Guiarat Pollution Control Board Reglonal Office, Belgium Square, Silver Plaza Complex, Opp. Lin€ar Bus Stand, w\72 Ring Road, Surat -395 O03 - W€bsit€: www.spcb.sov.in ISO 9001and ISO 14001 certilied organization PUBLIC HEARING PROCEEDING It is hereby intormed that as per the Ministry ol Environment and Forest & Ctimate Change, Govemment ot India, New Delhi vide its notmcation no. S.O. 1533 dated 141092006 and its subsequent amendment S.O. 3067 (E) dated 01/12009, Public Hearing is ananged for of mb. Spectrum Dye3 .nd Chqmlcals Prlvate Limited, fo. p.oposed expansion ot S.O. Dyes- 900 MT/Monlh, Dispersing Agent-1500 MT/Month or Formulated S.O. Dyes-240o MT/Month and Dye IntermediateeTso MT/Month, plant located at Block No. 484, 502, 503, 504 & 505, NH-8, Vill :Palsana, Ta. Palsana, Dist. Surat, (Guja.at) covered under Category'A- as mentioned in their request applacation. A copy ot the dralt Environment lmpacl Assessnent Report and the Executive Summary ot Environfi€nl lmpact Assessnent Report was sent to the tolloding authoritbs or offices to make available the draft EIA report for inspeclion to the public during nomal ofiice hours, till the Public Hearing is over. 'l. The Dislict Colbctor Ofice. Su.at 2. District Develoornent Office. Surat 3. Districl lnduslry Centre, Surat 4. Taluka Development Office, Tal: Palsana, Dist.: Surat 5. Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forest (C), Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, col, Regional Oftic€ (We6t Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan. E-5, Arera Colony, Link Road-3, Ravisankar Colony, Bhopal - 462016. 6. Regional Offce, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Belgium Square, Silver Plaza Complex, Opp. Linear Bus Siand, Rang Road, Surat - 395 003. Otier concemed persons haviog plausible stake in environmental asp€cts were requesled to s€nd their esponses in wriling to the concerned regulatory authorities. The Public Hearing was held on 2510512018 at '11:00 hrs. at Late Shre€ Chhotubhal Dayalji De3ai Hall, B€hind Post Office. Palsana Main Road, Vlll: Palsana, Ta. pal3ana, Dist. Surat (GuJarat). An advertisement in English was published in "The Times of India" as we as in 'cujarat Samacha/. Surat Edition on 18/04/20'18. Guiarat Pollution Control Board Regional office, Belgium Square, Silver Pla", Complex, Opp. Linear Bus Stand, w\tt RinS Road, Surat -39S 003 - Webslte: www.gpcb€ov.in ISO 9001 and ISO 1,tO01 cerdtled oryanization Shrl S,O.Valrva (GAS), Relldenilal Addltional Dietict & Addldonal Dlstrkt [agiltate, Surat supervis€d and presided over the entire public hearing process. A staiement sho,ving participants present during the public headng is enclosed as Annsxure A. A statement highl(lhting issues raised by the