COMRADE ENVER HOXHA GREETING THE DELEGATES TO THE 8th CONGRESS The delegates to the 8th Congress of the Pl.A attentively follow its proceedings. This issue of the magazine «ALBANIA TODAY» is dedicated to the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania^ held from the ht to 7th of November 1981 in Tirana. It includes: • The report «ON THE ACTIVITY OF THE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF THE PARTY OF LABOUR OF ALBANIA», submitted to the Congress by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, Comrade ENVER HOXHA • The Closing Speech of the Congress by Com rade ENVER HOXHA In the framework of the 40*** anniversary of the founding of the Party of Labour of Albania and its 8th Congress AND THE ALBANIAN PEC In an atmosphere of revolutionary enthusiasm and of the unbreakable unity of the Albanian people around the PLA, its Central Committee with Comrade Enver Hoxha at the head, the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Albania held its proceedings from the 1st to the 7th of November 1981 in Tirana, the capital of the PSR of Albania. This Congress was a great historic event not only for the communists, but also for the entire Albanian people. The people of Tirana, where Comrade Enver Hoxha at the head of a handful of communists founded the Communist Party of Albania (today the PLA) 40 years ago, greeted the delegates to the Congress with love and joy, and a feeling of legitimate pride. A whole people, linked like flesh to bone with the PLA, were with their hearts and minds in the hall where the 8th Congress of the PLA held its proceedings. Eight hundred fourteen delegates who represent 122,600 communists participate in the Congress. Among the delegates there are communists of the first hour who on the eve of the 8th Congress and on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the PLA were honoured with the lofty decoration of the «40th Anniversary of the PLA», communists who are in the lead in the work of enterprises and fac• tories, of the major projects of the five-year plans, of agricultural cooperatives, institutions and military detachments all over the country. Among them there are builders of the «Steel of the Party» metallurgical combine, of the «Light of the Party» hydro-power station at Fierza, oil-workers, miners, geologists, cooperativists who have distinguished themselves in achieving high crop yields, armymen who have achieved high indices in political and military training, workers of science, art and culture, of state and economic organs, of mass organizations. Among them there are also young men and women, the newest members of the Party who come from the most difficult fronts of work and production, determined to re• main always loyal to the PLA and the Albanian people, to carry the relay baton of the revolution further ahead. Many delegations from the fraternal Marxist-Leninist parties also take part in the proceedings of the Congress on invitation of the CC of the PLA. Amid prolonged cheers the 8th Congress of the PLA was declared open by the Member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of the CC of the PLA, Comrade Ramiz Alia, who said: DEAR COMRADES, Today, the day of the opening of the 8th Con• ral crisis, living in the insecurity of the present gress of the Party, is a happy occasion for all, for and the fear of the future. all the Albanian communists and the entire Alba• Our Party comes to its 8th Congress proud of the nian people. accomplishment with honour of the tasks set by the Every Congress of our Party of Labour has been 7th Congress. It comes to its Congress stronger a landmark in the life of our country. Every one than ever, with a steel unity of its ranks, united of them has opened broad horizons to the all-round as one around the CC and our beloved leader. Com• socialist development of the country. rade Enver Hoxha. It comes to its Congress re• The 8th Congress will take a special place in solved to march always ahead under the banner the history of our Party as the Congress of the of Marxism-Leninism. rapid construction of socialism by relying com• Our Congress is holding its proceedings on the pletely on our forces and on the achievements of eve of the great jubilee of the 40th anniversary of science and technology. the founding of the Party. This is a happy and Its importance assumes special significance very significant coincidence which stands out as a due to the fact that this Congress will lay down symbol of the continuity of our present struggle higher objectives for the development of the eco• and its link with the entire revolutionary and mi• nomy and culture, and the increase of the well- litant road which was initiated on the 8th of No• being of the people, at a time when the