8. TJEDAN IZRAELSKOG FILMA 8Th ISRAELI FILM WEEK VARšavska 3 PROGRAM zagreb 30.11. - 4.12.2016. NovembER 30-DEcEMbER 4, 2016 Programska_2016.indd 1 14/11/16 23:50 PROGRAm SRIJEDA WEDNESDAY 30. STUDENOGA 2016. NOVEmBER 30, 2016 20:00 PAPIRNATO VJENČANJE 20:00 WEDDING DOLL 22:00 RANJENA ZEMLJA 22:00 WOUNDED LAND ČETVRTAK THURSDAY 1. PROSINCA 2016. DECEmBER 1, 2016 18:00 DObRI DEČKO IZ JERUZALEMA 18:00 MR. PREDIcTAbLE 20:00 LIJEPE RIJEČI 20:00 ThE KIND WORDS 22:00 bAbA JOON 22:00 bAbA JOON PETAK FRIDAY 2. PROSINCA 2016. DECEmBER 2, 2016 18:00 bORE SMIJALIcE 18:00 LAUGh LINES 20:00 PJEšČANA OLUJA 20:00 SAND STORM 22:00 ALIAS NADIA 22:00 A.K.A. NADIA SUBOTA SATURDAY 3. PROSINCA 2016. DECEmBER 3, 2016 18:00 ONKRAJ bRDA 18:00 bEYOND ThE I bREŽULJAKA MOUNTAINS AND hILLS 20:00 ANTENA 20:00 ANTENNA 22:00 IZbAcIVAČ 22:00 OUR FAThER NEDJELJA SUNDAY 4. PROSINCA 2016. DECEmBER 4, 2016 11:00 AbULELE 11:00 AbULELE 16:00 cAFE NAGLER 16:00 cAFÉ NAGLER 18:00 TJEDAN I JEDAN DAN 18:00 ONE WEEK AND A DAY 20:00 hARMONIJA 20:00 hARMONIA 22:00 KAPO U JERUZALEMU 22:00 cAPO IN JERUSALEM Programska_2016.indd 2 14/11/16 23:50 SRIJEDA, 30. STUDENOGA 2016. / Wednesday, NOVEmBER 30, 2016 20:00 PAPIRNATO VJENČANJE Izrael, 2015. | 82 minute Režija i scenarij: Nitzan Giladi Producent: Nitzan Giladi Uloge: Moran Rosenblatt, Assi Levy, Roy Assaf Hagit, mlada, pomalo zaostala žena, radi u tvornici toalet papira. Živi s majkom Sarom koja je rastavljena i odustala je od svog života zbog kćeri. Hagit teži za samostalnošću a Sarah je rastrgana između želje da je zaštiti i vlastitog života. Kada se razvije veza između Hagit i sina vlasnika tvornice, Hagit to sakrije od majke. 20:00 WEDDING DOLL Israel, 2015 | 82 minutes Director: Nitzan Giladi Screenplay: Nitzan Giladi Producer: Nitzan Giladi Cast: Moran Rosenblatt, Assi Levy, Roy Assaf Hagit, a young woman with mild mental deficiency, works in a toilet-paper factory. She lives with her mother Sarah, a divorcée who gave up her life for her daughter. Hagit strives for independence and Sarah is torn between her desire to protect her, and her own will to live. When a relationship develops between her and the son of the factory owner, Hagit hides it from her mother. Programska_2016.indd 3 14/11/16 23:50 SRIJEDA, 30. STUDENOGA 2016. / Wednesday, NOVEmBER 30, 2016 22:00 RANJENA ZEMLJA Izrael, 2015. | 80 minuta Režija: Erez Tadmor Scenarij: Shlomo Efrati, Erez Tadmor Producenti: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Amitan Manelzon Uloge: Roy Assaf, Dvir Benedek, Makram Khoury, Tawfeek Barhom Policajac Kobi Amar i područni zapovjednik Yehuda Neumann bili su partneri godinama. Sada su se našli u odlučnom trenutku svojega odnosa kada je jedan prisiljen okrenuti se protiv drugoga. Odjednom su ubačeni u situaciju u kojoj mora- ju čuvati terorista u gradskoj bolnici kojemu prijeti ljutita i osvetoljubiva svjetina koja ne želi ništa drugo do krvi terorista, njegovih čuvara i bolničkog osoblja koje se brine za njega. • Pobjednik u kategoriji najboljeg redatelja Izraelske filmske akademije 2015. • Pobjednik u kategoriji najboljeg glumca Izraelske filmske akademije 2015. 