Bibliographical Index BIBLIOGRAPHICAL ACCESS TO THIS VOLUME Zokuzoku gunsho ruiju ••Mifll1ft (Classified series of various books: Second continuation). 16 vols. Tokyo: Kokusho Two modes of access to bibliographical information are used in this Kankokai, 1906-9; reprinted 1969-78. volume: the footnotes and the Bibliographical Index. The footnotes provide the full form of a reference the first time it is JOURNALS cited in each chapter, with short titles in subsequent citations. In each of the short-title references, the note number where the fully cited work Bessatsu Taiyo J3UM/t1Wt (The sun, special issue) 7~ ~ can be found is given in parentheses. Biburia C 7 (Biblia [Bulletin of the Tenri Central Library]) !~@.~j:Uff~ The Bibliographical Index constitutes a complete list of all works Chirigakushi Kenkyu (Research in the history of cited in the footnotes, tables, appendixes, and figure and plate legends. geography) !~!!I!~;fBii Numbers in bold type indicate the pages on which the references are Chiri Ronso (Collected articles in geography) ~~~¥& cited. This index is divided into five parts. The first and second parts Chosen Gakuho (Journal of the Academic Association of provide characters and translations for Chinese, Korean, and japanese Koreanology in japan) l$~c collections of works and journals. The third and fourth parts provide Denki (Biography) ±1!!~~~ characters and translations and also page citations for all Chinese, Ko­ Dixue Zazhi (Geographical journal) ~iitff!±*~!!I!I~ rean, and japanese sources (pre-1900 alphabetized by title and post­ Doshisha Daigaku Rikogaku Kenkyu Hokoku Uff~¥&~ 1900 alphabetized by author). The fifth part indexes sources in all (The science and engineering review of Doshisha other languages, alphabetized by author. University) Fudan Xuebao ~E!.~* (Journal of Fudan University in the social CHINESE, KOREAN, AND JAPANESE SOURCES sciences) Gekkan Kochizu Kenkyu ~ fUil!~lIIUff~ (Antique maps) COLLECTIONS OF WORKS Goto Puranetaryumi Gakugeiho li~7° "7 ~,?, I) t/ 1A ~D¥& (Got6 Baibu congshu jicheng 8g~ii~$~ (Complete collection of Planetarium literature report) collectanea from one hundred classifications). Taipei: Yiwen Han'guk Hakpo m~~¥&(Journal of Korean studies) Yinshuguan, 1965-7l. Han'guk Munhwa .~:X1t (Korean culture) Choson wangjo sillok ~Jj~3::~JjJf~ (Royal annals of Choson). 48 Han'guk sa Yon'gu .~j:1iff~ (Korean historical studies) vols. Ed. Kuksa P'yonch'an Wiwonhoe ~j:~.~~~ Hokkaido [Teikoku] Daigaku Hoppo Bunka Kenkyu Hokoku (National History Compilation Committee of the Republic of ~t~ [W~] *~~t1J:X1t1iff~¥&~(Studies from the Research Korea). Seoul: Kuksa P'yonch'an Wiwonhoe, 1955-58. Institute for Northern Culture, Hokkaido [Imperial] University) Hokumon sosho ~tr~ii~ (Northern gateway series). 6 vols. Ed. Hosei Daigaku Bungakubu Kiyo $l&*~:x~ffB*,c~ (Journal of Dtomo Kisaku *~:§1t . Tokyo: Hokk6 Shobo, 1943-44. the Faculty of Letters, H6sei University) Reprinted Tokyo: Kokusho Kankokai, 1972. Ishigaki Shi Shi no Hiroba E!.firtJj:0) V- ~ tf (Ishigaki Municipal Lidai tianwen lali deng zhi huibian ~1~7(:XWM~iit.~ History Forum) (Collected treatises on astrology, astronomy, and harmonics in ]inbun Chiri A3t!~!!I! (Human geography) the standard histories). 9 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 1976. Kagakushi Kenkyu f4~j:Uff~ (Research in the history of science) Nihon shomin seikatsu shiryo shusei 8*m~~m9:fl$~ Kaiji Shi Kenkyu $$j:~~(Journal of maritime history) (Collected historical records about the lives of the japanese Kaogu ~"tt (Archaeology) people). 