:Panafr; l1tllNovemher, 1971 IKartika 20. 1893) ··SERIESI·No,-3l ! :~ i I I i OFFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF· GQA,DAMAN AND DIU -OJ 0 GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN ,.,' Prqvidi,q tliat, AND DIU (~)tlJe maximuni<;lge limit specified in the Schedule in' resp<!ct of .direct recruitm~nt Special Departmem may be relaxed i~ the case of' candid~tes \ belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Sche­ Notification duled Tribes and' other 3pecial categories in OSD/RRVS/19/,Ta accordance with the orders issued by the In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso Central Government from time to time; and to Article 309 of the Constitution, read with the (b) no lIIaie candidate, who has more than one Government of' India, Ministry of Home· Affairs wife living and no female candidate, who Notification No. F.1/29/68-GP dated the 29th June bas married a person having already a wife 1968, the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is living, shall be eligible for appoitltm~nt, pleased to make the .foHowing rules regulating ·the . unless the Government, after having been Recruitment of persons to Class I postg:in·the River satisfied that there are special grounds for Navigation Department under the Government of doing so,exempts any such CMldidate from Goa, Daman and Diu. the operation of this rule. 1. Short title. - These rules may be, called Goa o. Power. to relax, _ Where the Administrator is Administration, Ports .officer, Class I Gazetted pos,t of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient SO Recruitment Rules, 1971. to do, he may, by order, for reasons to he recorded in writing and in consultation with the Union Public 2. Application. - These, ru1es shall apply to' the posts specified, in column 1 of the Schedule to these Service Commission, relax any of the provisions of rules. these rules in respect of any category of persons/ posts. 3, Number, classification and scale of pay. - The numher of posts, classification of the said 6. These rules snail come into effeCt from the date posts and the scales of pay attached thereto of their publication and will relate to appointments .shall be as specified in columns 2 to 4 of the said to the various posts made on or after this date. ,Schedule 7. This ha", the concurrence of the Union 4. Method of recruitment, age limit and other Public Service Commission under their letter .qualifications. - The method of recruitment of the No, F.3/29 (12) /71-RR dated 21-9-1971 . 'said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters K. N. Srivastava connected therewith shall be as specified in eolumns Chief Secretary '5 to 13 of the aforesaid Schedule. Panaji, 16th October, 1971. I I Scite:t>tJUl!l .g Whether age and edu- ~fethod ot recruitment I Circumstances cational quaH­ whether by direct In case of recruitment. by Whether fications pres':' Period recruitment or by promotion/deputation! If a DPC In which ,-1- -.' Age Ed ucational and other exisU3. U. P. S. C. :'-Jame of the No. of Classi­ Scale of Pay Selection for dirf!ct cribcd for' of proba- promotion or by transfer, grades from 1.' post fication Post or non­ qualifications requirt>'! which promotion/depu- wbat is is to be con­ post>'! recruits for direct recruits the direct tion, it deputation/transfer, its com- suIted in . Selection post recruits any aTld percentage of tho tation/transfer is position making re_ will apply ill \'acancies to be filled to be made the case of by \"arious methods crnitment I! promotees il " " 8 9 10 11 1> 18 fj .. Ports One Class I Rs. 700·40- Selection 40 yeaTs Essential: Transfer on depu· '·1 Not Two By direct recruItment Not As required Officer Gazetted 1100-50/2- -(Relaxable Applicable years falllng which by tation: Appli­ under the ·1 1) Certificate of Com­ !j t250. for Govt. transfer on deputa­ cable Union Pu­ servants) petency as a Master tion. Offlicers holding ana· blic Ser­ 'I of- a foreign-going logous pc s ts, or vice Com­ I Steamship (V a 11 d Class I Officers with mission if throughout the 'Com­ 5 years service in ( Exemp­ monwealth) . posts .in the scale of tion from Rs. 400-950 or equi­ Consulta­ 11) Certificate of S'ight­ valent under th'e Cen· tion) Re­ -test-Lnform vision tral/State Govern­ gulations, 'issued by the Mer­ ments and posses· 1958. canUle Marine De­ sing the qUal'lflca· partment, Gov-ern­ bions m-entioned un~ ment of India. der col. 7. ill) About 1 year'. expe­ (Period of deputation rIence in OrganIsa­ - ordlnar.Uy not ex­ tIon and develop­ ceeding 3 years). ment of Minor ports, Inland Water Trans­ port and Runn'ing of Ferry Servioes. (Qualifications :relax able at Commission's dIs­ cretion lin case of can.. dldates otherwise well qualified). Desirable: ,0 Knowledge of Kon­ kwrl/Marathl. ,ii) Knowledge of Inland Steam Vessels Act, Indian Ports Act, Merchant Shipping Act,etc. to ~ i\l ...to ~ eo '~ 'y ;.