)JJ "De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius" Upcoming Meetings and May 26, 1994, 10 a.m- 5:00 p.rn.: June 1-5, 1994: 7th Interdiscipli­ Events All-day Conference on the Dutch nary Conference on Nether­ Atlantic Empire in the 17th and landic Studies. Contact Prof. Feb. 25 - March 6, 1994: New 18th Centuries at Leiden Univer­ William Z. Shetter, German De­ partment, Indiana University, Bal­ Jersey Flower and Garden Show sity. Talks by: • Paul Otto on "Dutch Contacts with the at the Garden State Exhibit Center lantine Hall 644, Bloomington, IN Indians in New Netherland" 47405; [812] 855-1080. in Somerset, New Jersey. Visitors • NatalieEverts,"WestAfricanCultural can stroll through six larger-than­ Society in the 18th Century: Huyde­ life gardens designed by premier kopers of the Elmina Gold Coast" June 3-4,1994: Conference on • Martha Shattuck on "Dutch Women landscape designers from Holland. New York State History at Brook­ and Trade in New Netherland" lyn College. Contact Stefan Bielin­ There is also a market and a series • Renee Baesjou, "Dutch Culture in of seminars and design classes. 17th Century Elmina" ski, CEC 3093, Albany, NY • Victor Enthoven or Alex von Slip­ 12230; [518] 474-6917 for further rieen, "Trade ofSurinam" information. May 8, 1994: Hofstra University • Wim Klooster. "Curacao's Trade in Dutch Festival on the theme "Cele­ the 18th Century" brate Mother Earth." 100,000 tu­ For complete information contact June 18, 1994, 11:00 a.m. (Rain lips will bloom on south campus Wim Klooster, Rijksuniversiteit date June 19): Hotaling Family this Mother's Day. Dutch vendors Leiden, Postbus 9515, 2300 RA Reunion, celebrating the Bicenten­ sought. Contact Jaci Clement, Hof­ Leiden/ The Netherlands; tel: 071­ nial of the Lime Kiln Farm of Lee stra University, Hempstead, New 316536,071-272654; FAX 071­ Adler in Climax, NY, part of the Yorkl 1550 or call [5161463­ 272615. ­ original Hotaling Parem:'As an 5381 or 463-5047. added treat, the Friends of New March - June 1994: Tulip 400 ­ Netherland will present the first Until May 15, 1994: "Leo Bel­ The tulip celebrates its anniversary Alice P. Kenney Memorial gicus: The Dutch & Flemish in 1994 and activities are planned Award, and afterwards freshly­ World, 1500-1800" exhibit of in all areas of the Netherlands. For made strawberry shortcake will be Dutch and Flemish 16th, 17th and complete information on Tulip 400 sold for $5 to benefit the New 18th century maps and related events and locations contact the Netherland Project, To join the items on display at the Library of Netherlands Board of Tourism, Hotaling Family Association, send Congress in the B Level of the 225 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 326, $10 to: Madison Building, Monday-Fri­ Chicago, n, 60601; [800] 598­ James W. Hotaling 22Catherine Street 8500 or [312] 819-0300. day, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.rn. and Saturday Saranac Lake. NY 12983. 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. New Netherland Project. NYSL. CEC ~th Floor .Albany. NY 12230 (518)474~067.' FAX (518)474-5786; GIRO 6566735 Email.' ctg6067%raUl%albnydh2 [email protected] . De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius e 2 August 31,1994: Deadline for tact David Ackerman Descendants erary and fictional accounts are Call for Papers for 7th North 1664,806 Phelps Road, Franklin welcome. I have already consulted American Fur Trade Conference Lakes, NJ 07417. works by Doezema, Edelman, to be held May 24-28, 1995 in Hali­ Henry Lucas, Swierenga, and Van fax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Empha­ December 1, 1994: Deadline for Hinte, as well as the various publi­ sis will be on methodologies and submission ofpaper abstracts for cations edited by the New Nether­ approaches in understanding the re­ Hofstra's 17th Century Dutch Art land Project and the New York lationships between human and fur­ and Life symposium. Contact State Library. bearing populations. There will be Donna R. Barnes, Dutch Sympo­ Contact Evert Volkersz, Head, a special session of papers related sium Coordinator, 124 Hofstra Uni­ Special Collections Dept., SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY to the eastern Atlantic region. A versity, 203 Mason Hall, 11794-3323; voice: [516] 632­ one page abstract with title, name Hempstead, NY 11550-1090. 7119; FAX [516] 632-7116; E­ of author, institutional affiliation mail:[email protected] (if appropriate) should be sent to Research Interests or at home: 15 Bowen Place, Stony conference organizers Barry Brook, NY 11790-2629; [516] 751--6089 Moody and-Bill Wicken, Gorse­ De Halve Maen, a journal dedi­ brook Research Institute for Atlan­ cated to the study of Dutch Colo­ Researchers in the Netherlands tic Canada, Saint Mary's Univ., nial history, seeks articles in all Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3H areas of New Netherland history, What essential characteristics of 3C3; tel [902] 420-5668; FAX including archeology, material cul­ the Dutch Republic can we find in [902] 420-5530; E-Mail: ture, women's history, and the Na­ New Netherland? The three focus [email