Gun Manual Reprints List

Gun Manual Reprints List

Gun Manual Reprints list MANUALS ONLY- see our catalog and book list U.S.A., British, European, 1835-1990, Air Guns, Ammunition, Reloading, Archery, Cap Guns, Knives, Sights & Telescopes, Trapping, Machine Guns, Gov’t & Military, Authored Books, Manuals and more… For Collectors, Law Enforcement and Historians as of 8-10-19 All prior editions are incomplete, more manuals at the website! A Basic Manual of Military Small Arms 1943 (WWII All Country Manuals), 220 pps., $19.95 A Basic Manual of Military Small Arms 1945 (WWII All Country Manuals), 351 pps., $24.95 A Basic Manual of Military Small Arms 1951 Big Edition, 465 pps., $24.95 A Basic Reference Guide to Old Firearms (Serial Nos. etc.), 243 pps., $19.95 Accu-Tek AT-25, 32 & 380 Manual, 4 pps., $3.95 Accuracy Intl c2003 AW50 cal Sniper Rifle Manual, 48 pps., $16.95 Accurary Intl AW 7.62mm Sniper Rifle Manual, 30 pps., $15.95 Ackley, Parker O. c1953 Handbook for Shooters & Catalog, 38 pps., $14.95 Aids to Weapons Training 1944 Some Ideas on Improvisation, 80 pps., $16.95 Air Gunners - Get That Fighter Manual - c1944, 38 pps., $15.95 Air Operations USAF 1994, 62 pps., $16.95 Aircrewman's Gunnery Manual 1944, 335 pps., $41.45 AK-47 - Select Fire Rifle Manual, 16 pps., $8.45 AK-47 - U.S. Army 1969 Training Handbook- Operations and Maint. Manual, 34 pps., $15.95 AK-47 Instruction and Safety Manual (semi-automatic), 12 pps., $6.95 AK-47 Operator's Manual, Department of the Army, 42 pps., $14.95 AK-47 SKS AKS - Owners Manual, 28 pps., $4.45 AK48 Norinco 86S (Bullpup AK) Operations manual, 8 pps., $7.95 AK49 SAR AK-47 Type Operations manual, 12 pps., $9.50 AK51 SKS Simonov Type 56 DoArmy Training Manual, 23 pps., $11.95 Amateur Trapper, Trap Making & Taxidermy Guide - 1875, 134 pps., $15.95 American Arms Intl - American 180 (Thompson-Style) Manual, 25 pps., $14.95 American Trapper's Manual 1965-1966 Catalog, 30 pps., $12.95 American Western Arms SA 1873 Revolvers Manual, 22 pps., $15.95 Ammunition Identification Guide 1985 (DIA) <15mm Vol 1, 203 pps., $19.95 Ammunition Identification Guide 1989 (DIA) >15mm Vol 2, 194 pps., $17.95 Ammunition Pocket Guide 1924 Admiralty, UK, 269 pps., $39.95 AMT .22, .380 1982 Backup Manual, 4 pps., $3.95 AMT .380 Backup Double Action Manual, 12 pps., $11.95 AMT .45 1911 Gov Models Manual, 14 pps., $9.95 AMT .45 Backup Double Action Manual, 16 pps., $12.95 AMT Automag II .22 Magnum Manual, 16 pps., $11.95 AMT Lightning .25 & .22 Auto Rifle Manual, 10 pps., $9.95 AMT On Duty Auto Pistol Manual, 12 pps., $9.95 Amtec 2000 .38 DA Revolvers Manual, 6 pps., $5.95 Anleitung Luger 1900/06 Pistole 1900/06 In German- Operations Manual, 15 pps., $11.95 Anleitung Trinovid B+BA Binoculars Manual, 14 pps., $11.95 Anleitung zur Kenntnis und Behandlung des Revolvers 1882 (1904 pr) Manual, 24 pps., $14.95 Anschutz .22 64P Varmint-Target Pistol Manual, 4 pps., $4.95 Anschutz .22 Mag 1400-1500 Rifle Manual (English Text), 24 pps., $14.95 Anschutz 64R, 64RL Small Bore Target Rifle Manual (English Text), 18 pps., $14.95 Anschutz LG 380 Match Air Rifle Manual , 44 pps., $15.95 Anschutz Model 54 Match Instruction Manual c1963, 23 pps., $14.95 Anti-Aircraft - Small Arms Training - 1937 rev 1940 Manual, 42 pps., $11.95 