1 A cost-effective knowledge-based reasoning system for design for automation E M Shehab1* and H S Abdalla2 1Department of Manufacturing, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK 2Department of Product and Spatial Design, De Montfort University, Leicester, UK The manuscript was received on 3 February 2005 and was accepted after revision for publication on 16 December 2005. DOI: 10.1243/095440554JEM298 Abstract: Design for assembly automation (DFAA) is an important part of the concurrent engineering strategy for reduction of product manufacturing costs and lead times. An intelligent knowledge-based system (KBS) for design for automation and early cost modelling within a concurrent engineering environment has been developed. This paper focuses upon the development of the design for an assembly automation system. The system framework encompasses an extensive knowledge base reasoning system, a CAD system, a design analysis for automation module, a design improvement suggestion module, and a user interface. The development process of the system involved three main stages: creating the KBS, developing the design improvement module, and integrating the KBS with the CAD system. The developed system has the capability to: (a) select the most economic assembly technique for the product at an early design stage; (b) estimate the assembly time and cost for manual, automatic, and robotic assembly methods; and (c) analyse the product design for automation and provide the designers with design improvement suggestions of a product to simplify assembly operations without any compromise of the product functionality. The above capabilities of the system have been demonstrated and validated through a real case study. Keywords: design for automation, concurrent engineering, knowledge-based systems, assembly cost estimation 1 INTRODUCTION good design from the assembly point of view [7]. Therefore, they need an efficient tool to support Assembly is one of the most important processes of them during the design process and to overcome the product development cycle that affects the the above limitation. Naturally, there are some over- product’s quality, lead time, and cost. Research lapping considerations in the two major design for results have proved that over 70 per cent of the pro- automation (DFA) categories, namely design for duction costs of a product are determined during the manual and design for automated assembly. How- conceptual design stage [1, 2]. In addition, assembly ever, in product design requirements, manual cost often accounts for over 40 per cent of the total assembly differs widely from automatic or robot manufacturing cost [3–6]. Therefore, it is essential assembly owing to the differences in ability between to take into consideration all the requirements of human operators and any automatic method of assembly during the early design stages, otherwise assembly. An operation that is easy for an assembly additional cost and time to redesign already finished worker to perform might be impossible for a robot designs is inevitable. In addition, specifically assem- or special-purpose workhead [8]. bly automation and robotic assembly are highly To date, a significant amount of research work has specialized fields. Furthermore, most designer been achieved on various issues of design for assem- engineers do not normally have the necessary bly, such as product and process design methodolo- knowledge to meet all requirements to achieve a gies [9], assemblability analysis and evaluation [10], automated assembly of specific components [11], *Corresponding author: Enterprise Integration, SIMS, Cran- detailed analysis of assembly operations [12, 13], field University, Building 53, Cranfield, Bedford MK43 0AL, automated sequence planning [7, 14, 15], joining UK. email: [email protected] processes and related technology [16, 17], computer JEM298 Ó IMechE 2006 Proc. IMechE Vol. 220 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture 2 E M Shehab and H S Abdalla simulation of assembly process [18], etc. However, the design process. In particular, suggestions for the most well-known DFA methods are those of product re-designs improvement for easy robotic Boothroyd and Dewhurst [8] and the assemblability assembly operation, without any compromise of evaluation method (AEM) by Hitachi [10]. The draw- the product’s functionality, have received less atten- back of the former technique is that the product ana- tion from researchers. In addition, the previous sys- lysis is complicated and quite time-consuming, tems are carried out on a completed product despite available personal computer (PC) programs. design. At that stage of design the necessary rede- Furthermore the technique depends only on the signing is very expensive and the lead time of the functional analysis of the product, without taking product is increased. Additionally, these techniques into consideration the manufacturing cost of com- relied on asking the designers, who lack the neces- plex components. Clearly, the cost of complex com- sary design for assembly knowledge, to answer a set ponents could possibly erode any advantage gained of questions