BSC ZO- 104 B. Sc. I YEAR PRACTICAL ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY SCHOOL OF SCIENCES UTTARAKHAND OPEN UNIVERSITY Board of Studies and Programme Coordinator Board of Studies Prof. H.C.S.Bisht Department of Zoology Prof. B.D.Joshi DSB Campus,Kumaun University, Retd.Prof. Nainital Department of Zoology Gurukul Kangri University Prof. H.C.Tiwari Haridwar Retd. Prof. & Principal Department of Zoology, Dr.N.N.Pandey MB Govt.PG College Principal Scientist, Haldwani Nainital. Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research (ICAR) Bhimtal (Nainital). Dr. Shyam S.Kunjwal Department of Zoology School of Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University Programme Coordinator Dr. Shyam S.Kunjwal Department of Zoology School of Sciences, Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani, Nainital Unit writing and Editing Editor Writer Dr. Mahesh Kumar Dr. Suneeta Negi Department of Zoology Associate Professor MB Govt.PG College Haldwani Department of Zoology (Kumaun University Nainital) Govt.PG College Kotdwar Uttarakhand (India). (HNB Garhwal)University Dr.Shyam S.Kunjwal Department of Zoology School of Sciences Uttarakhand Open University Haldwani (Nainital) Dr.Poonam Tripathi Assistant Professor Department of Zoology MB Govt.PG College Haldwani (Kumaun University Nainital) Uttarakhand (India). Shruti Saxena Assistant Professor Department of Zoology SGRRPG College, Dehradun Dr.Manisha Uniyal Assistant Professor Department of Zoology SGRRPG College, Dehradun Dr.N.C.Khanduri Assistant Professor Department of Zoology Govt.PG College Agustyamuni ```````Course Title and Code : Practical Zoology (BSCZO 104) ISBN : 978-93-85740-56-5 Copyright : Uttarakhand Open University Edition : 2017 Published By : Uttarakhand Open University, Haldwani, Nainital- 263139 BSCZO-104 Practical Zoology DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY SCHOOL OF SCIENCES UTTARAKHAND OPEN UNIVERSITY Phone No. 05946-261122, 261123 Toll free No. 18001804025 Fax No. 05946-264232, E. mail: [email protected] htpp://uou.ac.in Contents Course 4: Practical Zoology Course code: BSCZO104 Credit: 3 Unit Block and Unit title Page number number Block 1 Museum Specimen Study 1-288 1 Protozoa : Amoeba , Paramecium, Euglena , Ceratium and Noctiluca . 1-33 Plasmodium , Monocystis, Trypanosoma , Leishmania , Ent-amoeba and Giardia. 2 Porifera: Leucosolenia, Grantia , Scypha , Hyalonema , Euplectella , Spongilla 34-55 and Euspongia . L. S. and T. S. of Scypha & Grantia. 3 Coelentrata: Medusa of Obelia, larval stages of Aurelia , Physali a, Porpita , Vellela , 56-85 Tubipora , Millepora , Aurelia , Gorgonium , Pennatua , Alcyonium , Adamsia. 4 86-110 Platyhelminthes: Dugesia, Fasciola and Taenia .Transverse sections of Fasciola and Taenia , mature and gravid proglottids of Taenia , developmental stages of Fasciola and Taenia. 5 Nematoda: Ascaris , Ancylostoma , Dracunculus , Wuchereria , Trichinella , 111-131 Schistosoma and Enterobius. 6 Annelida: Nereis, Heteronereis, Aphrodite, Arenicola, Pheretima, 132-160 Pontobdella, and Hirudinaria . Transverse sections of Nereis and Hirudinaria , Trochophore larva of Nereis , Parapodium of Nereis and Heteronereis 7 Arthropoda : Limulus , Spider, Palamnaeus , Apus , Lepas, Balanus , 161-229 Sacculina , Palaemon , Lobster, Eupagurus , Crab, Lepisma , Odontotermes , Pediculus , Schistocerca , Papilio , Bombyx , Xenop sylla, Apis , Julus and Scolopendra . Crustacean larvae (Nauplius , Zoea , Megalopa and Mysis ), mosquito larva & pupa. Sacculina , Lice, flea, bedbug, tick and mites 8 Mollusca: Chiton, Dentalium , Sepia, Patella, Pila, Turbinella, Aplysia , Slug, Snail , 230-265 My tilus , Octopus. Transverse sections of Lamellidens and Glochidium larva. 9 Enchinodermata: Pentaceros , Asterias , Ophiothrix , Echinus , Holothuria 266-288 and Antedon. Pedicellariae of Star fish. Block 2 Experimentation 289-448 10 Study of living animals: Amoeba, Paramecium, Euglena, Hydra and rectal 289-320 ciliates 11 Minor dissections /Permanent slide preparation: Permanent preparations / 321-354 Minor dissections of the following: Paramecium Porifera: Sponge spicules and gemmules. Coelenterates: Obelia colony, Obelia medusa. Arthropoda: Mouth parts of honey bee, butterfly, cockroach and grasshopper. 12 Cytological study: 355-409 a. Study of mitosis and meiosis using available material. b. Study of permanent slides showing stages of cell division, giant chromosome, , mitochondria, Golgi body etc 13 Genetics experiment: 410-448 Experimentation on Mendelian and non – Mendelian inheritance, study of mutants of Drosophila through charts/photographs. ZO-104: Practical Zoology Uttarakhand Open University UNIT 1: PROTOZOA (STUDY OF PERMANENT SLIDES) Contents 1.1- Objectives 1.2-Introduction 1.3- General Character & Classification 1.4- Study of Protozoan’s :- 1.4.1- Amoeba and Paramecium 1.4.2- Euglena 1.4.3- Ceratium & Noctiluca 1.4.5- Plasmodium & Trypnosoma 1.4.6-Leishmania, Entamoeba and Giardia 1.5- Summary 1.6- Glossary 1.8-References 1.9-Suggested Readings Page 1 ZO-104: Practical Zoology Uttarakhand Open University 1.1-Objectives: • To study General characters of Phylum Protozoa and its classification up to order. • Study of permanent slides & study of Protozoan’s with particular reference to Amoeba , Paramecium, Ceratium, Noctiluca , Euglena, Plasmodium , Monocystis, Trypnosoma, Leishmania , Entamoeba and Giardia . 