THE ISLAMIC BULLETIN REFLECT ON THE WONDERS OF ISLAM! Friends or Family interested in Islam? Last Will Read an introductory book on the and beauty of Islam. Mountains of Testament Information for Muslims & non-Muslims! Live Quranic Available now in: Want to learn Tajweed? Radio • Arabic Hear the world’s most From all over • French the world • German RENOWNED RECITERS! • Italian • Spanish GO TO: Free www.islamicbulletin.org E-Books! Need to find direction to pray? Type your address in our Click: QIBLA LOCATOR “ENTER HERE” Our site is user friendly With EASY-FINDING Learning how to pray? icons Step-by-step guide! Plus QUICK-LOADING Masjid for all systems Finder Email us at: [email protected] One-Page Hajj Guide In 8 different Islamic videos and TV languages! Watch Discover Islam in English and Iqra in Arabic IB hopes that this website can bring both Muslims and non- Read Past Issues Muslims together in a Interested in Islam? place of mutual Read convert’s stories in respect and HOW I EMBRACED ISLAM enlightenment. The Islamic Bulletin is the Official Newsletter of the Islamic Community of N. California – Since 1991! W ritten by Soumy Ana Jamada II, 1425 / August 2004 The Arabic Alphabet http://www.ummah.net/islam/taqwapalace "The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr." Prophet Mohammed (saas) The Arabic script is derived from the Aramaic Nabataean alphabet. The Arabic alphabet is a script of 28 letters including long vowels. Short vowels are indicated by small diagonal strokes above or below letters. The letters are derived from only 17 distinct forms, distinguished one from another by a dot or dots placed above or below the letter. Since so much of the Muslim daily activity need the learning of Arabic or the Arabic script, it is logical to teach children basic useful Arabic words related to Islam early in life. Allaah Ummah: )* -Islam community / communauté) Masjid Al Aqsa: ,-./ adhan/iqama: )*%.& / 3 45 (calls for prayer / appels à la prière) Imaam; Al- Akhir 8%* Amiin or ameen: 9:* Aadaab: ; <53 (manners / manières) Amir Al M u‘mineen: 9:?* @AB :* Al-Awwal (leader of the Umaah / commandeur des croyants) ”arDd: E$5 (soil, ground / terre) Astarfighullaah: Verb: $%& Ihraam 8 F& ; Al-baaThin: Barakah: )IJ -Allaah benediction) Al-Baaqee: Al-badee: Al-barr: Al-ba‘ith: Al-baaraa: Baba: %J%J Balah Barakatu Allaah KJ (dates) UIJ Bariyah (creation) QJ Badan 3RJ (body / corps) Baqara STJ (cow / vache) At-tawwaab: V Touffah: 678888888889:888;< (apple / pomme) Teen: 9:W (Fig/ue) Tahta: UXW (under / au-dessous) Tauheed: R:YAW (unicity /é) Tahajjud: R[\]W (Ramadhan night prayer / prière de nuit du Ramadan) Tawbah: @888888888AB3C88A< (repentance) / Verb taaba: ;%W Taqwa: (faith/ foi) ^ Thoom: 3EC88888F (garlic / ail) Thalj: _` (snow / neige) Thoub: ;A`3 (male robe) Thamar: AG8888883H8AF (fruit) Ath-thalathaah: )`a` (the 3 compilers of ahadith / les 3 rassembleurs de ahadith) Thawab: 3JKC888888AF (reward / récompense) c Jabal: Al-Jabar def (mountain/ montagne) Jumu‘ah: )gBf (Friday/vendredi) Al-Jaami‘ Jihaad: <%]f (to strive/endurer) Jannah: )?