22:00 WOUNDED LAND Israel, 2015 | 80 minutes Director: Erez Tadmor Screenplay: Shlomo Efrati, Erez Tadmor Producers: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Amitan Manelzon Cast: Roy Assaf, Dvir Benedek, Makram Khoury, Tawfeek Barhom Police officer Kobi Amar and the regional commander Yehuda Neumann have been partners for years. Now they are at a decisive moment in their relationship when one is forced to turn against the other. Suddenly, they are plunged into a roller- coaster-like night in which they are required to watch over a terrorist at a city hos- pital who is threatened by an angry, vengeful crowd that wants nothing more than the blood of the terrorist, his guards, and the hospital staff caring for him. • Israeli Academy Awards Winner for Best Director Award 2015 • Israeli Academy Awards Winner for Best Actor 2015 Programska_2016.indd 4 14/11/16 23:50 Četvrtak, 1. PROSINCA 2016. / Thursday, DECEmBER 1, 2016 18:00 DOBRI DEČKO IZ JERUZALEMA Izrael, 2016. | 103 minute Režija: Roy Florentine Scenarij: Ran Appelberg Producenti: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Shai Ines Uloge: Amos Tamam, Maital Gal - Suissa, Mali Levi Gershon Kad je Adiju bilo pet godina, otac mu je poginuo u ratu u Libanonu. Prije no što je otišao od kuće, otac je natjerao Adija da prisegne da će biti dobar dječak, pomoći majci i biti odgovoran. Adi je održao obećanje: pomagao je više nego dovoljno kod kuće, u vrtiću, u školi, u vojsci, u braku. Drugom riječima, postao je naivac kojeg iskorištavaju majka, žena, sin, šef i gotovo bilo tko drugi. 18:00 MR. PREDICTABLE Israel, 2016 | 103 minutes Director: Roy Florentine Screenplay: Ran Appelberg Producers: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Shai Ines Cast: Amos Tamam, Maital Gal- Suissa, Mali Levi Gershon When Adi was 5 years old, his father died in the war in Lebanon. Before leaving home the father made the son swear he would be a good boy, help his mother and be responsible. Adi kept his promise: he helped more than enough at home, at kindergarten, at school, in the military, in his marriage. Or to put it in other words – Adi became a “sucker” who was exploited by his mother, his wife, his son, his boss and nearly everyone he ever met. Programska_2016.indd 5 14/11/16 23:50 Četvrtak, 1. PROSINCA 2016. / Thursday, DECEmBER 1, 2016 20:00 LIJEPE RIJEČI Izrael, 2015. | 118 minuta Režija i scenarij: Shemi Zarhin Producenti: Pie Films, United films i Amerique film Uloge: Rotem Zisman - Cohen, Roy Assaf, Asaf Ben-Shimon, Tsahi Halevi, Sasson Gabay Sestra i dva brata zbliženi su smrću majke i otkrićem identiteta svoga “pravog” oca. Oni kreću na putovanje iz Izraela preko Pariza i Marseillesa ali u stvari putuju u svoju zbunjujuću prošlost. Putovanje će promijeniti njihove živote. 20:00 THE KIND WORDS Israel, 2015 | 118 minutes Director: Shemi Zarhin Screenplay: Shemi Zarhin Producers: Pie Films, United films and Amerique film Cast: Rotem Zisman-Cohen, Roy Assaf, Asaf Ben-Shimon, Tsahi Halevi, Sasson Gabay Three siblings are joined by the death of their mother and a revelation about the identity of their “real” father. They set on a quirky journey from Israel through Paris and Marseille but ultimately into the past and their own confusing selves. This trip is going to change their lives. Programska_2016.indd 6 14/11/16 23:51 Četvrtak, 1. PROSINCA 2016. / Thursday, DECEmBER 1, 2016 22:00 BABA JOON Izrael, 