world of vember 1941, when Comrade Enver Hoxha and the capital and revisionism continues to suffer the con• Albanian communists founded our glorious Party. sequences of a grave economic, political and mo• They are 40 years of struggle for the freedom and T UR OF ALBANIA PLE independence of the country, for the construction of socialism, 40 years of struggle against internal 6. — The delegation of the Communist Party and external enemies, against imperialism and re• of Colombia (M-L), headed by the First Secretary visionism. of the Central Committee. Our people have been looking forward with 7. — The delegation of the Portuguese Com• great interest to our Congress, to the development munist Party (Reconstructed), headed by Comrade of its proceedings, in the confidence that with the Jose Alves, Political Secretary of the Central Com• decisions it will take it will open new perspectives mittee. to the progress of our socialist society. Allow me 8. — The delegation of the Marxist-Leninist to express, on your behalf, the confidence that the Communist Party of Equador, headed by Comrade delegates to this Congress with fully justify the Pasqual Prado, Secretary of the Central Committee. great trust which the Party and the people have 9. — The delegation of the Communist Party placed in them and will make all their contribution of Canada (M-L), headed by Comrade Hardial Bains, to ensure that the proceedmgs of our 8th Congress Chairman of the Party. will be carried out with complete success. 10. — The delegation of the Communist Party of Denmark (M-L), headed by Comrade Klaus Ris Comrades, Klausen, First Secretary of the Central Committee. With all the elected delegates being present, I 11. — The delegation of the Party of Labour of declare the 8th Congress of the Party of Labour of Iran, headed by Comrade Khalil, General Secretary Albania opened. of the Party. Comrades, 12. — The delegation of the Communist Work• Attending the Congress as guests there are ers' Party of France, headed by Comrade Chantal. communists of 1941, as well as other comrades 13. — The delegation of the Communist Party from the party organizations, from the organs of of Japan (Left), headed by Comrade Toshio Jasudo, the people's state power, from the mass organiza• Member of the Political Bureau and the Secretariat tions, from cultural and scientific institutions, from of the Party. the organs of the press, etc. 14. — The delegation of the Communist Party Many delegations of the sister Marxist-Le• of Togo, headed by Comrade Cocou Jules, First Se• ninist parties are attending our Congress on the cretary of the Party. invitation of the CC of the Party. We are honoured 15. — The delegation of the Communist Party by their participation and appreciate it as an ex• of New Zealand, headed by Comrade Jack Locke, pression of internationalist solidarity and friend• member of the CC of the Party. ship. Our Congress is attended by. 1. — The delegation of the Communist Party 16. — The delegation of the Communist Labour of Vietnam, headed by Comrade Song Hao, Secre• Party of the Domenican Republic, headed by Com• tary of the Central Committee. rade Rafael Chalub Mejia, General Secretary of the 2. — The delegation of the Communist Party Party. of Brazil, headed by Comrade Joao Amazonas, First 17. — The delegation of the Revolutionary Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party. Communist Party of India, headed by Comrade Lai 3. — The delegation of the Communist Party Sing, General Secretary of the Party. of Germany, headed by Comrade Ernst Aust, Chair• 18. — The delegation of the Revolutionary man of the Party. Communist Party of Britain (M-L), headed by Com• 4. — The delegation of the Communist Party rade David Williams, General Secretary of the Party. of Spain (M-L), headed by Comrade Raul Marco, 19. — The delegation of the Communist Party Member of the Secretariat of the Central Com• of Mexico (M-L), headed by Comrade Sergio Barlos, mittee. Member of the Central Executive Commission. 5. — The delegation of the Peruvian Com• munist Party (M-L), headed by Comrade Antonio 20. — The delegation of the Communist Party Fernandez, General Secretary of the Party. of Indonesia. 4 • 6 (61), 1981 ALBANIA TODAY 21. — The delegation of the Communist Party the 7th Congress to the present Congress. It re• of Dahomey. presents another document of historic, theoretical and 22. — The delegation of the Organization for practical importance for the PLA and the Albanian the Founding of the Communist Party of Sweden, people, sets a long-term program for the further headed by Comrade Nils Anderson, Member of the rapid construction of socialism, relying completely Secretariat of the Central Committee.
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