Non-Territorial Autonomy in Theory and Practice: A 2020 Report Non-Territorial Autonomy in Theory and Practice: A 2020 Report Edited by: Marina Andeva Skopje, 2020 ENTAN – The European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network Non-Territorial Autonomy in Theory and Practice: A 2020 Report Edited by: Marina Andeva © 2020 University American College Skopje (UACS) This is an open-access and free-of-charge publication that can be distributed for non-commercial purposes provided that attribution to the authors is observed. This publication is based upon work from COST Action “ENTAN – The European Non-Territorial Autonomy Network”, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation. CONTENTS 1. 7 3. 27 5. 45 Introduction NTA - Legal and NTA and Economic Political Arrangements and Regional Development 2. 11 4. 37 6. 55 Non-Territorial NTA and the Promotion NTA: A Autonomy - The Time of Cultural Identities Bibliographical Has Come Database CONTENTS 6.1. 59 NTA Bibliography – History History: Case studies History: Theoretical 113 123 Approach 7. 9. Research projects Conclusions focusing on non-territorial 6.2. autonomy 127 65 NTA Bibliography – About the Contemporary theory contributors 6.3. 81 NTA Bibliography – Contemporary case studies 8. 117 University courses focusing on minority rights and non- territorial autonomy Introduction1. This publication is a result of the first year of op- title of the keynote lecture of Prof. Ephraim eration of ENTAN – the European Non-Territorial Nimni delivered at the Belgrade conference: Autonomy Network. It presents an overview of “NTA – The Time Has Come”. research ideas and multi- and interdisciplinary ENTAN - the European Non-Territorial Auton- findings related to the concept of non-terri- omy Network - sets out with this basic prem- torial autonomy (NTA) both in theory and as a ise. As a COST Action aimed at examining the practice. The present report has a twofold aim: concept of non-territorial autonomy, it particu- first, to acknowledge the ongoing work of our larly focuses on NTA arrangements for reduc- Network, which now gathers more than one ing inter-ethnic tensions within a state and on hundred scholars from thirty-five European the accommodation of the needs of different countries; and second, to sensitise leaders, pol- communities while preventing calls to separate icy makers, experts, and community represent- statehood. The Action tackles recent develop- atives about the potential of NTA for successful ment in the theories and practices of cultural managing and promoting of cultural diversity. diversity; minority rights (including linguistic Indeed, the interest in NTA responses to eth- and educational rights); state functions and no-cultural demands seems to receive a re- sovereignty; conflict resolution through policy newed attention among professionals and arrangements; policymaking and inclusiveness. policy makers alike. Rekindled ethnic tensions The main objective is to investigate the existing NTA mechanisms and policies and to develop and secessionist claims along with massive new modalities for the accommodation of dif- migrations triggered by wars, economic depri- ferences in the context of growing challenges vation or climate change, compel us to revise stemming from globalisation, regionalisation the existing models as well as to search for new and European supranational integration. The solution. Although NTA is not a novel concept, network fosters interdisciplinary and multidis- its application in diverse historical and contem- ciplinary group work, and provides for training porary contexts invites a closer consideration and empowerment of young researchers, aca- precisely because of its promise to provide an- demic conferences and publications, as well as swers to recent challenges. As Prof. Tove Maloy for the dissemination of results to policy mak- suggested in her opening speech at the First ers, civil society organisations and communi- ENTAN conference held in Belgrade on 22 and ties. 23 November 2019, “NTA is increasingly [be- coming] a diversity governance tool used to ENTAN gathers scholars who are organised in empower ethno-cultural minority groups”. She four working groups: also observed that NTA as a functional model Working Group 1 - entitled ‘Non-Territorial Au- (that is – “without one comprehensive law, ei- tonomy: Legal and Political Aspects’ - aims at ther organic or primary”) has been evidenced in exploring current NTA models and practices. various countries, but “it was not until after the The goal is to find common methodological Cold War and the breakup of empires in 1989 tools for comparative research and analytical and onwards that we saw the first comprehen- tools for assessing the role of NTA arrangements sive legal frameworks on NTA”. Hence, our key and related legal/political settings in providing message is perhaps best encapsulated in the effective means for minorities to participate in public life and decision-making. 