2015. | 91 minuta Režija i scenarij: Yuval Delshad Producers: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Sharon Nazarian, David Silber Uloge: Navid Negahban, Asher Avrahami, David Diaan Yitzhak vodi farmu purana koju je njegov otac sagradio vlastitim rukama nakon što su iz Irana doselili u Izrael. Kad mu sin Moti napuni trinaest godina, Yitzhak ga podučava poslu nadajući se da će nastaviti ponosnu obiteljsku tradiciju. Ali Moti ne želi raditi s puranima, njegova strast je popravljanje olupina automobila i vraćanje tih olupina u vozno stanje. • Izraelski kandidat za Oskara 2016. • Pobjednik u kategoriji najboljeg filma Izraelske filmske akademije 2015. • Pobjednik u 5 kategorija Izraelske filmske akademije • Službena selekcija Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Torontu 2015. 22:00 BABA JOON Israel, 2015 | 91 minutes Director: Yuval Delshad Screenplay: Yuval Delshad Producers: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Sharon Nazarian, David silber Cast: Navid Negahban, Asher Avrahami, David Diaan Yitzhak runs the turkey farm his father built with his own two hands after they emi- grated from Iran to Israel. When his son Moti turns thirteen, Yitzhak teaches him the trade, hoping that he will continue the proud family tradition. But Moti doesn’t like working in the turkey barn; his passion is fixing up junkyard cars and bringing them back to life. • Israel’s submission to the Oscars 2016 • Israeli Academy Award Winner for Best Film 2015 • 5 Israeli Academy Awards Winner • Official selection by TIFF 2015 Programska_2016.indd 7 14/11/16 23:51 Petak, 2. PROSINCA 2016. / Friday, DECEmBER 2, 2016 18:00 BORE SMIJALICE Izrael, 2015. | 94 minute Režija i scenarij: Pini Eden Producent: Pini Eden Uloge: Yosef Carmon, Danielle Eden, Leah Koenig Dana (24) nosi teret svoje obitelji na svojim krhkim ramenima i shvaća da je cijena koju plaća njezina mladost. Hana, 78-godišnja baka, postaje udovicom i pretvara se u usamljenu i društveno izoliranu ženu. Osjeća da joj je život završio ali sudbina joj pruža, preko pokojnog supruga i unuke Dane, još jednu priliku neočekivanim zapletom. 18:00 LAUGH LINES Israel, 2015 | 94 minutes Director: Pini Eden Screenplay: Pini Eden Producer: Pini Eden Cast: Yosef Carmon, Danielle Eden, Leah Koenig Dana (24), bears the load of her family on her frail shoulders and finds out that the price she pays is her youth. Hannah, the 78-year-old grandmother, becomes a widow and turns into a lonely and socially isolated woman. She senses that her life is over, but fate, through her late husband and her granddaughter Dana, grants her one last chance with an unexpected twist in the plot. Programska_2016.indd 8 14/11/16 23:51 Petak, 2. PROSINCA 2016. / Friday, DECEmBER 2, 2016 20:00 PJEŠČANA OLUJA Izrael, 2016. | 87 minuta Režija i scenarij: Elite Zexer Producenti: Leon Edery, Moshe Edery, Keinan Eldar, Haim Meckelberg Uloge: Lamis Ammar, Ruba Blal, Hitham Omari U beduinskom selu u južnom Izraelu Jalila se priprema za čudnu proslavu: vjenčanje svoga supruga s drugom ženom. Stoički skrivajući unutrašnji nemir dok pokušava održati tradiciju, Jalila neće dozvoliti nikakve gluposti svojih kćeri na dan kada će oči cijeloga sela biti na njima.
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