L Μ E P ‰ Z Më ¦ M E G E L E T a O R O M I A

L Μ E P ‰ Z Më ¦ M E G E L E T a O R O M I A

Waggaa 21ffaa.. Lak. 10/2005 Finfinnee, Adoolessa 7/ 2005 ፳፩ኛ ዓመት.... ቁጥር !/፪ሺ5 Ö¿Ö}ð፣NUK? 7 d¿ ፪ሺ5 21st year .... No. 10/2013 Finfine, July 14, 2013 MAGALATA OROMIYAA L µ E p ‰ Z Më ¦ M E G E L E T A O R O M I A Gatiin Tokkoo ..... Qar. 56 To’annoo Caffee Mootummaa Naannoo Lak. S. Poostaa ........ 21383-1000 Oromiyaatiin Kan Bahe £Þ.Q.e¼Y ¦¿«è ”¶ ...... %6 ብር ........... l‰ZMë¦ wN?^© ŒGF”í L¿·Rr ºmf}r £’» P.O.Box .................. Unit Price ......... 56 Birr uÚô *aT>Á QABIYYEE T¨<Ý CONTENT Labsii Lak. 184/2005 አዋጅ ቁጥር ፩፻*፬ /፪ሺ5 Proclamation No. 184/2013 Labsii Baajata Hojiiwwan Mootummaa K*aT>Á wN?^© ¡ML© S”ÓYƒ Y^ዎ‹ Supplementary Budget Proclamation For Naannoo Oromiyaa Bara 2006tiif Oromia National Regional State Services Labsame .......................................... Fuula 1 ¾¨Ë ¾፪ሺ6 ¾u˃ ›ªÏ ........................ Ñê ፩ 2006 EFY ...............................................page 1 Labsii Lak. 184 /2005 አዋጅ ቁጥር ፩፻*፬ /፪ሺ5 Proclamation No. 184/2013 Labsii Baajata Hojiiwwan Mootum- K*aT>Á wN?^© ¡ML© S”ÓYƒ Y^ዎ‹ Supplementary Budget Proclamation maa Naannoo Oromiyaa Bara 2006tiif ¾¨Ë ¾፪ሺ፭ ¾u˃ ›ªÏ for Oromia National Regional State Services 2005 EFY Labsame K፪ሺ6 u˃ ¯Sƒ u*aT>Á ¡MM ¨<eØ Bara Baajataa 2006’tti hojiiwwan fi ta- WHEREAS, it is necessary to adopt and jaajilaawwan Naannoo Oromiyaa Keessat- KT>Ÿ“¨’<ƒ Y^ዎ ‹ “ ›ÑMÓKA„‹ ¾T> implement the budgetary appropriation ti adeemsifamaniif baajatni barbaachisaa which are required for the purposes and ÁeðMѨ<” u˃ ›êÉq Y^ Là TªM ta’e raggaasifamee hojiirra ooluun waan services of Oromia Regional State for irra jiruuf; ›eðLÑ> uSJ’<' the 2006(E.C) fiscal year; Akkaataa Heera Mootummaa Naannoo ተሻሽሎ በወጣዉ የክልሉ QÑ S”ÓYƒ አዋጅ Now, Therefore, in Accordance with Oromiyaa Fooyya’ee Bahe Labsii Lak. ቁጥር ፵፮/፲፱፻፺፬ ›”kê ፵፱ (፫) (G) SW[ƒ Article 49 (3)(a) of the Revised Consti- 46/1994 Keewwata 49(3(a)tiin Labsiin tution of the Region No. 46/2001, it is ¾T>Ÿ}K¨< ¨<ÍDM:: kanatti aanu labsameera. hereby proclaimed as follows: ¡õM ›”É KUTAA TOKKO PART ONE ÖpLL Waliigala GENERAL ፩. ›ß` `°e 1. Short Title 1. Mata Duree Gabaabaa 6 ÃI ›ªÏ "¾፪ሺ u˃ ¯Sƒ ¾*aT>Á This Proclamtion may be cited as the Labsiin kun ”Labsii Baajata Mootum- wN?