\ (Paradis/e) JaHhannam: i?]f ( Hell/ Enfers) Al-Jaleel Jamal dBf (camel / chameau) Al-hafeezh: k Al-hameed: Hayawaanaat: V%l A:Y -animals/ animaux) Hijaab: Al-haqq: Al-hakam: ;%\Y (veil/ voile) Al-hakeem: Al-haseeb: Hajar Aswad: (the black stone/ la pierre noire) Halaal: maY (permissible / permit) Al-haleem: Al-haa: Haraam: 8 Y (forbidden / interdit) Haqq: noY (truth / vérité) Hadiith: pQRY (commentaires) Al-khaaliq: q Al-khafidh: Khimaar: $%BF (long veil/ long voile) Khasheeah: ):sF (fair / juste) Khatuwah: SAtF (step / escalier) Al-khabeer: Kheeth: u:F (string / corde) khatem: iW%F (seal / sceau) Khayr: :F (do something right, good for others / faire le bien) Khutbah: )etF (lecture / discours) < Du‘a: @%v< -supplication) Da‘wah: SAv< (invitation to/à l‘ Islam) Dunyah: %:l< (life / vie) Deen: 9Q< (religion) 4 dhikr: -supplication) ;Q83R8;H83SK ;T88888AS U ;T88888AS AQ8VWG8888888888888888AX Y ;ZA[83\A] ;T88888^R8SK 788889SWK AT88888S888888888888WK Y _G8888888VW[8A` ab3c888888888888888888888AX de8;f g8AR8Ah AC8;i A] ;[83H8Aj83SK ;T888888888888AS A] 'La ilaha illa Allah, Wahdahu la shariika lah, lahul Mulku walahul Hamdu, wa Huwa ala kulli shay'in Qadiir Sub‘anallaah: 3%Xe Al-Hamdulillaah: RBX Allaah œu- akbar: eI Astaghfirullaah: Dhul Qarnain: 9:lT z4 ( a great muslim ruler / un grand leader musulman; Qu‘raan 18:83) Dhul Qa‘dah / Dhul Hijjah: )\X 4 / SRgT 4 (11th and 12th months of Islamic calendar / les 11ème et 12ème mois du calendrier islamique) Ar-raafi‘: $ Ruku: |AI$ (bowing / révérance) Ar-rasheed: Rak‘ah: )gI$ (Unit of prayer / unité de prière) Ramadan: Ar-ra-oof: Rehal dY$ (book-holder / tient les livres) Raihan: 3%XQ$ (A sweet smelling flower; Paradise flower/ fleur du Paradis). Ar-razzaaq: Raiyyaan: 3%Q$ (The name of one of the gates of Paradise open for those who observe fast/ Porte du Paradis pour ceux qui jeunent). Ruqiyah: ):.$ (treatment with Qur‘aan/ traitement par le Coran) } Zakaat: S%I} (poor tax/taxe du pauvre) ZamZam: 8•*} (The sacred well in Makkah/ le puit sacré de la Mecque) ‚ As-sami‘: Sujud: <A\ (prostration) Sami‘ Allaahu liman Hamidah: Seerah: S: (Prophet, SAAS, life/ vie du Prophète) €B •RBY 9B -Allaah hears him who praises Him) Subhan Allah ”Praises are due to Allaah‘ 5 3%Xe Sabhat: )Xe (prayer beads/chapelet) Soorah: S$A (Qur‘aan chapter / chapitre du Coran) Siwaak: ƒ A (vegetal toothbrush/ brosse à dents végétale) Sunnah: )? (Prophet/e (SAW S) tradition) „ Shahadah: S<%]… (declaration of faith / déclaration de foi) Al-Shakour: Shaheed: R:]… (martyr/e) Shirk: ƒ… (disbelief / incroyance) Ash-shaHheed: Soorah: S$A (verse/t) Shams: †B… (sun/soleil) Shajarat: S\… (tree / arbre) Asc-scamad: Scalaat: Saˆ (prayer/ prière) Scadaqah: ).Rˆ (charity/ charité) Scafa and M arwah: SzB z %- Asc-scaboor: Scaum: 8Aˆ 3 (fasting / jeûne) Sca‘im: %ˆ (who fasts/jeûneur) Sciraat: ‰ ˆ (the way/ chemin spirituel) Scawma‘at: )g*Aˆ (minaret) Scabr: eˆ (patience) SAW S: Scaabireen: 9QJ%ˆ ,ˆ (patient & determined/ déterminé et patient) z :v Scahara: i @ Xˆ (desert) Scallallahu‘ Alaihe wa Sallam: ”May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him‘. Scahabah: )J%Xˆ (Prophet/e companions) E Dhifda‘a: )vR‹ -frog / grenouille) Dhahik: ŒX‹ (laugh/ rire) Dhaw‘: @A‹ (light, glow/ lumière scintillante) DaHhr: ]‹ (back / dos) Dhalal: ma‹ (astray/ déviant) Dha‘eef: •:g‹ (weak/ faible) Dhamma: i‹ (to unite/ unifier) ThaReeq: oQŽ (path / chemin) Thaa‘ah: )v%Ž (submission) Thifloon: •dŽ (baby/ bébé) Thufaan Noor: $Al 3%‘ AŽ (Noah‘s flood/ déluge) Thawaaf: ’ AŽ (circumambulation) “ Zhuhr: ]” (Noon prayer/ prière de midi) Al-Zh Zhil: d”3 (shadow / ombre) | Al-”Aleem: Al-”aleeu: C'lama: @%Bv (theologian) ”Alim: i%v3 (scholar/ savant) Ain: 9:v (eye/ oeil) Al-”Azeez: ”Aisha prayer: @%sv (night prayer/ prière de la nuit) Al-”Azheem: ”Asr: -v (afternoon prayer/ prière de l‘après mide) ”Asal: d•v (honey / miel) ”Aurah: S$Av (private places/ parties privées) ”Arafaat: V%‘v (Plain north of Makkah/ place au nord de la Mecque) ”Umrah: SBv (minir pilgrom / pèlerinage mineur) – Al-Ghaffaar: Al-Ghafour: Al-Ghaanee: Ghusl: d•˜ (ritual bath / bain rituel) Ghur Al-M uhajjaloon: 3A\XB ˜ (name of Muslims because their body will shine from ablutions / nom donné aux musulmans à cause de la lumière des ablutions) Ghaib: ™:˜ (unknown / l‘inconnu) ’ Fajr: Al-Fataa‘: \‘ (dawn / lever du jour) Fardh: E‘ (obligatory act of worship/ actes de foi obligatoires) Faarooq: ›z$%‘ (to distinguish truth from falsehood / distinguer le vrai du faux) Fatwa: œA‘ (Islamic decree, religious opinion / décret islamique; opinion religieuse) Fawqa: ›A‘ (above / au-dessus) Fiqh: )T‘ (comprehension, jurisprudence) Fitnah: )?‘ (trial / test) Al- Quddous: Al-qayyoum: Qamar: B. (moon/lune) Qalb: ™. (heart / coeur) Al-QaHhaar: Al-Qayee: Al-M uqeet: Al-Qaadir: Qiraat: (recitation) Qaari‘: @•$%T (who recites/le recitant) Al-M uqaddam: Al-Qaabidh: Qur‘aan: 35. (Kuran/Coran) Kalam: i. (pen/crayon) Qiblah: )e. (Makkah/Mecque direction) ƒ Kafir;noun: kufr: I ž‘%I -unbeliever / uncroyant) Kauthar: `AI Al-kabeer: (A river in Paradise/une rivière d‘Eden -- Suraat 108) Kaaba: )egI Al-kareem: Kitaab: ;%I (Qur‘an) m lâ ilâha illâ-llâh:(there is no god but God, The One / il n‘y a de dieu que Dieu, l‘Unique) LooTh: ‰A (Lot, AS) Laa‘laa“: ¢¢ (gleam, shine/ brille) Lunadaa: RlA (lavende/r) Lu‘lu‘: ££ (pearl/ perle) Lailak: Œ: (lila/c) Leemoon: 3AB: Al-laTheef: (lemon/ citron) Lailah: ): (night/ nuit) 8 M uadh-dhin: 34£* (person who calls the Adhan / Muezzin) M asjid: R\•* M asjid Al-Haram: 8 X R\•* M uscalla: ,-* (praying place/place où on fait la prière) M aghrib: ;* (sunset prayer/prière de la tombée de la nuit) M ihraab: ; X* (alcove that shows the direction of Makkah / alcove qui montre la direction de la Kaaba) M uraabiTh: uJ * (who goes on the road to spread Islam / qui va sur la route pour répandre l‘Islam) M ahram: 8X* (females guardian/femelle guardien) M iswaak: (natural toothbrush/brosse à dent naturelle) Maa Shaa‘ Alaah M inbar: e?* (minbar) ) @%… %* 3 An-nur: Nujoom: 8A\l (stars/ étoiles) An-naafi‘: Nasihah: )X:-l (sincere advice / conseil) Nur: $Al (light/ lumière) Nabie: ¤el (prophet/e) Nakhl: d¥l (palm tree/ palmier) Nabaat: V%el (plant/e) Namlah: )Bl (ant/ fourmi) ¦ Al-Hhaadee: Hijrah: S\¦ (Migration from/de Makkah to/à Madinah) / verb Hhaajara: f%¦ (to emigrate/ émigrer) /adjctive Hhaj: f%]* / _¦(emigrant) Hharab: ;¦ (flight, escape/ se sauver) Hhaaroon: 3z$%¦ HhudHhud: R¦R¦ (hoopoo/ hupe) Hhazara: $•¦ (to laugh/ rire) n•¦ (shaking, moving) |•¦ (to hurry/ se dépêcher) ma¦ (moon crescent/ croissant de lune) Hhaajis: †f%¦ (idea, thought) Hhudubu: ;R¦ (eyelashes) Hady: •R¦ (sacrifice) Al-waaasi‘: z Al-wakeel: Al-waahid: Al-waarith: W udhoo‘: @A‹z (ablution) Al-waHhaab: Al-waalee: W itr: (last single Rak‘at/ derniere Rak‘at impaire) Wz Al-wadood: Al-walle: W aalee: ¤ z (guardian / protecteur) W ard: <$z (flower / fleur) Al-waajid: • Yathrib: ;¨Q Yad: RQ (hand/ main) Yasaar: $%•Q (left / gauche) Yameen: 9:BQ (right / droite) Youm al qiyyaamah: )*%:T 8AQ (doom day / jour du jugement) .
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