The Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of NSW Annual Report 2012-13 © 2013 Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced either in whole or part without the prior written approval of the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales (AH&MRC). ISSN 2200-9906 The Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales Level 3, 66 Wentworth Ave, Surry Hills NSW 2010 Phone: +61 2 9212 4777 Fax: +61 2 9212 7211 Postal Address: PO Box 1565, Strawberry Hills 2012 Web: www.ahmrc.org.au [ABN 66 085 654 397] Edited by Matthew Rodgers – Media & Communications Coordinator, AH&MRC Design by Publicstyle Web: publicstyle.com.au About the cover Cover art: Steve Morgan About the artist: Steve Morgan is a Gamilaraay man from Walgett, North South Wales. Steve is an emerging artist now living in Sydney. His passions include music, art and being around the mob. About the artwork: The Cycle of Life No. 3 The four corners represent the four seasons. Each season has a specific role in the growth cycle. The circle in the centre depicts a seed that is affected by the four seasons. The community is always present and needs to be nurtured and strengthened throughout the four seasons. The AH&MRC wishes to advise people of Aboriginal descent that this document may contain images of persons now deceased. Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of New South Wales Annual Report 2012-13 Contents Our Organisation 2 Chair’s Report 3 Board of Directors 6 About the AH&MRC 10 CEO’s Report 12 Aboriginal Health College 18 Business Development Unit 20 Accreditation 20 Governance 21 IT/ICT 23 Workforce 24 Ethics Committee 26 Public Health 28 Blood Borne Viruses 30 Cancer 30 Child & Maternal Health 31 Chronic Disease 32 Sexual Health 33 Drug & Alcohol 34 Social & Emotional Wellbeing 36 Tobacco Resistance & Control 38 Continuous Quality Improvement 39 Public Health Medical Officer 39 GP Forum & Clinical Update 40 Research 40 Public Health Education & Training Our Performance 41 Financial Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2013 CHAIR’S REPORT Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales A Message from the Chairperson Once again, we find ourselves at the end Services to plan, manage and deliver Importantly, through the continued of another busy and productive year, primary health care services that support of a number of key partners, the and so it is with great pride that I present respond to the needs and aspirations of AH&MRC has been able to deliver posi- the Annual Report 2012-2013 of the the Aboriginal clients, families and tive outcomes in a number of program Aboriginal Health and Medical Research communities they were set up to serve. areas, all of which are outlined in the body Council of NSW (AH&MRC). The AH&MRC has consistently of this Annual Report. We would like to You will read on the following pages advocated for the continued support of the thank our many partners for the commit- about the efforts and achievements of our Aboriginal Community Controlled Health ment and respect they have demonstrated organisation, all of which are in pur- sector and the importance of its unique over many years of working with us. suit of our vision of Aboriginal health, and ongoing role in the development of wherein Aboriginal people achieve policy, planning and service delivery. physical, cultural, social and emotional In the spirit of our cultural values and wellbeing and contribute to the overall our vision for Aboriginal health, we have health, wellbeing and strength of their confronted many new challenges that communities. have arisen from the changing health care The AH&MRC’s vision continues landscape. In order to secure our future to focus on achieving health equity for as a sector we have strengthened our Aboriginal people by supporting our engagement with Member Services In the spirit of our cultural values and our vision for Aboriginal health, the AH&MRC has confronted many new challenges that have arisen from the changing health care landscape members, the Aboriginal Community through workshops with a focus on unity, Finally, thank you also to our Member Controlled Health Services of NSW, to renewal and growth of a model worthy Services for their support and involve- provide comprehensive and culturally of recognition and expansion. ment in contributing to the work of the appropriate primary health care to the The AH&MRC has also worked with AH&MRC. Thank you for allowing Aboriginal community. We have focused the National Aboriginal Community your staff members to take up roles as on key opportunities to advance our Controlled Health Organisation Directors, for attending our many meet- short-term objectives while also continu- (NACCHO) and its Affiliates from ings and workshops, and