v MARCH 27, 1950 . OC RUI3 ,. - The Newsweelay of Radio did Television ?ORNINGSIDE COLLEGE LIBRARY .iouX CITY 20, IOWA, LAKGc s r GLE STATION' 51tsIvptNC }tviFRIGA/ 5/ are covers 25 states and Canada During a recent broadcast of its National Barn Dance, WLS suggested to listeners that they join us in a square dance, wherever they were. At 10:30 p.m. that Saturday night, our John Dolce called the dance, with music broadcast by the National Bans Dance entertainers. Without any inducement, square dancers in 25 states and S Canadian provinces wrote WLS to tell us they joined with us in the "World's Largest Square Dance" - in their homes, in their clubrooms, wherever they were having parties. Illinois -Oregon -New Hampshire - Arkansas- Saskatchewan -Maine -Florida- letters came from everywhere. Once again the popularity of WLS programming is demonstrated -as is the power of WLS to bring response. For more information about this ,000 -watt station, with its loyal, friendly audience of substantial family folks, see your John Blair man or call WLS. Number 3 in a series showing the quantity and quality of response to WLS service and programming, The PRAIRIE FARMER STATION CLEAR CHANNEL Home of the NATIONAL Barn Dance 890 KILOCYCLES, 50,000 WATTS, ABC NETWORK- REPRESENTED BY JOHN BLAIR & COMPANY 1' 4, D. C. INC., 870 National Press Building, Washington in February by BROADCASTING PUBLICATIONS, 1879. every Monday. 53rd issue (Year Book Number) published at Washington, D. C., under act of March 3, Published Entered as second class matter March 14, 1933, at Post Office upeominy Business Briefly I Closed Circuit TRU -VAL SPOTS Tru -Val Manufac- March 27 -30: Canadian Assn. of Broadcasters turers Inc., New York (Tru -Val shirts), ATLANTA RADIO situation, growing out of I meeting, General Brock Hotel, Niagara begins 20- station radio spot campaign coinci- merger of Journal and Constitution into At- Falls, Ont. dent with start of baseball season. Agency, lanta Newspapers Inc. [BROADCASTING exclu- March 29 -April 1: ANA Convention, Homestead, McCann -Erickson, New York. sive, March 20], looks this way: Fort Industry Hot Springs, Va. Co. (WAGA stations) will acquire plant and March 30 -April 1: AAAA Convention, Greenbrier, ORANGE JUICE SERIES Hi -V Corp. real estate of WCON, now using 550 kc, for White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. (frozen fruit concentrates), April 4 starts about quarter- million, substantially less than April 12 -19: NAB Convention Week, Stevens Arthur Godfrey, Tues., Thurs., 7:45 -8 p.m. cost, and will petition FCC to use 550 kc or Hotel, Chicago. on CBS -TV. Mr. Godfrey is member of Hi -V continue on 590 kc, with one license turned in, (Other Upcomings on page 51) board. New program brings its total weekly depending on outcome of Cuban conversations. CBS AM -TV time to 8 hours, 45 minutes. Construction permit for WCON -TV, slated to Agency, Franklin Bruck Adv., New York. start in June, presumably would be relin- quished, since duopoly rule would apply and Bulletins DIANA BOURBON PLANS DON McNEILL, star of ABC's Breakfast since FCC to date has refused to transfer TO LEAVE construction permits while freeze is on. Club from Chicago, ready to sign new long- WHEELOCK AGENCY term contract with network late last week as IN RE ATLANTA, question of network DIANA BOURBON, national radio director, affilia- ABC and personal lawyers readied fine -print Ward Wheelock Co., Hollywood, tion also is involved. If WCON, in effect, is resigning details. Mr. McNeill made final decision to effective at summer's end, after 16 -year stay discontinued, ABC must seek new affiliate. remain with ABC after onslaught of other with agency where WGST, owned by she attained distinction Georgia Institute of Tech- networks, mainly NBC. in 1938 of being first woman radio director of nology, and WATL, of Woodruff interests, are regionals and presumably major advertising agency. Currently Miss would be available. U. S. -CUBAN NEGOTIATIONS Bourbon producing CBS' Club 15 and NBC's If WGST gets ABC, then WATL probably REMAIN UNSETTLED Double or Nothing. She plans concentration on would succeed to Mutual, with which it was freelance writing. formerly affiliated. STATUS of U. S.