PROPOSED Minutes of a Regular Meeting Pittsfield Charter Township Board of Trustees, January 13, 2016 E.A. Jackson Morris Hall, The Robert A. Lillie Service Center 6201 W. Michigan Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Members Present: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. Members Absent: None. Others Present: Ernest Milligan III (Recording Clerk), Deputy Clerk Lyn Badalamenti, Hillary Schmitz, Township Attorney James Fink, Christina Lirones, Stephen Berger, Ina Hanel-Gerdenich, John Olsen, Carol Mull, Mary Ellen Wall. ______________________________________________________________________ 1. Call Meeting to Order Supervisor Grewal called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. A quorum was present. 2. Pledge of Allegiance Led by Supervisor Grewal. 3. Roll Call Members Present: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. Members Absent: None. 3.1 Approval of the Agenda. Moved by Clerk Israel, supported by Trustee Lotfian, to approve the agenda as Amended. Clerk Israel requested the addition of agenda item 10.3, the State of the Clerk’s Office address. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Public Comment I John Olsen, Saline Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, introduced himself to the Board and stated that he looked forward to working with the Township. 1 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 2 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 5. Approval of Minutes 5.1 Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on December 9, 2015. Moved by Trustee Krone, supported by Trustee Lotfian, to approve the minutes of December 9, 2015 regularly held meeting as submitted. MOTION CARRIED. 5.2 Receive Synopsis of Working Session of the Board of Trustees held on December 9, 2015. Moved by Trustee Krone, supported by Trustee Hunt, to receive synopsis of Working Session of the Board of Trustees held on December 9, 2015. MOTION CARRIED. 6. Public Hearings/Presentations/Proclamations None. 7. Communications Moved by Treasurer Scribner, supported by Trustee Krone, to receive and file communications. MOTION CARRIED. 8. Consent Agenda 8.1 Approve payment of Payables. Check #19362 through #19593 in the amount of $1,753,767.30. 8.2 Approve payments from Tax Checking Fund Check #21652 through #21657 in the amount of $190,926.56. 8.3 Receive the November 2015 Revenue/Expenditure Report. 8.4 Receive the January 13, 2015 Personnel Report. 8.5 Approve the tuition enrollment request for Jason Sperle for pursuit of a Master's Degree in Regional and Homeland Security. 8.6 Accept resignation of Linda Edwards-Brown from the Stormwater Management Committee. 2 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 3 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 Moved by Trustee Krone, supported by Trustee Hunt, to approve consent agenda items 8.1 through 8.6. MOTION CARRIED. 9. Items from the Treasurer 9.1 Holiday Closure Effect. (See Attachment 1) Moved by Trustee Krone, supported by Trustee Yi, to receive and file report from the Treasurer. Treasurer Scribner reported on the Holiday closure effect on payments of winter tax bills. She stated that her office had finished processing all of the payments made during the closure, and noted an increase in electronic payments. 10. Items from the Clerk 10.1 Adopt a Resolution for Annexation of Parcel L-12-05-250-009, Mirafzali Family LLC, 2250 Ann Arbor-Saline Road to the City of Ann Arbor Res #16-01. (See Attachment 2) Moved by Clerk Israel, supported by Trustee Krone, to adopt Res #16-01, a Resolution for Annexation of Parcel L-12-05-250-009, Mirafzali Family LLC, 2250 Ann Arbor- Saline Road to the City of Ann Arbor. Trustee Krone requested clarification on the location of the property. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. MOTION CARRIED. 10.2 Re-authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to enter into a lease agreement with Broadview Farms. 3 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 4 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 Moved by Clerk Israel, supported by Trustee Krone, to re-authorize the Supervisor and Clerk to enter into a lease agreement with Broadview Farms. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. MOTION CARRIED. 