Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1983-84 The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 10-27-1983 The thI acan, 1983-10-27 The thI acan Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84 Recommended Citation The thI acan, "The thI acan, 1983-10-27" (1983). The Ithacan, 1983-84. 9. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1983-84/9 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1980/81 to 1989/90 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1983-84 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. THE ITHACA~e A Student Newspaper For Ithaca College - l'o.nnl I 932 Loss of Alumnus View From the Inside Ten I. C. Students Protest Saddens Campus by Dave Fischer have claimed ac('ess to. 111- By 11:30 a.m. the ten I c Ten Ithaca College students structing how nuclear materiel'> studmt-ck·monstrators still h<1cl joined more than 380 pro­ should he handled. Further not rlirnlwcl the fence for lark testers on Monday at the evidence is the lengthening of of a "creative statement. .. Seneca Army Depot and were the Depot's runway. most pro­ Tt1at cr1·at1\·c .<,t<1tc·nH·111 taken into military police bably to accommodate large lwg<m to take shape as th<' 1.c. custody after jumping the homllers. student.<, bound thcms<'l\'C'.'> fence. The importi:lnc·t· of 1111s issue do.<,C'IY togetlwr ind tight hud· The demonstrators wen· call­ that rlw protest<'r!-> lwlic·\·t' 111 die <'mular111g the world Otlwr ing for a clt'lay of ttw Cruise can lie directly rnrwlatcd to pro1c·s11·r..,, <1ctmg likt· hum<111 and l'nshing II missilc·s their orgc1nil<1tion and support. IJoml>s. c ,1rcc11c·d m10 tilt· tight scheduled for ckployrncnt in Tlw llhaca Coll<·gc· s1u<t1·n1- c ire 11· <1nd '>t'lll n·t·r,·0111· C'or· Western Europ<· this dcwonstrators part1CJJMtc·ct 111 a bnt'\\'111).! into tlH· ground. December. six-hour pwparatory sc·ss1on clSStllTW<I lo IH' dcd<I. Tlw action. organized by a whew IIH·y wc·rc 1r,11ncd in :\S the d1·mo11str,11or<, l<1y 111 faction of the Seneca :\rrny 11011-\'iOl<·nt <wil disolwdit'ncc. mock-cl<'alh. a .<,il1·11n· l>rokcn Depot Octoller :\ction Coali­ 111s1ruc1c<1 of legalities. dn<l only l>y the clicking of ecmwrc1s tion. web hclct in solidarity with even practiced being am·s11·ct cl<'scendC'd upon tlwm. nw other groups across the coun­ through role-playing. silC'ncc was in11·rruptcd by a try and Western Europe as part .\n Ithaca College support Coast Ciudrcl hclirnpter flying of numerous activities organiz­ group numbc·ring tt·n people o\·c·rll<'ad. lm11g111g with it <111 ed in recognition of lnterna- was also on hand al the Depot c1·rie feeling. 11onal Disarmament Week. as a "legal watch" 10 insure "Thoughts of bullets raming While some 140 Western against harassment and injury. clown 111 Vietnam p<·nc·tratC'<1 JESSICA SAVITCH European rallies were being at­ The support group not only our mmc!s." said several I.C. members who fell "as if we by Dian Dulberger tended by about 1.s million gave physical help but also had finally confronted a blatant Trt1gedy struck the broadcast journalism profession, shock­ people (most of whom formed suppliecl mental supporr wirh a 70-mile human link). the ac­ rnncept of a future without ing and saddening the country, especially the Ithaca College food and by keeping tabs on tion closer to home has focus­ peace." community. Jessica Savitch, a well-known Ithaca College students who were ed in on Romulus. New York. "detainee!". The emergence of the graduate of 1968, died in a tragic car acident on Monday mor­ The Seneca Army Depot has helicopter was a "natural cue" ning. Savitch and her companion. Martin Fishbein, New York The action began at 6:oo to jump the fence and after one Post \'ice-President, were traveling in New Hope. Penn­ been the scene of much recent a.m. Monday morning in an at­ controversy because the student took the initiative. tht' syl\',mia when the mishap occured. According to authorities, mosphere that I.C. student­ Depot is believed to house rest followed. she apparently swerved off a towpa1h and into the Delaware demonstrator Marc Osten nuclear missiles and neutron "The effect was great." said Canal. landing in s feet of water and knee-high mud, preven­ described as "geared-up for bombs. Evidence to support Osten. "because we went ting their escape. spiritual strength." this belief is founded from from being dead to being alive Elllharking into a field in which few women dared to enter. A communications network documents and training and taking action