Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02012-2 - Under Divine Auspices: Divine Ideology and the Visualisation of Imperial Power in the Severan Period Clare Rowan Index More information Index Abukir medallions, 154 on the coins of Caracalla, 117, 124 adventus ceremony, 134–5, 149, 153, 155, 190 Smintheus, 161 Aegeae (Cilicia), 239 Tyrimnaeus, 161 Aelia Capitolina, 178, 180, 185 Aquilia Severa, Julia, 182, 214, 215 Aelius Aristides, 113, 126 arch Aesculapius, 73, 83, 111, 112, 114, 117, 124–6, arch of Lepcis Magna. See Lepcis Magna, 129–37, 145–6, 156–62, 239, 247, 249 quadrifons on the coinage of Caracalla, 129 of Severus in the Roman forum, 67, 87, temple in Rome, 131 104–5, 195 aeternitas, 244 of the argentarii, 80, 81, 105–7, 166 Africa, 9, 77–84, 99, 102 Arval brothers, 64, 207, 249 Albinus, Clodius, 1, 34–9, 45–7, 49, Athenaeus, 170 95, 166 Attalos, M. Caerelius, 133–4 Alexander the Great, 48, 114, 128, 146, 152–7, Augustus (Octavian), 13, 20, 29, 52, 53, 61, 159, 171, 247, 250 62, 64, 134–5, 152, 219, 233–4, 240, Alexandria, 137–42, 146–52, 157, 158, 178, 179, 246, 252 180, 182, 185, 247 and the saecular games, 54–5, 61 coinage under Caracalla, 149 massacre in, 147–9 Baal Hammon, 2, 36–9, 247 Sarapeum, 136, 138, 141, 147 Bacchus. See Liber Pater Alexandria Troas, 153, 161 Balbillus, Tiberius Julius, 202–3, 218 Alexandros, M. Aurelius, 133, 135 baths of Caracalla, 144–6, 151, 249 Alexianus, C. Iulius Avitus, 185 Beroia (Macedonia), 237 Alsium, 201 Britain, 116 Altaua (Mauretania), 184, 217 Byzantium, 102 Anazarbus (Cilicia), 135, 176, 178, 180, 186, 237–40, 250 Caesar, Julius, 12, 13, 20, 55, 249 Ancyra, 160 Caesarea (Cappadocia), 40, 241 Anthimos, Julius, 133, 135 Caligula, 21, 137 Antinous, 152 Caracalla (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), 16, 72, Antioch, 41, 116, 169, 175–6, 204, 240 89, 102–4, 110–63, 164, 171, 183, 202, 206, Antonineia Pythia, 206 246–52 Antonine itinerary, 142 and Alexander the Great, 152–7 Antonine plague, 122 and Sarapis, 137–46 Antoninus Pius, 1, 5, 29, 53, 70, 73, 120, 131 and Sol, 241–5 Antoninus, Uranius, 178 and the arch of the argentarii, 106 Apollo, 13, 53, 65, 95, 103, 112, 157–62, and the quadrifons at Lepcis Magna, 80, 247, 249 84–99 and the saecular games, 54–5 as kosmokrator, 151 Augustus’ temple on the Palatine, 13 as philosarapis, 150 Claros, 119–22, 125, 247 becomes Caesar, 45 Grannus, 115–17, 119, 123, 247 coin types, 6, 21, 111, 117, 123–4, 129, 137, Kendrisos, 155 138, 141, 162 298 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02012-2 - Under Divine Auspices: Divine Ideology and the Visualisation of Imperial Power in the Severan Period Clare Rowan Index More information Index 299 consultation of Apollo of Claros, 123–5, Constantius II, 28 126, 127 constitutio Antoniniana, 113, 126–8 decennalia, 75 Cosa (Italy), 119, 122 deification, 162 Ctesias, 170 German campaigns, 116 Cyzicus (Mysia), 159, 237 in Alexandria, 146–52 murder of Geta, 138 damnatio memoriae, 3, 21, 41, 106, 165–9, 175, Parthian War, 135 177, 216–19 possible illness, 112–15, 162 Dea Caelestis, 78–80 shipwreck of, 128, 136 di patrii, 75, 77 visit to Pergamum, 129–37 Diadumenian, Marcus