25C Voluine IS, Issue 43 Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, Septembtr 4,1991 Reuniting with family; Huisman's best treatment Tammy Huisman returns home after nearly 50 days of Chemotherapy in Denver Jerry Huisman allowed his Brittany officially eel- livcrcd by Northwest Airlines count was down below S00. daughter, Brittany, to see ooe ebrated her seventh birthday from Denver last Wednesday. Doctors would not take her of her birthday presents a day on the 29th of Aug. when her Brittany's Mom. Tammy out of intensive care undl it most prized present was de- Huisman, came home to hex reached500. Huisman'splate- let count is now up to 3,100. Jerry said that the count is still low, but much better. Tm feeling well. I'm un- able to walk because I don'thave any strength in my legs," Tammy said. "Doctors said that's because there is not enough magnesium in my body. They said that should improve over the next couple of days." Huisman said the journey through the treatment was more difficult than a person I m. — tat ni vr- -ll could imagine. "There was a k M A ft V Wjm V / ^TJm I timewhenlthoughtaboutgiv- % ii ingup. But then 1 thought about I • BHr *• f %"X*f t ^ \ : That gave me strength and Smiles were everywhere at the Kent County Intcraatkmal Airport Wednesday, mari* me realize I was going Tammy Hnfemui returned home to her family after succcssftilly undergoing cfaemo- to make it," she said. "Things therapy treatment in Denver. got so bad at one point that I husband Jerry and their five called my mother and asked children, after undergoing to if she would have people Tammk Hnisman gets a welcome home kiss from one nearly 50 days of intensive I**y ft* because I was of her five children. treatment for reoccurring afraid 1 was to die." breast cancer Huisman received letters University Hospital, doctors The Lowell woman said she Family and friends were ^ 031(15 fran people she removed her healthy bone wasextrcmelygrateful that she waiting for Huisman at die kncw> P60!^ she knew but marrow, so intensive chemo- was given an opportunity to I Kent County International ^ta'1 heard from in years, therapy treatment could be undergo treatment. "I'm not Airport Northwest Terminal and people she did not know, started. Prior to the treatment sure I could do it again. Tammy wept unabashed teas "I received this special shirt Huisman was told that there though, "she said. "1 think this of iov imon siPht of her five frwnmy Sunday Schoolclass. was a 20 percent mortality expereince has given me a children as shTwas wheeled The children had painted on it rate that went with the treat- strength I couldn't have other- into the terminal and they all signed their ment. For a 21-day period wise "Whilethetreatmcntwas LOWELL MIDDLE SCHOOL nam#*," Hniqnan said. "It's during her treatment, Huis- difficult, Huisman being away ATHLETIC PHYSICALS "The tumors, 12 of them vcry t.^a| to me •• man battled a temperature from her five young children t „ spread across her chest, are all -Tammu _„i •• ranging froml02 to 105 de- was probably the hardest of Boys and girls Athletic Physicals wdl be held on Wednes- gone. Tammy can't even k>- Tammy loob real good, all. With Huisman gone, her day. Sept 4, 1991 from 6 - 8 pm. in the Middle School cate them herself," Jerry said. f Huisman survived the brother, Greg and his wife. Gymnasium. While the prognosis is hurdle which doctors referred Vonda, lived with Jerry and - ^ good, there are still hurdles to to as "taking her to HeU and the children and helped out BACK TO SCHOOL TIME! clear. Husiman's family mem- ^ back." Doctors now say her around the house. Have we got a lesson for you to learn! The Lowell Fire hers continue to donate plate- ner worst wee*. nroenosis is good Huknum .wh i # Department wiU host an American Heart Association-spon- lets to Tammy"Her platelet Dunng her stay at Denver's P^gnosis is gooo. Huisman, cont d. pg. 2 sored course, "CPR for Adult Victims." The course will be held on Monday, SepL 16 from 6 to 10 Fracture— d* facia» • •l bonei , the resul- t ofn motorcycle/car Tbcrc mil be * 55 f« for ihc coyrse Certificates will b. accideIlt 0I1 M-21. LOWCll PoIiCC Chief rests issued upon successful completion. LITTLE LEAGUE BOARD MEETING Lowell Litde League Board will meet Sept 10 at 7 p.m. at comfortably at Butterworth the Look Memorial Fire Station. Public invited. Lowell Police Chief Barry that the vehicle in front of him the pavement eight feet from sponsible for causing the ac- Emmons has enforced the mo- CRIME WATCH MEETINGS START SEPT. 17 had activated its left turn sig- the point in which he struck cident being caused," Eckman torcycle law since the State