^© ¡ML© S”ÓYƒ u˃ ›ªÏ "2006 E.C Fiscal Year Oromia Re- maa Naannoo Oromiyaa Kan Bara lØ` ፩፻*፬ /፪ሺ5" }wKA K=Öke ËLM:: gional State Budget Proclamation Baajataa 2006 Lak. 184/2005” jedha- No. 184/2013". mee waamamuu ni danda’a. Labsii Lak. 184/2005 fuula 2 አዋጅ ቁጥር ፩፻*፬ /፪ሺ5 ገጽ 2 Proclamation No. 184/2005 page 2 2. Baraafi Hamma Baajataa ፪. ¾u˃ ¯Sƒ“ SÖ” 2. Budget Year and Amount of Budget Adoolessa 1 bara 2005 irraa eegalee ŸNUK? ፩ k” ፪ሺ5 ዓ.U ËUa eŸ c’@ Regional Budget is hereby appropri- hanga Waxabajjii 30 bara 2006 tti kan ፴ k” ፪ሺ6 ated for the fiscal year commencing raawwatu bara baajata waggaa tokko uT>ðçS¨< u›”É ¾u˃ ¯Sƒ ¨<eØ to Hamle 1, 2005 (E.C.) and ending keessatti galii Naannoo irraa argamu, u¡MK< ŸT>Ñ–¨< Ñu=“ ŸK?L Ñ”²w on Sene 30, 2006 (E.C.) from pub- fimaallaqa biraa irraa hojiiwwanii fi ta- Là ከዚህ ጋር በተያያዘዉ ሠንጠረዥ ዉስጥ lic revenues and other funds for the purposes and services set forth in the jaajilawwan gabatee kanaan walqabate ለተጠቀሱት ሥራዎችና አገልግሎቶች ቀጥሎ schedule hereto: keessatti ibsamaniif akkuma kanatti እንደተመለከተዉ፡- (a) For Recurent Expenditure …….. aanutti: (G) KSÅu— ¨Üዎ ‹...w` 4,081,270,134.00 Birr 4,081,270,134.00 a) Baasii Marmaartuuf (K) K"úM ¨Ü ዎ‹..... w` (b) For Capital Expenditure Qr. 4,081,270,134.00 5 657 105 751.00 , , , Birr 5,657,105,751.00 b) Baasii Kaappitaalaaf (N) K¨[Ç ዎ‹ ›“ Ÿ}V‹ ÉÒõ (c ) Subsidies for Woreda 'Aana & Naannootiif ........ Qr. 5,657,105,751.00 w` 11,756,556,143.00 Urban adm. Birr 11,756,556,143.00 c) Deeggarsa Aanaalee fi Magaalotaaf S) KMDG –aË¡„‹ ¨Ü (d) MDG Project's Subsidy Qr. 11,756,556,143.00 S`Í w` 4,875,000,000.00 Birr 4,875,000,000.00 d) Deeggarsa Basii pirojeektoota “MDGs’ (W) w` 100,000,000.00 (e) Others .............. Birr 100,000,000,00 Qr. 4,875,000,000.00 (W) SÖvumÁ w` 250,000,000.00 (f) Contingency .... Birr 250,000,000.00 e) Kan biroof …... Qr. 100,000,000.00 uÉU` w`. 26 ,719,932,028.00 In total Birr 26,719,932,028.00 f) Ittiin Eeggannoo (ሃያ ስድስት ቢሊዮን ሰባት መቶ አስራ (Twenty Six Billion and Seven Hun- Naannootiif …... Qr. 250,000,000.00 ዘጠኝ ሚሊዮን ዘጠኝ መቶ ሰላሳ ሁለት ሃያ dred Ninteen Million and Nine Hundred Thrity Two Thousand and Tweenty Eight) Walitti…… Qr. 26,719,932,028.00 ስምንት ብር ) ወጪ ሆኖ እንዲከፈል ክልላዊ authorized to pay (the details are at- (Biliyoona digdamii jahaa fi miliyoona በጀት በዚህ አዋጅ ተፈቅÇDል (ዝርዝሩ ከዚህ tached to this proclamation). dhibba torbaa fi miliyoona kudha sagalii አዋጅ ጋር ተያይ³DM):: fi kuma dhibba sagalii fi kuma soddomii PART TWO lamaa fi digidamii saddeet) baasii ta’ee ¡õM G<Kƒ BUDGET ADMINISTRATION akka kaffalamu Labsii kanaan heyyama- ¾u˃ ›e}ÇÅ` 3. Budget Transfer meera (facaatiin isaa Labsii kana wajjin Budgetary transfer shall be effected in ac- ፫. ¾u˃ ´¨<¨<` qabsiifameera). cordance the Financial Administration ¾u˃ ´¨<¨<` }ðéT> ¾T>J’¨< ¾óÓ”e Proclamation No. 156/2010 Articles 22, KUTAA LAMA ›e}ÇÅ` ›ªÏ lØ` ፩፻፶፮/፪ሺ፪ ›”kê Bulchiinsa Baajataa ፳፪፣ ፳፫፣ ፳፬ እና ፳፭ን ”Ç=G<U ¾óÓ”e 23, 24 & 25 and Financial Administra- tion Regulations No. 138/2011 Article 9 3. Jijjiirraa Baajataa ›e}ÇÅ` Å”w lØ` ፩፻፴፰/፪ሺ፬ ›”kê ፱ “ ፲ SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó ÃJ“M:: and 10. Jijjiirraan baajataa akkaataa Labsii Bulchi- 4. Budget Execution insa Faayinaansii Mootummaa Naannoo ፬. u˃ ¨Ü }Å`ÑA ”Ç=ŸðM eKT²´ Ñ<Ç¿ ¾T>SKŸ†¨< ¾*aT>Á wN?^© The Head of the Oromia Finance and Oromiyaa Lakk. 156/2002 keewwata ¡ML© S”ÓYƒ ›"Lƒ ¾uLà Lòዎ­­ ‹ Economic development Bureau is here- 22,23,24 fi 25 akkasumas Dambii Bulchi- K¾SY]Á u?†¨< Y^“ ›ÑMÓKAƒ by authorized, upon the request of the insa Faayinaansii Lakk. 138/2004 keew- Ÿ¡MK< Ñu=“ ŸK?L Ñ”²w u²=I ›ªÏ heads of the concerned Oromia National wata 9 fi 10 bu'uureffachuun kan raaw- ¾}ðkÅL†¨<” u˃ uT>ÖÃluƒ Ñ>²? Regional State Organs, to disburse out of the public revenue of the region and watamu ta'a. ¾*aT>Á ¾Ñ”²w“ ¾›=¢•T> MTƒ u=a Lò¨< ”Ç=ŸõM }ðpÊKƒ ዟM:: other fund the amounts appropriated for 4. Baajatni Baasii Ta'ee Akka Kaffala the programes of their respective depart- ፭. ¾SÖvumÁ u˃ ments. mu Ajajuu ¾SÖvumÁ u˃ ¡õÁ K=Ÿ“¨” ¾T>‹K¬ Dhimmi kan ilaalu hoggantoota manneen ¾¡MK< S”Óeƒ Se}ÇÉ` U/u?ƒ ¡õÁ 5. Contingency Budget hojii Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa hojii ”Ç=Ÿ“¨” uT>Á²¬ ¨ÃU uT>¨e’¬ Disbursment of contingency budget will be conducted based on the decision en- fi tajaajila manneen hojii isaaniif labsii Sc[ƒ ÃJ“M:: u²=I ›ªÏ K¨[Çዎችና­­ ከተሞች ድጋፍ ከተመደበው በጀት በላይ dorsed by the regional Administrative 5. Baajataa Ittiin To'annoo መመደብ ወይም መስጠት የሚቻለው የክልሉ Council. Allocating or giving additional Baajata ittii-eeggannoodhaaf qabame kan መንግስት መስተዳድር ም/ቤት አጽድቆ ሲያዝ subsidy other than which is mentioned in kaffalamuu danda'u ajaja yookaan mur- ብቻ ይሆናል፡፡ this proclamation is possibily only when tee Mana Maree Bulchiinsa Mootum- the Administrative Council of the Region maa Naannoo Oromiyaatiin darbu irratti endorse and authorize. Hundaa'uudhaan ta'a. Labsii Lak. 184/2005, Fuula 3 አዋጅ ቁጥር ፩፻*፬ /፪ሺ5 ገጽ ፫ Proclamation No. 184/2013, Page 3 6. Gabaasaa fi To'annoo 6. Report and Inspection 1) Manneen Hojii Mootummaa Naan- ፮. ]þ`ƒ“ lØØ` 1) Public bodies are here authorized to record on their appropriate budget- nichaa madda maallaqaa labsii kana kees- ፩) ¾¡MK< SY]Á u?