Opellius Antoninus, weapon used to kill Geta, 137 164, 166, 168 Carrhae, 162 Dio Chrysostom, 171 Carthage, 9, 68, 78–9, 83 Dio, Cassius, 15–16, 52, 68, 108 Claudius, 53 and coins, 29 Clement of Alexandria, 171 description of Elagabalus’ marriages, 215 cohors Emesenorum, 184 pamphlet on the omens of Severus’ rule, 11, cohors I Tungrorum, 120 15, 34 coin hoards, 5, 24–7 portrayal of Caracalla, 16, 112–14 coinage portrayal of Elagabalus, 16, 168–9 afterlife, 251 portrayal of Severus’ reign, 15 and religious ritual, 64 possible description of the saecular and Roman memory, 28, 63, 252 games, 51 and the representation of buildings, Dionysus, 48, 95; see also Liber Pater 70, 195 Domitian, 13, 53, 60–2, 137, 139, 252 and the saecular games, 60–5 and the saecular games, 55–7, 61, 62, 64 as a gift, 29, 76 Domna, Julia, 62, 147, 164, 173, 202 as a language, 245 and Dea Caelestis, 80 as monuments in miniature, 30, 136 and the arch of the argentarii, 106 as vessel decoration, 136 and the quadrifons at Lepcis Magna, 84–99 audience, 4, 19, 23, 64, 77, 134, 251 aurei, 75–7 Elagabal (Emesene god), 18, 164–218, 240–1, connection with the emperor, 19–23 248, 251 movement of iconography, 124, 131, as conservator of the emperor, 189, 214 247, 250 cultic activity in Trastevere, 202–3 of the imperial women, 173 damnatio memoriae, 177, 217–18 provincial, 3, 136, 155, 157–62, 178–83, 188, Elagabalia in Sardis, 183, 188 237, 239, 250 in Alsium, 201 quantitative analysis, 3, 4, 24–8, 251 introduction of cult to cities under relationship between legends and Elagabalus, 183–7 imagery, 248 marriages of, 198, 214–15 restitution coinage, 22, 28–9, 63, 243 midsummer procession of, 203–6 rôle of the emperor, 22 on provincial coinage, 178–83, 204 substantive v. commemorative, 25 on Roman coinage, 176–8, 204 use for the historian, 2–4 represented on capital from the Roman Colophon (Ionia), 119, 123–5 forum, 198 colosseum, 222 temple in Mauretania, 184, 217 Commodus, 5, 6, 14, 17, 38, 47–9, 67, 95, 140, temple in Pannonia Inferior, 184 163, 167, 189, 196, 243, 247–8 temples in Rome, 190–201, 249 concordia, 92–3, 101 temples in Rome converted to other uses consilium principis, 174 under Severus Alexander, 223–9 Constantine, 20, 54, 175, 191, 200–1 transfer to Rome, 175 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02012-2 - Under Divine Auspices: Divine Ideology and the Visualisation of Imperial Power in the Severan Period Clare Rowan Index More information 300 Index Elagabalus (Marcus Aurelius Antoninus), 18, 103, Heraclitus, 149 142, 157, 162–218, 240, 246–52 Hercules, 33, 65, 89, 111, 122, 145, 249; see also alleged son of Caracalla, 164 Liber Pater and Hercules and Sol, 241–5 and Alcestis, 59 arrival in Rome, 189 and Commodus, 14, 47–9 close association with the god Elagabal, 182, and Perinthus, 103 213–15, 217 and the arch of Severus in the Roman coin types, 6, 165, 173, 176–8, 188, forum, 104 207, 209 and the arch of the argentarii, 106–7 damnatio memoriae, 217–18 and the equites singulares, 49–50 dress of, 172, 181, 189, 190, 210 Custos (Rome), 12 ‘horn’ portrait, 188, 208–10, 213 Defensor, 45–7 journey to Rome, 176 Gaditanus, 1 marriages