Matrix 132 Terran 1998-07

Matrix 132 Terran 1998-07

·MATRIX· £1.75 ·lliE NEWS MAGAZI!\'E OF lliE BRITISH' SCIENCE FICTION ASSOCIATION 132 .JULY / AUGUST 1998' MARY . DORIA . RUSSELL TbeSparrow BSFA Award • Arthur C. Clarke Award • Tiptree Award To the members '{[the BSFA I would like to express my sincere thanks to the members of the BSFA who were kind enough to vote for The Spanuw this year. Iwas thrilled speechless to receive the Best Novel award, although Imanaged to get my voice back for the Clarke prizel Thank you so velY much for this recognition. All too often in the past two years, I have heard people say, "I hate science fiction, but I loved your beok," and then they insist, "The Spanvw isn't really science fiction." Now Ican say, "Oh yes it isl And I can prove it!" Sincerely Mary Doria Russell, 15 June 1998 'CONTENTS' Hi News • 2 0 the happening 'WOrld EdilOr. CluisTerran - Sparrow wins Qarke ~ ullOf'dutd _. DmlM:. 9 Beechwooel Court - Spedding in jail IlMJ1boIotJrvpby Back Beechwood Grove SummerPqx;om • 6· John Ashbrook previews Leech. lS4 2HS. UK surnmet'nxwie5 Telephone 01132171403 Email ..tJlbrjaurmJed bsfa[lenterprise. net C1Ja1fS • 6. whal'S selling Ill_~ 1'feIlsrlltCludeJOlUptJIldatJd,m R£cent AndForthcoming BooJzs 0 8. paper chase Editonal AssiSlance 0 Elizabeth Billinger 1998QarlieAward·12· who was there Mailbox • 14 0 matrix. matrix, do you reacP Media 0 John Ashbrook Free For All· 16 • Yvonne Rowse on a bumper BSFALogo 0 !an Brooks buncUeoffanzines Cover 0 Mar')' Doria RusseU after receiving Father Ted's Bogusjollnu:y 0 18 0 Lee Montgomerie dips the Arthurc. Clarke Award for The 71JeSpalTOu1swings Sparrowal the Science Museum. From left: Edw:ud james; Farah A Srepbell lLlwbead Bibliography 0 18 0 Andrew M. Butler lislifies Mendelsohn; john dute, behind lo5t b' Space. 19 0 John Ashbrook reviews a Mary: Andrew M, Butler; unknown: robinsonade caroline MuJlan; Cuis Hill Mim~ 019 0 AndrewM. Butler dissects Photograph by Chris Terran. Sliding Doors 0 20 0 Andrew ~L Buller bisects Phol:ography • Chris Terran lJark City· 20 0 nave M. Roberts has a rainy De;ign I Production 0 Ouis Terran night in hornage-town Stf IIfPIlIiJIr.., 5lr7. GtmmoId. HdtWica EosJerwnProgrammeBoolts. 21 0 Yvo~Rowsereviewsthelast Next Deadline 0 Wednesday 12 August 1998 lWOoifenngs Outo/Focus· 21 0 Carol Ann Kerry-Grttn& ISSN • 0307 3335 JulieVenntt Copyright· C.BSFA 1998 BSf"A Awards 0 21 • Chris Hill lridividual copyrights are the property El.IenJs Diary 0 22 • con of the romributas and edita, Una:mvention • 23 • CIaire Brialey goes fClltt:ln Views expressed are not necessarily lhose of the BSfA. Memben' No&eboard 0 23 0 ad vem Printed by 0 PDC Copyprint, II jeffries Passage, TIme Wasten 0 24 0 John Oills's flISt competilion Guildfad, GUI 4AP BigBlIlt 0 24. A.leph MAGAZINES SERVICES 8"Ii$hSt1eneeFlelionAS~illionlld;· ChrisHill 1W9~ n En9a'>d L", eO III G"a an •• Con-pan, ''"' 9215<:0() o TheBungaJoo.o,L...,-E:vulgiIRd. 1'«100" • TonyCuJkn ...."" Fl"9'~!"edA,"e~~ f,OBoJ......,<>.Jl~Ro:.Id FO'.'!CYle "e- CT195Al \t1uldTurdl,tbrllli.• RG287EY CnlCll and (;1 16 \I'"a,"er'~ lli'ay. Umden To"m, FOIIIIdellI9S6 001256893153 fe'VW:".·JOW1UI London.!'<'WlllXE tC\lllenpal·10flsb.dNOll.CO.