20 vols. Tokyo: San'ichi Shobo, 1968-72. Kaogu Xuebao ~r!1~¥& (Journal of archaeology [Acta Shintei zoho kokushi taikei fJT~T.~j:** (Series of histories of Archaeologia Sinica]) our country revised and enlarged). 66 vols. Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kaogu yu Wenwu ~il8:X!fo/J(Archaeology and cultural relics) Kobunkan, 1929-64. Keji Shi Wenji f4~9::X$ (Collected works on the history of Sibu beiyao lZ9$1Jm~ (Essential collection [of books] from the four science and technology) classifications). Shanghai: Zhonghua Shuju, 1927-35. Kexue f4~ (Science) Sibu congkan lZ9g~iifU (Collection [of books] from the four Kexue Shi ]ikan f4~_~mflJ (History of science) classifications). Shanghai: Shangwu Yinshuguan, 1920-36. Kirishitan Kenkyu .:f I) Y ?' /1iff~ (Christian research) Siku quanshu lZ9J~:~~ (Complete library from the four treasuries, Kobe Shiritsu Hakubutsukan Kenkyu Kiyo ffi$ PrtJJL1W!fo/Jgg1iff~ compo 1773-82). Taipei: Taiwan Shangwu Yinshuguan, 1970­ *'c~ (Bulletin of the Kobe City Museum) 82. Kokogaku Zasshi ~il~~~ (Journal of the Archaeological Society Zoku gunsho ruiju .M~~JH~ (Classified series of various books: of Nippon) Continuation, 1923-28 in 71 vols.). 3d rev. ed. 67 vols. Tokyo: Kokushi Kaikokai Kiyo ~y:@1iJhfr*,c~ (Bulletin of the Society for Zoku Gunsho Ruiju Kanseikai, 1957-59. Recollecting japanese History) 853 854 Bibliographical Index Kotsu bunka ~:im3t{t(Traffic culture; Cultural intercourse) Baopuzi mf~T ([Book of] the master who embraces simplicity, ca. Kyoiku ]iho ~~ffif¥~ (Journal of Education) fourth century). Ge Hong ~m. 226 Nagasaki Danso ~dfiU"~il (Memoirs of Nagasaki) Beitang shuchao ~t1itiJ~J> (Transcriptions from the Northern Hall, Nagasaki Shiritsu Hakubutsukan Kanpo ~dfiU"mJL1W!J'7J.Jtg~¥~ compiled ca. 630). Yu Shinan Sii!tl¥J. 112 (Journal of the Nagasaki City Museum) Bundo yojutsu 7tJ.l~V1Lj (Techniques of protraction, manuscript of Nagoya Daigaku Bungakubu Kenkyu Ronshu i5tlJ¥.*~3t~$m: 1728). Matsumiya Toshitsugu t,t}g{~fJJ . 359, 587 ~~ifO~ (Journal of the faculty of literature, Nagoya University) Naniwakyu Shi no Kenkyu JfE1Btg:f:J1:0)m:~(Reports of the Changjiang tushuo ~¥IliJ~ (Illustrated account of the Yangtze, J~~ historical investigation of the forbidden city of Naniwa) 1871). Ma Zhenglin •• 103 ~OO~ Nanjing Daxue Xuebao l¥iJlf*~~11i (Journal of Nanjing Changxing ji (Collected works of [the viscount of] 1Xt~ University, Natural Science) Changxing). Shen Kuo (1031-95). In Shen shi san ¥X~=)t~3t~ Nihongakuho B*~¥~ (Japanese studies [Osaka University]) xiansheng wen ji (Collected works of the three masters of the Shen clan, compiled 1718). 114 Nihon Rekishi B*1JfY: (Japanese history) ~JlFfHfi~ Nihon Yogakushi no Kenkyu B*1$~y:O)m:~(Studies on the Chaoshi congzai (Collected notes for going to market, Yangjingting 188 history of Western learning in japan) 1833). mR¥¥. Chikkyo yohitsu besshu t1~~~5JU~ (Superfluous writings at Osaka Gakugei Daigaku Kiyo *~R~t¥*~*,e~ (Research papers Bamboo Bridge, Edo Castle, extra volume, ca. 1803). Ota Nanpo of Osaka Gakugei University) *E8l¥J~ Otani Gakuho *1§.~¥~ (Journal of Otani University) . 399 Ch'onggudo wfi~1IJ (Map of the Blue Hills, 1834). Kim Chongho Rangaku Shiryo Kenkyukai Kenkyu Hokoku lIi~~fHjff~l!fUlf~ ~lE~. Modern edition ed. Yi Pyongdo :$pg•. 