of, 214–15 Invictus (Rome), 12, 49, 50 painting of as high priest of Emesa, 180 under Caracalla, 110 presentation in the Historia Augusta, 220 with Potitius and Pinarius, 72 representation as high priest of Elagabal, Herodian, 16–18, 51, 108, 148, 181, 203, 205 210–13 and paideia, 18, 114, 148, 171–3, 190 rise to power, 164–5 date of work, 17 titles, 187 description of Elagabalus’ marriages, 215 Emesa, 40, 164, 171, 183, 186, 188, 194, 203, portrayal of Caracalla, 114 209, 216 portrayal of Elagabalus, 169, 171 Ephesus, 116, 151, 237 portrayal of Severus Alexander, 219 Epictetus, 21 religious digressions, 172 equites singulares, 49–50 use of Dio, 17, 51, 114, 146, 148 Eshmun, 83 Hierapolis (Phrygia), 237 Eutychianus, 164 Hierapolis-Castabala (Cilicia), 176, 179–80 Historia Augusta, 18, 148 Faimingen, 115, 119 portrayal of Caracalla, 114 Faustina, Annia, 214 portrayal of Elagabalus, 174–5 Faustinopolis, 183 portrayal of Severus Alexander, 219 forum, 14 hoard. See coin hoards of Nerva, 14, 235 Horace, 54, 60 fratricide, 114 Housesteads (Britain), 119–20 in Roman thought, 114 ideology, 84 in the later third century, 6 Gannys, 164 new imperial ideology under Elagabalus, 215, gems, 66 218, 248 Geta, Publius Septimius, 16, 21, 73, 75, 103, 106, shift from Antonine to Severan period, 5, 6 113–14, 136, 146 shift from Severus to Caracalla, 111 and the arch of the argentarii, 106 use of divine support in the Republican and the quadrifons at Lepcis Magna, 80–1, period, 11–13 84–99 use of divine support under Augustus, 13 damnatio memoriae, 166 death of, 110 Illium, 153 gigantomachy, 82, 90, 101–2 imagery abbreviation of in the third century, 65 Hadrian, 1, 5, 21, 22, 42, 68–70, 120, 130, imperial image 152, 243 and public expectations, 167, 246 Hadrianotherai (Mysia), 161 displays of pietas, 97, 115, 117, 131, 136 Hadrumetum, 36 flexibility of, 13, 14, 108, 137, 246 Harpocrates, 146 negotiation at a local level, 93, 98–9, 152–62, Hatra, 244 187, 250 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-02012-2 - Under Divine Auspices: Divine Ideology and the Visualisation of Imperial Power in the Severan Period Clare Rowan Index More information Index 301 power of the imperial portrait, 29 Mars, 12, 73, 91, 95, 111, 145, 162, 207, rôle of virtues, 6, 44, 174, 249 233–6, 245 transmission, 65–7, 88, 161, 180, 250 and Severus Alexander, 222 indulgentia Augg in Carth, 78–9 Ultor, 13, 70, 233–6, 249 inscriptions Maximian, 219 to the gods and goddesses, 119–22, 126–8 medallions, 251 Isaura (Cilicia), 160 audience, 38–9 Isis, 117, 137, 142, 146–7, 161 purpose, 38, 154 Melli (Pisidia), 119, 121 Julian, 20 Mercury, 101 Julianus, Didius, 34–5, 166 Miletos (Ionia), 237 Juliopolis, 176, 179, 180, 182 Minerva, 91, 94–5, 100, 111, 198 Jupiter, 42, 53, 74, 95, 117, 150, 162, 189, 197, and the saecular games, 55–7 205, 207–8, 219, 245, 246, 248, 251 mint and Roman coinage, 226–7 Alexandria, 40, 149 and Severus Alexander, 222 Antioch, 40 Dolichenus, 204 Nicomedia, 182 on the coinage of the Severan dynasty, 232–3 of Pescennius Niger, 40 Propugnator, 234 of Severus in the East, 39–41 seated between Hercules
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