by going owr Sa\'it('h proved to be a woman of sheer determination and was set-up between affinity manuals. which the protesters the fenre." ron~<·quently became the first woman to anchor on a major groups to unite the entire group ~~ T\' network. Jessica's career placed her as the principal -_r; ,. :"'! reporter and writer of NBC's ''Saturday Nightly News," although her career as a broadcast journalist began much earlwr \\'11h a Bachelor of Science degree in Television and Radio Communications, Savich accumulated plenty of credentials lwlund her including membership in Alpha Epsilon Hho. While at1<·ncling Ithaca College she commuted to Rochester. N.Y. to 11ork at WBBF, a radio station. Later, after her graduation. Jes~ica worked at WCUS in New York City. She was then off to anchor WHOU-TV in Houston, Texas before becoming the new~ anchor of KYWT-TV in Philadelphia. Her next ac­ rnrnphshment marked a high point in her career when she be< <1rnc affiliated with NBC as a correspondent and anchor- 11·on1<1n from 1977 to her death. This past year. Savitch an­ rhon·d Public Television News show "Front Line." In 1979, she ~poke at the Ithaca College Commencement ceremony 11·h<·rc· she received an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Let­ ter~. She was elected to a s year term ·on the LC. board of d1renors in 1980. Demonstrators at the Seneca Anny Depot climb the fence as military police patiently await. see Loss of Alum page U rand to keep all involved aware Most protesters, like Employment Outlook: of the happenings. Through Kathleen Hooke. an I.C. senior. rhis network of communica- explained to the military why tion. the protesters were able they intended to jump the Recruitment Up On Campuses to block all entrances 10 the fence before doing so. Depot by flocking from one "The fence was symbolizing ) Janet Simons clirector at Northwestern tic hard data on which to base gatr to another as the need the barrier between people, ICl'Si·· :\fter months of issuing University in Evanston. Ill.. and their optimism. but they take arose. between nations, and the loomy forecasts. college author of the Endicott Report. heart from the trickle of It is significant to point out military ... we must try to >lan·nwnt officers around the a national sur.vey of stuclenl recruiters moving back onto that the actions of all understand why these barriers _o~ntry have grown more op- placemen ti;. campuses as fall recruiting demonstrators involved exist and how we can break 1m1s11r in recent weeks about '"That's still clown from what season starts. solidarity of agreement and them down," she said. tuctents· job prospects this it was two years ago. much "The big thing is that we've consensus decision-making. Once a protester had scaled ·car. less three years ago," he adds. been on a downward curve for "II was pure democracy in ac- the fence they "went limp" "I think recruiting is going to "I don't see any sudden turn. some time." says Jack tion. All decisions were and had 10 be carried to a bus . up by IS to 20 percent na­ This is going to be a gentle Shingleton. Michigan State unanimous decisions." said which would take them to a '.?nally from last year. "says tum." Pat Ryan, an I.C. junior present holding pen inside the base. see Recruitment page 6 irtor Lindquist, placement Lindquist and others have lit- at the demonstration. see Students Protest page 14 2 I Ill: II IIACAN October 27. 198.l FROM OUR POINT OF VIEW Would this ~ditorial ·series have not drawn fif­ is not being met on­ have to address the issue ty people; the Bureau of campus, but elsewhere. of drinking to insure Concerts show with Bob­ The events that take anyone would read it? Do by and the Midnites did place on this campus are the Pines. Dugout. Haunt. not break one-thousand placed behind events tak­ Simeons. etc. all have to persons; and the first two ing place downtown by be closed for people to do Crossroads' dance nights the I.C. students. something else besides have not met with over­ There is no way to going downtown? flowing success. clearly address this issue. With the wide range of and find a solution to this \Nhy was this so? Did varying activities that take problem. Everywhere the events have poor place on this campus and you look these days peo­ publicity? Possibly, but the poor attendance they ple are talking and ad­ moreover. it was because have been receiving, it is dressing a "21" drinking alcohol was not served at beginning to seem that to age.
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