-Cuban NARBA negotiations From 1938 -1943 Miss Bourbon was radio -called off by U. S. Thursday but seemingly director of Wheelock company's New York PHILLIPS "66" through its agency, Lambert given new life by indications of change in & Feasley, New York, considering spot cam- office directing all daytime shows for agency Cuban tack on Friday -still unsettled at and several nighttime programs including paign in addition to its regional network show BROADCASTING'S deadline Friday (early story featuring Rex Allen on CBS, which started Radio Reader's Digest and Orson Welles' page 21). Mercury Theatre. No replacement named. last week. FCC Comr. Rosei H. Hyde, head of U. S. THERE'S CONSTERNATION in Radio Row, delegation, notified State Dept. Friday morn- ALBUQUERQUE PETITION ing he was slated to confer with Cuban group notably among station representatives, over IS DENIED BY FCC rate adjustments and package deals in both at their request later in day. No details on AM and TV stemming from competitive aspects outcome available in Washington late Friday. FCC Friday denied request of New Mexico Col- Cuban primarily in TV markets. Representatives in invitation for further discussions came lege of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts and KOB both AM and TV regard network and group after State Dept. granted Comr. Hyde's re- Albuquerque to waive rule which had refused station "adjustments" geared toward summer quest for recall of delegation from Havana their petition to continue a contract under hiatus Thursday. Despite late development, U. S. which college reserved broadcast time as as dangerous, if not bad business policy. reportedly part Whether National Assn. authorities holding firm to assertion of original price in selling KOB [BROADCAST- of Radio Station Rep- that "agreement" reached resentatives will take formal notice, and blast tentatively earlier ING, Dec. 12]. away, currently being debated. this month represents maximum concessions Oral argument had been asked on ground U. S. will make. that FCC had considered only part of original ALL SERENE between CBS front office and FTC claims, had not properly evaluated court deci- top AM -TV star Arthur Godfrey after Mr. CITES WHITEHALL sions and had ignored some of original conten- Godfrey promised to curb questionable humor THIRD manufacturer of anti -histamine cold tions. FCC also granted KOB until June 15 to on his shows. Criticism of certain ad lib tablets charged Friday by FTC with misleading comply with its denial. portions of a street sweeping sequence and and false advertising (see story, page 42). threat to drop Godfrey show were sent direct to Complaint filed against Whitehall Pharmacal TUBE SALES DOUBLED CBS President Frank Stanton by Walter Co., New York, manufacturer of Kriptin, Damm, vice president, WTMJ Milwaukee, last SALES of radio receiving tubes in February, claimed firm's advertising represented product 1950, were nearly twice those of the week. Star's promise understood to have satis- as and same "adequate competent" treatment and month in 1949, according to Radio Mfrs. Assn. fied Mr. Damm. cure for common and cold manifestations. The sales last month totaled 24,865,546 com- Earlier in week, FTC cited Bristol - REALLOCATION of advertising appropria- similarly pared to 12,643,788 in the same month of 1949 Myers Co. York, tions in radio and television expected and Anahist Co., both New and 22,272,024 in January. Of the as result makers of Resistabs respectively. February of meetings being held in New York by Lever and Anahist, output, 20,073,094 tubes sold were for new sets, Brothers Co. and its agencies. WEST COAST 3,935,796 for replacements, 758,607 for export AFFILIATES and 98,049 tubes for government agencies. LOOK for House Interstate & Foreign Com- KSBR (FM) San Bruno, 250 kw station, signs merce radio subcommittee to shelve considera- as Northern California terminus for Pacific ELLIS JOINS B &B tion of the so- called Sadowski Bill (HR 6949) Regional Network, according to Cliff Gill, when it begins scheduled hearings on radio leg- KFMV (FM) Hollywood and network head. SHERMAN K. ELLIS, former president of islation. Target date now set for hearings' Franklin Evans, KSBR general manager, Sherman K. Ellis Inc. and of La Roche & Ellis, start after House's April 6 -18 Easter recess signed for his station. Mr. Gill also announces joins Benton & Bowles, New York, as vice [BROADCASTING, March 20]. Insiders say Rep. six additional affiliation requests bringing total president and member of plans committee, (Continued on page 86) to 22 for PRN. effective today (March 27). Page 4 March 27, 1950 BROADCASTING Telecasting M. L. P. D. are the four letters we've borrowed from the alphabet to tell KXOK's out- standing story of results. They stand for More Listeners Per Dollar! Check the Hoopers ... check the time costs ... check KXOK's B.M.B. increase in audience (587,920 KXOK radio families day -up 10.2x%- 555,880 KXOK radio families night - up 9%) ... and it all adds up to KXOK's top -rung position as the No. 1 Buy. KXOK is the answer to putting your sales (and your advertising budget) in better shape in the St. Louis Area Market. St. Louis' ABC Station, 12th & Delmar, CH. 3700 630 KC 5000 WATTS FULL TIME Owned and operated by the St. Louis Star -Times Represented by John Blair and Co. THE NEWSWEEKLY OF RADIO AND TELEVISION Published Weekly by Broadcasting Publications, Inc. Executive, Editorial, Advertising and Circulation Offices: 870 National Press Bldg. Washington 4, D. C. Telephone ME 1022 IN THIS BROADCASTING .
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