264 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. J .ANU.ARY 8, 1 By Mr. HOLMAN: Of James Horgan and 21others, citizens ofMad­ the engineer's office in charge of the work, setting forth the necessity of ison, Ind. an early appropriation to continue the examination required by the act By Mr. JOHNSON: Of citizens of Glens Falls, and of citizens of of March 3, 1875. Plattsburg, N. Y. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. This communication, with the accom­ By Mr. KASSON: Of citizens of Des Moines, Iowa. panying papers, will be printed, and referred to the Committee on the By Mr. LIBBEY: Of citizens of Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. Improvement of the Mississippi.River and Tributaries. By Mr. LONG: Of J. Paull & Co. and others, of Taunton, Mass. Mr. CONGER. The subject-matter of improving the South Pass of By Mr. LORE: Of N. N. Chapman & Co. and 15 other firms, of Wil­ the Mississippi River has always been under the charge of the Commit­ mington, Del., a:ud of D. H. Holland & Son. tee on Commerce. By Mr. MACKEY: Of jobbers and dea.leTS in tobacco of Georgetown, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair will change the reference and of citizens of Sumter, S. C. then, and send the papers to that committee. By Mr. MILLS: Of citizens of Belton, Bell County, a.:ud of C. H. :Mr. CONGER. But my impression is that, this being a report in ac­ Allyn & Co. and others, of Texas. cordance with the requirements of law on the condition of the Pass and By Mr. MOREY: Of Henry Farrell and others, of Harveysburg, asking for an appropriation to continue the examination which the law Ohio. requires to be made by the Engineer Department of the depth and situa­ By Mr. MURRAY: Of Bright & Crosley and others, of Montgom- tion of the Pass, it should go to the Committee on Appropriations. ery County, Ohio. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Michigan moves By Mr. MUTCHLER: Of John F. Stier. that this communication, with the aecompanyingpapers, be referred to By Mr. NICHOLLS: Of merchants of Savannah, Ga. the Committee on Appropriations. By Mr. O'HARA: Of merchants of Tarborough, N.C. Mr. SHERMAN. It had better be referred to the Committee on By Mr. POLAND: Of Putnam & Marvin and others, of Mont­ Commerce. pelier, Vt. Mr. CONGER. It might go to the Committee on Commerce first for By Mr. RIGGS: OfW.S. Warfielda.ndothers, citizensofQuincy, ill. the recommendation of that committee. By Mr. ROSECRANS: Of certain members of the Board of Trade of Mr. HALE. I think those appropriations are considered bv the Com­ .San Francisco, Cal. mittee on Commerce . By Mr. THROCKMORTON: OfT. J. Leaverton and others, of Den- Mr. CONGER. This is an appropriation required by the lawwhich d.son, Tex. directs the Secretary of War to cause a quarterly examination of the J3y Mr. TUCKER: Three petitions of.,citizens of Virginia. condition of the Pass; but it might be referred to the Committee on l3y Mr. VANCE: Of M. C. Toms, of Hendersonville, N. C. Commerce for a. report, if it is thought necessary. :By Mr. WILLIS: Of H. C. and J. S. Armstrong and others, and of The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair was at first under the John Searcy and others, citizens of Louisville, Ky. impression that the matter of the outlet of the Mississippi River was By Mr. JOHN WINANS: Of Woodard Stone and 8thers, of Water­ in charge of the committee on that river, but he now understandsthat town, Wis. the outlet has been under the ·consideration of the Committee on Com­ merce. The proper reference the Chair therefore thinks of these pa- pers is to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. HALE. I suppose that all appropria,tions for rivers and har­ SENATE. bors go to that committee, and do not go to the Committee on Appro­ TUESDAY, January 8, 1884. priations. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The papers will be printed and re­ Prayer 1:fr Rev. J. C. HARTZELL, D. D., of New York city. ferred to the Commiitee on Commerce. The Journal of yesterday's proceedings waa read and approved. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. FORT SULLIVAN MILITARY POST. Mr. CAMERON, of Wisconsin. I preseni a. petition from the State The PRESIDENT pro tempm·e laid before the Senate the following Historical Society of Wisconsin. The petition seta forth that tha.t so­ message from the President of the United States; which, with the ac­ ciety ''warmly approves the proposed Centennial History of the United companying papers, was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, States Government as reported by the Committee of the Senate on Edu­ and ordered to be printed: cation and Labor" during the second session of the Forty-sevepth f'o the Senate and House ofllepresentatives: Congress, and they pray that Congress