22;698 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 22, 1968 hospital or dorniciliary to use without MEMORIALS By Mr. O'NEILL of Massachusetts: charge parking facilities constructed by the H.R. 18818. A bill for the relief of Cla­ Veterans' Administration at such hospital Under clause 4 of rule X:XII, memorials rinda Duarte Da Silva; to the Committee or domiciliary; to the Committee on Veter­ were presented and referred as follows: on the Judiciary. ans' Affairs. 371. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the By Mr. PEPPER: By Mr. WHITE (for himself, Mr. Legislature of the State of California, rela­ H.R. 18819. A bill for the relief of Clarence FISHER, Mr. VAN DEERLIN, Mr. UDALL, tive to opposition to amendments to the Nuckols; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. TUNNEY. Mr. WALKER, and Mr. Pittman-Robertson Act other than for pur­ By Mr. REINECKE: KAZEN): poses of effective wildlife restoration; to the H.R. 18820. A bill for the relief of Mesrop H.R. 18807. A bill to establish the U.S .. Sec­ Committee on Merchant Marine and Fish­ Bogosoglu; to the Committee on the Judi­ tion of the United States-Mexico Commission eries. ciary. for Border Development and Friendship, and 372. Also a memorial of the Legislature By Mr. RODINO: for other purposes; to the Committee on of the State of Louisiana, relative to amend­ H.R. 18821. A bill for the relief of Aron, Foreign Affairs. ments to the social security law; to the Frieda, and Batia Abramovitz; to the Com­ By Mr. GARMATZ (fol" himself, Mr. Committee on Ways and Means. mittee on the Judiciary. MAILLIARD, Mr. CLARK, Mr. PEI.LY, By Mr. SANDMAN: Mr. ASHLEY, Mr. MOSHER, Mr. LEN­ H.R. 18822. A bill f.or the relief of Tova and NON, Mr. MORTON, Mr. DOWNING, Mr. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Arie Edrich; to the Committee on the Judi­ KEITH, Mr. ROGERS of Florida, Mr. ciary. EDWARDS of Alabama, Mr. STUBBLE­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. SCHEUER: FIELD, Mr. REINECKE, and Mr. FAL­ bills and resolutions were introduced H.R. 18823. A bill for the relief of Edith LON): and severally referred as follows: Cohen; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 18824. A bill for the relief of Arie and H.R. 18808. A bill to extend the provisions By Mr. ANNUNZIO: of the Commercial Fisheries Research and H .R. 18810. A bill for the relief of Rosaria Tova Edrich; to the Committee on the Judi­ Development Act of 1964; to the Committee Prunotto and Roberto Prunotto; to the Com­ ciary. on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. mittee on the Judiciary. By Mr. WHALLEY: By Mr. MURPHY of New York (for By Mr. BINGHAM: H.R. 18825. A bill for the relief of Rosa Marigliano; to the C.ommittee on the Judi­ himself, Mr. SCHADEBERG, Mr. ST. H .R. 18811. A bill for the relief of Dr. Gol­ ONGE, Mr. ROTH, Mr. Dow, Mr. DEL­ lamudi Romachander; to the Committee on ciary. LENBACK, Mr. HATHAWAY, Mr. POL­ the Judiciary. LOCK, Mr. JONES of North Carolina, By Mr. BRASCO: PETITIONS, ETC. Mr. RUPPE, Mr. HANNA, Mr. BUTTON, H.R. 18812. A bill for the relief of Stefano Mr. HELSTOSKI, Mr. LEGGETT, Mr. Garcia; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions FUQUA, and Mr. FRIEDEL): By Mr. EDWARDS of C21.lifornia: and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk H.R. 18809. A bill to extend the provisions H.R. 18813. A bill for the relief of Radovan and referred as follows: of the Commercial Fisheries Research and Spremo; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 379. By the SPEAKER:. Petition of the Development Act of 1964; to the Committee H.R. 18814. A bill for the relief of Miss Board of Supervisors, County of Los Angeles, on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Saturnina Toriaga; to the Committee on Calif., relative to gun control legislation; By Mr. FALLON: the Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 1414. Joint resolution granting By Mr. FRELINGHUYSEN: 380. Also, petition of James Kelly, Lans­ the consent of Congress to the States of H.R. 18815. A bill for the relief of Nikolaos ing, Kans., relative to redress of grievances; Maryland and West Virginia and the Com­ Fountas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. monwealths of Virginia and Pennsylvania and H .R. 18816. A bill for the relief of Vincenza 381. Also, petition of Rabbi Martin Kohn, the District of Columbia, as signatory bodies, Nunziata; to the Committee on the Judi­ Los Angeles, Calif., relative to redress of for certain amendments to the compact ciary. grievances; to the Committee on the Ju­ creating the Potomac Valley Conservancy By Mr. HANLEY: diciary. District and establishing the Interstate Com­ H.R. 18817. A bill for the relief of Erlinda 382. Also, petition of Henry Stoner, Port­ mission on the Potomac River