of nal, Emmons* bike then struck The Lowell Crime Watch will commence meetings again the vehicle. "Police Chief said. "At this time no citation Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 1:15 p.m. at the Look Memorial Fire Michigan made it mandatory. the vehicle in the leftrear quar- Emmons and the motorcycle has been issued. The accident Because Emmons abided Station. ter panel. came to a resting position SS is still under investigation." A very vibrant speaker from Meijers security will speak to by the law he enforces, he is Emmons, 47, Lowell, then feet from the point of impact," Emmons incurred many us on thefl by both customers and employees. resting comfortably at Butter- lost contol of the motorcycle, Eckman said. abrasions, to the knuckles, el- More information will follow soon on a flyer, which will worth Hospital today, follow- as he and the bike proceeded The accident occurred at bows, knees and face. He re- also contain information on subsequent speakers. Any ques- ing Saturday's motorcycle car to bounce and then slide 47 roughly 4:36 p.m. Saturday. quired several stitches above tions, please call Tom Kinney at 897-3225. Watch also for accident at 2361 W. Main St. feet on the pavement into and Emmons struck a vehicle the right eye to close a lacera- in front of Showboat Video. tentatively planned golf outing on Sept. 28. across the westbound lane. driven by Michael Alan tion. Emmons also suffered a Emmons, riding his Honda Al Eckman, die Lowell of- I Wolbers, l7,ofLowell/Therc facial bone fracture below the Gold Wing, was eastbound on ficer on duty, said Emmons is nothing to indicate that right eye. Main St, cont'd, pg. 8 M-21 when he failed to notice and the bike made impact with Wolbers was in any way re- Accident cont'd. p)». 2 i The Lowell Ledger-Wednesday, September 4,1991-Page 2 Service will be held at a later Ormiston, Laurie (Tom) Methodist Church of Lowell The Lowdl Ledger-Wednesday, September 4,1991-Page 3 three great-grandchildren; Wemet, all of Lowell, Lynette Funeral Scrviccs were held two brothers. Floyd Dukes of date. Memorial contributions to Hospice of Greater Grand Swan of Grand Rapids; four Saturday at the First United Hastings and Dale Dukes of grandchildren, Heather, Ja- Methodist Church of Lowell Big Rapids; two sisters. Effie Rapids. 1 Obituaries son, Mac. and Mike. She was Rev. William J. Amundsenl Priebe of Hastings. Goldie preceded in death by her piir- officiating. Interment oming Events Rounsville of Big Rapids. One SWAN-Mrs. Colleen F. Oakwood Cemetery Memo. sister. Dorothy, preceded her Swan, aged 60. of Lowell, ents, Harold and Vema Yeiter. RARBER-Elizabeth M. Bar- Sunday. September lf 1991. Mrs. Swan was active with rials may be made to the Kid- ber, aged 86. of Lowell, died Surviving are her husband. in death. Funeral services will died August 28,1991. She is survived by her husband, the Lowell Showboat in past ney Foundation. CIO St Notices in The Ledger's Hour at Calvary Christian meeting will begin at 7:30 Friday. August 30.1991. She Lawrence; three daughters. be held this (Wednesday) af- Serenity Club, 101 W. Clubs to help our children years and with the First United Mary's Hospital. "Coming Events" are free Reformed Church, 1151W. p.m. at Ruby Leeman's, was preceded in death by her Mrs. Gerald (Linda) Colbum ternoon at 2:00 p.m. at the Herbert; daughters, Cathy Main, Lowell. grow through the means of MUSEUM NOW OPEN of charge to any non-profit Main, Lowell. 9:30-10:45 115 E. Main. husband. Raymond J. Baiter. of Lowell, Mrs. Pete (Judy) Lake Funeral Home in achievement programs, Admission is free to the organization in the Lowell a.m. Nursery provided. She is survived by her chil- Neels of Lowell, Mrs. Dave Saranac. the Rev. Robert L. THURSDAYS - Take Off special activities, crafts, Fallasburg Schoolhouse WED., SEPT. 11: Chris- Ada, Alto, and Saranac dren. Carolyn Jane (Ivan) (Loma) Emelander of Morris officiating. Burial in Pounds Sensibly Tops Ml, and basic moral learning. Museum - Across the Cov- tian Women's Club will area. We prefer such no- EVERY SECOND TUES- Blough. James (Barbara) Bar- Hudsonville; 11 grandchil- Saranac cemetery. Memori- Class of '31 holds No. 333. Saranac. meets For more info, call Lowell ered Bridge from have a Brunch from 9-11 tices to be kept brief and to DAY The Lowell Area Fish- ber, William (Ardis) Barber, als may be made to a charity every Thursday evening at Assembly of God at 897- Fallasburg Park, 1 to5 p.m. a.m. at Duba's Restaurant, dren; one great-granddaugh- submitted by mail, but ing Club now meets at the all of Lowell; sisters, Olga of choice.
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