~ 11TH NOVEMBER, 1971 (KARTIKA20, 1893) 403 --------------------~.--~~~~------~------~--~--------- Notification OSD/RRVS/17/67 In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso -to artide 309 of the Constitution, read wiIth the G0.­ vernment of India, Ministry of Externa[ Affairs letter no. F.7(1l)/62-Goa dated the 25th July 1963, the Administrator of Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to make the following rules relating to the recruit­ ment to the Class III post of Technician (Research) in the Goa Pharmacy College under the Government -of Goa, Daman and Diu. 1. Short title. - These rules may be called Goa ,-Government, Golt Pharmacy College, Class III (non­ -ministerial, non-gazetted post) Recruitment Rules, 1971. 2. Application. - 'I-hese ru1~ shaJ~i rupply to the -posts specified in column 1 of the Schedule to these TIlles. - 3. Number, classification and scale of pay. - The l1umber of posts, classification of the said pOsts rund the scales of pay attached thereto shall be as speci· fied in columns 2 to 4 of the said Schedule. 4. Method of recruitment, age limit and other .qnalifications. - The metbou of recruitment to the said posts, age limit, qualifications and other matters connected therewith shall be as specified in columns -5 to 13 of the aforesaid Schedule. Provided that, (a) the maximum age limit specified in the Schedule in respect of direct recruitment may be relaxed in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Sche­ duled Tribes and other special categories in accordance with the orders issued by the Government from time to time; and (b) no made candidate, who has more than one wife living and no female candidate, who has mrurried a person having already a wife living, shall be eligible for ruppointment. unless the' Government, after having been satisfied that there are special grounds foy doing so, exempts any such candidate from the operat.ion of this rule. 5. These rules will come into effect from the date o()f the Notification and will relate to appointments to the various posta made On or after this date. An appointment made prior to this date through a duly constituted Staff Selection Board/Departme!lltal Pro­ motion Committee will be deemed to be a regular _appointment, notwithstanding any provisions con­ tained in these rules, and the probation period in :that case will extend to six months only from the date of this notification: K. N. Srivastava ChIef Secretary . Panaji, 20th October, 1971. law and Judicial Department (d) "Custodian" means the person appointed under section 5 to take over the management of the coking coal mine; Notification (e) "Government company" has the lJI)/76/71 meaning assigned to it by seCtion 617 of the Companies Act, 1956; 1 of 1956 The Coking Coal Mines (Emergency Provisions) Ordinance, 1971 (12 of 1971) promulgated by the (f) "mine" means any excavation where any President of India, is hereby published for general operation for the purpose of searching for or ob­ information. taining minerals has been or is being carried on and includes- M. S. Borkar, Under Secretary. (i) all borings and bore holes; Panaji, 27th October, 1971. (ii) all shafts, in or adjacent to and belonging to a mine w:hether in the course of being sunk or not; . GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (iii) all levels and inclined plans in the course of being driven; MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUST,ICE (iv) all open cast wdrkings; (Legislative Department) -(v) all conveyors or aerial ropeways provided for the bringing into or removal from a mine New Delhi, the 16th October, 1911 of minerals or other articles or for the removal Asvina 24, 1893 (Saka) of refuse therefrom; (vi) all lands" buildings, works, adits, leveis, THE COKING COAL MINES (EMERGENCY planes, machinery and equipment, vehicles, rail­ PROVISIONS)' ORDINANCE, 1971 ways, tramways and sidings" in or adjacent to and belonging to a mine; No. 12 of 1971 (vii) all workshops belonging to a mine in­ cluding buildings, machinery, instruments, sto­ Promulgated by the President in the Twenty-second res,equipment of such workshops and the lands Year of the Republic of India. on which such workshops stand; An Ordinance to provide for the taking over, in the (viii) all coal in stock or in transit or under public interest,of the management of coking coal production, other stores and stocks and instru­ mines pending nationalisation of such mines'; ments belonging to a mine; (ix) all power stations belonging to a mine or Whereas it is expedient in the public interest that operated for supplying electricity for the pur­ the coking coal mines should be nationalised with pose of working the mine or a number of mines a view to re-organising and reconstructing them for under the same management; the purpose of protecting, conserving and
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