SUBJECT INDEX as supplied by the contributing authors Abies religiosa, 152, 754, 758, 770 differences in zugunruhe, 570-575 Acanthllster piiJnd, 253 differential migration, 554-555, 558­ Acanthephyra spp., 61 566 Acartio spp., 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82 dominance, 559, 565-561 A. cltwsi, 74, 76 fidelity to previous wintering site, A. tonsa, 74, 76, 79 561-564 acclimation partial migration, 554, 551, 564 amoeba, 178-179, 179 survivorship, 556, 560-566 ciliate, 178, 179-180 timing of migration, 570-575 definition, 178 aggregation, 425, 426-427, 430-432, flagellate, 176, 178, 181, 182, 185, 648 186, 188 breeding, 252 Acmaea spp., 215 aggression, intraspecific: see also acridids, II, 687-699: see also despotism in birds, dominance in birds, grasshoppers, locusts, migration of 260, 261-262 grasshoppers and locusts Agraulis wmillae, 704, 705, 706, 707 Acrocephalus palustris (marsh warbler), boundary layer, 704-705 525-526 migrants Acrochaetium jlexuosum, 231 numbers of, 705, 7fY1, 7CYJ, 714, Acyrthosiphon pisum, 31, 628, 819 718 adipokinetic hormone (AKH), 799, 808, orientation, 713 810, 817, 826, 827, 829, 832 agroecosystems, 643 and flight behavior, 830, 832 Alces alces, 458 and flight fuel metabolism, 827 algae, 114-194, 227-239 and hemolymph lipid, 817, 826, 827, epiphytic, 227, 228, 233, 234, 236 829 growth rates, 116, 125, 129 in Carausius morosus, 829 movement (of) in Danaus plexippus, 799, 808, 810, blue-green algae, 114, 116, 118, 830, 832 123, 124, 125, 127' 128, 129 in locusts, 826 diatoms, 117, 124 in Manduca sexta, 829 factors affecting, 114, 115, 118, in Periplaneta, 829 119, 123, 124 aeroplankton, 16, 644 flagellates, 114, 118, 119, 124, aestivation: see diapause 129 Africa, north, 318 physical considerations, 114-115, age and migration in birds 117' 127' 129' 129 Subject Index 843 rates of, 115, 117, 119, 123, 125, Artibeus 127, 128-129, 129 A. jatnaicensis, 411 Alosa sopidissima (American shad), 34, A. liturotus, 411 35, 277' 279-284, 280, 283, 361 Asclepiadaceae, 648 Alosysia spp. (whitebrush), 739 Asclepias spp., 749, 750, 757, 766, altitude, of bird flight, 614 767, 768 ~rica,4S4489,493,495,496 Asterias rubens, 250, 253 American shad (Alosa sopidissima Asterionella formostJ, 117, 121, 124, effects of water temperature on 125, 126, 126, 128, 169, 170, 171, migration of, 279, 280, 283 172 eggs and larvae of, 279, 280, 280 Astropecten spp., 250 general biology of, 279, 280 A. aranciacus, 250 reproductive success of, 277, 278, A. jonstoni, 250, 254 279, 280 Atlantic Amiet, 483, 497 coast, 277, 279, 281, 281, 282, 282 amphibians, 426 Ocean, 608, 614-615, 615 Anabaena spp., 127, 128 north, 317, 326 A. circi1111lis, 122 salmon, 291 A. spiroides f. spiroides, 122 Atolla vanhoef/eni, 64 Anachis avaro semplicata, 227, 228, Aurelia, spp. 102, 103, lOS 229, 235 Australia, 414, 416, 752, 769 Anchoa spp. (anchovies), 340 avoidance of periodic currents, 93 androgens Aymara, 496, 497 activational effects of, 398 Bacteriastrum hyalinum, 121 dispersal behavior and, 397, 488, 400 Bahamas, 316, 323, 326, 331, 332 organizational effects of, 398, 404­ Bahrain, 482, 497 405,406 Balanus perjorotus, 74 Anguilla ballooning, 641 A. anguilla, 316, 317 balsa raft, 487-490, 493, 494 A. rostrata, 316, 317 barriers, topographical, 545 antelope, saiga, nomadism, 444, 451 Barro