regarding the functionality and the var- in reduction of assembly costs. AEM by Hitachi [10] ious parts of the product. is suitable for typical mass products, such as tape The present paper presents details of the develop- records or vacuum cleaners. Shortcomings of this ment of an intelligent knowledge-based system approach are that the costs for component handling (KBS) for design for automation to overcome the and orienting are not considered and that the esti- above shortcomings. However, the current system mation of the actual assembly costs is uncertain. is a further development of a design to cost system Further details about the reviews on the different that has been developed by the current authors [1, aspects of design for assembly can be found in refer- 27–29]. The major achievement of the latest version ences [12, 19, 20]. of the developed system is that it unified the product Much effort has been done on the development cost modelling and design for assembly automation of DFA knowledge-based expert systems [3, 13, into an integrated system. Therefore, the main 21–25]. In general, these systems consist of a design objectives of this new version of the developed sys- tool computer-aided-design (CAD), a knowledge- tem are to: (a) estimate the assembly cost; (b) select acquisition and storage tool, and an inference the most economic assembly technique for the engine. The famous knowledge-based design for product at an early design stage; and (c) analyse assembly systems was developed by Lucas Engin- the product design for automation and provide the eering [21]. This system is the most advanced in designers with design improvement recommenda- design for the assembly process, yet not necessarily tions to simplify assembly operations, based on a the most effective in reducing assembly cost. It com- design feasibility technique. prises the definition of an assembly sequence and the analysis of each component and its liaison for ease of handling and fitting. This results in handling 2 SYSTEM FRAMEWORK and fitting indices. It also takes account of avail- ability of gripping surfaces. Zha et al. described The system framework for design for assembly com- in a number of papers [3, 22, 24] the develop- prises a knowledge-based reasoning system, a CAD ment process of a knowledge-based approach to system, a design analysis for robotic assembly mod- support top–down design for assembled products ule, a design improvement suggestion module, and a [3, 22] and an agent-based expert system for concur- user interface. The basic architecture of the system rent product design and assembly planning [24]. model is illustrated in Fig. 1. Three main steps have The proposed intelligent approach and framework been involved in developing the system: building [3, 22] focused on the knowledge-based integration the KBS, creating the design improvement module, of product design, assemblability analysis and eva- and integrating the KBS with the CAD system. The luation, and design for assembly with economical developed system was designed in such a way in analysis. An intelligent system for product design order to allow designers to analyse and/or modify for assembly within a concurrent engineering envir- the product at any stage of the design process. It onment has been presented by Daabub and Abdalla works in a fully interactive mode. [23]. Moreover, their system enables designers to The designer communicates with each module via minimize the number of components of a product the user interface. He/she has to specify, to the and select the assembly method for that specific system, the basic product specifications and the product. The general rules and guidelines of DFA production data such as production volume, methods accompanied by illustrated examples can number of components, and number of working be found in reference [26]. shifts. These data are employed in the system to A review of available literature indicates that, so select the most economic assembly technique for far, little research work has been done on product the product. The system then commences the design design for assembly automation at an early stage of analysis for the selected assembly method. The Proc. IMechE Vol. 220 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture JEM298 Ó IMechE 2006 A cost-effective knowledge-based reasoning system 3 Assembly Time Kno wle dg e-B as ed S ys te m & Cost Estimation (KBS) Assembly Technique Selection Design Anal ysis Design for Improvement Robotic Assembl y Suggestions Design Suggestion Li brar y Fig. 1 The structure of design for assembly system system presents the design analysis in an efficient An expert system, Kappa-PC [30] toolkit devel- user interface. oped by Intellicorp, Microsoft Excel database, and The developed design for the automation system AutoCAD as a CAD tool have been chosen to develop has the capability to apply the design criteria for the proposed system. Kappa-PC supports frame- robotic assembly. The roles of the design improve- based objected oriented programming and high-per- ment module are to: formance rule-based reasoning.
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