Basin; to the S. Calalang; to the Committee on the Judi­ land, Oreg., relative to constitutional law; Committee on Public Works. ciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BABE RUTH ESSAY CONTEST sionals and other community leaders who Baltimore's immortal son and baseball enjoy following various sports activities. idol, the Memorial Stadium area, on 33d With Maurice R. Shochatt as the Street in Baltimore, was designated in HON. SAMUEL N. FRIEDEL founder, they formed this nonprofit or­ 1957 as Babe Ruth Plaza through the ef­ OF MARYLAND ganization in 1950 so they could lend a forts of the organization. The Sports IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES helping hand to the sports programs that Boosters were represented at the Memori­ Monday, July 22, 1968 have afforded them many hours of keen al Stadium ceremonies on August 13, enjoyment. That accounts for the Sports 1955, when a plaque extolling Babe Mr. FRIEDEL. Mr. Speaker, in con­ Boosters' various awards; support of Ruth's baseball heroics was unveiled. junction with the acquistion of Babe y;outh sports programs; and espousal of Claire Ruth, his widow, was in attend­ Ruth's birthplace by the city of Balti­ diversified athletic endeavors. ance at the ceremonies. more, the Sport's Boosters of Maryland The Sports Boosters regard sports pro­ It is appropriate to note that Babe conducted an essay contest revolving grams as physical fitness foundation in Ruth's hometown has launched a 50- around the theme of "How Babe Ruth's training and strengthening the youth of State drive to preserve the baseball im­ Booming Bat Brought Fame to America; as well as ideal for the adults, mortal's birthplace, located in a group of Baltimore." whether they are participants or specta­ houses otherwise condemned for demoli­ It was on August 16, 1948, that the tors. Dedicated to the best in sports for tion. "Babe0 passed away, at the age of 53. the youth and adults, the Sports Boosters The Babe was born on February 6, 1895, Three students of the Cardinal Gib­ are truly happy to be able to do some­ in a three-story, red-brick rowhouse at bons High School, now. occupying the site thing in their own way to advance ama­ 216 Emory Street, Baltimore, and of St. Mary's Industrial School, where teur and professional athletic endeavors christened George Herman Ruth. Babe Ruth received his early training, in his area. Mayor Thomas D'Alesandro III, has have been named as recipients of the The officers of the Sports Boosters of announced that a committee he ap­ three awards, Richard Hiel, of 2116 Maryland include Michael Fox, honorary pointed on the Babe's 73d birthday last Drummond Road, Baltimore, 1968 grad­ president; Edward Borow, president winter had designed and minted special uate of Cardinal Gibbons High School, is Sidney Chelew; senior vice president; commemorative bronze coins, which are winner of first prize. Thomas Jeske, of Marvin Mirvis, vice president; Maurice now being made available to fans of all 1303 Walnut Avenue, Baltimore, is win­ R. Shochatt, executive secretary; Jack ages who contribute $1 or more to the ner of second prize, and Edward Krokos, Brahms, treasurer; Hyman P. Tatel­ birthplace restoration fund. of 5305 Highview Avenue, Baltimore, is baum, counsel; Judge Daniel Friedman, A limited quantity of the coins has winner of third prize. chairman of the executive board; and I been minted in sterling silver and these Who are the Sports Boosters? They am vice chairman of the executive board. will be forwarded to persons sending a are Baltimore businessmen and profes- Due to the Sports Boosters' interest in contribution of $100 or more. All con- July 22, 1968 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22699 tributions to the Babe Ruth Shrine will showing he could go all the way. Baltimore was like heaven. He was seven ye·ars old be gave him the chance to make it big, and when he started at St. Mary's and stayed tax deductible. once there he remembered the town that had there until he was e·l:ghteen. This is where Funds raised by the mayor's commit­ helped him along, each tremendous l;llast he received his education and first broke tee, headed by Charles P. McCormick, from his powerful bat sounded a thank you into baseball. Baltimore civic leader, and Jack Dunn to the town that had made is possible. He began playing baseball with the other Ill, vice president, Baltimore Orioles, will boys at St. Mary's. Then he got his chance be used to convert the small brick home (By Thomas Jeske) to break into organized baseball with the and the three connecting houses into a What is the definition of a booming bat? Baltimore Orioles,· an International League national shrine and museum in the It is like a golden arm in football.
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