^ІГЗЛ itTw і ' flfe-jfrf Atlantic Pact: End Or Beginning We'are heartened by a grtat In-only by permitting democracy to ternational event: the Atlantic Sower in the Marxist-Leninist de­ Pact, blading the Western World sert. into a community of nations seek­ ОА&ННИК The Road Ahead UKRAINIAN DAILY ing freedom from aggression, has Рік ІЛГН, Ч. 2Н. Vol. LVIІ. No. 211. become freedom from aggression, So long as those members of ' 1 has become a moral reality. With the world community lie in neglect a majority of the signatories de­ and decay, so long does the 'pro­ positing instruments of ratification, motion and preservation of peace" . the Western world has taken a remain a hollow and mocking Щг Щкгаииап Шее • great step towards promoting and phrase. The terrible truth, as yet Supplement preserving peace. appreciated by only too few, is •і But this step can come to naught that the recent war and any to (4-0237 unless other, even more audaciou? come would have been at the least 8* в ЗА Д. Амершш; 5е Закордоном Тел У Н 3* m the United State*-} 5* Kteuwhw Тел. „Свобода": BErgen j£o807 ~ ' Co*"*: BErfen 4-101Є and far-seeing, succeed it. It is unlikely had the Wllsonlan prin­ ciples of national self-determina­ WEEKLY: No. 37 JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1949 4J VOL. XVn not enough to bind the Western nations, together, no matter how tion been equally applied. Instead, T effective a unit they might become. a strong democratic buffer state MAMCHUR ELECTED HEAD We must proceed in steadfast fash­ in Ukraine was lost to the world 12th CONVENTION OF UKRAINIAN YOUTH'S LEAGUE OF OF PROFESSIONALISTS Children's Songs ion towards the heart of our diffi­ when it was abandoned to the NORTH AMERICA A GREAT SUCCESS culties. We must welcome and aid Bolsheviks. Other peoples were Dr. Stephen Mamchur of Wayne Once upon a time Russian chil­ those nations who, by a turn in likewise ignored. And today, while dren sang nursery rhymes. Not BO we gather ourselves tight about The problem of putting the Uk-|the?newly arrived Ukrainians and and directives and to conduct all University, Michigan, was elected geography, have fallen prostrate in the U.S.S.R. The state Publishing the Atlantic Ukraine and those rainian Youth's League of North to work fully with the United Uk­ other league business and affairs, President of the Ukrainian Pro- behind the Iron Curtain. ' House for Children's Literature nations more recently trapped by America on a sound and efficient rainian American Relief Commit­ the following were elected to office fesslonalists of America at its an- This is not a gentle warning (Gosdetizdat) has published an an­ the Soviet net, give rebuke to our basis was the main subject of the tee, helping morally and financial­ as the executives of the organiza­ nnai meeting held iq Syracuse on thology of songs and poems for against possible snobbery. It is lofty resolutions and serve as grim deliberations of its 12th con­ ly the work of that organization." tion for the coming year: Presi­ Sunday, September 4 last. the kindergarten age, compiled by a re-affirmation of the fact that proof that our road must eventu­ vention held over the past Labor The establishment of the office dent, Eugene Woloshyn (Cleveland, Holding degrees from several J. Dzerzhtnskaia and N. Metlev, the communist menace can be to­ ally turn to the East before the Day weekend in Syracuse, N. Y. of an Executive Secretary, charged Ohio); Vice Presidents, Theodore American (Yale) and Canadian from which we have culled the fol­ goal can be reached. The Ukrainian national libera­ with the task of being an organ­ Shumeyko (Union, N. J.), Helen universities, Dr. Mamchur taught tally and permanently removed lowing examples. tion movement, its relation to the izer and administrator, and en­ Mural (Cleveland, Ohio), Jean Ha- for awhile, and then during the world situation, the plight of the titled to a certain remuneration for rasym (Toronto, Canada); Treas­ war he became associated with the A little song for the older group Ukrainian displaced persons, and his services, was one of the chief urer, Michael Danielson (Detroit, Justice Department in Washington. (5-7 years) reads: PRAVDA'S NEW FACE • uj. the matter of the Ukrainian cul­ decisions arrived at by the con­ Mich.); Financial Secretary, Annr "We got up merrily in the morning The leading Soviet newspaper quel to home information. All the tural heritage, likewise occupied vention. The delegates felt that Dydyk (Syracuse, N. Y.); Record­ In order to attend the troop review, Pravda and Izvestia have for years reports are enthusiastic and no op­ such an officer, devoting all or ing Secretary, Olga Piegel; Ad­ Collectivization's the attention of the convention. the familiar picture of Stalin presented a most stereotyped face portunity is neglected to compare most of his time, would