Agenda Paper Central Otago District Council Wednesday, 9 December 2020 Commencing at 10.30 am Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra (Unless Central Government changes COVID-19 meeting restrictions before then, in which case it will be held electronically using Microsoft Teams and livestreamed) www.codc.govt.nz A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE CENTRAL OTAGO DISTRICT COUNCIL NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of Central Otago District Council will be held in Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra on Wednesday, 9 December 2020 commencing at 10.30 am. MEMBERS: His Worship the Mayor T Cadogan, Councillor N Gillespie (Deputy), Councillors T Alley, S Calvert, L Claridge, I Cooney, S Duncan, S Jeffery, C Laws, N McKinlay, M McPherson and T Paterson APOLOGIES: No apologies have been received. IN ATTENDANCE: S Jacobs (Chief Executive Officer), L Macdonald (Executive Manager - Corporate Services), J Muir (Executive Manager – Infrastructure Services), L van der Voort (Executive Manager – Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), J Kasibante (Finance Manager), L Webster (Regulatory Services Manager), M De Cort (Communications Coordinator), G Bailey (Parks Manager), L Stronach (Property Officer - Statutory) and R Williams (Governance Manager) AGENDA 20.10.1 Confirmation of Minutes 9 - 23 RECOMMENDED That the Council: Confirms the minutes of the Council meeting held on 18 November 2020 as a true and correct record. 20.10.2 Declarations of Interest 24 - 26 Members are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises between their role as a member and any private or other external interest they might have. 20.10.3 Christchurch International Airport Ltd Tarras Airport Update (Doc ID 515299) 27 Attached is a report from the Governance Manager to provide the Christchurch International Airport Ltd an opportunity to update the Council on its plans in Tarras. RECOMMENDED that the report is received. 20.10.4 Lake Dunstan Management Report (Doc ID 514613) 28 - 32 Attached is a report from the Parks and Recreation Manager to provide an update on matters relating to Lake Dunstan. RECOMMENDED that the report is received and its recommendations adopted. 20.10.5 Dog Control Bylaw and Policy (Doc ID 512669) 33 - 59 Attached is a report from the Regulatory Services Manager to adopt the proposed Dog Control Bylaw and Dog Control Policy 2020 as recommended by the Hearing Panel. RECOMMENDED that the report is received and its recommendations adopted. 20.10.6 Proposed Road Stopping – Part Oven Hill Road, Millers Flat 60 - 66 (Doc ID 513501) Attached is a report from the Property Officer – Statutory to consider a proposal to stop an unformed portion of Oven Hill Road in accordance with the Public Works Act 1981. RECOMMENDED that the report is received and its recommendations adopted. 20.10.7 Minister of Conservation’s Consent – Easement over Recreation Reserve (PRO: 61-2081-00, 61-2133-00 and 63-4056-00) 67 - 78 Attached is a report from the Property Officer – Statutory to consider granting consent (under delegated authority), on behalf of the Minister of Conservation, to granting an easement in favour of Aurora Energy, over Part Section 115 Block VII Leaning Rock Survey District and Sections 2-3 Survey Office 524226, being Recreation Reserve. RECOMMENDED that the report is received and its recommendations adopted. 20.10.8 Minister of Conservation’s Consent – Easement over Scenic Reserve (PRO: 62-3006-00) 79 - 119 Attached is a report from the Property Officer – Statutory to consider granting consent (under delegated authority), on behalf of the Minister of Conservation, to granting an easement in favour of Swann Road Farm, over Lot 206 DP 404040 and Lots 6-7 DP 433991 being the Sugarloaf Scenic Reserve. RECOMMENDED that the report is received and its recommendations adopted. 20.10.9 Update on the Work on Council’s Role in Housing (Doc ID 515470) 120 - 121 Attached is a report from the Chief Advisor to provide an update on progress in the work on council’s role in housing. RECOMMENDED that the report is received. 20.10.10 Financial Performance for the Period Ending 31 October 2020 (Doc ID 515460) 122 - 127 Attached is a report from the Finance Manager to present the financial performance overview as at 31 October 2020. RECOMMENDED that the report is received. 20.10.11 Mayor’s Report (Doc ID 515528) 128 - 129 Attached is a report from His Worship the Mayor. RECOMMENDED that the report is received. 20.10.12 Governance Report (Doc ID 515475) 130 - 140 Attached is a report from the Governance Manager to report on items of general interest and receive minutes and updates from key organisations. RECOMMENDED that the report is received. 20.10.13 Community Board Minutes 141 - 146 RECOMMENDED that the unconfirmed minutes of the following Community Board meeting be received: Teviot Valley Community Board 12 November 2020 NB: Please note that these minutes are subject to confirmation at the next Community Board meeting. 