Colorado Island, 415 Antrozous pallidus, 411 bathypelagic, 52, 57 Aphanizomenon jlos-aqUIJI!, 116, 121 bats, 466, 468 Aphidoidea (aphids), 8, 11, 31, 33, cues for orientation, 410 628,629,643,644 radio-tracking, 410, 411, 417 life history correlates, 626, 627-630 random movements, 410 response to crowding, 630 roost fidelity, 410, 411 response to host plant nutrition, 624, trans-Atlantic dispersal by Myotis 627-630 lucifugus, 420 wing polymorphism, 624, 626 Bay of Biscay, 323 Aphis fabae, 33, 629, 819 beaches Apis meUijero (honeybees), 10, 518 fish spawning on, 271, 279, 285 Aplysia brasUiana, 212, 213, 216, 217, in Newfoundland, 285 218, 221, 222 mixing waters off of, 285, 287 Apodemus sylvaticus (woodmouse), 470 sediments of, 287, 289 Arabia, 482-484 bear, grizzly, home ranges, 452 archaeology, 481, 482, 484 Bedouin, 467 armyworm moths, 533 behavior 844 Subject Index ecology, 6, 17 Branta canadensis (Canada goose), 528 evolution, 10, 17 breeding populations, 750, 751, 752, exploratory, 5, 10-11 , 17, 20 758 diapause, 724, 726-731, 728, 734, Bregmaceros nectabanus, 50 743, 744 Brevicoryne brassicae, 628 flight, 12, 13, 15-16, 644, 645, 817, Brevoortia tyrannus (menhaden), 340 818, 820, 822, 823, 824, 826 British Columbia, 494 homing, 280 Bullia, spp. 214 innate, 516,517,521-523,526,527, bundle boats, 493 528-530, 531 Bursatella leachii, 213, 216 migratory, 279-292, 516-532, 726­ bus experiments 729, 728, 734, 817, 818, 820 in Britain, 470, 473 reproductive, 727, 728, 728, 730 in USA, 470, 473 Behring Straits, 485 butterflies: see also species names, 11, Belding's ground squirrels, 397, 402 12, 13, 369, 704-705, 706, 708, 709, Benthosema glaciale, 64 714, 717, 718, 720, 746-816, 817, Bermuda, 614 818, 820, 829-831, 832, 833 Beroe spp., 103 Cachonina niei, 184 bioluminescence, 91, 93, 100, 104-105 Calanoides Cllrinatus, 56 biophysical models, 176, 177, 181, 183, Calanus spp., 56 189 C. chilensis, 81 Bison bison, 451, 454, 455 C. finmarchicus, 56, 75-76, 78, 81 dispersal, 451 C. glacialis, 81 migratory population, 451, 454 C. helgolandicus, 51, 80, 81 nomadism, 444,451 C.pac~,56, 74,81 Bittium (o) varium, 229, 233 calendar, internal, 516, 517, 526-527 black bean aphid, 643 Calidris Blarina brivicauda (shrew), 378, 379 C. canutus (red knots), 596 blood groups, 487 C. alpina (dunlins), 596 blue crabs, 213, 340 California, 495, 749, 751, 752, 753, body size and migration in birds 757, 760, 762, 763, 767, 769 sex-age variation, 558-559 Caligus rapax, 18 and physiology, 559 Callinectes sapidus, 78, 227, 230, 238 and dominance, 558-559 Canada, eastern, 604, 605, 606, 607, boreal forest ecosystems, 748, 754, 758, 609, 615 759 Canis lupus (wolt), 452 boring worms, 490 cannibalism, 262, 269, 683 Borrichia frutescens, 635 Cape Hatteras, 332 botany, 486,487,493 Cape Romain, 332 boundary layer, 754 capelin (Mallotus viUosus) bouyancy, algal adults of, 285 ballast molecules, 156-158 effects of wind and temperature on, determinations, 154, 155 285, 286, 287, 289, 290 regulation, 153-163, 156 general biology of, 285 responses, 153-154, 159, 160-163 larvae of, 285-291, 288, 290 status, 153, 155, 159, 162 predators of, 286, 290, 291 brachypter, 623, 624, 626, 627, 628, prey of, 289 630, 632 Subject Index 845 reproduction of, 285, 291 Chlamydomonas spp., 96, 139, 181 Carausius morosus, 829 Choristoneura