9 Working group 2 – entitled ‘Cultural Identities’ – We thank all members of ENTAN for their gathers researches in the field of cultural stud- involvement during the first year of opera- ies, identity politics, socio-linguistics, arts, hu- tion of our Network. Our appreciation goes to manities and sociology who aim at comparing Dr Mickael Pero, COST Scientific Officer, of NTA arrangements and exploring their po- Ms Olga Gorczyca, COST Administrative Officer, tential use in conflict resolution and managing and Mr Demjan Anatoli Golubov, ENTAN Grant of diversity. Manager, for their continuous assistance. We also express our gratitude to the leaders and Working group 3 – entitled ‘Regional and So- vice leaders of the working groups, as well as cio-economic Development: Incentives and to the coordinators of various committees of Resources’ – aims at exploring the econom- ENTAN. Special thanks go to the contributors to ic incentives and resources made available to this report, and in particular to its editor Marina self-governing structures of ethno-cultural Andeva who made it possible to collect and or- groups as a means of building inclusive democ- ganise diverse materials in a meaningful publi- racies, social balance, and stable and prosper- cation that we hope will inspire further interest ous societies. in the study and application of non-territorial Working group 4 – entitled ‘University Course autonomy. in Non-Territorial Autonomy’ – aims to gather and systematise the findings of the other three 25 April 2020 working groups, producing an NTA bibliogra- phy and teaching materials which would even- Ivan Dodovski, tually serve to design and implement an NTA Chair of ENTAN university course. The present report includes the slides of the mentioned keynote lecture of Prof. Ephraim Nimni delivered at the First ENTAN conference, as well as brief accounts of the critical issues raised within each working group of ENTAN. Moreover, this publication comprises an im- portant NTA bibliography compiled by ENTAN researchers. This comprehensive database lists scientific titles from a rage of disciplines, as well as a number of recent and ongoing research projects and university courses – all related to the issues of minority rights and non-territori- al autonomy. In this respect, what we hope to encourage by presenting this report is further path-breaking research and critical debate about new NTA models that would correspond to contemporary needs of community govern- ance, civic participation and social inclusion. 10 Non-Territorial Autonomy - The Time Has Come 2. The following slides have been presented by Prof. Ephraim Nimni during his keynote lecture at the First ENTAN Conference in Belgrade on 22 November 2020. 09 1 2 13 3 4 14 5 6 15 7 8 16 9 sutable 10 17 11 12 18 13 14 19 15 16 20 17 18 21 19 20 22 21 22 23 23 24 24 25 13 26 25 NTA - Legal and Political 3. Arrangements Working Group 1 contributors: Stipe Buzar, Against this background the members of WG1 Balázs Dobos, Flavia Ghancea, Damir Kapidžić, address different aspects of NTA: i) the theoreti- Christos Papastylianos, Andrius Puksas, cal issues that emerge in the context of the idea Adrian Stoica, Konstantinos Stratilatis, of shared sovereignty, and minority representa- Natalija Shikova, Balázs Vizi tion; ii) from a practical approach – the election procedures, legitimacy and representativity of The concept of „non-territorial autonomy” is NTA bodies deserves a closer analysis and final- broad enough to address a wide range of po- ly iii) single case studies and comparative analy- litical and legal issues. Essentially, the term NTA ses may reveal the great variety of existing state covers various practices and theoretical models practices in this field. that have one aspect in common: NTA is under- stood as a form of representation of one part The followings highlight few questions under these aspects. of the society on an ethno-cultural basis with- out formulating territorial claims. The differ- ent definitions of NTA offered in literature (see NTA as shared sovereignty Malloy 2015; Nimni 2013; Osipov 2013) all face through a mechanism the challenge to close the gap between theo-
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