protected] tive American, Afro-American, points of the research program: Jewish, Huguenot, and other ethnic Cultural history of the Dutch Re­ September 17,1994: Seventeenth experiences. A quarterly publica­ public in the 17th century, status of Rensselaerswijck Seminar on the tion, the journal features scholarly material and immaterial culture. theme ofjhe "Interrelationship of articles, review essays, and book re­ Mr. Jaap Jacobs, Rijksuniversiteit History with Family History" will views of interest to historians and Leiden, Postbus 9515, 2300 RA be held at the Cultural Education general readers. Please submit Leiden; tel: 071-316536.071­ Center in Albany, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 manuscripts to David William 272654; FAX 071-272615 p.m Tentative list of speakers in­ Voorhees, Editor, de Halve Maen, elude: the Holland Society of New York, Interest in the genealogy of Utrecht • Peter & Florence Christoph on "A 122 East 58th Street, New York, and vicinity Marriage of Genealogy and History" Mr. Marcel S.F. Kemp, Perenstraat • Harry Macy from the New York Ge­ NY 10022. 133,2564 RW Den Haag nealogical and Biographical Society talking from his perspective as a jour­ *** nal editor Readers are invited to contribute Amsterdams Historisch Museum is • Kenneth Bradt on the founding of a suggested titles and repositories for especially interested in the area of family association a bibliography of Dutch and Bel­ material culture and exhibits. • Charles Gehring on "Recovering Re­ Ms. Renee Kistemaker, Amster­ cords from a DrownedPrincess" gian American first-person ac­ counts describing and docu­ dams Historisch Museum, Nieu­ • a representative from the Netherlands, wezijds Voorburgwal359, 1012 hopefully from the Central Bureau for menting the immigrant experience RM Amsterdam; tel. 020-5231822; Genealogy and life by immigrants from the FAX 020-6207789 Lunch will be provided in the regis­ Netherlands and Belgium. The pro­ tration fee this year. Watch for posed bibliography will include Interest in (l) Franciscus van den more details in upcoming issues. published and unpublished journals Enden author of Kort Verhael van and diaries, personal memoirs, and Nieuw-Nederlants. .1662; (b) October 15, 1994: Ackerman letters in Dutch, Flemish or Eng­ Plockhoy van Zierikzee Kort en Family Reunion at the Preakness lish. They may be from any time klaer ontwerp... (1662); (c) archive Reformed Church in Wayne, New period. Although the initial focus holdings for a biography of Van Jersey. For further information con­ is on non-fiction, suggestions of lit­ den Enden, Spinoza's teacher. New Netherland Project, NYSL, CEC 8th Floor Albany, NY 12230 (518)474-6067; FAX (518)474-5786; GIRO 6566735 Email: crg6067%rain%[email protected] De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius • 3 Prof. dr. Wim Klever; Erasmus United States. Dissertation re­ RA Leiden: tel. 071-272661 (or­ Universiteit,Postbus 1738, 3000 search on the Nederduitsch Re­ 51?); FAX 071-272615 DR Rotterdam; tel. 0104081111; formed Church in 17th-century *** FAX 010-2120448 Batavia, the influence of the John Wolcott has researched the General interest in New Netherland. church on colonial life Maquas Padt (Mohawk Path) for Mr. C.J.M. Kremers,Benoorden­ Mr.Hendrik E. Niemeijer, Vrije the Save the Pine Bush Newsletter. houtseweg30, 2596 BBDen Haag; Universiteit,De Boe1elaan 1105, Part I appeared in the MarchiApril teL070-3247569 Kr.#7A24, 1081HV Amsterdam; teL05207-65654;FAX 020­ 1993 issue and Part II in the 5483033 May/June 1993 issue. For more in­ General interest in New Netherland. formation contact John Wolcott at Mr. Diederik Kramers, Algemeen NederlandsPersbureau, Schenk­ Interest in researchprojects relat­ [518] 465-8930. kade 220, 2595 AT Den Haag; teL ing to New Netherland and their co­ 070-3856940;FAX 070-3580700 ordination. Mr. C.F.L. Paul, Nederlands Publications General interst in New Netherland. Scheepvaartmuseurn Amsterdam, Slotweg 11, 1934 CM Egmondaan Prof. dr. R. Kroes, Universiteitvan Syracuse University Press-has-just Amsterdam,Plantage Mulder­ den Hoof ­ gracht 12, 1018TV Amsterdam; published Peter R. Christoph's tel. 020-5254371;FAX 020­ Professional interest: coordination Dongan Papers, 1683-88 (Part I) 5255210 of research on family ties between which contains Admiralty Court New Netherland and the Nether­ and other records of the administra­ Interest in (a) Pieter Corneliszoon lands. Private: Research on the tion of New York Governor Plockhoy van Zierikzee, who background of New Netherlanders Thomas Dongan. The 295-page founded a colony in 1663 in Dela­ from the border area 'Stichts-Hol­ book sells fOT $45 and is dedicated ware; (b) history of emigration land' (Woerden region) to the memory of Howard G. Hage­ Mr. Jan Lucassen, Intemationaal Mr.Nico Plomp, Centraal Bureau man for his support of the New Instituut voor Sociale Geschie­ voor Genealogie,Postbus 11755, York Historical Manuscripts series. denis, Cruquiusweg 31, 1019AT 2502 AT Den Haag; tel, 03488­ Amsterdam; tel,020-6685866; 8817; FAX 070-3814651 *** FAX 020-6654181 Carl S.
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