~k I're5odenI • Sir Arthur C. CbRe, CAE. * * lm<bl • PaulIIu.>d FaluR:> • AndtnrtA..BudeI' ~1OI • M:wrttn JUnaldSpdIu rneo:tIfl&S0112~Ekh=, ®33BrookV,",·Dri\~.~ e 6OIloumemoulhRcalFc*e:IlOfIe.Kenc, ~~1!5JS ...-..... cm"" III 018Il~36670 001l\9j755-t9 00\3OJ252m * vKcor·bsfa' :I' IlkSyk@<:IS.CO.ut ~·(an)lAnn~ 'Gary~ ~goup; m 278V'IUOdA"""""".HuI, :>l5LydrcwdIl.olld.8oumc:moI.dI. TeealIJl'C:I' • EIiDbo:lh8illlnger HU53DZ 1><lnft.1IHtlss.... e 1~ItowCJo:lllo,,&m:Im.~. 1lI01482~5 NMhws..NNII36E IIII! 00131251'9640 00\~7]361661 * ~"I' hulKinooid ~.~Briaky 060lloumcrnoulhllalo.1.F~. * mcn:lIan:ix. 0 26Nonhampecw!Jlold.CrorOOn. Kenl.crI9'iAZ ,~p • uNS119 ya!IOrUK~.118 publoar,. Su~.CR07HA if) 01.i0525m9 ~onJa.J.12\111w;1gedLd'emem­ prolllll(IOOiIll0IBl6551}16 * hmh;pJ.I'Xl.~,Eu~J.2 ...~ * [email protected].~t 5Osulfa<l:rrg~.J.30aUTmd • M3rk P1ummer Fonol • Carol Ann KnTy-Gl'ttn dso:e.tM:n:.l.24 ClM:qllep;lyahletoBSfALld For"''llttT' ~ VitlOlia AVellue. Hull, ID 14North......yRoild.CIOydon. m SU~,CR06jE HlJ\3DZ A1lflO1'!-'l1irnerntlmhip' PaulBlIIlnger III 01~Z ..<J.IOi5 qllellOl.reno:wals.addre:>.\ ill 1Long Row Clcoie.Ev=Jon.D:l.venuy, 001B16S6om :I: [email protected] ,hange:o;. new ,""",hers Nortlun~.,NNI13BE Publicllions • SIen:Jdfery • JuUeV"nner 001327361661 ,'-1ul:q,= * [email protected]* ~~ * blllln9er, C!l \,\;'algnveSlrert. Nt.-v.1anJ WebSire 0 TanyaBrown A,..,nue. Hull. IIU521.T us Agm! • er Chauvin AlIUSsubkTipuon> e 142+!1WiIfrt:tlStrett.lktrolt.MI4l:!213. B7S1.Ufa<:".k7:l1r lJ,SA I p;l~1O • CyChau\in(BSfA] -news------------------ PRATCHETI GETS OBE SPARROW WINS CLARKE AFm the knighthood awarded to Sir Arthur FoLWWlNG its Tiplree and BSFA Awards, Mary Doria Russell's The SprlrTow (Black Swan) was Clarke in the New Year's Honours list, Terry announced as the winner of this year's Arthur C. Clarke Award at a ceremony in London's Pratchett becomes the second sf writer this Science Museum on 27 May. Russell, who had flown over from America for the occasion, first year to be honoured. He was given the OBE collected her BSFA Award from Chris Hill, and thanked the membership of the BSFA (see cover) (Order of the British Empire) in the Queen's Clarke Award administrator Paul Kinraid tllro and John elule and Fuah Mendelsohn for the SF Birthday I-Ionours List on 13 June, "for services called on Angie Edward5, Sir Arthur's niece, to open Foundation, chaired by Paul Kincaid. Many other to literature". lhf ffivelope and announce the winner; lheresull wnler>, editors Jnd sf personalities WE'rE' present, 1-11' told Amib/r: "I suspect the 'services to was l'I\thusiastically welromed by the large including 5tolt Bradfield, Mal1y Brown, Pal Cadi- literature' consisted of refraining from trying to audience. [n a warm and emotional acceptance gan, David Garnetl, Mary Gentle, Colin Greenland, write any. Still, I can't help feeling mightily speech, RusselJ made a particular point of thanking Jon CouIlenay Gdmwood, Peter Hamilton, Paul chuffed about il." 0 her editor Simon Taylor; British booksellers Rog McAuley, John Meaney, Kim Newman, Chris Priest, Peyton and Dick Jude were also thanked for their Divid Pringle, Geoff Ryman, Andy Sawyer, efforts in promoting the book in this