1.2-Introduction • The Protozoa are heterogeneous assemblage of some 50,000 cellular or single- cell organism found worldwide in most habitats. Protozoa means ‘first animal’ the simplest form of animal life. Protozoa are unicellular microorganisms (eukaryotes) that lack cell walls. They are found in marine habitat or soil, in fresh water bodies, symbiotic, some forms are parasites in other organisms. Protozoa depends on nutrition, temperature, pH, and some depends on sunlight. • Protozoa were defined as unicellular protists with animal-like behavior, such as movement. Protozoa were regarded as the partner group of protists to protophyta, which have plant-like behavior, e.g. photosynthesis. The term protozoan has become highly problematic due to the introduction of modern ultra structural, biochemical, and genetic techniques, which have showed that the group does not form a clade as required by modern classifications. Modern unicellular clades within Eukaryotes which may be viewed as approximately collectively replacing the class of protozoa include: Excavata, Amoeba, Chromalveolata and Rhizaria . • Protozoan’s are usually single-celled heterotrophic eukaryotes containing non- filamentous structures that belong to any of the major lineages of protists. They are restricted to moist or aquatic habitats (i.e., they are obligate aquatic organisms). Many protozoan species are symbionts, some are parasites, and some are predators of feces bacteria and algae. There are an estimated 50,000 protozoan species. Page 2 ZO-104: Practical Zoology Uttarakhand Open University • The Protozoa are considered to be a subkingdom of the kingdom Protista, although in the classical system they were placed in the kingdom Animalia. More than 50,000 species have been described, most of which are free-living organisms; protozoa are found in almost every possible habitat. The fossil record in the form of shells in sedimentary rocks shows that protozoa were present in the Pre-Cambrian era. Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see protozoa, using microscopes he constructed with simple lenses. Between 1674 and 1716, he described, in addition to free-living protozoa, several parasitic species from animals, and Giardia lamblia from his own stools. 1.3- General Characters of phylum Protozoa:- 1. Protozoa are microscopic animalcules with very simple organization. 2. These are unicellular, having one or more nuclei. 3. The body may be naked or protected either with the pellicle or with skeleton in the form of test or cyst. 4. The single cell of the body performs all the vital activities i.e. there is no physiological division of labour. 5. Animalcules may be “free living, commensal or parasitic. The free living forms are aquatic, inhabiting fresh and slat waters. These may be solitary or colonial. The parasitic forms reside on or inside the body of animals and plants. 6. Nutrition may be holozoic (animal-like), holophytic (plant-like), saprozoic (subsisting on dead organic matter.) saprophytic (feeding on liquid food) or parasitic. 7. The digestion is intracellular and is accomplished inside the food vacuole. 8. Locomotory organs may be pseudopodia or flagella or cilia or absent. 9. Respiration and excretion are brought about through the general body surface. The contractile vacuoles help in osmoregulation and excretion. 10. Asexual reproduction by binary fission, multiple fission and budding and Sexual reproduction by gamete formation or by the conjugation of adult. Page 3 ZO-104: Practical Zoology Uttarakhand Open University Classification of Protozoa:- Outline Classification of Phylum Protozoa:- Subphylum: 1. Sarcomastigophora Superclass: 1. Mastigophora ClassA. Phytomastigophorea = (Phytoflagellata) Orders: 1. Chrysomonadida 4. Euglenida 2. Cryptomonadida 5. Chloromonadida 3. Dinoflagellida 6. Volvocida Class B. Zoomastigophora (Zooflagellata) 1. Rhizomastigida 2. Kinetoplastida 3. Choanoflagellida 4. Diplomonadida 5. Hypermastigida 6. Trichomonadida Super class: 2 Opalinata Order: Opalinida Superclass: 3 Sarcodina Class: A Rhizopodea Subclass :(a) Lobosia Orders: 1. Amoebida 2. Arcellinida (=Testacida) Subclass b . Filosia Subclass c: Granuloreticulosia Order: 1. Foraminiferida Class B. Piroplasmea Order: Piroplasmida Class C.
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