THE CO-OPERA TIVE ENGINEER MARCH 1925 PUBLISHED QUARTERL Y BY STUDENTS AND ALUMNI OF THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Price 50 Cents Vol. 4 No.3 E.t""tl GI .'COtld-cW. matter Juae t9, 19tt, at tAe 'Pod olic' at Cinci'lflati, OAio, under tA, ~ct of llsrcA I, 1879 ~cc"taflCe fo,. malling at .,ecial rate of ,oltage 'P,.O'Oid,dfor ia 8ection 1108, ~ct of Octob,,. 8, 1917, a.tTa,.04z,tl Octob,,. 6, 19St A School of Thrift A Saving Account at this bank has been a School of Thrift and a foundation of business SUccess for many people. The savings accounts" of students are invited. INTEREST PAID ON 4% SAVINGS ACCOUNTS LEARN TO SAVE SAVE TO LLUN The Western Bank &TrustCo. Twelfth and Vine Streets Clifton Heights Branch at Hughes Corner Clifton Avenne and McMillan Street Why do all succe~ful men carry large policies of Life Insurance? Kieneman They realize that Life Insurance- (1) Capitalizes Present and Future Earn- Printing ings. (2) Creates an immediate Cash Estate. (3) Makes possible a stabilizing fund to Company protect the Business. (4) Provides a Guaranteed Monthly In- come for wife or dependents. Main 7691 (5) Enables the insured to Guarantee himaelf a Monthly Income at age 60-65. RALPH HOLTERHOFF ASSOCIATES 124 Government Place Walbr R. H:rauua M. A. Boyle HertoertGo GIn Grlfllth L R_ Louis E. Kubler GENERAL AGENT State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Massachusetts 816-17-18SCHMIDT BUILDING Printers of S. w. Cor. Fifth and Main Streets this Magazine Main 2947 MARCH, 1925 1 Interior View of West End Power Plant, Showing Four Turbo-Generators Reducing Faetory Costs Volume production is recognized as necessary details, except as they may have some bearing to low costs. Often it is the determining factor on your operations. in competition. The element of waste in time, You cannot think about power problems and at power and materials is progressively reduced as the same time give maximum concentration to quantity output increases. manufacturing your product. It is decidedly to your interest to let us solve the former while The factory executive has an unlimited field in you devote all your time to the latter. seeking the little loopholes through which We can generate and deliver power to you at profits may escape. The degree to which he less expense than you can produce it. Day or can correct these operating leaks determines night, the year round, you can depend upon this the measure of success he attains. needed aid in your factory. You pay only for The generating of power for manufacturing what you use in this most efficient service. purposes is our special business. just as the On request, we will be glad to furnish com- making of your particular product is your ex- parative figures and interesting details bearing clusive concern. You have no time for other upon savings you can effect in your factory. The Union Gas & Electric Corrrpany Cincinnati, Ohio 2 THE CO-OPERATIVE ENGINEER Sailing West to India cSINCE the days of Christopher been bettered, voltages have been still Columbus men have felt the call to further increased. "sail due west to find India" . In One striking contribution" of Wes- an organization like Westinghouse, tinghouse research engineers has been such pioneering spirits find happy the perfection of an entirely new in- haven as research engineers. Their sulation material-Micarta. Possess- every thought is a questiori-Levery ing many of the qualities of metal, energy bent to discover new and paper, fiber, mica, gum, rubber, Mi- more effective answers to baffling carta differs in radical respect from problems. all of these. Immediately Westinghouse began It serves industry indirectly as im- to build alternating current machines proved insulation material, and also of high voltages, for example, the directly because of superiorities when problem of insulation became acute. used for gears, propeller blades, and For thirty-five years high voltages and the like. insulation have formed an endless chain Only the imagination can set a limit of problems. As voltages have been on the field for the research engineer increased, improved insulation has -or for an organization that centers been demanded. As insulation has around him. Westinehouse ACHIEVEMENT & OPPORTUNITY MARCH, '1925 3 General Motors Building Detroit, Michigan ALBERT F. KAHN, Architect "In 'Cferms of Drawn by Hugh Ferriss the Colossal" THE co-ordination of commercial strength, architectural vision and engineer- ing skill which created this titanic quadruple office building represents the motive and creative force which has turned the eyes of the world toward this type of American architecture. This, the largest office building in the world, possesses fundamentally magnificent largeness in irs conception, and a clean-cut directness in its ex- ecution which place ir among the most significant of American buildings. With such existing structural achievements