E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2016 No. 23 Senate The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was ZIKA VIRUS August 2013, following time in Jakarta called to order by the President pro Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, just as our Ambassador to Indonesia for 3 tempore (Mr. HATCH). this morning, local health departments years. He served as Ambassador for ASEAN Affairs and as Deputy Assist- f confirmed two cases of the Zika virus in two States bordering Kentucky—In- ant Secretary for the East Asia and Pa- PRAYER diana and Ohio. cific bureau, responsible for relations with Southeast Asia. Earlier in his ca- The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Americans want a better under- reer, he served in Vietnam, the Phil- fered the following prayer: standing of the administration’s efforts ippines, Hong Kong, Brazil, and Tur- Let us pray. to fight this virus and its spread. key, as well as in the Economic Bu- O God, our help in ages past, our hope Americans want to know what the ad- reau’s Office of Monetary Affairs. for years to come, thank You for our ministration’s funding priorities are Ambassador Marciel will represent us Nation and for the freedoms we enjoy. for combatting Zika in a time of lim- as a new government is formed in Lord, thank You also for the men and ited Federal resources. We appreciate Burma and as America’s policies adjust women who gave their lives that we Secretary Burwell coming today to to those changes on the ground. He ob- might be free. help explain all of this. She and her viously has a lot of experience. I think Forgive us when our preoccupation team will provide a briefing to Senate it will prove valuable as he works to with selfish dreams keeps us from sur- leaders, committee chairs, and ranking represent our Nation at a time of truly rendering to Your will. Help us to members about a virus Americans are consequential change in Burma. strive each day to give You our best. rightly concerned about. Keeping Burma’s transition to a democrat- Guide our Senators. May nothing Americans safe and healthy is a top ically elected government is an impor- deter them from doing Your will. Lord, priority for all of us. I am looking for- tant mark of reform in a country with give them faith to meet each challenge ward to hearing what she has to say. a long and very troubled history. We with Your wisdom. Help them to give f know there is more to be done, but the themselves completely to You, permit- THANKING AMBASSADOR DEREK administration can take credit for its ting Your peace to guard their hearts. MITCHELL efforts, and so can Members of Con- We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, gress in both parties. Hopefully we can f turning to the nomination we will con- build on that momentum working to- sider today, our Ambassador to Burma, gether. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Derek Mitchell, has staunchly pursued f The President pro tempore led the America’s interests in an important NORTH KOREA SANCTIONS AND Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: post. He helped guide our relationship POLICY ENHANCEMENT BILL I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the with Burma through a historic transi- United States of America, and to the Repub- tion to elected government. He also Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, on lic for which it stands, one nation under God, served as a trusted and valuable part- one final matter, the regime in North indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ner in understanding how best to meas- Korea presents serious threats to re- gional stability, to the security of f ure the pace and viability of reform within Burma. Americans, to the safety of our allies, RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY I have gotten to know Derek pretty and to the well-being of North Koreans LEADER well over the last few years. I offer to themselves. Pyongyang regularly threatens The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. him sincere gratitude for all of his ad- neighbors, such as South Korea and FLAKE). The majority leader is recog- vice and counsel. He will be missed. He Japan. It routinely engages in cyber nized. is a genuine expert on that country. And while he leaves big shoes to fill, I warfare. It repeatedly commits gross f intend to support the man nominated human rights violations against its to succeed him. own people and continues to develop a THE PRESIDENT’S BUDGET f nuclear program that threatens peace Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the in the region and throughout the President released a budget today. Con- NOMINATION OF SCOT MARCIEL world. The regime’s most recent dis- gress will review his final set of pro- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, play of belligerent behavior only un- posals and priorities—his call for new Scot Marciel has served as the Prin- derlines that the administration’s ap- taxes, new spending, and more debt. cipal Deputy Executive Secretary since proach has certainly not worked. Let’s ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S709 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:20 Feb 10, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE6.000 S09FEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with SENATE S710 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 9, 2016 work together to change that. Let’s Luxembourg, and Trinidad—a number regarding Congressional efforts to respond to vote to move America’s policy in a bet- of countries that are extremely impor- the tragedy in Flint, Michigan and the expo- ter and more successful direction. tant to what we are doing here. It is a sure of its citizens to lead, a potent neurotoxin, through their drinking water. Last month the House of Representa- shame that they are being held by Re- The AAP supports federal efforts to pro- tives voted to pass comprehensive publicans. It is very unfortunate. vide immediate funding and other assistance sanctions legislation on a bipartisan f to the people of Flint, including the amend- basis. Tomorrow the Senate will turn ment offered by Senators Stabenow and to comprehensive sanctions legislation FLINT, MICHIGAN, WATER CRISIS Peters. While their proposal is a vitally im- that builds on what the House passed, Mr. REID. Mr. President, the people portant first step, we would urge the Senate and we should pass that measure on a in Flint, MI, continue to suffer through to provide additional funding for long-term bipartisan basis as well. educational, early literacy, nutrition, med- a catastrophic series of problems. Basi- ical, behavioral, and other assistance to this The North Korea Sanctions and Pol- cally, it is their water. It is heavily community. This includes, but should not be icy Enhancement Act was written by a contaminated. Their nightmare, which limited to: support for Head Start and Early Republican from Colorado, Senator began almost 2 years ago, is an emer- Head Start; quality child care; literacy pro- CORY GARDNER, and a Democrat from gency that requires a Federal response, grams; Medicaid and Children’s Health Insur- New Jersey, Senator BOB MENENDEZ, and that is what we have been trying ance Program enrollment; the Special Sup- and reported from the Foreign Rela- to do. In the case of emergencies like plemental Nutrition Program for Women, In- tions Committee. It would strengthen this, we must act to help Americans fants, and Children; school meals and after- congressional oversight. It would give school feeding programs; and mental health dealing with a public health crisis. screening and treatment. the President more tools to take action For weeks now, we have called on Re- There is no safe level of lead exposure for against North Korea’s growing aggres- publicans to work with us to provide children. Lead damage can be permanent and sion and require him to do so. It would assistance for the people of Flint— irreversible. Lasting decreases in cognition also reassure our regional allies that 100,000 people. Nine thousand children have been documented in children with blood we have not despaired in taking any under the age of 6 have been poisoned levels as low as 5 micrograms per deciliter of action against North Korea—with or in that little city in Michigan. It is lead in blood.’ It is therefore clear that the without help from China. very large by Nevada standards, but by children and families of Flint will need com- The kind of belligerence we have seen prehensive assistance in both the short- and Michigan standards, that city is not long-term. from Pyongyang must not be ignored. one of the bigger ones, but they need The AAP is eager to assist this commu- Let’s work together to make our coun- help. We need help from the Repub- nity, and federal policymakers, in both im- try and our world safer by passing this licans. Nothing is happening because mediate and longer-term solutions to this bipartisan bill. we haven’t had enough Republican sup- public health tragedy. Thank you for your consideration. If you have any questions, f port. In the meantime, the people of Flint, MI, are using bottled water to please do not hesitate to contact Ami Gadhia in our Washington, D.C. office. RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY bathe, to drink, to brush their teeth, LEADER Sincerely, and to cook with.
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