^ o n a l ^ ) utteraT tlY crniriT» r VOLUME 24 NUMBER 39 & N n t o Washington, Thursday, February 26, 1959 (Sec. 375, 52 Stat. 66, as amended; 7 US.C, Title 7— AGRICULTURE 1375.. Interpret or apply sec. 344, 63 Stat. 670, CONTENTS as amended; 7 U.S.C. 1344; sec. 115, 70 Stat. Page Chapter VII— Commodity Stabilization 196; 7 UJS.C. 1803) Agricultural Marketing Service Proposed rule making: Service (Farm Marketing Quotas Done at Washington, D.C., this 20th Pears, fresh Bartlett; plums and and Acreage Allotments), Depart­ day of February 1959. Witness my hand Elberta peaches grown in ment of Agriculture and the seal of the Department of California___ i ____________ 1424 Agriculture. [Amdt. 3] Rules and regulations: [seal!' W alter C. B erger, Lemons grown in California and PART 722— COTTON Administrator, Arizona; limitation of han­ Commodity Stabilization Service, dling_____________________ 1407 Subpart— Regulations Pertaining to [F.R. Doc. 59-1681; Filedy Feb. 25, 1959; Potatoes, fresh Irish; livestock Acreage Allotments for 1959 Crop 8:54 a.m.] feed diversion program_____ 1409 of Extra Long Staple Cotton Potatoes, Irish; grown in Red River Valley of North Dakota Release and R eapportionment and Minnesota; limitation of Basis and “purpose. The purpose of [Amdt. 41 shipments________________ 1407 this amendment is to provide that acre­ Raisins - produced from raisin age allotments released from a farm for PART 722— COTTON variety grapes grown in Cali­ which an application for participation Subpart— Regulations Pertaining to fornia; modification of mini­ in the conservation reserve program of mum grade standards for Acreage Allotments for 1959 Crop packed raisins____________ 1408 the Soil Bank is pending may not be of Upland Cotton reapportioned. The amendment con­ Agriculture Departmènt tained nerein is issued pursuant to the R elease and R eapportionment See also Agricultural Marketing Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, as Basis and purpose. The purpose of Service; Commodity Credit Cor­ amended (52 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 this amendment is to provide that acre­ poration; Commodity Stabiliza­ U.S.C. 1281 et seq.). age allotments released from a farm for tion Service; Farmers Home Since 1959 farm allotments are now which an application for participation in Administration. being released, it is essential that this the conservation reserve program of the Notices: amendment be made effective as soon as Soil Bank is pending may not be reap­ Mississippi; designation of area Possible. Accordingly, it is hereby de­ portioned. The amendment contained for production emergency termined and found that compliance herein is issued pursuant to the Agricul­ loans___ __________ _______ 1430 with the notice and public procedure Air Force Department requirements and the 30-day effective tural Adjustment Act of 1938, as date requirement of section 4 of the Ad­ amended (52 Stat. 31, as amended; 7 Rules and regulations: ministrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 238; U.S.C. 1281 et seq.). Enlisted reserve; identification 5 U.S.C. 1003) is impracticable and con­ Since 1959 farm allotments are now cards ____________________ 1411 trary to the public interest and this being released, it is essential that this Alien Property Office amendment shall be effective upon filing amendment be made effective as soon as Notices: of this document with the Director, Divi­ possible. Accordingly, it is hereby de­ Hashimoto, Chiyono, Mrs.; in­ sion of the Federal Register. termined and found that compliance with tention to return vested prop­ the notice and public procedure require­ erty— Section 722.268(b) of the regulations ments and the 30-day effective date re­ 1452 Pertaining to acreage allotments for the quirement of section 4 of the Administra­ Atomic Energy Commission 1959 crop of extra long staple cotton (23 Notices; 9447,9668) is amended so that tive Procedure Act (60 Stat. 238; 5 U.S.C. uie proviso in the first sentence reads as 100.3) is impracticable and contrary to doastwise Marine Disposal Co.; loiiows: “Provided, however, That any the public interest and this amendment proposed issuance of byprod­ shall be effective upon filing of this doc­ uct, source and special nu­ allotment released from a farm which is clear material license to pro­ covered in whole or in part by a Soil Bank ument with the Director, Division of the vide radioactive waste dis­ conservation Reserve Contract, or for Federal Register. posal service______ ________ 1428 which an application is pending for a Section 722.218(b) of the regulations onservation Reserve Contract, shall not pertaining to acreage allotments for the Civil Aeronautics Board 1959 crop of upland cotton (23 F.R. 8385, Proposed rule making: o reapportioned by the county commit- Air freight forwarders, interna­ e to any other farm or released to the 9437, 9663; 24 F.R. 558) is amended so tional air freight forwarders rate committee for reapportionment to that the proviso in the first sentence and cooperative shippers as­ other counties.” (Continued on p. 1407) sociations; filing of reports_ 1424 1405 1406 RULES AND REGULATIONS CONTENTS— Continued CONTENTS— Continued Commodity Credit Corporation PaSe Indian Affairs Bureau Pase Rules and regulations: Notices: Cotton products export pro­ Functions relating to tribal pro- gram;, time for export.