314,316, ¥~* (Reports of the Society of Dutch Sources in japan) 321,323 Rekishi Chiri JJ!Y::tlli~ (Historical geography) Chongjong sillok 5E*_~ (Annals of King Chongjong, r. 1398­ fi~1§.·*~~tfij$ Ryukoku Daigaku Ronshu (Research papers of 1400). 245, 247 Ryukoku University) Chongjo sillok lEffg_~ (Annals of King Chongjo, r. 1776-1800). li~il Seikyu Gakuso rr (Blue Hills journal) 310,311,320 y:~m:~ Shigaku Kenkyu (Review of historical studies) Chosen nichinichi ki ~JJj.f BB~c (Record of days in Korea [Keinen's 9:~~tt Shigaku Zasshi (Journal of the Historical Society of japan) diary], 1597-98). Keinen M~ . 292 §~ Shizen (Nature) Chungbo Munhon pigo !ttfm3t.tVi~ (Documentary reference Shoshigaku iJtt~ (Bibliography) encyclopedia, expanded and supplemented, 1903-8, revising first Tenmon Geppo 7(3tFJ¥~ (Astronomical monthly/Astronomical edition of 1770 and unpublished revision, 1790). 252, 253, 275, herald) 285,286,288,298,305,310,311,343,556,560,561,576 Tianwen Xuebao 7(3t~¥& (Journal of astronomy [Acta Chungjong sillok r:p*.~ (Annals of King Chungjong, r. 1506-44). Astronomica Sinica]) 249,267 Toho Gakuho *tf~¥~ (Journal of Oriental studies) Chunqiu Guliang zhuan ~f:k~~f.$(Spring and autumn [annals] Toho Shukyo *tf*~(Eastern religions) with the Guliang commentary, fourth century). Compo Fan Ning Tokyo Daigaku Shiryo Hensanjo Ho ***~9:fJ.Ii.pJT¥~ mm·206 (Journal of the Historiographical Institute, University of Tokyo) Chuyuki r:ptr~c (Diary of the Nakamikado, 1131). Nakatsukasa Tongbang hakchi *:1J~~ (Journal of Far Eastern studies) Munetada r:pm*~. Tosogwan liJiJt'§ (Bulletin of the Central National Library of In vol. 12 of Shiryo taisei ~fl*~ (Series of historical Korea) materials). 43 vols. Tokyo: Naigai Shoseki, 1934-43.581 Wenwu 3t!WJ (Cultural relics) In Koji ruien tl$~~ (Historical encyclopedia of japan, Wenxian 3t~ (Documents) 1896-1914).51 vols. Tokyo: Hyogensha, 1927-30). Hogibu Yokohama Shiritsu Daigaku Kiyo fJi?J:$JL*~*,e~ (Journal of the tftx$ (Volume on technical specialists). 581 Yokohama City University) Cunxing bian f¥tE~ (Treatise on preserving the nature, completed Yomiuri Shinbun mW*JTfm (Yomiuri newspaper) 1669, first printed 1705). Yan Yuan ~JilC. In Sicun bian 1ZBf¥~ Yu Gong Banyuekan ~:9t*J3 ffj ("Tribute of Yu" semimonthly (Treatises on the four preservations). Taipei: Shijie Shuju, 1966. [Chinese historical geography]) 225 Zhongyang Yanjiuyuan ]indaishi Yanjiusuo ]ikan r:p*Ulf~~jJf{~~ Wf~pJT*ffJ (Bulletin of the Institute of Modern History, Da ]in diaofa lu *1JZ:~fJt~ (Record of the Great lin's consolation Academia Sinica) [of the people] and punishment [of the guilty], compiled ca. Ziran Kexue Shi Yanjiu § ?~f4~1:fjJff{. (Studies in the history of twelfth century). 83 *13f:J-*'ft~ natural science) Da Ming yitong zhi (Comprehensive gazetteer of the Great Ming, 1461). Li Xian :$H et al. 57, 60, 294, 296 PRE-1900 Da Qing huidian *¥ff~#t!- (Qing administrative code, 1732 edition). 305, 312 "1596 nendo Iezusu Kai nenpo" -1int\iF-Nl' .:r.. A~ A 1ffiF-¥& Da Qing Shengzu Ren (Kangxi) huangdi shilu *m~ffifi1= (m~~) (Annual report of the Society of jesus, 1596). Luis Frois. In ~W.~ (Veritable records of Shengzu, emperor Ren [Kangxi], Kirishitan Kenkyu 20 (1980): 261-410. Trans. Sakuma Tadashi of the Great Qing, compiled ca. 1739). 82-83, 92, 180 ~~ra~lE . 390 Da Qing Shizu Zhang (Shunzhi) huangdi shilu *mi!tffg~ (J1~m) !i.~J> Ainosho (Bag of rubbish, 1446).
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