„‹ u²=I ›ªÏ ary head and undertake all acts satti hin haammatamin, madda kamir- Là LM}SKŸ~ }ÚT] Y^ዎ‹ necessary for the utilization of any raayyuu gargaarsas ta'ee galii biraa, Ÿ°`ÇU J’ K?L Ñu= u¯Ã’ƒU additional loan or aid in kind and/ or in cash obtained from foreign or bifaanis ta'ee qarshii callaadhaan argame J’ uØ_ Ñ”´w ›Ó˜}¨< Y^ Là local sources (other than sources hojiirra oolu mata duree basii fi gulantaa ÁªK<ƒ” u›`°eƒ“ u¨Ü SÅw out mentioned in this proclamation) herregaan S´Óx uSÁ´ u¾¨\“ u¾\w ¯S~ for caring capital project or recurrent programs, and report to the Bureau of 2) Biiroon Maallaqaa fi Misooma Din- ”Å›eðLÑ>’~ KÑ”²w“ ›=¢•T> Finance and Economic Development agdee Oromiyaa deeggarsa basii aanaalee MTƒ u=a ]þ`ƒ TÉ[Ó ›Kv†¨<:: of Oromia monthly & quarterly. fi magaalotaaf kenname akkasumas man- ፪) ¾*aT>Á Ñ”²w“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ u=a 2) Oromia Finance and Economic De- velopment Bureau shall inspect and neen hojii mootummaa naannichaaf K¨[Ç ‹“ Ÿ}V‹ ¾T>cÖ¨<” ¾ÉÔT audit the budget granted to wore- 3) Manni Hojii Mootummaa Naannichaa, u˃“ K¡MK< S/u?„‹ ¾}SÅu¨<” das, urban administrations and pub- Magaalotaa fi aanaaleen itti fayyadama u˃ ¾SŸ}M“ ¾Sq×Ö` YM×” lic organs of the region. 3) The Public organs, woredas and baajata isaanii Biiroo Maallaqaa fi Mis- ›K¨<:: urban administrations of the region ooma Dinagdee Oromiyaaf gabaasa go- ፫) ¾¡MK< S/u?„‹' ¨[Ç ዎ‹“ Ÿ}V‹ shall report on the utilization of the chuun irraa eegama. ¾u˃ ›ÖnkT†¨<” u}SKŸ} budget to the Bureau of Finance and Economic Development every KÑ”²w“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ u=a u¾¨\ 7. Galii Keessaa month. ]þ`ƒ TÉ[Ó ›Kv†¨<:: Manni hojii mootummaa naannichaa 7. Internal Revenue kamiyyuu madda galii keessaa baajataan ፯. ¾¨<eØ Ñu= Oromia Regional State Organs can spend their Retained revenue as part T”—¨<U ¾¡MM Se]Á u?ƒ ¾¨<eØ qabamee akka hojiirra oolchu labsiid- of their budget either by Proclama- haan yookaan Mana Maree Bulchiinsa Ñu= u˃” uY^ Là ”Ç=Á¨<M u›ªÏ tion or getting permission of the Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaan yoo ¨ÃU u¡MK< መስተዳድር ምክር ቤት "M} Regional Administrative Council and, othrwise, all revenues that will ðkÅKƒ ue}k` KÑ”²w“ ›=¢•T> MTƒ heyyamameef malee galii argamu Biiroo not be permitted must be deposited to Maallaqaa fi Misooma Dinagdee Oromi- u=a ðce TÉ[Ó ›Kuƒ:: the Bureau of Finance and Economic yaatti dhangalaasuu qaba.

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