be able visors, Chester Manasterski (All- smiled down on us kids." The assemblage was the largest Progress to the world. The first page of present conditions favorably to the in the league's history. Register­ to expand the league membership qulppa, Pa.); Genevieve Zepko Ze- Pravda has always been devoted The chorus further improves on situation existing before the intro­ ed delegates and guests numbered and put the organization on a rebniak (Akron, Ohio), Daniel Slo- The Kiev Sender Broadcast the the theme: to home affairs—a leading article just short of 800. The number of sound footing. bodian (Elizabeth. N. J.). Michael duction of the "people's democrat­ following figures froifa a report of and news from the various parts clubs represented at it, with some Zadorecky (Cleveland), and Jo­ "Our home country is awake ic" regime. News from the rest of In the fleld of Ukrainian culture, the secretary general of the Uk­ of the Soviet Union with, now and from Canada, numbered exactly 80. seph Gurski (Detroit). to meet its holiday. the world, ineluding Finland, now a heritage which our American and rainian Communist Party, N. S. then, an official announcement. We hear the mighty song as before have their place on page Well defined ideas, clarity of Canadian bom young people are The high and constructive level Khrushchov, on the' progress of Reports from the recently annexed of sixteen brotherly thought and expression marked the striving to cultivate, the conven­ of the deliberations of the forum agricultural collectivization In the and occupied territories, viz., Es­ 3 and are of an unexceptionally Soviet republics." deliberations of the three day con­ tion voted that the league concen­ and business deliberations of the West-Ukrainian provinces which tonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finnish negative nature, treating of strikes, vention. A fine concert attended trate upon this task during the convention was greatly due to the Carelia, West Ukraine, Bukovina were part of Poland until 1939. The tiny tots (3-5 years) have unemployment, police terror, social by a capacity audience, several so­ coming year, especially in the wise and skillful direction of them and Bessarabia, are all accompani­ The percentage of I collectivized not been forgotten either. The Injustice, the approaching economic cials and dances, a banquet, all field of presenting concerts, par­ by the Convention Chairman, Jo­ ed by an obligatory refrain on past farms in the various Vegions was; songs for them are even more to crisis in the "capitalist" countries, added up to make the convention a ticularly festivals of the nature seph Lesawyer of New York City. misery under "capitalist regime" Volhynia—80 per cenjt, Drohobycz the point: imperialiatc designs and the affec­ most memorable one. of the famous Carnegie Hall He was ably assisted by Walter and present happy life under So­ —79, Tarnopol—34, Xviw (Lem- tion the tolling masses of the The convention definitely showed "Echoes of Ukraine" spectacle. Konicky as vice chairman, and Ol­ berg)—34 and Stanislaviv—-17. "I have a cap with a star, viet rule. world feel for the USSR. that the war and post-war depres­ In a vigorous attempt to make ga Zepko and Olga Fiegel as very Tenacious units Of the Ukrainian I am a brave young fighter, Information from abroad has sion in the Ukrainian American our youth more Ukrainian knowl­ Industrious secretaries. resistance forces (UPA) operate in My new rifle hangs by a strap, hitherto been relegated to the third The rearrangement cannot fail younger generation movement was edge conscious, so that they may Boldly I gallop on horseback." to produce the impression on So­ The fine preparations made for the wooded regions of the Stani­ page of Pravda (there are only a thing of the past. It augured a increase their knowledge of Uk­ the convention by the Syracuse viet readers that the satellites are siaviv province vigorously opposing For another song the illustrator four pages) but віпсе August 5 a bright future for our young peo­ rainian history, culture and litera­ Convention Committee were ably almost a part of the USSR, living forcible collectivization. By his re­ Bugrova has drawn a shining sun symptomatic change has been in­ ple as Americans of Ukrainian ture, the. convention unanimously directed by Mrs. Theresa Novenche. under the same conditions and port Khrushchov has Indirectly and above it an airplane. The troduced. News from the satellite descent approved a resolution directing all Key talks which led to the lively confirmed the success of their verses comment: striving for the same alms. The clubs of the league to purchase states, Bulgaria, Albania, Rumania. question suggests itself whether The sense of awareness of the discussions on the issues presented operations.
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