no architectural future is impos- sible, no project too vast or too complex to come readily to our imagination. Certainly modern i~vention-modern 'engineering skill -and organization, will prove more than equal to the demands of the architecture of the future. o TIS ELEVATOR COMPANY Offices in all principal Cities of the World 4 THE CO-OPERATIVE ENGINEER GATHERING·LINE HEADERS AT PLANT NO.9 OF CHESTNUT AND SMITH CORPORATION, KIEFER,OKLAHOMA KEEPING FAITH WITH THE OIL INDUSTRY'S FAITH IN CRANE Experienced engineers in oil fields and Crane engineers regard this confidence as refineries place their confidence in the a definite responsibility. Accepting it, they dependable service Crane products give. consistently maintain Crane standards, They use Crane piping to carry millions altering them only to better them. of barrels of oil from the wells through Through constant research, these special- storage farms to refineries. And they em- ists seek improvement in designs and ma- ploy countless Crane valves and fittings- terials- to promote the progress of the oil many of special design-to direct and con- industry and to earn its continued faith in trol this flood at each step along the way. products that bear the Crane name. CRANEGENERAL OFFICES: CRANE BUILDING. 636 S. MICHIGAN AVENUE, CHICAGO CRANE LIMITED: CRANE BUILDING, 366 BEAVER HALL SQUARE, MONTREAL Branches and Sales Offices in One Hundred and Forty-eight Cities National Exhibit Rooms: Chicago, New York, Atlantic City, San Francisco and Montreal War,s: Chicago, Bridgeport, Birmingham, Chattanooga, Trenton and Montrtal CRANE EXPORT CORPORATION: NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SHANGHAI CRANE-BENNETT, LTD., LONDON C!! CRANE: PARIS. NANTES. BRUSSELS Wash Sink of Enameled Iron, No. Y-391 DECEMBER, 1924 5 CONTENTS Page Frontispiece 1. Editorials 8 Alphonso Taft Hall 10 Rigging a Spar 'l'ree E. E. Feak 11 Electrical Safeguards L. C. Huffman 13 The. New Madrid Earthquake · D. Conrad. 17 A rt Versus Dynamos 1l'I. E. Cochmozoe« 20 Research at The University R. S. COI'win 21 Professor Jenkins Abroa.d 22 Civilization's Harness Maker 1V. R. Par1'y 23 Enginering and Economics 0. C. And1'ews 24 A Knight of the Rod and Chain A. J. Wildman 25 The Dea.n's Page 28 Moments of Inertia 33 The Co-operative Engineer---March 1925 6 THE CO-OPERATIVE ENGINEER Stage directions for this scene from William Vaughn Moody's play, "The Great Divide," call for a woman's muffled scream, a pistol shot, and the crash of break- ing furniture. The microphone on the right sends them all to your home. An Exciting Evening Here are four of the WG Y Players (the world's first radio dramatic company) at a thrilling climax that almost turns sound into sight. WGY, at Schenectady, KOA; at Denver,• and KGO, at Oakland, are the broadcasting stations of the General Electric Tune in, some evening, Company. Each, at times, is a concert hall, a lecture room, a on one of their productions. news bureau, or a place of worship. You will be surprised to If you are interested to learn find how readily your more about what electricity is doing, write for Reprint No. imagination will supply AR 391 containing a complete set of these advertisements. stage and setting. SS·HDH GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL BLECTRIC COMPANY. SCHENECTADY, NEW YORK L MARCH, 1925 7 }emshid was eminently distinguished for learn' ing and wisdom. It is said that coats of mail, ct.irasses, and swords and various ~inds of armor were invented and manufactured in his time, and also that garments of sil~ were made and worn by his people. "Helmets and swords, with curious art they made, Guided by jernshid's skill; and silks and linen And robes of fur and ermine. Desert lands Were cultivated; and wherever stream Or rivulet wandered, and the soil was good, He fixed the habitations of his people; And there they ploughed and reaped: for in that age All labored ; none in sloth and idleness Were suffered to remain, since indolence Too often vanquishes the best, and turns To nought the noblest, firmest resolution." --'The Persian Boo~ of Kings. 8 THE CO-OPERATIVE ENGINEER THE CO~OPERATIVE ENGINEER UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI CINCINNATI, OHIO Published Quarterly b.y the CO-OP CLUB, representing the students and alumni of the COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND COMMERCE, UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI. SUBSCRIPTION RATE, $1.50 EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT BUSINESS DEPARTMENT H. E. Senf, '25 Section X HaroU H. Layritz, '25 S. J. Miller, '25 Section XX Editors In Chief Business Manager Professor C. W. Park Adviser H. C. Hosie, '27 Assistant Editor C. Adair Harrell, '24 Alumni Editor Professor W. A. Baude Adviser C. W. Rawhauscr, '27 Art Editor Professor Daniel Cook. Art Critic D. Conrad, '25 Assistant Editor H. F.
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