stunt Night, DO. Basketball. Douglas Davis "To live is to love." Boosters Club, Bible Club, Library Club, Boys' Chorus, 9th Grade Chorus and Operetta, 1 0th Grade Talent Show, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramurals, Open House. Marion Davis "True to herself, true to her friends, true to her duty always." Annual Staff, Boosters Club, F.H.A., Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramural Basketball. Sandra Davis "Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows." Annual Staff, Full Moon Staff, Girls' Ensemble, Mixed Chorus, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, F.H.A., Waitress at Sen. Banquet, Tri-Hi-Y Convention, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Mars Hill Clinic. Gene Deese "Happy om I, from care I am free: Why can't they all be contented like me?" Varsity Basketball, Hi-Y, Stunt Night, Intramural Football, Basketball and Softball. Shirley Deese "A tender heart, a will inflexible." Annual Staff, Varsify Basketball, Mixed Chorus, Dramatics C.ub, Boosters Club, Library Club, F.H.A., Girls' Chorus, 9th Grade Operetta, Waitress at Sen. Banquet, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, Intramural Basketball, Open House. James Dennis "I like work, it fascinates me; I can sit and look at it for hours." Annual Staff, 9th Grade Chorus, Field Day. 14 SENIORS Jeanette Dennis 'The girl who wins is the girl who works." Nat. Hon. Society, Comm. Marshal, Annual Staff, B-Team Basketball, Majorette— 5 yrs.. Chief Majorette(2), Homecoming Sponsor (3), Mixed Chorus, Varsity Basketball (2), Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Scholarship Club, F.H.A., Home- room Officer, loth Grade Talent Show, Science Fair, Intramural Basketball, Decoration Comm, for Jr.-Sr. Prom. Corolyn Doby "Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work and wish." Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, F.H.A., Girls' Chorus, DO, Student, F.H.A. Convention, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Field Day, 8th Grade Chorus. ' Dwight Efird "Every man is a volume if you know how to read him." Annual Staff, B-Team Football, Student Council, Boosters Club, Hi-Y, Photography Club, Science Fair, Intramural Football, Hi- Y Convention, Open House. F. E. Efird "If you work, if you wait, you will find the place where the four leaf clovers grow," D.O. Student, Science Fair, Stunt Night, Intramural Basket- ball, D.O. Basketball Team. Carolyn Gaddy "Do you not know that I am a woman? When I think I must speak." Annual Staff, Homecoming Sponsor, Dramatics Club, Boosters Club, Tri-Hi-Y, Inter-Club Council, Library Club, F.H.A., Home- room Officer, D.O.
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