fumijerana, 659 Carcinus spp., 78 Chrysaora spp., 101, 102 cardenolides, chemical defense Ciconia ciconia (white stork), 501, 590 fmgerprints, 767 circannual rythms, 516, 517-520, 526 caribou, 15, 448-450 circulation dispersal, 450 oceanic, 318, 330 lateral migration, 444 Langmuir, 324 reintroduction, 448-449 eddy, 332 Carinaria spp., 103 Cladophora spp., 231, 233 Carollia perspecillata, 411 clams, 212, 213 Caudisoma guanhumi (blue land crab), Clethrionomys rujOCilnus (red-backed 258, 260, 262, 262, 264, 267, 268 vole), 378 Cellana spp., 215 Clio, spp. 103 Celtis pallida, 726, 732-733, 735-740, clouds and bird migration, 604, 609, 735, 741, 742, 743, 744-746, 744 612, 613 Centropages brachiatus, 81 Clupea harengus (herring), 91 Ceratium codlet, 50 C. jurca, 184 Coelosphaerium naegelianum, 122 C. jusus, 118 Coenobitidae (land hermit crabs), 257, C. hirundinella, 118, 119, 121, 124, 258, 268 125, 126, 128 Coenobita clypeatus, 258, 264, 268, C. tripos, 118, 146 269 Ceratoscopelus warmingi, 48, 50 coevolution, 750 Cerithidea Coleomegilla maculata, 29 C. decollata, 213 Coleoptera, 8, 10, 28. 675, 817, 818, C. scalarijormis, 213 820, 821-823, 824-828, 835 Cervus elaphus nannodes (tule elk), collared peccary dispersal, 455 454 colonization, 10, 27, 28. 30, 32, 33, Chaetoceros 35, 37, 647, 648, 650, 651, 663, 664, C. didymus, 120 672, 688, 698-699 C. gracile, 120 in birds, 27, 35 c. lauderi, 120 in Tribolium, 33 chaetognaths, 286, 60, 61, 63 colonizing habitat, 375-376, 376 chamois (Rubricapra rubicapra), colonizing life history, 817, 835 dispersal rate, 453 Coluber constrictor, 426 Chaoborus, spp. 101, 103, 104, lOS Columbus, 484, 486, 487 character displacement, 62 compass chemical defenses: see also cues, interactions among, 516, 517 cardenolides, 91, 92, 103, 106, 107 magnetic, 516, 517, 522 chemoreception, 249, 253, 255 star, 516, 517, 522 chemostat experiments, 159-160 sun, 516, 517, 518, 793-794 Chile, 488, 490, 495 competition Chilomonas paramecium, 180 for burrows, 260-261 Chimu, 488, 493 for food, 257, 260 China, 484, 486 intraspecific, 650-651, 654, 656 Chirundina streetsi, 49 Conchoecia Chitty-Krebs model, 369, 374, 380 846 Subject Index c. imbricata, 50, 53 cyclostat experiments, 159 C. spinurostris, 52, 78 Cyclotella meneghinimul, Ill ConnechDetes taurinus (wildebeest), Cyclura spp., 436 444, 451' 452, 455 CypraetJ spp., 215 Connecticut, 281, 284 Cyprus Dalca, 484, 494 Conolophus spp., 436 Cystosoma spp., 103 con~ation, 748, 769, 770 Danaidae, 750 contact zone, 419 Danaus plexippus, 29, 717, 786-796, copepod,46,48,49,52, 56,57,63 799, 803, 817, 818, 820, 829-831, Corfu, 494 832,833 corpus allatum (CA), 818, 819, 821, height of flight, 705 829,830,832,833 navigation, 719 allatectomy 807 Daphnia spp., 55, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, corpus cardiacum (CC), 826, 828, 829, 81' 92, 94, 95, 96, 99, 101, 103, 104, 830, 832, 833 lOS, 108 nerves to (NCCI & m, 828, 829 D. magna, 76, 79, 80, 103 Chortoicetes terminijna, 689, 696, 699 D. pula, 15, 80 Coscinodiscus wailnii, 120 D. pulicaria, lOS cost D. rosea, 105 avoidance, 345, 349 daylength, 756-757 behavioral, 346 DDT, 416 fitness, 342 decapods,48, 50,60,63, 64 foraging, thermoregulation, 339 deep scattering layers, 55 tolerance, 346, 349 deer, black-tailed (0.
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