participants and .esponded to by the representative ot the applacanl during the public h€aring in English and Gujarati Languages is encros€d as Annerurc B end Bl respectively. A copaes of responses receaved in writing trom other persons having plausible stake and written representiation received during Public Hearing in environmenl,al aspecls are enclosed herewith collectively as Anneru.G C-l and C-25, the replies by applicant to the same arc encloGed herewilh colleclively as Annsxure D- l 8nd D-25- Copies of public notice published in English and cujarati Edition is enctosed as Annexur+E. 4-2 Place: Palsana, R. WV. Patel I s(l)arAs^)r 16^s) Ta: Palsana Regional Otticer, Relidential Addltlonal Collector Dist.: Surat GPCB, Su.at. and Date: 25/05i2018 Additlonal Obt ict Uagbtrate, Surat Encl: 1 Annexure A, B, Bl , C-l to C-25, D-1 to D.25 and E as above. 2 Video CD ot public hearing REGIONAL O}'FICI.]. SURAT GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD ffi\lrt 33E,llelgi m square. Opp. l,inear llus Sland.Ring Road. SURA'I-J950(13 ANNEXURE - A A statement 3howinq particioants present durlno the Dublic hearinq As per the Ministry of Environment and Fofests, Govemment of India, New Delhi, vide its notification no. S.O.1533 (E) dated 't4|09/2OOO and its subsequent amendmenl S 0.3067 (E) dated 1''December 2009, Public Hearing has been fixed for the following project covered under CATEGORY 'A" of M/s Spectrum Dyes and Chemicals Private Limited for proposed expansion of S.O. \es- 900 MTMonth' Dispersitrg Agent- 1500 MTMonth or Formulated S.O. Dyes- 2400 MT/Month rnd Dye Itraermcdiates- ?50 MTMonth, at Block No. 484, 502,503' 504 & 505' NH-8' Vill. Palsana, Ta' Palsatrr, Dist. Surat. The stalement showing Parlicipants present during public Hearing held on 25.05.2018 at'11:00 a.m at Lrte shree Chhotubhsi Dryalji Dessi Hrll, Behitrd Post Oflice, Palsatra Msin Rord, vill. Palsana' Tr.Palslna, Dist, Surat (Gujarat), is as under: a{.?d n?sr?4t ct"t t{a q?rlq?qt riataer, ddl fdcdat qn&ral{t r{is :llt{.qf. 1q33(tJ) rtt. tY-oe- ?oos r,{a actt qd[{ qt{?t 5{is A{.r, . 3o9o (tJ) ctt. o1-1?-?ooe q"Jriuta lt{d trlri4 sttt$ {* }Oscrr urdaa c{l{i}s, o<tfs .t. yzs, qo?, qo3 rl, qou r,ra qoq, i..€t.-c, :tL{:''lcttttqt, at uctt{t$t, uc<l. {ed 6t?t AaLd. sr63r- eoo IQs a'vtttu, 3l+qGbt rlta- lqoo lQs a"u{{, r{i sl}{R)s du.d. sLtJcr ?yoo lQs e"u{t{ r,(a stor 6"ea{lga?n- oqo l[as ?"u{tn4i lQr.trqr {}"{l r,ri I }ictfl'{'qi i,rtcrfl A.nla E lat u{"Jriut"tti t?d flcttt ut) a1s gataqft ?ruq|ld qraar B. r{l€ufglit dt. aqioqi?oLa "u t-I"r aqtl, tl:oo 3atl, t<r. r{l tr-lSctttJ e4tou tutiJ €la, utsot, uautqt Ltla e-Is, ru{:ua{tqt, d1..1-tctittEt, u.q?.t (q1Y?td) uti qlmda ct1: tlataqft e orrLa €rv? ?d(.