Anti-Aircraft 1942 - Small Arms Training Manual Australia, 64 pps., $11.95 APK Pistol Instruction and Safety Manual, 12 pps., $6.95 Application of Fire - Small Arms Training 1937 Manual, 21 pps., $11.95 Application of Fire 1937 rev 1940 Small Arms Training Manual, 38 pps., $13.95 Application of Fire 1943 - Small Arms Training - Australia Manual, 32 pps., $13.95 AR7 and 7s Explorer Survival Rifle by Charter Arms Manual, 2 pps., $3.45 AR7 Explorer Manual by Charter Arms Manual, 4 pps., $4.95 Arcadia Machine Tool .380 backup Operations manual, 12 pps., $7.50 Arisaka c1943 Japanese Rifle Type 99 Manual (US Text), 45 pps., $14.95 Arisaka Type 38 Disassembly & Reassembly Manual, 27 pps., $14.95 Ariska Model 38 6.5mm Rifle Manual, 2 pps., $1.95 Ariska- Japanese Model 99 (1939) 7.7mm Rifle Description & Notes, 1 pps., $0.95 Armalite 1996 Gun Catalog & Exploded Parts Views, 36 pps., $15.95 Armalite 7.62 SuperSass Rifle & Carbine Manual, 48 pps., $15.95 Armalite All AR-10B and M15 Rifles Manual, 24 pps., $14.95 Armalite AR 180 By Armalite w/ photos Operations manual, 25 pps., $8.95 Armalite AR-10B & M15 Operations manual, 24 pps., $7.45 Armalite AR-18 & AR-180 Manual, 34 pps., $15.95 Armalite AR-18 (AR-180) Operations manual, 32 pps., $14.95 Armalite AR-22 Training Syst for 40mm Mk19 Grenade Machine Gun, 18 pps., $14.95 Armalite AR-24 Series Pistols Manual, 11 pps., $8.95 Armalite AR-30 Rifle Manual, 12 pps., $11.96 Armalite AR-50 Rifle Manual, 14 pps., $12.95 Armalite M-15 Rifles & Carbines Manual, 52 pps., $16.95 Armamento de Repeticion 1947 Mauser Argentino M1891, 25 pps., $9.95 Armas Trejo .380 c1965 Marca Modelo 3 Pistol Parts Flyer (Mexico), 3 pps., $2.95 Armas Trejo M 2 c1966 Especial .22 cal Semi Auto Pistol Parts Flyer(Mexico), 3 pps., $2.95 Armas Trejo M1A-A C1964 Semi Auto Pistol 22 cal Parts Flyer (Mexico), 3 pps., $2.95 Armas Trejo Modelo 1 c1963 22 cal Semi-Full Automatic Pistol Parts Flyer (Mexico), 4 pps., $3.95 Arme Automatique M1952 SMG AA52 Manual (French), 28 pps., $14.95 Arms and Ammunition Manufacturing Company Shooting Guide 1904 (London, England), 73 pps., $16.95 Armscor .22 Air Rifle Manual, 8 pps., $7.95 Armscor 14p Rifle Manual, 7 pps., $6.95 Armscor 1911 Mid-Size .45 & 9mm Pistol Manual, 5 pps., $4.95 Armscor 1911 Pistol - .45, .38S & 9mm Manual, 12 pps., $11.95 Armscor 20 Semi-Automatic Rifles Manual, 12 pps., $11.95 Armscor Air Pistol- Parts and Exploded Diagram, 3 pps., $1.95 Armscor M-AK 22 Semi-Auto Rifle Manual, 11 pps., $10.95 Armscor M1400 .22 Rifle Manual, 7 pps., $6.95 Armscor M1400e .22 Rifle Manual, 7 pps., $6.95 Armscor M1400ts .22 Rifle Manual, 5 pps., $4.95 Armscor M1500 .22mrf Rifle Manual, 7 pps., $6.95 Armscor M16 - M1600r .22 Semi-Auto Rifle Manual, 9 pps., $8.95 Armscor M1600 .22rf Semi-Auto Rifle Manual, 10 pps., $9.95 Armscor M30 Shotgun Manual, 8 pps., $7.95 Arsenal SA-93 7.62 Semi-Automatic Rifle Manual- Bulgaria, 16 pps., $14.95 Arsenal SLR-95 & 96 7.62 Self-Loading Rifle Manual- Bulgaria, 20 pps., $15.95 Astra Bronco c1964 Rifle Manual/Flyer, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra c1965 .357 Revolver Manual, 15 pps., $9.95 Astra Condor c1964 Model 9mm Pistol Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Constable c1968 Sport Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Constable