10.3 State of the Clerk’s Office Address. (See Attachment 3&4) Clerk Israel provided a synopsis of the changes and improvements made by his office during his administration. Clerk Israel announced he would not be seeking re-election in 2016 and stated that after 40 plus years of public service he would be retiring. Clerk Israel stated his commitment to working with the Board in a finding suitable replacement. He thanked the Board and stated that it had been a pleasure working with them. Supervisor Grewal congratulated Clerk Israel on his retirement, and commended him for his work with the Township. Trustee Lotfian commended Clerk Israel for his work and thanked him for his service to the community. Trustee Yi requested clarification on the legislation for the proposed Township designated class C licenses. Clerk Israel clarified that the bill was still in the draft process and that as it was currently written, would not go into effect until after a municipality had depleted their allotments, and would provide additional designated licenses to compensate for those that have been transferred out of the jurisdiction. 11. Items from the Supervisor 11.1 Adopt a Resolution for Re-Appointments to Township Boards, Committees and Commissions Res #16-04. (See Attachment 5) Moved by Treasurer Scribner, supported by Trustee Yi, to adopt Res #16-04, a resolution for Re-Appointments to Township Boards, Committees and Commissions. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. MOTION CARRIED. 4 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 5 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 11.2 Adopt a Resolution Recognizing Establishment of Pittsfield Township’s Historic Districts Res #16-05. (See Attachment 6) Moved by Treasurer Scribner, supported by Trustee Lotfian, to adopt Res #16-05, a resolution Recognizing Establishment of Pittsfield Township’s Historic Districts. Supervisor Grewal commended the Historic District Study Committee for their commitment and work. She recognized the Township’s commitment to Historic Preservation. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. MOTION CARRIED. 11.3 Motion to authorize the Township Attorney to execute a discharge of an outstanding lien on 7550 Platt Rd. in exchange for $6904.37. Moved by Trustee Lotfian, supported by Trustee Krone, to authorize the Township Attorney to execute a discharge of an outstanding lien on 7550 Platt Rd. in exchange for $6904.37. Attorney Fink provided background on the lien placed on the property in 1997, and stated his recommendations to the Board for a settlement. MOTION CARRIED. 12. Unfinished Business 12.1 Second Reading of an Ordinance to amend the Pittsfield Charter Code of Ordinances to add to Chapter 5, Article II Historic Districts, Section 5-202 Harwood Heritage Farm Historic District Boundary. (See Attachment 7) Moved by Treasurer Scribner, supported by Trustee Krone, to approve Second Reading of an Ordinance to amend the Pittsfield Charter Code of Ordinances to add to Chapter 5, Article II Historic Districts, Section 5-202 Harwood Heritage Farm Historic District Boundary. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. NAYS: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. MOTION CARRIED. 5 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 6 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 13. New Business None. 14. Liaison Reports None. 15. Public Comment II None. 16. Adjournment Moved by Trustee Krone, supported by Trustee Lotfian, to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. _____________________________ Ernest Milligan III, Elections Specialist Recording Clerk Pittsfield Charter Township _____________________________ Alan Israel, Clerk Pittsfield Charter Township _____________________________ Mandy Grewal, Supervisor Pittsfield Charter Township 6 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 7 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 Attachment 1 7 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP Board of Trustees 8 Minutes for a Regular Meeting Held January 13, 2016 Attachment 2 PITTSFIELD CHARTER TOWNSHIP WASHTENAW COUNTY, MICHIGAN RES #16-01 RESOLUTION FOR ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF ANN ARBOR MIRAFZALI FAMILY LLC (L-12-05-250-009; 2250 ANN ARBOR-SALINE ROAD) JANUARY 13, 2016 At a Regular Meeting of the Township Board of Pittsfield Charter Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan, held at the Township Administration Building located at 6201 W. Michigan Avenue, in said Township, on the 13th day of January, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. Members Present: Grewal, Israel, Scribner, Hunt, Krone, Lotfian, Yi. Members Absent: None. The following preamble and resolution were offered by Clerk Israel and supported by Trustee Krone. WHEREAS, there has been filed with Pittsfield Charter Township a petition of annexation by Mirafzali Family LLC, wherein, said property commonly known as L-12-05-250-009, is wholly located within the corporate limits of the City of Ann Arbor; and WHEREAS, it appears from said petition that the said lands and premises therein described are owned solely by the petitioner herein, and that they have the recorded legal title to the total of said lands and premises; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of
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