for participating ing to make good progress toward achiev- other jurisdictions to facilitate input and on the steering committees for our ing our long-term strategic objectives. engagement with policies and strategies conferences and other projects. We I would like to acknowledge the com- at the national level. couldn’t do it without you. mitment of the AH&MRC Board of Establishing or strengthening relation- The AH&MRC remains steadfast in Directors, who are the cornerstone of our ships with external organisations was our commitment to achieving a healthy organisation. By applying their experi- another focus of the AH&MRC over the future for Aboriginal people in NSW. ence and expertise to their roles, they past year, especially as the dust settles fol- provide unique Aboriginal community lowing the wide ranging reforms at state Yours in unity, leadership and contribute directly to the and national levels. Our efforts in this stability and success of the AH&MRC. area include the NSW Aboriginal Health The Board’s approach to the enhance- Partnership Agreement and the Aborigi- ment of process, in particular, has been nal Health Framework Agreement. The exemplary during the past year. AH&MRC also remains committed to The AH&MRC staff is also to be com- working through the Coalition of mended for their hard work throughout Aboriginal Peak Organisations to influ- Mrs Christine Corby, OAM the past year and for helping our Member ence Aboriginal Affairs policy in NSW. Chairperson 2 AH&MRC of NSW Annual Report 2012-13 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales The AH&MRC Board of Directors Mrs Christine Corby, OAM Mr Craig Ardler Chairperson Illawarra North West Mr Ardler is the current CEO of the Mrs Corby is a Gamilaraay woman from South Coast Medical Service Aboriginal north-western New South Wales. She was Corporation (SCMSAC), a role he also born in Sydney but later returned to her held from 1999-2006. He has a wealth of mother’s country in Walgett, where she experience in management, policy and has lived for the past 38 years. community development with several Mrs Corby was the Legal Secretary for organisations. the NSW Aboriginal Legal Service for 11 During his first term as the CEO of years. When funding was announced in SCMSAC, Mr Ardler helped grow the 1986 for the establishment of a local organisation from five staff and an annual Aboriginal Medical Service in Walgett, turnover of $275,000 to 35 employees she commenced in the role of CEO, a and a turnover of $3.7 million, and he position she has held for 27 years. She also played a key role in rolling out many new holds the position of CEO of Brewarrina and urgently required services to the Aboriginal Health Service Limited. local Aboriginal community. Mrs Corby is the Chairperson of the Mr Ardler has also worked for the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council of NSW (AH&MRC), is one of Council as Policy and Liaison Manager, the NSW representatives on the and he was recently employed within the National Aboriginal Community Con- Australian Public Service as a Legal and trolled Health Organisation (NACCHO) Education Officer through the Depart- Board and also attends NSW Aboriginal ment of Sustainability, Environment, Health Partnership meetings and NSW Water, Population and Communities at Aboriginal Health Forum meetings. She Booderee National Park. is also the Chairperson of Bila Muuji Mr Ardler’s other current board posi- Aboriginal Health Service Incorporated tions include Chairman of the Booderee (representing 11 Member Services of the National Park Board of Management and AH&MRC) in the (former) Greater West- Chairman of the Wreck Bay Aboriginal ern Area Health Service region. Community Council, where he has Mrs Corby is a Justice of the Peace been elected to many executive roles and holds a Graduate Diploma of Health since 1989. Service Management, a Diploma of Health Sciences and a Diploma of Management. She was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in 2005, the Centenary Medal in 2003 and received the NSW Health Hall of Fame Award in Aboriginal Health in 2005. AH&MRC of NSW Annual Report 2012-13 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales Ms Dea Delaney-Thiele Anne Greenaway Ms Pam Handy Metropolitan Far South Coast Far West Ms Delaney-Thiele is a very proud Dun- Ms Greenaway is the current CEO of Ms Handy was born in Brewarrina, NSW ghutti woman born at the Burnt Bridge Merrimans Local Aboriginal Land and moved to the lands of the Barkindji Mission in Kempsey, NSW. She has more Council and the past CEO of South Coast on the Murray and Darling Rivers near than 20 years’ experience working within Medical Service Aboriginal Corporation Dareton-Coomealla.
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