c1971 Model Pistol Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Cub c1967 Pistol Flyer/Manual, 4 pps., $5.95 Astra Cub c1972 Pistol Manual, 12 pps., $13.95 Astra Cyclops c1965 Shotgun Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Falcon 1962 Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Falcon c1974 M4000 Manual, 9 pps., $11.95 Astra Falcon c1975 4000 Pistol Manual, 15 pps., $13.95 Astra Firecat 1965 Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Imperial 1966 Shotgun Flyer/Manual, 2 pps., $3.95 Astra Imperial c1968 Shotgun Flyer/Manual, 4 pps., $5.95 Astra Model A-80 Pistol Manual, 20 pps., $15.95 Astra- Spanish 9mm Long Model 400 Automatic Pistol Description, 1 pps., $0.95 Austen (Australian) 9mm Machine Carbine Manual, 3 pps., $1.99 Austin & Halleck 1997 Muzzleloading Rifle Manual, 24 pps., $9.95 Austrian Revolver Model 1870 Manual, 41 pps., $14.95 Austrian Revolver Model 1898 Manual, 49 pps., $14.95 Austrian WWII Rifles M1886, 88, 88-90, 95; M1914 Description & Identification, 3 pps., $2.95 Austrian WWII Service Revolvers Description and Identification, 2 pps., $1.95 Auto Ordnance 1993 - Thompson Models Manual, Auto and Semi, 16 pps., $15.95 Automatgevar m/42B Operations manual - English Translation, 13 pps., $7.50 Automatic Pistol, Cal .45 M1911- Description 1912 rev 1914 print GPO- Manual, 24 pps., $14.95 Automatic Pistols & Revolvers Manuals c1940 (UK)- Manual, 37 pps., $15.95 Automatic Pistols and Revolvers 1914 - Wartime UK Guide, 39 pps., $14.95 Automatic Rifle 1930 "ZH" Mod. 29 Veper II-Ceskoslovanska Zbrojovka Manual, 35 pps., $14.95 Aviation Operations USA 1993, 36 pps., $13.95 Ball's Patent Carbine Flyer 1865 Manual, 1 pps., $3.45 Bang's 1927 Automatic Rifle Model B.1- Denmark Manual, 18 pps., $13.95 Barrett 50 Cal Rifle M82A1 Operator Manual, 38 pps., $16.95 Barrett M468 Operator's Manual, 17 pps., $13.95 Barrett Model 95 Operator's Manual, 29 pps., $14.95 Barrett Model 99 Operator's Manual, 30 pps., $14.95 Barrett REC 7 6.8mm Operator's Manual, 30 pps., $15.95 Basic Cold Weather Training- 1982 Canadian Military, 455 pps., $22.95 Basic Reloading- A Step by Step Guidebook-1954, 66 pps., $16.95 Battalion Training 1940 British Military Training Manual, 78 pps., $11.95 Bayonet Training 1937 - Australian Small Arms Training Manual- rev. 1941, 20 pps., $12.95 Beardmore-Farquhar Machine Guns Models of 1924- Glasgow -Manual, 18 pps., $14.95 Beginners Guide to Handloading 1960 by RF Wells, 55 pps., $15.95 Beistegui Hermanos 1931 Royal Running, Mauser Auto Mach. Manual, Eibar Spain, 18 pps., $13.95 Beistegui Hermanos 1931-Mauser Le Royal Pistolet Manual, 19 pps., $14.95 Beistegui Hermanos- Royal c1935 Mauser AutoMP Manual, 15 pps., $13.95 Belding & Mull 1939 Ammunition Reloading Handbook, 128 pps., $17.95 Belding & Mull 1955 Reloading Manual/Catalog, 136 pps., $17.95 Belding & Mull 1959 Handbook of Reloading Tools and Supplies, 159 pps., $17.95 Belgian Service Rifles & Pistols WWII-1951- Description and Identification, 2 pps., $1.95 Benelli M1 Super 90 Manual, 55 pps., $14.95 Beretta 1934 9mm Automatic Manual, 3 pps., $2.95 Beretta 1972 AR70/SC70 Select Fire Assault Rifle Manual, 80 pps., $17.95 Beretta 1983 PM12S SMG

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