20.10.14 Committee Minutes 147 - 151 RECOMMENDED that the minutes of the Assessment Committee meeting held on 7 November 2019 be received. 20.10.15 Status Reports 152 - 182 RECOMMENDED that the following status reports report be received. • Planning and Environment • Infrastructure Services • Corporate Services • Chief Executive Officer 20.10.16 Date of Next Meeting 183 The date of the next scheduled meeting is Wednesday, 3 February 2021. THE COUNCIL IN CLOSED MEETING In accordance with s 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by s 6 or s 7 of that Act it is recommended: 1. That the public is excluded from: • The following parts of the proceedings of this meeting, namely, items 20.10.17 – 20.10.19 The general subject of the matters to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds for excluding the public, as specified by s 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, are set out below: Meeting Item Reason for excluding the public Grounds for excluding the public No. and subject 20.10.17 The withholding of the information is To enable the Council to carry out, without Clyde Heritage necessary to enable the Council to prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including Precinct Land carry out, without prejudice or commercial and industrial negotiations) (s 7(2)(i)) Purchase – disadvantage, negotiations (including Holloway Street, commercial and industrial Clyde negotiations) 20.10.18 The premature disclosure of the To enable the Council to carry out, without Boundary financial information would prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including Adjustment and detrimentally affect the Council’s commercial and industrial negotiations) (s 7(2)(i)) Alteration to position in the negotiations. Cromwell Cemetery Shelter Belt 20.10.19 The withholding of the information is To enable the Council to carry out, without Non-Public necessary to enable the Council to prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including Status Reports carry out, without prejudice or commercial and industrial negotiations) (s 7(2)(i)) disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations) THE COUNCIL IN OPEN MEETING RECOMMENDED that the public be readmitted. CENTRAL OTAGO DISTRICT COUNCIL MINUTES of a meeting of Central Otago District Council held in Ngā Hau e Whā, William Fraser Building, 1 Dunorling Street, Alexandra on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 commencing at 10.32am. PRESENT: His Worship the Mayor T Cadogan, Councillor N Gillespie (Deputy), Councillors T Alley, S Calvert, l Claridge, I Cooney, S Duncan, S Jeffery, C Laws, N McKinlay, M McPherson and T Paterson. APOLOGIES: An apology for early departure was received from His Worship the Mayor T Cadogan. It was moved (Cadogan/Gillespie): That the apology be accepted. Motion carried IN ATTENDANCE: S Jacobs (Chief Executive Officer), L Macdonald (Executive Manager - Corporate Services), J Muir (Executive Manager – Infrastructure Services), L van der Voort (Executive Manager – Planning and Environment), S Righarts (Chief Advisor), J Kasibante (Finance Manager), M De Cort (Communications Coordinator), L Stronach (Property Officer - Statutory), Q Penniall (Environmental Engineering Manager), N Lanham (Economic Development Manager), N Aaron (Community Development Officer), G Bailey (Parks and Recreation Manager), M Adamson (Policy Advisor), J McCallum (Roading Manager), P Greenwood (Water Services Manager), P Keenan (Capital Projects Programme Manager) and R Williams (Governance Manager) 20.9.1 Confirmation of Minutes It was moved (Alley/Cooney): That the Council: Confirms the minutes of the Council meeting held on 7 October 2020 as a true and correct record. Motion carried 9 20.9.2 Declarations of Interest Members were reminded of the need to be vigilant and to stand aside from decision making when a conflict arises. Note: Cr McKinlay assumed the Chair as the Three Waters and Waste portfolio lead. Note: Cr Claridge joined the meeting at 10.36am 20.9.3 Management of Private Water Supplies A report from the Executive Manager – Infrastructure Services to consider the allocation of costs, and funding sources to upgrade private supplies that apply to transfer ownership and management to Council had been circulated. During discussion, a number of changes to the resolutions were suggested as included below. It was moved (McPherson/Laws): That the Council A. Receives the report and accepts the level of significance. B. Agrees that any share of the initial costs to upgrade private supplies to meet the New Zealand Drinking Water Standards that transfer to Council ownership and management are to be met by the private supplier and/or by the Council and will be considered on a case by case basis. C. Agrees that initial costs to upgrade private supplies that transfer to Council ownership and management that are to be shared between the private water supply users and Council, with the Council share funded from any available water stimulus fund allocation and/or funded from loan funding.
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