{i alsl"{l audl "01 5ta B. Sr.No. Name and Designation Organization/Village Signature g r{i5 arr uJ. ol€,1. {IEUJtt{ a6l 1 uaQlcrtrv ELq Q-r-?l1 w 2 ,( (e' c{(4/\( 31 ..s 6\ ) , , ) f&.''B 3. (z e4u- ;r,. e.,i's.,. 'l.\Ql 2-: t t7 z rc/ P^cE L oF t Sr.No. Name and Designation Organization/Village Signature 5 4t3 dr{ r,{a €lal d+qucu.{ 6[ 4 Ua..re-sl.A.Pale) Ve:-,a @I@ {rLt5h',f N.\uo', &.r grar-)- /rw ?.o".'-4 d"-"*4"-) ry- D qr ? Vv"1-* Ctr;F"A ^,t-rXr^,t .4|-^^ v fu,t4- S"it" 5 6 Po'lsu*tt bn^/ ' 1 \";.{ D--" .>12'2ra,J fu&"'- \ -1) d4"an c. il.^rr 9'')z^'* Y rl ,/7 t.-r._Lhb!. I .tY)._ -.6-d- (---> \ IL * J.,.^J. r,r.. h,//tt.z? tlt Yv4, Yl ^r-^ ,g ;i..1,; +11h,-.J. \u1 .Q,J ,[ev, H W,tfu) e,)elf-.--l . ;lliiil$L \5 1\\$ rnf ts' 6,1a|<zz 2 - nto k)o Y' '',.- (\ "\-n- vt'si)r?,z, 1(111,@- \e .7- -nlr\^.,\4 f . vt__< , Y 1-1 \) $fi- gPu. -(ir P+f ,l 1{ Rfisv^$.-nryt._ /ft-lar./A ) A ,. tlr\t-t( fta,a,J h.lcq v-t ft- +-"t vF-r.(p-Y*-.,' ]o Wi o,tqtrr' Ptpthil 4 ,\\ &1 Aru r CoV- /.- l<. .-u il:- P^GE Z oF t: RECIONAL Of FICE. SURAl' ffi GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARI) \ttz 338, Belgium Square, opp. l,ine:rr lJus Stand, Ring Road, SURAT-395003 Sr.No. Name and Designation Organization/Village Signature ?,{a ql tttelucLLt{ n$t 3 {t5 "ttlt €f f+J' u) tA t c1 Ud I ,-'1 A ht]iA__ ,-r:'\lqv|lh .n.trtq ?lr(\r- oFt,rhrFrr rr\ !;r'.r c s x\ c 4 F4rJ Zl1-- ,l *,t"- r's r\ . 1a 'bt\,&.* u-l"wAa_ L6 tLioat R - ?^l'z B"lolun- t4 )it',.. hilerh ch.*\" )rtvfl':tr PW 2v Eiu -,i ariGt,rr,i arl'v, n, oll\f)c\l 4B @2: ,tl fi.}-t' Q'\ J.1 p"2Js-*-^Jfu"-";J -iln co +rru>\ d"r,r-axrS) -Qrt--at+-'k' o".'^ '1O O<'r'"" {ctJ.l w 3t 9^*).,.u 'A ,9.r* ?,-*, ^^ u E-"f ?{lol ( rLR\ ta {rrj.r | ^ (J:l C4 /'€-t <--., 2a 1 oc1 a$\r\ C'aG.e4 {/ Pa,r"t-."1 ^417>l* s'/U ^^4 ^/9'/L,.k' )r\ ftr..5",r, v -{rn,r) Vfll'ri(-'t ?.trf ,,qt1n,a. ." gzr r< -nl C-1 .tt4 .22 !a . a--n. e, -J A-4- :$ <,-"r qenrn.J.,.r,c \4 e' \-r 1gz?1 dLt-- t).+ 5iJ.ae-o.r- A,Eoet Zs Mtt,r"\ r.\ . Dtanr -qz T)"l Lg"l r,.n-r ow@ 2A -rr.\ir tl\c. \\(\-\-'.\ !5\\ "lq^or.- -qLrs.lXt ^.(,\ a\F{ mce j orf Rf CIO\AL OT'FIC[. SLRAT GUJARAT POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD w\ttt 338, ltelgium Squrre, Opp. Lincar Bus Slard. Ring Ro.rd, stjtLAl -J95{}l).1 Sr.No. Name and Designation Organization/Village Signaturs r,{a l{+EUctpt ndl 5 {t5 "u{ Asl -itq .d {\l3ra, J-rrurv V C/\uWL ko -a,''".rll Hdlz. (fu/z< qfp-s'r.r-z' ^,lG *}}l'r \ *\2.'t".5 - .q."<1 oi.s\ \ < hl -i...",n \ \z \fi} 4fiUclrro'ifq& \f-o?^(4 ;l1pt"' clr.r v'V Q- rlr.)\- r, r'-n k?,) J1raf^l N r,.l 4 .n J"1 Cfs-*.rd4("-+ 6 S;tq \'----'<{- 9>--, {@F-1f0ote l<,8 flatet ^5 Ke nqt b ?qter 1,r dek ezey_efi. ,,i.)'Cr',et, {!r)uF,9r{srt tt) , lv 4cx ri l a'.tart-ztt ) st a4 -.t 'tf t- 2*"'')5 w 91..6.
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