country. Michiel Marsh.ill Smith, M.ureen Kincaid Speller, Four of the six nominees were present: Russell, 'ndBrianStableford.O SPEDDING HELD ON Elizabeth Hand (Tht Glimmtrillg), James Lovegrove • Mary Doria Russell is interviewed in Vutor 200. (Days) and left Noon (NymplzomaIiQlI); Stephen Bax- • More photos on pp12-13 ter (Tilan) and Sheri S. Tepper (Tht Family Tr") • Cbire Brialey will take over from Andrew M DRUGS ALLEGATION were unable to attend. Judges this year were An· Butler as one of the BSFA judges next year; Tanya FANTASY writer and anthropologist Alison drew M. Butler and Tanp. Brown {for the BSFA}, Brown is nOw on herserond year Spedding is being held in a Bolivian prison on suspicion of drug dealing, according to Tile Guardian of 20 June. She has reportedly been held for some months without being charged and with no prospect of a trial, and the 'drug dealing' amounted to possession o( one joint for personal use. She has apparently contracted typhoid and malaria whilst in jail, due to the poor conditions Spedding's fantasy reieJlings of the life of Alexander the Great are currently being reissued by Voyager, under her (ull name (they were previously issued as by 'Spedding' alone). She has long been a resident o( Bolivia, and Nicholas Pollolla of the Science Fiction Writers of America suggests that letters o( protest could usefully be sent to the Bolivian Embassy. "Please write a polite, but firm, letter to the Bolivian ambassador informing him of your moral outrage and asking (or her immediate release. This will only take ten minutes of your time and a stamp." "'aryDofi.RII5~/alld/lerf1.000c1leque.I'rfttIJohrrC!lll,(Jefl)aIldAOOromeda~RogP,yton Address: Bolivian Embassy, 106 Eaton Square, London, SW1 W9AD 0 1998 Nebula Awards 1998 Bram Stoker Awards Women dominated this year"s Nebula Awards, presented on 2May at a The BJam Stoker Awards, given for horror and dark tantasy, were ceremony in santa Fe. Nebulas are voted on by the members 01 presentedltlis year in New York on 6 June. Science Fiction and Fantasy Wnters of America. BEST SHORT STORY BEST NOVEL BEST SHORT STORY BEST NOVEL EDO VAN BELKOM & DAVID JANET BERLINER & GEORGE VONDA N. MclNTYRE JANE YOLEN NICKLE GUTHRIDGE "Rat Food" The fI..foon and the Sun "Sisler Emily's Ughlship' Chi/dren of the Dusk (S~rlight I) BEST COLLECTION BEST NOVELLA BEST FIRST NOVEL KARL EDWARD WAGNER JERRY OLTON GRAND MASTER KIRSTENBAKIS Exorcisms and Ecstasies "Abandon In Place" AWARD Lives of the Monster Dogs BEST NON-FICTION (F&SF 961 POUL ANDERSON o.c STANLEV WIATER Dark Thooghrs: G1 Writing BEST NOVELETIE SERVICE TO THE SFWA BEST NOVELETIE JOE R, LANSDALE LIFE ACHIEVEMENT NANCY KRESS ROBIN WAYNE BAILEY "The Big Blow" "The Flowers of Aulil Prison" WILLlAM PETER BLATIV (Asimov's OcVNov 96) JACK WILlIAMSON \' 'crI ntl' ileJnJll1' rumour, cuttill1' SPELLER WINS TAFF I Maureen Kincaid Speller has won thi~ year'~ UK to US TAFF race, and will represent CULT FICTION M. J. 'Slmo' Slmps~ l1as tell SFX, aftllf jonng the British fandom at the Worldcon in Baltimore mAugust and around the States on her success!l.l magazine ~ rts toooding 1"1 1995 and evn..aly risin9 to travels.

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