may provide ''for the publica­ I transmit herewith for the consideration of Congress a lett~r from the Secre­ tion of so important a work.'' I move that the petition be referred to tary of War, dated the 2d instant, inclosing copies of official correspondence, reports, &c., in relation to the military post of Fort Sullivan, Maine, and recom­ the Committee on Education and Labor. mendino- such le~isla.tion as will authorize the sale of the site to the highest The motion was agreed to. bidders ~fter pubhc advertisement, the same being no longer needed for mili- Mr. VEST. I present the petition of R. K. Parks and others, offi­ tary purposes. • CHESTER A. ARTHUR. cers of the Saint Charles Car Company, and citizens of Saint Charles, ExEcuTivE MANSION, Jan'I.Lary 7, 1884, Mo., praying for the ratification of the proposed commercial treaty with Mexico. I suppose it should go to the Committee on Foreign Relations. INDIANS O:N FORT BERTHOLD RESERVATION. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair would suggest to the Sen­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore lai4 before the Senate the following ator from Missouri that m~morialsand papers relating to treaties should message from the President of the United States; which, with the ac­ be presented in executive session, as separate journals are kept of the companying papers, was referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs, two branches of the work of the Senate. The Senator, therefore, will and ordered to be printed: please withhold it until an executive session. To the Senate and House of llepresentati'Des: l't1r. VEST. Very well. I transmit herewith a communication from theSecreta.ryofthe Interior of the Mr. CONGER presented a petition of members of the Grand Army of 19th ultimo, submitting, withaooompa.nying pa.pers, a. draught of a. bill providing for the allotment of la.nds in severalty to the Aricka.ree, Gros Ventre, and Ma.n­ the Republic, of Michigan, praying that further rewards be given to the da.n Indians on the Fort Berthold Indian reservation in Dakota., a.nd the grant­ soldiers of the late civil war; which was referred to the Committee on ing of patents therefor, and for other purposes. Military Affairs. The ma.tter is presen~d for the action of the Congress. CHESTER A. ARTHUR. Mr. MILLER, of New York, presented a petition of members of the EXECtJTIVE MANSION, January 7, 1884. Stationers' Board of Trade of New York, praying for the reduction of postage on all city and town letters from 2 cents to 1 cent; which was INDIAN HOMESTEAD ENTRIES. referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. The PRESIDENT pro tempO're laid before the Senate the following He also presented a petition of the Stationers' Board of Trade of New message from the President of the United States; which, with the ac­ York City, prayingfor the passage of a national bankrupt law; which companying papers, was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. and ordered to be printed: Mr. B.A. YARD. I present the memorial of a. number of manufaclur­ .2b the Senate and House of llepresentat£ves: ers and merchants of Wilmington, Del., in fuvor of the confirmation of I transmit herewith a. communication from the Secretary of the Interior of the commercial treaty with Mexico. I ask its reference to the Com­ the 19th ultimo, submitting, with a.ccompanying papers, a draught of a. bill "to a.llow India.n homestead entries, in certain cases, without the payment of fees mittee on Foreign Relations. a.nd commissions." The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair will suggest to the Sena­ The ma.tter is presented for tlle consideration a.nd =~~J~ ~fiio&. tor from Delaware that all papers of that kind are to be presented, 0 under the rules, in executive session, as separate journals are kept of EXECUTIVE MANsiON, January 7, 1884. • executive proceedings. OHANNEL AT SOUTH PASS, MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Mr. BAYARD. The fact being in this case that the Senate had or­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a letter from dered the publication of the treaty for the public consideration, I con­ the Secretary of War, transmitting a report showing the maintenance ceived it proper that there should be public reference to it in this way, of the channel at the South Pass, Mississippi River, by Mr. James B. because the Committee on Foreign Relations would feel itself dis­ Eads, during the quarteN ending March 9, 1883, June 9, 1883, Septem­ charged from the secrecy which usua.lly attends executivecommun.ica­ . ber 91 1883, and December 9, 1883, respectively, and also a report from tions of that kind. 1884 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 265 The PRESIDENT pro tempore.
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