______ 1408 grams; redelegation of_au­ thority___________________ 1429 Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Commodity Stabilization Service Interior Department and days following official Federal holidays, Rules and regulations: See Indian Affairs Bureau; Land by the Federal Register Division, National Cotton; release and reappor­ Management Bureau. Archives and Records Service, General Serv­ tionment pertaining to acre­ ices Administration, pursuant to the au­ age allotments for 1959 Internal Revenue Service thority contained in the Federal Register Act, Proposed rule making: approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500,' as crops: amended; 44 U. S. C., ch. 8B), under regula­ Extra long staple__________ 1405 Income tax; taxable years be- tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ Upland-.— ______________ _ 1405 ginning after December 31, mittee of the Federal Register, approved by 1953 (3 documents)__ _ 1420,1421 the President. Distribution is made only by Customs Bureau Rules and regulations: the Superintendent of Documents, Govern­ Proposed rule making : Alcohol, tobacco, and other ex­ ment Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Rooseveltown a n d Massena, cise taxes ; losses of beer and The F ederal Register will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 N.Y.; designations as customs other alcoholic beverages per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ports of entry------------------- 1419 caused by various disasters___ 1413 advance. The charge for individual copies Interstate Commerce Commis­ (minimum 15 cents) varies in proportion to Defense Department the size of the issue. Remit check or money See also Air Force Department. sion -* order, made payable teethe Superintendent Rules and regulations : Notices: of Documents, directly to the Government Solicitation of commercial life Applications for motor carrier Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. insurance on military installa­ certificate or permit covering The regulatory material appearing herein tions in oversea areas---------- 1410 operations commenced during is keyed to the Code of F ederal Regulations, • “interim period” after May 1, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant Farmers Home Administration to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as 1959, but on or before August amended August 5, 1953. The Code of F ed­ Rules and regulations: 12, 1958— ______ ______ 1449 eral R egulations is sold by the Superin­ Operating loan processing; re­ Applications for motor carrier tendent of Documents. Prices of books and vision in use of loan funds----- 1408 “grandfather” certificate or pocket supplements vary. perm it__________ _____ 1450 There are no restrictions on the re- Federal Communications Com­ Fourth section applications__ • 1452 publication of material appearing in the mission Motor carrier alternate route F ederal R egister, or the Code of F ederal Notices: deviations________ _______ 1449 R egulations. Hearings, etc.: Motor carrier applications.___. 1434 Hall Broadcasting Co., Inc— 1430 Justice Department Quad Cities Broadcasting Co_ 1430 See Alien Property Office. Snow Construction Co______ 1430 CFR SUPPLEMENTS Proposed rule making : Labor Department (As of January 1, 1959) Amateur radio service; radio See Wage and Hour Division. telephony between frequen­ Land Management Bureau The following supplements are now cies __________—------------- 1427 Rules and regulations : available: Television broadcast stations: Public land orders: 1413 Title 8 ($0.35) .Panama City, Fla_______ .— 1425 Arizona__________________ Wilmington, Del., and Atlantic Colorado____________ ____ 1415 Titles 22-23 ($0.35) City, N.J________________ 1425 M ontana _________ 1415 Title 25 ($0.35) Rules and regulations:— N evada____________ ______ _ Ì414 Title 49, Parts 91-164 ($0.40) Frequency allocations and radio South Dakota____________ 1415 treaty matters; miscellaneous Wyoming________________ 1414 Previously announced: Title 3, 1958 Supp. amendments______________. 1417 ($0.35); Title 46, Parts 146-149, 1958 Practice and procedure; desig­ Patent Office Supp. 2 ($1.50) Rules and regulations : nation for hearing.________ 1416 Rules of practice; advertisingS- 1419 Order from Superintendent of Docu­ Federal Poweç Commission ments,
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