36566 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 18, 1971 EXTENSIONS OF R.EMARKS CHAS'e-MANHA'ITAN'S PA'ITERSON in themselves, solve our economic problems. way he can absorb the mood of Washington CALLS FOR EXECUTIVE INVOLVE­ They will do no more than provide a breather is to be on the scene. Legislators have a for the country, so it can deal more forcibly pretty good grasp of public opinion, and MENT with the fundamental causes of its economic today's vocal public opinion has an amazing malaise. Because controls-and none Of us way of becoming tomorrow's legislation. like them-inevitably and rather quickly I've spoken with some businessmen who HON. NORMAN F. LENT lose their effectiveness, they are seldom -a acknowledge frankly that they are timid OF NEW YORK satisfactory solution for the longer run. about calling on their Congressmen or testi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ultimately, cooperation is the key,: co­ fying at Congressional hearings. I must con­ operation abroad, among the leading cur­ fess that I myself started out with some Monday, October 18, 1971 rency nations of the world and cooperation trepidation, if only because the prime rate Mr. LENT. Mr. Speaker, Mr. Herbert at home among labor, business and govern­ was then at its highest level since the Civil P. Patterson, president of the Chase­ ment. Those of you who must compete reg­ War! In fact, my associates wouldn't even Manhattan Bank, recently delivered an ularly against the Japanese have some idea let me call on Congressman Wright Patman of what the labor-business-government triad until my third visit! address to the New York Commerce and can accomplish through cooperation. However, the reception has always been Industry Association which I think is At the risk of seeming somewhat naive, I'd cordial and the conversation pleasant. You noteworthy. So that my colleagues may also like to suggest closer cooperation be­ may have to cool your heels while a Congress­ have the benefit of Mr. Patterson's re­ tween the major political parties in curb­ man shuttles over to the Capitol to cast a mark.3, I enter them here: ing inflation. Bipartisanship in this area is, vote, or has his picture taken on the steps with a visiting 4H Club from back home, but ONE MANAGEMENT JOB THAT CAN'T BE I know, always easy to talk about and dif­ ficult to accomplish. Yet that's what people most lawmakers do welcome visits from con­ DELEGATED used to say about our postwar foreign policy cerned businessmen. I'm very pleased to have this opportunity until a determined band, led by Senator A California Congressman explained to me of appearing at your Forum and am grati­ Arthur Vandenberg, showed that coopera­ one reason why. "We can read a bill," he said, fied that you preferred listening to me tion was possible in bringing to fruition the "and not see that it's going to hit a certain rather than strolling through the park on Marshall Plan and the Atlantic Pact. In my industry. You people know immediately that this last day of summer. judgment, the need for a similiar bipartisan it would have an effect on your particular Like most of you, I look forward to the approach to infiation control is presently ur­ business or your community. That's when summer months as a time to catch up on gent and may determine America's economic you should get on the phone or write a letter, my reading. However, I now look back in fate in the Seventies and even beyond. It is or, better, come down to Washington." dismay at the relatively few books and ar­ simply not possible to plan the course of an As you know, members of our New York ticles I've managed to read thoroughly. economy as vast and complicated as ours Congressional delegation all have offices right I did find one article especially provoca­ within a two-year election cycle. here in the area as well as in Washington, so tive. It appeared in the July-August issue Some of the main hazards facing the econ­ you can often find them in town on Mondays of The Harvard Business Review under the omy in the decade ahead are governmental. and Fridays when they are home mending intriguing title "The Sounds of Executive As Fortune Magazine pointed out recently, Silence." fences. Those of you who read it will recall that the U.S. cannot have a continuing healthy Well, you may ask, why would a Congress­ author Norman Adler points out that the economy unless it improves the quality of its man want to see me? What have I got to stridency of both the radical left and the government. If we in business want to pro­ offer him? radical right is on the upsurge. The aca­ mote this improvement and have a voice in For one thing, you have information-or demic community has become increasingly the decision-making process, we must come ready access to it- and that's an extremely vocal; politicians at all levels of government to know government officials and keep our valuable commodity in Congressional circles. are rarely at a loss for words on any subject; point of view constantly before them, just as Too many businessmen assume that legisla­ yet from most corporate executives comes labor and other segments of society are tors are experts on every conceivable subject. only silence. doing. That's an obvious physical impossibility, as The author deplores what he calls "this So much, then, for the need. the legislators themselves are the first to ad­ self-imposed intellectual and social celibacy," What are the best means of meeting this mit. After all, more than 15,000 bills and reso­ and he argues that businessmen make a need? lutions have been introduced in Congress just serious mistake in shunning the national Surely, business associations such as Com­ since January. The average Congressman's re­ debate on vital economic and social issues-­ merce and Industry perform an indispensa­ search facilities are considerably limited, so issues that are increasingly determining the ble role in furthering better communications he's more than glad to have information that well-being of our country and the conduct between businessmen and government offi­ will help him do a more efficient job. of our business enterprises. cials. They can be highly effective in han­ For example, I found one Congressman who Mr. Adler pleads his case as a lawyer and dling broad problems that may extend well was deeply interested in the various options former corporate executive concerned with beyond the reach of individual companies. open for funding public education, and our the broad role of business in our society. My But business associations don't relieve the economists at the bank provided him with a own interest in the subject derives from my executive of his own personal responsibilities cost-benefit analysis. A Congressional Com­ personal experiences over the past two years in the government relations area. The time mittee wanted to know how many new manu­ in broadening my contacts with government is long past when top executives could rely facturing plants had been denied natural gas officials in Washington where the "executive entirely on others to do their work of com­ servicing over the past few years, and our silence" is often deafening. municating with government. Energy Division was able to come up with For a few minutes this afternoon, I'd like This is a job that's become too important the answer. During one monetary crisis, a to draw on these experiences and share with for top management to delegate. It has be­ Congressman wanted to explain to his con­ you some thoughts about the increasing need come a do-it-yourself project. The executive stituents what was going on, so I agreed to for more constructive dialogue between busi­ himself can be far more effective in present­ appear as "guest panelist" on his local tele­ nessmen and government officials; the means ing his company's views on major issues than vision program. for accomplishing this; and the benefits that anyone else can on his behalf. Admittedly, these are areas that a bank can be realized from it. During the past two years, as I indicated would be likely to have more background on As for the need, it seems to me that all we earlier, I've tried to practice what I preach than other businesses. But if you take a hard have to do is look around us. We see fully by going to Washington every few weeks look at your own field, the chances are you'll as many decisions being made on the future to talk with Senators, Congressmen and find many information sources that could of business and banking in the halls of Con­ other government officials. prove very helpful to Congressmen and, at gress these days as in corporate board rooms. Washington has been described as a mar­ the same time, provide a means of closer Legislation on auto safety, air and water pol­ velous blend of southern efficiency and north­ communication. lution, packaging requirements, cigarette ad­ ern hospitality. Commuting to there may not As Senators and Representatives are fa­ vertising and other issues has had a profound be everyone's idea of fun. Nonetheless, it is vorably impressed when businessmen do take impact on scores of businesses. the "Headquarters City'• of the world's big­ the time to plead their case personally, the What Congress and the Executive Branch gest borrower, biggest lender and biggest benefits can be well worth the effort.
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